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Dean Hagerman

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Posts posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. By all means Bill please post a better blow up image of the area behind the wall in Moorman

    I would love to have a better blow up

    I doubt you will be able to find one thats better then the one I posted but if you have one or can find one post away.


    Are you replying to me or Martin?

    I will assume you put his name on accident

    I have like 20 different copies of Moorman on my computer, that is the best blowup I have of that area

    I will countinue to use it until I come across a better blowup of that area

  2. You see someone behidn the wall Dean?

    The copy from Moorman's Polaroid is so poor that I can barely make out the wall ... let alone any other details. When there is so many better prints available ... why would the one shown in Dean's post being used?


    By all means Bill please post a better blow up image of the area behind the wall in Moorman

    I would love to have a better blow up

    I doubt you will be able to find one thats better then the one I posted but if you have one or can find one post away.

  3. But what most CTers never talk about is the fact that their "pawn" named Oswald had murder flowing through his very own veins as surely as night follows day

    What a ridiculous statement

    Conversing with this clown is akin to debating the essential use of condoms in HIV infested Africa with the Pope.


  4. I think you'll find that a serial killer is regarded as someone whom actually performs the crime. That's the difference with Johnson.

    Even Charles Manson cannot legally be classified as a serial killer. We'll have to disagree.


    This is what I have been trying to get through to Robert

    Now he is calling LBJ a Classic Serial Killer!

    All I can do is sit here and shake my head

  5. Isn't an accomplice or planner of murder as guilty?

    In cases such as Charles Manson who directly planned out the killings

    Was LBJ on the front lines of war telling each soilder who to shoot, when to shoot, who to execute, where to drop a bomb?

    If thats your view John then Harry Truman must be guilty of killing 200,000+ people

    Is Harry Truman a serial killer?



    Is Woodrow Wilson a serial killer?

    Is FDR a serial killer?

    Is Abraham Lincoln a serial killer?

    Every president that has been involved in war would be a serial killer in your world John

    Please answer yes or no for the presidents I just listed, I cant wait to see

  6. Dean, I have found that the JFK assassination is like a religion to many folks. Meaning, they believe things on an article of FAITH, no matter what the facts are, just to fit into their theory of the JFK assassination. So, if you believe that Lyndon Johnson murdered no one, on an article of faith, go right ahead, no problem.

    I do believe, based on many accounts of credible people, that Lyndon Johnson murdered MANY people mainly to cover up the crimes he was committing on an almost daily basis.

    I'm absolutely gobsmacked. I cannot believe you would have the gall to claim that Dean is the one trying to make the evidence fit a pet theory! Un-frickin-believable.

    Name your "credible" witnesses, Robert.

    And show us one, just one, single scrap of credible evidence that LBJ orchestrated the JFK assassination.

    xxxx or get off the pot, Robert.

    You've got NOTHING and it's time you stopped accusing a man of murder without the evidence to back it up.

    Robert is way out of line

    Tell me the name of just one person who LBJ killed

    Tell me how LBJ killed him, tell me when LBJ killed him

    If you cant do that (which you cant because LBJ has never killed a single person) then stop calling him a serial killer

    I have no doubt that LBJ was a shady president and was power hungry, but he is not a serial killer

    I want you and John to call FDR, Woodrow Wilson and Harry Truman pyschopathic serial killers

    You have no problem calling LBJ one, lets see you do it to the three presidents I listed above

  7. Isn't an accomplice or planner of murder as guilty?

    In cases such as Charles Manson who directly planned out the killings

    Was LBJ on the front lines of war telling each soilder who to shoot, when to shoot, who to execute, where to drop a bomb?

    If thats your view John then Harry Truman must be guilty of killing 200,000+ people

    Is Harry Truman a serial killer?

  8. LBJ killed millions as pres. ''hey hey lbj, how many kids (in indo china) have you killed today''.

    Thats crazy, I dont remember LBJ going over to Indo China with a sniper rifle and picking off millions of kids

    I wonder why LBJ is not listed at the top of every serial killer or mass murder list?

    Maybe its because he never killed anyone, that could be the first clue

  9. [LBJ's grandmother PREDICTED he would go to jail.]

    So what?

    I tell my wife everyday that our sneaky one year old daughter is going to jail when she is an adult

    Is my daughter going to go to jail? Of course not

    Just like you claim that LBJ was a serial killer(even thought you know that LBJ never killed anybody in his life) please tell me how many times LBJ went to jail and how long his jail sentences were

  10. Sure, I am very naive.

    For instance, I believe, as I have read in the newspapers, that man did go to the moon (more precisely that American heroes went to the moon). But some conspiracy theorists here tell me that NO, Americans never went to the moon, they would be unable to do so, it was just faked.

    Likewise, I believe, as I have read in the newspapers, that enemies of you country crashed planes into office buildings in September, 2001, in order to kill as many people as they could and hurt the United States as a country. But some conspiracy theorists here tell me that NO, actually it was the Americans who did it to themselves !

    Likewise, I believe, as I have read in the newspapers, that a lone demented man named Lee Harvey Oswald fired some shots at the President and killed him, in Dallas, in 1963 (and other crazy individuals tried to kill other US presidents, before and after John Kennedy, and sadly enough some of them succeeded). But some conspiracy theorists here tell me that NO, actually it was the US Vice-President who arranged to have the US President killed.

    Boy, am I naive !!!


    We went to the moon, no doubt in my mind

    Terrorists hijacked planes and flew them into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, no doubt in my mind

    However when it comes to the JFK assassination there was a conspiracy, no doubt in my mind

    Remember Francis not all CTers believe in conspiracys behind everything

  11. At the very least, you can acknowledge that there are lots of signs, reasonably convincing signs, that Lee Oswald might very well have been the lone assassin after all !

    Ok I promise wont laugh at nor insult you any more from now on if you can acknowledge one thing for me...

    At the very least, you can acknowledge that there are lots of signs, reasonably convincing signs, that there might very well have been a conspiracy after all !

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