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Dean Hagerman

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Posts posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Hi Dean

    HL Hunt bankrolled the assassination

    Along with Clint Murchison, Jr., who I believe was an even more active player than Hunt.

    Covered up by High Government/Military officals

    A readily proven historical fact.

    Pulled off by trusted marksman/hunters (associates of the Hunt family, close enough to control)


    You see the Oil Depletion Tax that JFK was going to ditch was worth millions to HL Hunt and his other Oil buddies.

    I find this motive over-stated. Clint Murchison Jr. was up to his eyeballs in Outfit organized-crime connections and I think their ultimate interest was a restoration of Havana as a center for international narcotics trafficking. This was an interest shared with their sometime-competitors/sometime-collaborators the Harriman/Bush blue-blood elite.

    At that time the world heroin market was divided between the Corsican Mafia who produced it and the Sicilian-American Outfit who distributed it. The Americans wanted to replace the old Turkey-to-Marseilles "French Connection" with a Laos-to-Havana heroin pipeline, in which Texas oil interests would have a piece of the cake.

    Or so I speculate.

    This is where LBJ fits into the plot with the power to help with the cover up, but not directly involved with the assassination.


    Clay Shaw is involved to help find the Patsy

    I suspect Shaw was more Patsy than Perp.

    Others like Joseph Milteer give money and support to Hunt

    I could go on and on about the shot scenario and how I believe others are involved but it would take hours.

    This is my opinion, if you have any questions Robert please ask, I will answer when I have time

    Hey Dean -- 2010 World Series Champion San Francisco Giants!! :beer

    Its so nice to find out when you agree with someone on most of the main points of the assassination

    And if I died tomorrow my life would be complete now that my boys have won the World Series!

    World Champs!

  2. Like Pat said Bugliosi is not a computer guy

    Yet Robert has him creating fake xxxxx accounts and going crazy over at Amazon.com

    Come on Robert, you make real CTers like myself look silly

    Not every LNer is an agent, and not every fake xxxxx account is Bugliosi or Posner

    So, Dean, let's hear your theories on the JFK assassination? Specifically, WHO do you think murdered John Kennedy and WHY do you think they killed him? If possible mention some NAMES, feel free to "speculate" and please be as specific as possible as to the likely candidates and why.

    As for Bugliosi being computer phobic, they are so user friendly today, literally a moron like Bugliosi or someone's 80 year old grandma can figure out how to operate on them. So maybe Bugliosi has picked up a spare hobby posting on the internet ... or maybe not.

    HL Hunt bankrolled the assassination

    Covered up by High Government/Military officals

    Pulled off by trusted marksman/hunters (associates of the Hunt family, close enough to control)

    You see the Oil Depletion Tax that JFK was going to ditch was worth millions to HL Hunt and his other Oil buddies.

    This is where LBJ fits into the plot with the power to help with the cover up, but not directly involved with the assassination.

    Clay Shaw is involved to help find the Patsy

    Others like Joseph Milteer give money and support to Hunt

    I could go on and on about the shot scenario and how I believe others are involved but it would take hours.

    This is my opinion, if you have any questions Robert please ask, I will answer when I have time

  3. my most fanatical critics

    You dont have any "fanatical critics" Robert

    Just researchers who dont believe in some of your garbage theories

    Some of the stuff that you have came up with over the years I have agreed with or considered that it could be possible

    But this new stuff is just killing me Robert

  4. I truly feel that this is the book that will exonerate Lee Harvey Oswald beyond question, and will fundamentally restructure the way informed Americans view the assassination.

    And just how is a supposed love affair going to exonerate LHO and make us view the assassination in a new light?

    I dont believe Judyth for a second, but how is Lee cheating on his wife and Judyth cheating on her husband going to do anything to further assassination research?

    I will answer that myself, it wont do anything

    Did you read the book, Dean?

    Of course not, I have a library full of my kids Mother Goose books

    I dont need to add any more fairy tales to my kids collection

  5. No one who is standing below hears or sees amything, no bystanders below screaming and shouting in undescribable agony, while rolling around with the sharp pieces of broken glass sticking out of their heads and other body parts, and dripping all over with the fresh running blood from their fresh open flesh cut wounds


  6. What does Duncan have to do with me calling you out on your ultra lame theories?

    Hi Dean,

    Bungling Bob has alleged on this forum, that I have recruited yourself, Robin, Martin and Bill, along with myself, to campaign as a team against his loopy theories. :unsure:


    Bob I stand alone in going against your garbage theories

  7. Robert

    You think JFK is "checking his head for damage"?


    I think Robert should be checking his own head for damage. :lol:


    Holy crap, Dean! Is this all Duncan let's you do?

    Can't you at least call me some names or post cartoon characters?

    What does Duncan have to do with me calling you out on your ultra lame theories?

  8. I own close to 200 books on the assassination, most all of the old classics, most all the old rare OOP books, all of the books from the 80s and early 90s and my favorite book out of them all is "Bloody Traseon"

    If you have not bought it buy it, no matter if you have to pay $100.00

    Its worth it

  9. Quote: Bob Harris

    "You'll never find a photo or another video in which you will see President Kennedy react like that, either in Dallas, or for that matter during his entire life"

    More Harris fiction debunked.

    Perfect debunking of another rediculous Harris theory

    Good stuff Duncan

  10. I truly feel that this is the book that will exonerate Lee Harvey Oswald beyond question, and will fundamentally restructure the way informed Americans view the assassination.

    And just how is a supposed love affair going to exonerate LHO and make us view the assassination in a new light?

    I dont believe Judyth for a second, but how is Lee cheating on his wife and Judyth cheating on her husband going to do anything to further assassination research?

    I will answer that myself, it wont do anything

  11. Gary Mack may be signed up on this forum but he is not a member because he has never made a post

    Its like getting married and not consummating it

    He is to scared to post and have to defend himself in a public forum

    When was the last time Reymond made a post...or even visited?

    oh geez, you whining again? Simply put, Zapruder film authenticity has been challenged. Prove the alleged in-camera original Zapruder currently stored at NARA is what you profess--the original 8mm in-camera film shot in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63! No opinion laddie, PROVE it!

    Just curious...exactly what will satisfy you as "proof"?

    Buy "Bloody Treason" then read "TGZFH"

    You will be a changed man Craig

  12. But, in fact, almost 1 out of every 5 people think the Warren Commission got it right

    What does that tell you Dave?

    "Almost" 1 out of every 5 people is not something to brag about, in fact its embarrassing

    Dean, the poll does not state that 19% think the Warren Commission got it right. The actual percentage of people polled that believed that Oswald was a lone assassin was even smaller.

    I didnt even look at the poll, the fact thats its a smaller percentage makes it that much more crazy that DVP points to that as backing up his LNer views

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