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Dean Hagerman

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Posts posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Good job Martin

    I know we have been talking about "woman and child" as of late

    Could this be like Ray said a bystander dropping to the ground?

    My opinion Martin is that it is woman and child dropping to the ground behind the wall after the shots

    I would like to add that the DVD JFK The Case For Conspiracy was the one in which Robert Groden shows the blowup and movement

    It is my favorite program on the assassination, lots of great stuff in it

  2. Pat

    Those books that you listed as "conspiracy" books suck (except POTP, thats one of the best)

    Most of the books that the 6thFM should carry are OOP

    However all three of Fetzer and gangs books are avalible, but the way I see it Gary and company are too scared to carry those three books

    With them pushing the LNer theory theose 3 volumes might make 6th FL customers acually think for themselfs

  3. where'd this come from jack? book? periodical?

    it looks very interesting.

    Someone posted it here yesterday. I'd like to know where it came from too.

    Didn't Duncan MacRae say he made it up?

    Or is it a still from Oliver Stone's JFK?


    Yes Duncan created this photo, its not real

    It was supposed to show woman and child laying on the ground and a figure standing up but kind of crouched over by the retaining wall to mimick BDM

  4. Dean,

    Robin is correct, It's not my theory. I just did an interpretation based on Geoff's theory.



    Duncan...that is a very interesting photo of the cop looking at something! Any idea

    what he is looking at?


    It's just a fake image I knocked up Jack. It represents the guy who ran up the steps covering and protecting his wife and child, the possible BDM.

    I just added the Policeman to make it a more realistic looking scene.


    Hi Duncan.

    Is it meant to show the woman and child lying down behind the wall, similar to the Newman's, and Hester's. ?

    "SPECULATION" only

    The gunfire starts, woman & child duck down on the ground behind the wall for protection.

    Running man looks around sees his family missing, and bolts up the steps ( as seen in Nix )

    The family can't be seen in some of the other photo's because they are still lying down behind the wall.

    Look at the Newman's they were lying down flat on the ground for a LONG time, as can be seen in many photo's and films.

    NOW, if i can only find a photo of the family together after the assassination.

    that would seal the deal. :tomatoes

    Good call Robin

    I would call it Educated Speculation (like an educated guess)

    What you are saying is that you want to find the family in a film before the Darnell film that shows them correct?

    Im already behind you on this theory but if you find what you are looking for that will make this theory very strong


  5. I'll be studying it after you're gone Healy.

    9 out of 10 of your contributions on this forum are pathetic and pitiful. I can only assume your obsession with trolls is because you perhaps look like one? Do me a favour? Change your picture. It does nothing for what little credibility you have left as a photography "expert" and it makes me feel sick.

    And the day I ever do as you tell me to do is the day I'll go and ask for professional mental health treatment.

    Don't ever try to tell me what to do again. Okay?

    This is BS, this guy should be banned

    Dont ever talk to Mr Healy like that

    Your a nobody

    You know nothing

    Living up to your own high expectations again.

    Thats right

    The real reason you are here is coming out now, at first your stupid sideways comments about alteration almost let you slide in under the door

    But your real reason is to attack Jack and others who believe in alteration

    Your not a researcher, your not a student of the assassination, you dont care about JFK or the crime at all

    Your last 5 posts have made that perfectly clear

    That's called fighting back. Like you're doing now. Nothing like hypocrisy in living color.

    So you think its ok to talk to David like that?

    Its not ok

    I was all for answering your questions and helping you with any research you might be doing up until you decided to insult David

    And David can defend himself, but im letting you know that I think its BS, and the only people on this forum that you target are alteratonits

    The fact that you attcked him like that shows me that you are here for one reason, to cause problems

  6. I'll be studying it after you're gone Healy.

    9 out of 10 of your contributions on this forum are pathetic and pitiful. I can only assume your obsession with trolls is because you perhaps look like one? Do me a favour? Change your picture. It does nothing for what little credibility you have left as a photography "expert" and it makes me feel sick.

