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Dean Hagerman

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Posts posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. They killed him because he was innocent? If the evidence was so flimsy...why did they arrest him? Then they hold him for 48 hours where presumably Oswald convinces them of his innocense and thus leaving them no alternative but to have him killed so as to cover up a false arrest?

    And then stick to that story for another half century???

    Good questions Bernie

  2. Bearing that in mind - no prizes for anticipating what's coming - show me exactly the same from any one of your preferred (non-car) locations.

    None of my preferred locations were right out in the open for the whole world to see like Greer was

    And I have explained my stance on Z-film alteration like 500 times Paul, im sure you have read it on this forum

  3. I dont buy Greer as an assassin for a second

    Purely out of curiosity, Dean, if you don't buy the eyewitnesses, and you think the Z-fake's a fake, what exactly are you relying upon? Is there something that we've all missed?

    Or, if you are persuaded by some eyewitnesses, but not others, what are your criteria for so discriminating? Nothing too esoteric, mind, as it's getting late.

    Show me an eyewitness that said "The driver turned around and shot JFK in the head!"

    I believe a lot of the eyewitnesses Paul, I also believe that certain parts of the Z-film were altered, not the entire film

  4. Effective assassins don't multi-task during an operation. I suppose, if after turning off of Main, Greer had "floored it" accelerating down Houston Street at 60+ mph and intentionally slammed into the TSBD in order to kill Kennedy, then I could buy him as the assassin.


    For some reason I got this picture of Greer with a crazy look on his face doing a kamikazi into the TSBD and started laughing

    I dont buy Greer as an assassin for a second

  5. Cliff

    The scenario that you back up is possible, no doubt in my mind

    But for my personal shooting scenario it just does not fit

    Dean, I'd like to hear more about how you see it happening...

    Shot #1 DalTex: Hits curb, fragments strike Tague

    Shot #2 Picket Fence/Grassy Knoll: Hits JFK in throat

    Shot #3 TSBD: Hits Connally in back, wrist, thigh

    Shot #4 DalTex: Hits JFK in back

    Shot #5 TSBD: Hits JFK in head

    Shot# 6 Picket Fence/Grassy Knoll: Hits JFK in head just after shot #5

    6 shots, 2 shots from each position

  6. This is arguably the most likely scenario.

    I dont think so Cliff

    I will believe a shot around Z190 (or a little after) from the front, but not a blood soluble flechette from the BDM position

    Hi Dean,

    This scenario matches the neck x-ray perfectly: bruised lung tip, hairline fracture of

    the right T1 transverse process, subcutaneous air pocket overlaying C7 and T1. There

    was no exit and no round recovered. Same thing with the back wound -- shallow, no exit,

    no round was recovered.

    This scenario also matches the testimony of Rosemary Willis, who described BDM as a "conspicuous" person who happened to "disappear the next instant." The HSCA photography panel examined Willis #5, taken a split second after the throat shot, and observed a "distinct straight-line feature" which was "near the region of the hands."


    This scenario was first put forth by the prosectors themselves at the end of the autopsy.

    From autopsy-attendee FBI SA Francis O'Neill's sworn affidavit:

    (quote on)

    Some discussion did occur concerning the disintegration of the bullet. A general

    feeling existed that a soft-nosed bullet struck JFK. There was discussion concerning

    the back wound that the bullet could have been a "plastic" type or an "Ice" [sic]

    bullet, one which dissolves after contact.

    (quote off)

    From autopsy-attendee FBI SA James Sibert's sworn affidavit:

    (quote on)

    The doctors also discussed a possible deflection of the bullet in the body caused

    by striking bone. Consideration was also given to a type of bullet which fragments

    completely....Following discussion among the doctors relating to the back injury, I

    left the autopsy room to call the FBI Laboratory and spoke with Agent Chuch [sic]

    Killion. I asked if he could furnish any information regarding a type of bullet that

    would almost completely fragmentize (sic).

