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B. A. Copeland

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Everything posted by B. A. Copeland

  1. Hey Barto, would it be....somehow possible I get the Solie Security Classified Testimony and Gambino’s notes? Thanks regardless to you and MB.
  2. Student here. I’d like to see more or newly revealed info on the following and in no order: * FBI Reports on Mexico City, 1963 * Any info on Bill Harvey, Felipe Vidal Santiago, David Morales, Tony Sforza, Joaquin San Jenis, Bernardo De Torres and maybe Ned Keenan as well just to name a few. These names popped to mind first. * HSCA Investigator’s Notes * Any new information on LHOs travel to Europe in 1959. * Any new DPD info or documentation.
  3. Hey Vince amazing work...seriously. Thank you. I was wondering if you’ve found anything of specific interest to you in the newest (or most recent) document releases or are you still digging lol?
  4. You know Jim, I don’t think it’s about granting an absolute ID on PM (well perhaps it is but one need not know absolutely who the person is but we must or better be interested in who it is if a concrete ID hasn’t been established). I believe that the point is, whatever theory one hypothesizes, you MUST consider that fuzzy looking figure right at the top of those steps. No one, and I mean NO.ONE can work out ANY hypothesis concerning Dealey Plaza and the TSBD and NOT consider that fuzzy, shadowy figure which, when the dots are seemingly connected, strongly point to Oswald as very possibly being PM. That person must be accounted for, absolutely. Even Armstrong with H&L must be open to new developments that may challenge or corroborate his hypothesis, same with PM. When all the evidence (primarily collected and centralized by Kamp and others primarily at ROKC as far as I’m aware) is presented, it is difficult at this juncture to argue against PM being Oswald but by god I’m very open to other strong arguments. So far? PM: 1, Alternate Theories: 0. PM as LHO has explanatory scope and explanatory power and makes absolutely sense of the evidence we have today and don’t even get me started on a 1st generation Darnell film...wouldn’t that either confirm either further or possibly nip this all in the bud?
  5. The thing that gnaws at my brain is....well Veciana has been talking somewhat for decades....yet this set of even deeper questions concerning his life and activities remain shadowy....I mean what gives? This is amazing work guys, I’ll be busy for a long time reading all of these. Thank you.
  6. Here's more and I believe this is Marrell McCollough's twitter: https://twitter.com/marrellmc Another article by his daughter: http://www.oprah.com/inspiration/leta-mccollough-on-learning-to-accept-her-fathers-secret-cia-past The man in the photo with his daughter (2nd link) certainly looks like the man in the twitter link. I'm very suspicious of him.
  7. Joseph McBride, do we know who any of those individuals (various men) were?
  8. I question the Veciana/LHO/Phillips meeting as well. I mean I don't toss it wholesale but I am only somewhat skeptical. I believe Newman will have much to say about Veciana in his upcoming works according to his latest Spy Wars series of videos. Definitely helps to always reexamine what we think we know. At the end of the day I really lean towards the fact that Fonzi really seemed to be onto some leads with the Bishop/Phillips ID in his good book
  9. Some great leads guys. Isn’t Annie still alive and well? Someone should ask her if so. I will say the guy I’m front, brown jacket, white socks, etc., is far from LHO lol. Nice potential find there Joseph’s. Would be so nice to have clearer images and corroboration. Who took these photos guys?
  10. Is it your opinion that the murder/removal of JFK conceptually began with domestic or foreign opponents? Personally, I subscribe to the thinking or logic that, just because some prominent researchers believe that the plan to execute JFK began with domestic opponents does not necessarily mean that said researchers believe that the “USA are the center of the world” but that those who murdered or desired the death of JFK probably believed that the U.S was the center of the world politically and that JFK sought to disrupt or change that potentially terrible way of thinking and believing (researchers please correct me if I am in error with my thinking here). I’d like to also add that there are many researchers who are indeed looking (and some have been for decades) outside of the U.S, indeed one must in order to solve this deeply complex puzzle so I am not sure what your complaint is when one is genuinely aware of the facts. I’ve observed numerous single assassin theories that, even still, consider it a domestic plot regardless, albeit planned and executed by a single individual and that shows a kind of consistency as well: the plot, be it by a lone assassin and a conspiracy, was, at the very least, planned or conceived domestically. Foreign involvement is (logically) secondary. Paz you better believe also.....that if JFK would have survived that mortal attack on his physical body, believe me...I do not believe in the slightest that his first suspicion would’ve been foreign opponents.....he was far too wise for that.
  11. Mods, if possible, you may close this topic. Please and thanks.
  12. Oh my goodness....thats who I thought it was and what do ya know Dave, check this out:
  13. Paz, have you visited and read the evidence provided on prayer-man.com? or listened to his audio interviews? You definitely should if you haven't.
  14. Would it be possible to post an excerpt from the book complete with source?
  15. Dave who was it that LHO allegedy asked to teach him Spanish? Was it Arnesto? Thanks for all of this! Also, do we have a photo ID of Sforza? (I bet Richards does lol)
  16. Please provide the proof or source? Thanks Paz.
  17. I actually have the clips archived but i converted them to audio to listen to. (I will usually, and subsequently) view the actual videos. Sorry about the late reply Paul. I have listened to all 3-4 parts about 3 times now and will even moreso. Well I guess it would be just as strange as Cuban Exiles meeting with extreme right wingers such as Walker, et al. Perhaps its about the common purpose in all the mess.
  18. Huh? Thats awful. Oh well....well thanks a ton Paul for the detailed and thoughtful response. Your theory is certainly worthy of further study I'd say and as usual, I'll be reading this response of yours a few times to make sure I get it. If I've any further questions or thoughts I'll be sure to pass them your way. What are your thoughts on Newman's recent analysis on Nosenko (and Golitsyn for that matter) Paul?
  19. First thing's first: TG, is it your contention that the KGB were the masterminds, the prime movers and/or agents of the execution of JFK on 11/22/1963? I dare not wish to state a position of yours without knowing straight from the source. If I need to go read your position somewhere I will also (and gladly) do that as well.
  20. Thanks for all you do Vince. I can't tell you how many times I've listened to your audios with Len lol. I hate to go there somewhat but you know that kind of character assassination reminds me of JFK Jr. after his plane crash. It seemed quite common, after his death, was how much of a risk taker he was, etc. Its just sad. Anyways, back on topic (apologies but really felt it was relevant with this seeming trend to Kennedy-bash postmortem....)
  21. Thanks David. Appreciate the effort for sure and while I'm at it, what an amazing show you did as a guest on Doug Campbell's show. Are you from the Northeastern U.S? You certainly sound like it lol. Excellent show and hope you do even more audios should time allow.
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