    And the day I ever do as you tell me to do is the day I'll go and ask for professional mental health treatment.

    Don't ever try to tell me what to do again. Okay?

    This is BS, this guy should be banned

    Dont ever talk to Mr Healy like that

    Your a nobody

    You know nothing

    Living up to your own high expectations again.

    Thats right

    The real reason you are here is coming out now, at first your stupid sideways comments about alteration almost let you slide in under the door

    But your real reason is to attack Jack and others who believe in alteration

    Your not a researcher, your not a student of the assassination, you dont care about JFK or the crime at all

    Your last 5 posts have made that perfectly clear

  7. I'll be studying it after you're gone Healy.

    9 out of 10 of your contributions on this forum are pathetic and pitiful. I can only assume your obsession with trolls is because you perhaps look like one? Do me a favour? Change your picture. It does nothing for what little credibility you have left as a photography "expert" and it makes me feel sick.

    And the day I ever do as you tell me to do is the day I'll go and ask for professional mental health treatment.

    Don't ever try to tell me what to do again. Okay?

    This is BS, this guy should be banned

    Dont ever talk to Mr Healy like that

    Your a nobody

    You know nothing

  8. I do not mean to imply in any way that there was any sort of connection whatsoever

    between Gary Mack and my attacker. I do not remember the date Mack left Channel 5.

    It is very likely just a very weird COINCIDENCE for such a large city.

    The police were very thorough, though they did not search the FBI fingerprint database.

    My wife and I separately described the face of the attacker to a police sketch artist.

    The sketches were very similar....particularly the round face and short forehead.


    I got that Jack, thats why I said it was odd, im sure its not connected at all

    Im glad your wife was not hurt, I cant imagin being in your situation, but if I was I would want to make sure he didnt touch my wife at all, no matter what I had to do

  9. ... what some [iMO] intelligence-related goon did to him with an icepick.

    You really believe that? Zany.

    If there was a conspiracy, for the perpetrators Jack White is a Godsend. The last thing they'd want to do is silence someone who is so way off the mark that he is in effect assisting in the cover up.


    Baker is really a good representative of the conspiracy.

    He would probably say that my $105,000 hospital bill was faked. That my deaf right

    ear can really hear, that my fractured skull does not leak c.s. fluid into my ear, and

    that I walk with a cane just for show instead of permanent vertigo.

    Well...nobody cares what Baker thinks. His unprovoked attacks show what kind of

    person he is. Shame on anyone so heartless.



    I don't think anyone here is minimalizing the seriousness of the injuries that you suffered from the attack, or the long term complications. Those are horrible and I know that I have in the past and continue today to wish you only the best in dealing with those.

    What is being questioned is what appears to be your belief that the attacker, who I understand was a bare naked man who broke in looking for drugs/drug money and who in his escape crashed the car he was driving in a short distance away from your howm and was caught by the police, was in reality a hitman/intelligence operative/etc. who was on a mission to injure or kill you because of your work on the JFK case.


    Todd...you are woefully misinformed. Your account is very similar to the false information spread by Gary

    Mack...except that he said the man was a negro. The man who broke in my house was white, with short

    curly hair, a round face, a body builder though only about 5'6" tall, and left handed. He was totally nude

    and came into the bedroom, jumped on my bed and started stabbing me with an ice pick. If I were to see

    him today, I would recognize him.

    The naked man had NO MOTIVE for breaking in at 5:15 on a Sunday morning. His only intent was to kill me.


    He stole my car keys and drove away in my car. He abandoned it on the parking lot entrance at Channel 5,

    where Gary Mack worked. Being nude, I do not know how he managed, unless he had clothes stashed there.

    HE WAS NEVER ARRESTED. I have no knowledge of any intelligence connections he may have had, though

    that idea has been universally accepted by many researchers, including Mary Ferrell. At the time of the attack

    I was helping Oliver Stone in Dallas during JFK filming. Fletcher Prouty had recently warned me that "the

    CIA considered me the most dangerous researcher."