    (quote off)


    The scenario that you back up is possible, no doubt in my mind

    But for my personal shooting scenario it just does not fit

  7. And before anyone says dont you believe the film was altered?

    I do, but not in the way that the entire film was fabricated

    I believe that for sure the limo turn was taken out, the limo stop was taken out, the head shot was altered, along with some other minor alterations

    The footage we see of the limo occupants was the film that Zappy shot (sans the head shot)

    So I believe that we can watch the Z-film for the timing of the first shot

    I think Duncan is correct

    I think JFK is reacting to a shot from the front that hit him in the throat

  8. I'm French and learning English, but DiEugenio makes it hard for me by inventing new definitions for some words.

    Under DiEugenio's definitions,

    a xxxx = "someone who tells the truth to the American people, but whom I (i.e. DiEugenio) don't like" (for instance, John McAdams falls into that category. He tells the truth, so DiEugenio calls him a xxxx).

    fiction = "the truth, supported by science and all the available evidence, but which I (i.e. DiEugenio) do not want to hear about, since I would love people to believe in my idiotic theories" (for instance, the single-bullet theory falls into that category. It has been established beyond a reasonable doubt, so DiEugenio calls it fiction)

    He has everything in reverse !

    Poor man !

    Good thing I use a dictionary when I want to learn English vocabulary. No sane person would want to speak DiEugenio's English ...

    /François Carlier/


  9. Yes, it slowed dramatically as it came to a complete stop. The evidence is abundant and compelling.

    Farting around with a fabricated film and treating it solemnly as though finding some minor slowing

    would vindicate its authenticity is entering the theatre of the absurd. Just get ahold of THE GREAT

    ZAPRUDER FILM HOAX AND STUDY IT! This pretentious ignorance of the alteration of the film is

    beyond silly. This is a huge distraction and massively misleading. Do you really know no better?

    Thanks Jim and all,

    At this time, I just wanted to see if there was a general consensus among the forum members who replied.

    I am working on Zfilm timing/sync marks right now.


    There is really no doubt that the limousine slowed. Alvarez did a frame-by-frame study and concluded it went from 12 to 8 MPH.

    And did they also "fabricate" the Nix and Muchmore films to make them sychronize, as even Dr. Mantik has admitted?

    That was fast work on the Muchmore film since it was on television on 11/25/63.

    And when they fabricated those other films, how exactly did they do it in way in which there were no improperly spaced gaps between the frames in which images were removed?

    And were frames removed during the time that Clint Hill was running? How did they manage to make his motions appear unbroken?

    Since Kodak will stop processing movie film for Zapruder's camera at the end of this year, why don't you guys shoot a simple movie in DP and then alter it the way the perps did, using only 1963 technology? Then you can do more than just tell us that they did it, you can at least PROVE that it was possible.



    Best answer of all time Jack

    I bet Robert had a near fatal heart attack reading that

  10. But tell me. Do you think that's really Mrs. Connally we are seeing in the film? Or is it an actress playing the part? And if you think it really was Nellie, then do you think they drew in an artificial head to make it appear that she looked back at JFK? How did they go about creating the false impression that she did exactly what she said she did??

    Yes I really think that in the altered Z-film we see the real Mrs. Connally

    And im sure that she looked at JFK when she said she did

  11. I do not believe a shot occured at frame 285

    Dean, would you agree that Mrs. Connally at least thought she heard a shot between the time she saw JFK react and the explosive head wound, and that she spun around to tend to her husband, beginning at 291-292?

    And would you agree that she reacted at the same time that Mrs. Kennedy, Kellerman, and Greer reacted?

    No and No

    Dean, you seem to have a habit of making statements that you are unable or unwilling to support. Do I actually have to cite Mrs. Connally stating that she thought her husband was hit after she saw JFK in distress and before the explosive head wound? Have you listened to her statements in the interview which is at the beginning of the video presentation I linked? Why don't you cite the testimony she gave which convinced you that this was not what she said?

    And if you do not agree that she turned to her husband and pulled him back to her at 291-292, then when do you see her doing that? What frame number?

    Robert Harris

    The film has been altered Robert

    You know my stance

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