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Dean Hagerman

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Posts posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Back on track, witnesses who I do not believe at all ranked in order

    1. Beverly Oliver, I do not believe one thing she has ever said

    2. Gordon Arnold, I do not believe Gordon Arnold was in Dealey Plaza at all that day

    3. Ed Hoffman, I think he may have been standing where he said he was and may have seen some movement or something in the area behind the fence and made it into seeing a gunman, his father said he liked to tell tall tales

  2. <!--quoteo(post=194619:date=Jun 7 2010, 05:58 PM:name=Dean Hagerman)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Dean Hagerman @ Jun 7 2010, 05:58 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=194619"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec--><!--quoteo(post=194577:date=Jun 7 2010, 07:12 AM:name=Jack White)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Jack White @ Jun 7 2010, 07:12 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=194577"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->David, citing the Amazing Randi...the <b>professional debunker</b>...is not a good choice.


    The Amazing Randi is awesome


    No, just "Amazing". And only when he sticks with magic.


    Yes Jack I am only talking about his magic, and his shows where he debunks other magacians and pyschics

    I could care less what he thinks about the assassination or any other conspiracy

  3. Hell, I debated McAdams, didn't I?

    Greg did you debate McAdams on Black-Op? If so how in the world did I miss that?

    Im going to check the Black-Op archives, if I cant find it can you post a link please Greg I would really like to listen to the debate



    I debated McAdams on The Paul Garson Show in 1999 (I think that's the right year). This was before the internet was "user friendly" and meticulous archives were kept. Unfortunately, there is no known record of the debate, except in the minds and memories of those who "ear" witnessed it.

    Len Osanic did record it on CD and sent me the ONLY copy. It was a "streaming" broadcast rife with long "blank spots" in it. I was unable to recover it in its entirety, and only a very small portion remains.

    I regret that I cannot provide it...

    No problem, I would have loved to hear you go toe to toe with McAdams

  4. Hey guys,

    You got me!

    The pics posted by David J. and Bernice M. [[thanks yall ]] are the clearest i have ever seen of Lovelady's shirt. If that's his shirt then that's his mug.

    I am on dial up so there are many things i can't do to make a pic more clear for example.

    So now for the last and final time i will put the subject to bed in my mind. Having heard from the likes of John D. and Gary M. and Dean H.

    gently nudging me to look again at the evidence, and then seeing the evidence more clearly than ever before i stand corrected.

    Thanks guys and girl!


    Jim I used to believe it was Oswald in the doorway

    Until I read the page in Robert Grodens TKOAP (The page that Bernice posted showing Lovelady wearing the shirt)

    That changed my mind

  5. John,

    I am sorry we could not agree upon keeping the question on the update. I understand you believe in its relevance. Thank you for keeping a reasonable tone.


    We could not agree? :rolleyes:

    You mean You did not agree with Johns question

    This thread is so one sided that I come here and get an awesome laugh everytime I read one of Deans new jokes..I mean posts

    Dean if you keep this going much longer im going to have a heart attack from laughing so hard

  6. I must say that while "Bloody Treason" is my favorite book on the assassination (I dont say that lightly as I have read and own a large library of books on the assassintaion) Twyman is wrong on this issue

    Like Todd pointed out I saw the picture he just posted in POTP and knew that it was a shell within seconds of seeing the picture

    I am in no way saying this discredits Twyman or his amazing book, he was just wrong on this issue

  7. Shot 1 hits JFK shallow to the back

    Shot 2 hits JBC causing his wounds

    Shot 3 hits JFK in the head, strikes the chrome, shatters and sends a fragment to wound Tague.

    3 up, 3 down and no magic.

    So did your shot # 1 exit JFKs throat Mike?

    If not how do you explain the wound in the front of JFK throat?

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