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Dean Hagerman

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Posts posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Yes, that's it. Her hand is never up on the back of his head where the hair is all frizzled. And I can't really see the hesitation I noted before here ...of course, it all happens so fast. But I think she did a natural thing by starting to put her hand on the back of his head, then did that slightly forward and back and lower movement.

    I first noticed this in an extreme slo-mo played on a new fangled type of disc a guy had at COPA in '94 ... Dave Lentz, I believe. It looked like a 33rpm record size if I am recalling correctly. Anyway, about a dozen of us were crowded into someone's hotel room to watch this thing and it was the clearest thing I'd ever seen with the ability to go quite slow and toggle back and forth. It was either that year or the next that I saw the 1st generation slides at the Archives for the first time and I have been haunted by 335 and 337 ever since ... and what it is I believe I see Jackie doing there and her horrified reaction.

    I agree with Barb!

    Lordy lordy its a miracle!

  2. Do you even know the medical definition of a pulse?

    I dont care

    What do you not understand?

    Your not proving anything to me because I could care less what the medical definition of a pulse is

    Jack is correct in that the second the bullet hit JFKs head he was gone forever, im saying that the Doctors saw some signs of life, why else would they do CPR and other life saving procedures instead of just pronouncing him DOA?

    Dont reply Barb, your wasting your time because I dont care

    Dean "No Pulse" Hagerman

  3. - Believe Oswald fired any shots No

    - Believe Oswald killed Tippit 95% No 5% Yes (the 5% Yes is IF he killed Tipped its only because he knew he was being set up and thought that Tippet was going to kill him, so he shot first, but im almost 100% No

    -Believe the single bullet theory is possible No way

    - Believe shots were fired from the front, back or both directions Both Directions, 2 shooters from rear (TSBD and Dal Tex) and 1 shooter from front (Badgeman position)

    - Can assess the performance of the Secret Service in Dallas, Im with Bernice on this one What performance

    - Think LBJ and/or other high public officials were involved, Big Yes

    In short, I think there was a massive conspiracy to kill John F. Kennedy and coverup the crime afterwards. I think the most powerful forces in our society at that time were involved: I agree with you 100% Don

  4. Your statement was incorrect.

    Just like your statement that Groden worked in a Photo lab in 1964 B)

    ROTFL. I provided a cite that said Groden worked in a photo lab in NJ in 1964. Maybe it is right, maybe it is wrong. You said he was 19 and in the Army then. You were wrong. But why play such silly little girl games? This is a different issue.

    More important that people have the facts of record straight, isn't it? :-)

    No pulse at Parkland.

    Keep telling yourself that your right Barb, I bet it makes you feel real good and helps you sleep at night while the nightmares of Z-film alteration invade your head all night long

    And JFK did have a pulse at Parkland, he had a heartbeat so all they had to do was take his pulse on his chest B)

  5. Thanx Jerry. So in all instances there is a taller box. (However I have an as yet uresloved issue with Allan, being the location of the pipes. He places them too far to the left.) Best to you too. Thank you.


    Allan also posted this at Lancer specifically about Powell and Dillard. Any thoughts about it?

    I liked it but I'm a sucker for anything that resembles geometry.



    Thanks for posting that study Jerry, the Murry photo makes this thread very interesting

  6. How much sunlight was there in Trauma Room 1?


    Good call Jim, how can anyone say that the Parkland doctors were wrong?

    Just curious dean, Which "blowout" is the correct one? 337 or 374. Jim seems to find this question too hot to handle. Maybe you can answer it.

    337 shows the blowout for sure

    I just looked at my good copy of 374 for a minute or so, im going to have to get back to you after I study it in detail

    Ok..just to be sure...the area Martin first indicated way up in this thread

    If so, where is it from frame 314 onward and why exactly does the area show the tonality it does, ...like it should...for sunlight falling on hair as the head moves forward and down?

    So its the one near Jackies face on the back left? Total blowout? Hairs gone, scalp, skull gone...brains showing?


