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Dean Hagerman

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Posts posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. To all,

    A few of my friends have alerted me that Maggie Hansen/Magda Hassan or whatever her name is has mentioned my name on the DPF a couple of times

    in the thread about Peter Lemkin's removal.

    Therefore, I am now going to mention some important points concerning the issue since Maggie/Magda carefully edited them out in her post. (Surprise surprise!!).

    1. It was Peter who contacted me about the recent problems he was having on the Education Forum, not the other way around.

    2. It was Peter who apologized to me (in his emails dated 10.03.2010 and 11.03.2010), repeatedly, about the email he sent me several months ago that read "cyber sex" in the subject line.

    3. He was also the one who emailed me and told me that the message in question was meant to be a joke, and he did that not after he sent it to me but after the issue was brought up here on the EF by Jack White.

    4. It was also Peter himself who asked me to contact the admins and tell them there had been a misunderstanding.

    5. The claim that he was removed because of a complaint I made months ago is ridiculous. If that were the case, he would have been removed long ago.

    Having said that, the people (either here or on the DPF) who have been desperately hunting down a scapegoat can look elsewhere and stop bothering me. Or better, mind their own business.

    Edited to add : I also sent a copy of this message to Maggie/Magda and asked her to post it on the DPF for me. I'm not keeping my hopes high, though.

    I dont believe anything you say

  2. Duncan is correct, the interview is real

    You can also tell because the actor who played Rowland in JFK looks nothing like the Rowland that Duncan posted a pic of and link to the interview

    Go back and watch the sceen of Costner in the court room and says "Arnold Rowlnad saw....." and it shows the actor playing Rowland in black and white pointing to the TSBD

  3. Reading back through some old JVB postings on this forum, I noted that

    for all the CHRONOLOGY in her "book" she relied on someone named David

    Blackburst to provide all the research. Yet we are told repeatedly that her

    story is told WITHOUT consulting JFK research materials. Is "Blackburst" a

    paid researcher?

    I find this interesting.


    PS...I decided to google David Blackburst, and discovered that he is AKA

    (also known as) STEVEN ROY.


    Did you provide research for Judyth Baker? Are you also known as David Blackburst?




    The Stephen Roy on this forum is writing a book on David Ferrie, and I believe that most of his research centers around Ferrie/Shaw and N.O.

    This is a very interesting observation Jack, could Roy be the person feeding Judyth all of his research which she in turn is using as facts?

  4. The fact that the sexual harrasment claims NEVER happened and yet Peter is still not reinstated makes no sense at all

    This woman lied, I say that her name be made public so she has to defend her lies, just like Peter had to defend her false claims

    I am very upset at how Peter has been treated and have offered him my help in whatever way he may need it

    What happened to Peter was WRONG

  5. Andy told me that Peter has not been banned and his IP has not been blocked

    However I have recieved an Email from Peter telling me that he has been blocked!

    When the PM first came through I only got it in my Email Inbox, and my PM inbox on the forum has no trace of the PM that Peter sent to me

    Why has this been done to him?

    Why was I told his IP was not blocked?

    Is this a misunderstanding?

    Or is it worse?

    Im going to stand up for Peter because this is wrong if it is true

    Can someone tell us what is going on?

    We already know that the accusations against Peter were not true, for those of you that missed the threads that were taken down

  6. thankyou Dean,this sketch was made by tosh i think 93ish he said...this along with all the others south knoll i believe I posted in Tosh's other thread for any wanting to know I have been lugging them around for years from one pc to another they come in useful at times when he's in town... B) the others are all ..re the shot from the south side sewer area.and south side....I just had a quick look i think they may be in this thread..i usually mark them Dean sometimes of course i slip,duh some i just know...stay well...btw send me your email ad..ta....b

    I see now

    The problem is that I just had your name and Tosh for the name of this file, so I didnt know who it came from (i.e Tom Wilson or someone else)

    I will PM you my email

    Take care Bernice




    Maybe Tosh will now think that I post more then just Bull S*it according to him in one of the deleted Peter Lemkin threads

    Bernice im not sure if this was the scetch you were looking for but I hope it is

    When I save pictures I try and put the name of the person who the picture came from and according to this scetch I got this picture from you over a year ago

    If you want the full size scetch I can email it to you, I think I have your email address in my PM inbox


  8. Whether he was circumcised

    I know this is not in good taste, but I have ALL of LHOs autopsy photos

    If Judyth could answer this question and maybe some more about LHOs anatomy then I would be willing to look into her claims

    I do not like asking these type of personal questions but they could really help to either prove or disprove Judyths claims

    Jim if Judyth is willing to answer a few questions I will ask her through you


  9. Ask her why she changed her story about when she first met Oswald at the post office

    You know the crazy bit about thanking him in Russian on accident because she was learning how to speak it at the time :lol:

    She just happened to thank him in Russian when he spoke Russian himself and Judyth did not

    She changed her story when researchers jumped all over her absured "first" meeting with Oswald

    I would love to hear why she changed her story

    Jim please dont think im jumping on you because I respect everything you have ever done, but this part of Judyths story that she changed is one of the many reasons I dont believe her


  10. You are a fan. Your thoughts are rarely your own.

    Oh really?

    Looks to me like you dont read any threads if you think im just a fan

    Your a real tough guy saying I have no thoughts on the assassination from behind your keyboard, make you feel good to try and cut me down? You have not a clue of who I am

    I have never seen a post from you that spells out your thoughts or theories

    Maybe you should search through my posts and read them before you open your mouth and make a stupid comment

    I hope I do ruin this forum for you, I hope you get so mad that you never post again, from the looks of it you never post anyways, and when you do its to complain

    Im willing to bet I know more about the assassination then you could ever dream of knowing

    Its to bad your from Northern California, you make me look bad

    Go make another thread complaining about a forum that you never post on

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