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Dean Hagerman

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Posts posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Here is Lyndon Johnson in pschological melt down mode when he started growing his hair long just before he died. He was massively depressed and no doubt FINALLY guilt ridden at all the crimes he had committed.


    Here is another revealing photo of Lyndon Johnson as he lived much of his life. He is yelling at a heckler, in unrestrained fury: "I will put the hex on you!" ... or a visit from his hit man Malcolm Wallace as needed.


    So you don't have any evidence then? That's all I'm asking for: Evidence that links LBJ directly to the assassination.

    You keep stating it as a fact that LBJ orchestrated the murder of JFK and all you have to base such a horrendous accusation on is the fact that Johnson was not a very nice guy?

    Oh, and a few tales spun by a convicted criminal.

    Thank you Martin for saying what I was just about to type

  2. Leave me alone.

    François, it may be good for your health to leave us alone. Just a thought..

    You are just jealous.

    You live in the land of belief when thinking anybody is jealous of you.

    In fact you've outed you now numerous times proven the opposite.

    I am not interested in jerks like you.

    You seem to be a very emotional person it appears. Your current flat insults and also your PM/email cannonade towards

    Forum members in the past exposing a mental issue on your side.

    Stop reading my posts.

    What is that for a statement François? I repeat: Stop reading my posts

    I would expect such a comment from a teenager but not from a book writer.

    I believe professional hours might help you.


    Excellent post Martin

  3. Typical example of the kind of conversations we can find on this forum :

    François Carlier writes : "2 + 2 = 4"

    Lee "bad-faith" Farleeez answers : "François Carlier must be wrong".

    Poor guy !


    Let's hope he lives up to his heritage and calls a strike at some point...


  4. By this time, Kennedy has already been hit first in the throat from the front, then a few seconds later he is being hit in the back. In fact it is POSSIBLE, that John Kennedy is just being hit in the upper BACK at Z 312 (causing a slight forward movement of the body), just before the sniper from the Grassy Knoll, much closer about 33 yards away, shoots Kennedy in the front right temple.

    Oh, come on, Robert. You think the very fast snap forward of JFK's HEAD is caused by him being hit in the UPPER BACK? And his HEAD just happens to explode at that EXACT moment too--even though it's really an UPPER-BACK bullet that's causing the forward head movement?

    That's certainly a new theory I had never heard before.

    But, then too, conspiracists will go to any lengths to avoid the obvious (and the evidence). And Robert Morrow just proved it.

    I hate to side with David, but come on Robert, that theory is just lame

  5. Some years ago, Gary and I put together a deal for getting "Six Seconds" reissued... it had been out of print for thirty years.


    Do you still have plans to publish an updated version of Six Seconds? I think it would be great to have an edition using actual Zapruder stills as well as seeing how newer evidence has affected your analysis and opinions.



    The Berkley Medallion paperback edition of SSID from 1976 replaces the Zapruder frame sketches with real Zapruder stills

    I own both the hardcover and paperback, that way I never touch my hardcover edition and if I need to look up something I used the paperback

    In fact I do the same thing with many of the books I own on the assassination as I am a book collector

    Cheers, Dean,

    I never knew that! I might see if I can get a used copy at reasonable price...

    Good luck Martin, even used paperback copies of SSID in bad shape sell for alot on Amazon and Ebay

  6. Some years ago, Gary and I put together a deal for getting "Six Seconds" reissued... it had been out of print for thirty years.


    Do you still have plans to publish an updated version of Six Seconds? I think it would be great to have an edition using actual Zapruder stills as well as seeing how newer evidence has affected your analysis and opinions.



    The Berkley Medallion paperback edition of SSID from 1976 replaces the Zapruder frame sketches with real Zapruder stills

    I own both the hardcover and paperback, that way I never touch my hardcover edition and if I need to look up something I used the paperback

    In fact I do the same thing with many of the books I own on the assassination as I am a book collector

  7. 1. Howard Brennan's alleged description of height and weight for LHO.