    You can see the same thing I am seeing in 337

    Hair is gone

    Skull is blown out (I have a diagram drawn by a doctor with the back part of the skull and how the blow out would happen, I have to find it)

    The brains are not showing in 337, however I am looking into Martins work and my own Z-frames for evidenece of brains showing


    Yea Dean I see Jackie push his hair up in the 335-337 sequence as she moves her hand up his head.

    How can that be if the hair is gone (along with everything else)

    Ok..just to be sure...the area Martin first indicated way up in this thread

    If so, where is it from frame 314 onward and why exactly does the area show the tonality it does, ...like it should...for sunlight falling on hair as the head moves forward and down?

    BTW, how can the brains not be showing if the skull is blow out?

    Im going to have to watch the Z-film a couple times to see what you are talking about with Jackies hand running through his hair before I reply

  7. How much sunlight was there in Trauma Room 1?


    Good call Jim, how can anyone say that the Parkland doctors were wrong?

    Just curious dean, Which "blowout" is the correct one? 337 or 374. Jim seems to find this question too hot to handle. Maybe you can answer it.

    337 shows the blowout for sure

    I just looked at my good copy of 374 for a minute or so, im going to have to get back to you after I study it in detail

    So its the one near Jackies face on the back left? Total blowout? Hairs gone, scalp, skull gone...brains showing?


    You can see the same thing I am seeing in 337

    Hair is gone

    Skull is blown out (I have a diagram drawn by a doctor with the back part of the skull and how the blow out would happen, I have to find it)

    The brains are not showing in 337, however I am looking into Martins work and my own Z-frames for evidenece of brains showing

  8. _____________________________________________________

    OK, so why was he falling forward? Perhaps because he'd been shot from the front and his body was rebounding from being slammed against the seat?


    He was dead...

    How was he dead?

    He had a pulse when he arrived at parkland

    No, he had no pulse. They heard a few cardiac beats, he was making a few spasmodic agonal breaths. But he had no pulse and no blood pressure.

    As Carrico put it in his WC testimony:

    " No pulse was present, and at that time, because of the inadequate respirations and the apparent airway..."

    As Dr. Clark put it in his summary report...

    "Dr. Carrico noted the President to have slow, agenal [sic] respiratory efforts. He could hear a heartbeat but found no pulse or blood pressure."

    Sometimes the heart can take awhile to completely stop, but those beats are not a pulse.

    He was essentially DOA. And fell over because he was dead ... for all intents and clinical purposes ... or, if you prefer, totally unconscious, at the very least.

    Thanks Dr Junkkarinen for that useless knowledge on the human pulse that I give two shnits about

    Of course I know he was not going to come back to life from the head shot, that was not my point, my point was that Craig was saying he fell forward because he was dead and I disagree with that

  9. How much sunlight was there in Trauma Room 1?


    Good call Jim, how can anyone say that the Parkland doctors were wrong?

    Just curious dean, Which "blowout" is the correct one? 337 or 374. Jim seems to find this question too hot to handle. Maybe you can answer it.

    337 shows the blowout for sure

    I just looked at my good copy of 374 for a minute or so, im going to have to get back to you after I study it in detail

  10. the worst president ever

    I think Warren G Harding was by far the worst president ever

    Dean...I will stack up W against Harding as the premier baddest ever and win hands down.

    Name one bad effect that Harding had on the nation...one that outlived his term of office.

    Harding never got us into false wars on "terror" killing thousands or millions.


    Teapot Dome scandal

    I'll throw in the Enron scandal, raise you billions in bank and corporate bailouts,

    and have a stack of dead bodies to raise the ante. Better fold your hand, Dean.

    Jack :)


  11. the worst president ever

    I think Warren G Harding was by far the worst president ever

    Dean...I will stack up W against Harding as the premier baddest ever and win hands down.

    Name one bad effect that Harding had on the nation...one that outlived his term of office.

    Harding never got us into false wars on "terror" killing thousands or millions.


    Teapot Dome scandal

  12. XXXXXX...

    Calm the hell down :rolleyes:

    What in the world would some 18 year old kid have to do with the assassination?

    I can answer that for you...


    Now his dad on the other hand....

    Quote edited by moderator, due to language.

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