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Ian Kingsbury

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Everything posted by Ian Kingsbury

  1. Was Oswald forced to shoot at Walker in an attempt to ingratiate himself With yet another group?. I honestly believe if you are gonna kill a general make sure you succeed!. More than one shooter would be required to make sure of success. Was Oswald onto Walkers team and his intended target. I find it very hard to accept a communist Oswald ,as he gladly joined the marine corp And I believe accepted any task given him . His study of the Russian language ,his obvious training whilst serving At very hush-hush places . Oswald would have understood the magnitude of murdering a general I think Walker faked it for any number of reasons mainly self promotion.
  2. Band aid/live aid was a global phenomenon ,it was an offhand comment By Geldof .Due in some part to our freedom of expression the ball got rolling Can someone get a quote from Paul Simon,Bob Dylan the people's poet That's how it gets started GO VIRAL that's how the Evian babies started And how many hits it has produced ?...millions . If you want to include the world you have to let them know its there. Publicise every "50th" of every insignificant occurrence!. Maybe the Oak Cliff amateur river wideners are having a bash for thier 50th Advertise it alongside our 50th . Write to the reporters and journalists who are supposed to be covering( good word Ian) This event and get thier reasons for not reporting the lies ask permission To print any answers you may receive. Why not turn the tables and report on the reporters you may get some kind of xen us Of opinion . Some replies will be duplicated publish them and let people see why Nothing has been done . Nathaniel I am sure you know who they are how do you go about getting a quote From the media ? Do we have to do their job on them?. How about "JFK" The people's cut .
  3. Forgive me if I misunderstood you but if you have such contempt for Americans (i.e. "seppos") and think we're all "a dime a dozen" and on (or should be taking psych. meds.) perhaps you shouldn't spend your time at a forum where we make the vast majority of poats. Opoids for the masses ?....very iiiiiiinteresting ........but stupid !. Henry Gibson
  4. They have a few dates here I will try and see them in Essex . The "chum for newbies" I think may refer to the slogan or selling point of pedigree chum which escapes me at the moment . Maybe Nat thinks it should be required reading for newbies to associate themselves With the basic facts of the case and the up to date info.
  5. Pedigree chum is a dog food in U.K.? (Compulsory reading material?) Bill It is a brilliant idea to include notable music milestones ,this really ties the time In with my own life and makes it much easier to remember !. Ian
  6. Anybody know how long it would take to drive from lake pontchartrain to Terry On the interstate/highway 55 in 1963?.
  7. Paul/Tommy And then GPH comes along and puts the rifle in the depository The day of JFK's visit and superspy Oswald does not catch on?. Ok this changes the dynamic again or produces another of GPH's Red herring!. IOW. Hemming puts the rifle there with no proof but his word. And the research of proving the rifle was Oswalds and the notion it WAS there all along . I have to ask, do you think Oswald shot the president with it?. Ian.
  8. Sean I will go have a look ,have you edited this?. Ian
  9. "There were no strangers in the TSBD" Perhaps the sheep that thought this one up could enlighten us?. Neither Braden nor Florer had on a tan/light brown jacket. According to Bakers first day affadavit this was on the third/fourth floor And Truly knew this person.
  10. John you are tempting fate !. Maybe he could speak at the 50th . Outside the TSBD perhaps Gary Mack will invite him for the day Give him a tour possibly?.
  11. None of the manufactured evidence "helps", it was not meant to. You got the gist of it no problem. And none of the manufactured "evidence" has been tested . If they were so sure they were real why not test them ?. Governments do not baulk at the opportunity to spend vast sums of Our money trying to convince us about thier ideas. Except in this case the U.S. government would rather turn Ostrich. O'Really's book is just an echo from days long gone changes are coming Be ready for more revelations the whole year. What can the Warrenati do ?. BLEAT AND REPEAT!.
  12. They are not shots of him in the TSBD with a rifle , Baker logic is find a picture of anybody with a rifle !. but is it evidence Of murder ?. All it can ever do is imply which it has . They prove nothing!.
  13. Ignorance is a dangerous thing in the hands of some people. More so when they do not realise they have it!
  14. Sorry I never gave a cite for the U.S. violent crime figures but I used Richard Pryor "live" the big ole Magnum sketch is particularly Informative!.
  15. Coincidently in Scotland Both protagonists are required before the incident is taken further. Was in Dundee 2 years ago and and fisticuffs ensued between two locals The police arrived and asked the two protagonists if they wished to make a complaint They both declined and went on their way as did the police officers. Mind you the Haggis is lethal on the gut ,and can be used as artillery if frozen. A sensible way to handle an otherwise situation. The "in your face " police shows are not comparable between the 2 countries In the U.K. Most of the time they are dodging breath not bullets . And I rarely see a clip of a U.S. cop approaching anybody or car without His hand on his gun!. I grew up on a council estate in Watford in the 60's/70's And never have felt the need to carry a weapon for attack or defence . And during this time a few lads moved down from Glasgow(Greenock) To avoid the gang wars ,small swords were the norm where they lived Watford must have been paradise as they stayed and settled. Lee Have spent a lot of time in Liverpool over the years 80's especially fun Time down the greaty at the continental when the Liverpool and Everton players Meet up at Dicky Lewis' then onto the 5ways never any trouble only laughter!. Ian
  16. Martin It was written by the people who knew the answer to who was involved. They asked them Helms,Phillips,Walker et al they denied it plausibly !. So they stopped looking!. According to the manager of the Western union office ,Oswald was a regular Cashing checks for 10 maybe 20 dollars and always "Made himself Known" They asked said manager for the records and he said "with a court order" An FBI memo suggests they use thier informant inside the Western Union to Procure the information they required. They are the FBI a judge was ready to do sign But they baulked why?. Was because if they officially gained the records they would not Be able to "lose" them so easily. Alternative they knew what was there anyway if they were watching him and opening his mail Most of his schedule would be known to the FBI ,except when they looked the other way!. Ian
  17. " is that a dent in your sleeve or are you just disappointed to see me"
  18. Bill Looks like you are right about George De M. Of the total 1700 barrels a day they produced then and Now ,they consume 67% of for electrical power. Oil was not a big prospect in the 60's but they could fly A lot of "Missions" searching for oil. It appears now that the oil fields of Haiti could be bigger than Venezula!!!!!. Use wiki for "oil output by country" info is supplied by the CIA Ian
  19. Nat Found people disagreeing with the history of JFK's assassination And they appear well read there is more to this than meets the eye Perhaps 75% of the western world are right!. Now see how long it takes McAdams to send along a few Stepford students. Ian
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