    2. Helen Markham talking to TIppit for 20 minutes after he was dead.

    3. Marina Oswald telling the Secret Service her husband never had a rifle with a scope.

    4. How Frazier got CE 399 before Todd gave it to him, and how come it changed form and shape on the way?

    5. How CE 543 got in the condition it is?

    6. What is the evidence for LHO purchasing the MC ammo? ( And why he tried to pass off that phony index card as proof he did?)

    7. How the Walker bullet also changed shape and form in flight.

    8. What is the evidence LHO ever picked up the rifle?

    9. Why there is no evidence that LHO ever picked up the revolver at REA?

    10. Who erased Poe's initials from the TIppit shells? (He could ask his pals on the DPD about that one.)

    I think the above is very fair in return for what he did at the Jim Marrs classes. We will even give him a lifeline to his pal Perry.

    Well all Gary "Scary" Mack has to do is make a post to reply to your questions Jim

    Since he is a member (A fake one until he makes his first post)he can post on this forum, of course he is to scared to do that

    The way that Gary and Dave treated Jim Marrs really gets to me, Jim Marrs is head and shoulders above Gary Mack in every aspect of knowledge on the assassination

  8. Proper determination of extent of the non-fatal back and neck wounds would end the single bullet debate once and for all.

    How would that be possible? The SBT bullet didn't hit a single bone in JFK's body.

    So how would it be possible to track the SBT bullet wounds on JFK's decomposed body if no bones were impacted?

    Well first of all there is no such thing as the SBT

    The throat wound was an entry wound

    The back wound was much much lower then you and Myers claim so who knows if the back wound hit any bone or not

  9. You can have 50 million signatures on that petition and it wont make one bit of difference

    The family will never let an exumation happen

    The family of the victim, even if their name is Kennedy, can not prevent a district attorney, a prosecutor or a grand jury from ordering an exhumation and proper forensic autopsy.



    Im all for taking a look at JFKs wounds, but I also think its super disrespectful to go over the families head with court order for exhumation

    I think I would be ok with it if we got some hard answers about the head, back and throat wounds

  10. It's too bad Gary Mack has elected not to represent himself here. I understand its because of his association with the Museum.

    Its got nothing to do with the Museum, its because Larry Dunkel is SCARED

    I dare you to make a post Gary, come on out and shut me up

    Prove me wrong Gary, lets see if you have the guts to make 1 post

    Well I gave you all day to prove me wrong Gary

    By not posting you proved me right

    I wouldnt know because im man enough to post my thoughts and back them up on the forum in public instead of telling me that "I know nothing about the assassination" because I side with Jack White on alteration in a PM


    ***Dean - I've removed an unusually aggressive personal attack

    Gary Mack is not a real member of this forum because he has never made a post, I thought that personal attacks of forum members is not allowed, but Gary Mack is not a real forum member so thats why I made that attack

    I wont do it again

  11. It's too bad Gary Mack has elected not to represent himself here. I understand its because of his association with the Museum.

    Its got nothing to do with the Museum, its because Larry Dunkel is SCARED

    I dare you to make a post Gary, come on out and shut me up

    Prove me wrong Gary, lets see if you have the guts to make 1 post

    Well I gave you all day to prove me wrong Gary

    By not posting you proved me right

    I wouldnt know because im man enough to post my thoughts and back them up on the forum in public instead of telling me that "I know nothing about the assassination" because I side with Jack White on alteration in a PM


    ***Dean - I've removed an unusually aggressive personal attack

  12. Apparently JVB knew LHO for a very brief period. Period.

    Apparently JVB was an above average high school science student.

    She was from whatever Florida town Manatee High School is in.

    These are not "core questions". They are accepted "givens" by all.

    Why make a big deal about something not in dispute?



    I do not believe there is any credible evidence that JVB ever "knew" LHO at all, yet for any period of time. As has been recounted there is evidence that JVB saw LHO on television and said toi her husband that he looks like a man she used to work with.


    Doug Weldon

    I have no problem agreeing with what you say, Doug.


    I agree with what Doug says 100%

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