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Dean Hagerman

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Posts posted by Dean Hagerman

  1. Passed Witherspoon v. Illinois, which in effect saved Richard Speck (and later Charles Manson) from being put to death

    If anybody has seen the Richard Speck tape from Stateville Prison of him doing coke, having sex, and talking about killing the nurses you know why this was one of the biggest screw ups of Earl Warren

    This lead to Furman v. Georgia which took the death penelty away and saved the lives of people like Richard Speck and Charles Manson who proved that the death penelty MUST be carried out

  2. Michael

    Just goes to show that it's easy for some people to target certain individuals in this case as being liars and then hold others up on a pedestal who also perjured themselves under oath.

    It doesn't matter the reasons why you were untruthful, either on the stand or to the media, you were helping the people involved in covering it up.

    To have someone on this board claim that Ruth Paine has nothing suspect about her is not only FALSE but DEMONSTRABLY SO.

    This from the man who believes David Lifton's theory is sound - but can't answer the fundamental question the theory raises because David Lifton HASN'T ANSWERED IT YET.

    Then he fails to accept that the Soviet Union had an UNBENDABLE process that DISALLOWED any citizen LEAVING the country unless it SAW fit to ALLOW them. And boy, did you have to have something special about you before they even considered it.

    It's strange Michael - looking at goings on at this forum. You revisit this thread from 2006 and you see the animosity and anger demonstrated between certain members. You look at today's threads and they group together to attack me. It's like watching a blob of mercury separate and then reform in a different design or shape - gets me wondering why the shape-shifting?

    It doesn't matter what I post or how I post on this board anymore - the pack has gotten together. Mr Hagerman seems decidedly upset with me because I don't look at the world through his eyes and believe in his version of "alteration" concerning the Z-Film. Weird how someone can accept as fact something that takes at least a small step of faith but won't accept the existence of STRINGENT rules and regulations that the U.S. and U.S.S.R. had in place in the 1950's and 60's. A clamor to be on the gravy train when the Z-Film proves conspiracy is more important than proving to the public that Oswald didn't do it. The logic involved in wanting to declare a film of the assassination (that proves conspiracy) a fake, in order to prove conspiracy, is one step too far from reasonable logic for my liking.

    Mr Carroll's perceived "joke" about Marina's boots stemmed from a series of 2-3 e-mails that started with him preemptively warning me off bad mouthing Marina on the forum. Maybe he'll let you in on my answer to his joke at some point in the future - it's far funnier and possibly EVEN TRUE.

    I'm a firm believer that you shouldn't really write anything on a board such as this unless you're prepared to look into that person's eyes at some point in the future and say it to their face.


    Your wrong Lee

    I am mad at you because you were way out of line to say those things to David Healy

    It has nothing to do with my view of alteration, I mean both of us have agreed that the missing limo turn in the Z-film is the most important proof of alteration

    Unless I read what you said the wrong way, either that or you missed the part that we agreed and think that I have been gunning for you from day one

    I had no problem until you dropped that bull xxxx on David

    You went way to far with those insults

  3. What do you believe, Dean, and why?

    I believe JFK was hit twice in the head, once from behind and once from the front, and pretty close together within a second, but not as close as the fake Z-film shows, I have already explained why you can still see traces of the doyuble head hit in the Z-film, but not the whole double head hit, 95% of it was taken out

    I believe Tink was correct in SSID with his research on the double head hit, that is when I first started to put the double head hit into my overall theory (back in 1988)

    Then reading Rich Dellarosa's details of the "other" film (not just in TGZFH but many times on his forum) cemented the theory for me after I became a believer in alteration back in 1997

    So I have always believed in the double head hit theory, but after I read Bloody Treason and researched alteration for 10 years I still had the double head hit in my overall theory, but Richs description of the double head hit really drove it into my theory on the assassination for good

  4. If Marina was working for the KGB then why in the hell was she allowed to leave Russia with LHO and then proceed to live in the USA for the rest of her life?

    Thats one hell of an assignment, one that lasts the rest of your life, im sure the KGB told her after LHO died to just stay in the USA :lol:

    Lee let me lay it out for you

    A. Marina was not KGB

    B. Marina was not involved in the assassination

    C. You are deluded

  5. This time you are actually gonna learn how sunlight works in the real world

    Some interesting and puzzling stuff on this thread for a non-expert like me.

    Beginning with Martin's post #9 on page 1 of this thread, I gather it is being asserted that Z337 shows part of the back of the skull "missing."

    If I understand Craig's post No. 10 and subsequent posts, Craig is asserting that what we see is a "rimlight of sunshine" or a "highlight", and that this can be seen moving in other frames.

    Here's my question: If what we see is "missing skull" that the villains forgot to paint over when they altered the rest of the film, how come this "gaping hole" in the back of the head shows no sign of exposed blood or brain matter in this (presumably unaltered) frame?

    It's simply amazing that the exposed brain looks just like hair shining in the sun ....

    You have got to be joking Craig!

    The blow out in the back of the head is clearly visable in the posted frame

    When altering the film frame by frame those working on the film must have let this frame slide because it did not show the blow out in total detail like the frames before that needed a black patch to cover it up

  6. Dean...let's name names. Gary Mack was THE discoverer of Badgeman (Badge Man).

    I know it was Gary who discovered Badgeman (although Groden claims it was Ruth Carter Stapleton who discoverd the image when Groden showed her the Moorman picture), I just dont care to talk about him at all, I see your work on blowing up the picture and making the image clear as very important

    I would like to know more about this whole deal with Groden and Stapleton, anybody know the story behind that?

  7. Not to divert the thread....Hi Kathy hope all is still going well health wise...perhaps these will help your view his arms are up as in the comparison made of roscoe white as such...the other is jack's work for your information..take care..p.s that is smoke from the rifle not his mouth...b ;)

    Bernice, quickly -- I am doing OK. I just had a bone density scan and it came out normal -- no osteoporosis, arthritis, etc.

    I knew the blast was coming from his gun, but there's a depiction there where he's standing with both arms down and the blast coming out of his face presumably. When I showed this to my brother, he said, "The guy's lighting a cigarette." With what, dynamite?

    Kathy C

    Kathy the reason Badge Man has his arms down in the photo posted by Duncan is because Duncan found a random picture of a body of Cop to use as a height comparison for his Gordon Arnold study

    The real Badgeman as discovered by Jack White and some other guy shows his arms holding a rifle in firing position

  8. What's that square thing, perhaps with a strap, in Mr. Hester's hand, and between his ankles in the still above? He carries that thing over to the pergola window openings in Weigman, then the film cuts to the Newmans on the grass...or does another version not cut away?

    Looks like a camera.

    It could be

    I wonder if Mr Hester was filming from his position then handed his camera through the pergola window to someone?

    Interesting thought

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