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B. A. Copeland

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Everything posted by B. A. Copeland

  1. Thank you guys for the responses, this is great for study. Jason you're very welcome. Definitely just a student but I'll gladly add whatever I come across in the pertinent threads. I appreciate and am humbled by your response. Thanks a ton Harry. That is fascinating quotation and more insight as to how much they (Birchers and I'm sure many far/right wingers) saw the JFK administration as a dire threat.
  2. Thanks a ton Jason (also for your compliment, I truly appreciate it and certainly try to keep a level rational mind when it comes to this complex study), and Paul for your responses for sure . I’m definitely going to read them a few good times and it helps me with more clarity as to the many angles this murder has. Paul I’ve listened to the audios with you as a guest and they were a good listen. Doug, (and I would encourage anyone to check out his DPD/Army Intelligence audio) honestly engages in what he calls “Wild and reckless speculation” and it’s great when he does just as a way to let his mind wander in a fun and intelligent way provided it’s stated as speculation as he always does with his listeners. He theorizes a scenario where Army Intelligence was deeply involved and recruited Walker. He certainly isn’t alone. Simpich believes that Westbrook was, in his exact words “in on the assassination” at least according to his great audios with Alan Dale. We know what Westbrook’s official role was, and it also seems that it isn’t officially known who approached Walker with that false story re: LHO/Kennedy’s. He simply theorized that it may have been Army Intelligence and specifically, Westbrook who may have told Walker personally. He goes into a bit more detail in the audios (the Walker/Westbrook bit is from #86 if I’m not mistaken): The Dallas Action #86: “Army Intelligence And The D.P.D” https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/doug-campbell-3/the-dallas-action/e/44317006 The Dallas Action #89: “Dallas Police Captain William R. Westbrook” https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/doug-campbell-3/the-dallas-action/e/45170969
  3. I think Armstrong believes it was Tommy Rowe who called but I believe JA also says that there was an actual series of phone calls? I can't wait to read this in any event. See its stuff like this that really make you question what one thinks they know...
  4. Thought this was relevant to the discussion: (source: https://www.krusch.com/books/kennedy/Bloody_Treason.pdf pp248-249)
  5. Exactly. Thats definitely the common sense view instead of believing and assuming (without study) literally everything that is said to have occurred officially. Its challenging digging for the facts and piecing it all together to make sense, a complex mosaic as Bugliosi said (one of my favorite sayings from him actually), the way a complex conspiracy would have to be solved.
  6. I remember reading many books, coming across Ruby and McClendon and I remember my heart sort of stopping because I thought I had remembered that this was the same McClendon that Phillips knew (and that I read in another book)....naturally I wondered if this was a CIA/Ruby link. I'll never forget first pondering this.
  7. Paul what do you think of individuals such as David Morales, William King Harvey? Rip Robertson? or Felipe Vidal Santiago? I don't mean to put you on the spot with individuals such as these (these are just a quick few I thought of and who would require volumes or hours of discussion) but your general view of them in the context of possible JFK assassination conspirators?
  8. Do those people not understand what "circular reasoning" is Jim? They must've known....That reasoning makes absolutely no sense.
  9. Their silence will be their answer I'd imagine. Anyone have that Charlie Rose/RFK Jr. transcript yet?
  10. Thanks Mark. Here's hoping....it is blatantly suspicious in my mind and I hate going that route but....
  11. Thanks David. In the "Limited Pass" document, what year was that produced? Any idea? Interesting to see a conversion from contract to staff employee.
  12. What I'd like to know is, what or how exactly, is Buell Wesley Frazier's polygraph exam considered a national security risk as well?
  13. That Whitten would've been something else. I can almost guarantee that he would've given us FAR more than the WC ever did from just his work alone if Helms didn't axe him from the investigation...Thats amazing that he was onto Tippit and Top Ten. He seems to have a knack for knowing what Blunt calls "choke points" lol. I mean his suggestion to begin at JM/WAVE/ now Top Ten, etc.
  14. Reopenkennedycase were on this as well late last year sometime. Fascinating study: http://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t1680-was-the-fpcc-cia-operation-under-the-direction-of-gibson May I add that this seems to be pretty significant news (aside from the fact that they outed the guy....strange as all hell).....?
  15. There seems to be massive issues with the alleged bus and cab ride (at least by the official theory's records): http://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t505-william-whaley-cab-36-and-lee-oswald
  16. Thanks a ton for your reasoned response as usual Jim. I absolutely love the Dick Gregory story, especially how you speak of it on BlackOp Radio. I hate myself for it but I took a few notes (and cannot find them) while skimming through some pages of the book when I didn't have a moment to read it in fully (at the time) and saw some points I disagreed with Bryant and given what I do know, thanks to you and a few other researchers.
  17. I was curious, I saw this at a local library and found it very interesting (typically for me, anytime there is a critique of JFK, I am always interested of course),but it seems highly sourced and would probably considered, by some, as controversial. Has anyone here read/reviewed it? Link here: https://www.amazon.com/Bystander-Kennedy-Struggle-Black-Equality/dp/B000W933K8 The book seems to be a critique and I was surprised that DiEugenio (then I realized Jimbo doesn't have all the free time in the world lol) hadn't reviewed it since it deals with specific topics Jim covers at great length (JFK and Civil Rights).
  18. Added quotation marks to your post Dave lol. I am so tired of the most amazing coincidences in this case....Seems like Priscilla Johnson was, more likely than not, a witting asset at the time (with LHO in Russia) as well. I literally (talk about coincidences...) just finished an audio of Rob Clark's show where he's speaking to Carmine Savastano, where Carmine reads from the documents themselves.
  19. This, for me, has been one of the biggest questions or thoughts I have as well Jason. I’ve thought about this many, many times and the only way I could justify it is perhaps his being “off the books” and compartmentalized? Perhaps they (hypothetical handlers) didn’t even want to hint at his defection being false? I suppose it would make sense of LHO was primarily going to the USSR primarily on his own with a bit of help in the background but then again, I’m with Bagley, Roman and other evidence that strongly suggest LHO was being helped. Hell Lee told Snyder that “they told me...” I have never definitely learned who “they” are...boy would I ever love to know.... Just speculation city unfortunately but fun to do from time to time lol.
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