    I was left with a fractured skull and collapsed lung. I was in the hospital 24 days...4 in intensive care.

    I have no proof of any kind regarding the event. The intruder left one fingerprint on a window he broke to

    get in, but the police were never able to follow up on it.


    Jack thank you for sharing the details of that horrible crime, im glad that you were not killed

    The fact that he dumped your car at Gary Macks work is very odd indeed

    I hope that one day (all though it sounds like the Police dont really care) the guy is caught and punished for trying to kill you


  10. Todd is correct on page 26 of Trasks NNOSFOF shows the frame I posted and some smaller frames of one of Zappys grandkids

    Todd do you remember what issues of Argosy? I have two of the Argosy issues that discuss the Z-film but would have to dig them out

  11. Jack I have never seen the A side, I do however have a frame dowloaded on my computer


    I wonder if Zapruder was just givin back that side of the film after it was cut?

    Or maybe the 6th FM got that side with all of the Zapruder stuff that was with the camera original

    I would love to see that part of the film as well

  12. Dean...I worried with BDM for years, and finally came up with this theory:

    He (it) is only seen in Willis and Betzner. I think that GORDON ARNOLD was in the original photos.

    Panic...a SOLDIER pictured with a CAMERA, identity unknown. Instead of just retouching him out

    (in case he later shows up) they had retouch artists obscure him with an indistinct blurry figure.

    In other words...there was NO BDM.

    It is as good as any other theories that have been floated.


    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the BDM subject

    Of course your theory is just as possible as the woman and child theory

    One thing is for sure, the BDM mystery is one that has always been in the back of my head no matter what research I am doing

  13. No Dean that wasn't "directed right at" you, look at the sentence in context,what Jack wants is that every unquestionably accept what he posts. And don't be silly about Jack "taking crap from all angles" he initiated this xxxx fight just as he initiates most of the ones he's involved in.

    As for me and Tink the thread that we most coposted in was the one about the Wellstone crash in that has he voiced his support of my research more than the other way round.

    Ok Len, sorry about that

    Its just I was the only one who had replied in Jacks defense before you made your post so I may have jumped the gun on reading to far into it

    My bad

  14. All,

    Garrison investigator Thomas Bethel kept a diary during the Garrison investigation. In an entry for Saturday, October 26, 1967, Bethell wrote the following:

    “We have received visits in the last week from: Roger Craig, ex-deputy sheriff in Dallas; Al Chapman, whom Penn Jones now informs Mark Lane is a member of the Klan, and furnishes nothing but useless information; a Mr. Eddows from England, and Dr. John Nichols from Kansas City

    Chapman had nothing to offer, as far as I could see, but Garrison spent the whole of Thursday afternoon and Friday morning talking to him. Chapman took some man-hole pictures behind the picket fence in Dealey Plaza in August, 1967. He said he thought the "Illuminati" were responsible for the assassination, and seemed to be trying to tie "niggers" in too, citing Euins, and Negro man on wall, reported to him by Hudson, the Dealey Plaza ground-keeper.”


    I find the line “…Negro man on wall, reported to him by Hudson, the Dealey Plaza ground-keeper.” quite interesting, given the Stizman story and all of the discussion about the black couple, etc.

    I know that Al Chapman interviewed some witnesses and produced transcripts of those interviews. While I have seen one or two of those, I have not been able to track down a transcript of his Hudson interview. I’d love to see what he said about the “Nergo man on wall”. I understand that Chapman mat have been friends with Mary Ferrell. Perhaps there is something in her archives.

    I should also point out that there are a few contemporaneous news print and radio reports about a black man and women running away from the scene along what is described as a “walkway”.


    Wow! Very interesting!

    Todd I hope you can find or track down this interview

    I am going to go back through all my BDM studies to see if I can find anything I saved from years ago

    Keep me posted please Todd


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