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Ian Kingsbury

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Everything posted by Ian Kingsbury

  1. This is, as you say Jim, basic stuff - that the plan had this feature built into it; that a cover - up was assured because of Oswald ties to Russia and Cuba. Of course that information had to be witheld from the public when the Lone Nut cover was used. Nevertheless, we must know why Warren did what he did, and the multiple layers this conspiracy had, not just the two contradicting plans noted here to really understand the complexity of this conspiracy. Peter I have read recently on this forum that Warren was compromised somehow. Something to do with Mexico?. It may have been Atlee Phillips I will check
  2. Thanks Larry when Colonel Jones reported Hidell arrested the 112 th Had his back up or main file on hand to give them Oswald . Could he have been known to the 112th as part of this gun running operation?. They did have copies of both files.
  3. Tommy Maybe C 2766 was part of a shipment that Oswald was "given"?. Or maybe it was one of those he was chasing?. I believe Ellsworth (ATF ) had breakfast with Hosty . Ian
  4. I would love to be there Kathy but baby is too young to fly. But I will be wearing my Bill Hicks T-Shirt all day. Is Bob Groden really going to moon Gary Mack?
  5. A large passive crowd would project the best image. Err non-moving targets only please.
  6. I agree with that Mr. Dean LBJ helped the transition of power and with the bullets quizzing over His head he felt the need to serve the usurpers. I think he gives it away when he asks Hoover "were they shooting at me" No Mr.president of course not!
  7. If a movie like JFK can stimulate the launch of the AARB Theres no telling what the 50th will bring . I would not put beyond the realms of possibility that a few Of the WC faithful might want to "stir things a bit" . But this will result in even more publicity for a call to clear the air For all time. Who will be watching who this time round?,unless they ban all cameras!.
  8. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=aHkrRBPfiwM Looks like a lot of connected people liked to get "out of their skull and bones"
  9. Kyle G.Clark Dallas No2.FBI must have known what Hosty was doing?. He is the blond man inspecting the possible bullet strike on Elm. And allegedly pockets an object. There was story in the press that he at one time looked into A DPD/Oswald conspiracy on J. Edgars request I think he was eventually reassigned to Memphis.
  10. Paul Thanks for the quick and concise response, I believe that Oswald Had knowledge of the many "operations" occurring at that time. Obviously the FBI,CIA,ATF !. Hosty met with ATF on the morning of The 22nd also his links to the training camp at lake pontchartrain/Ferrie. Bannister-Walker-Atlee Phillips-Dulles to me appears Safe hands in New Orleans-Action in Dalllas-Confusion in Mexico-Control in Washington. Whoever was directing Oswald knew as long as he died soon after they could get away with it. But I believe the intel groups moved too quick to cover thier tracks And D.A. Wade dropping the hint of Oswalds involvement with the FBI Was to get someone else off his back.
  11. Paul It appears that LHO was far from lonely,where would Kerry Thornley fit into the Gabaldon/Walker scenario would he be part of Oswalds sheep dipping or part of the control?.
  12. Thanks Tom been looking for a link lots of Kingsbury/Kingsbery in Texas.
  13. Tom any idea where the Kingsbery came from?. Ian Kingsbury
  14. David To simplify the current sprocket image is showing future images in this area That should not be there yet,and you think the time slip is 30 to 40 frames Does this occur around 313 to 334 as well , you should run this past Chris Davidson He had a math anomaly with roughly this amount of time/frame Occurance. You cannot film what is not there yet.
  15. I was going to post an assinine joke about Beavis and Butthead and pulled off instead !. Tom could you remove this too?. Aside ........ I just realised the mods are awake!.:-).
  16. I am awaiting the Lego version of frame 313 as we speak. You can disassemble it and make any frame you want Just like the real thing :-).
  17. Dave you started to grasp the concept Barry is pursuing but only at the end of your post ,or are you being coy?. What you question is the need for the photos at all?. Whereas I question all of it. You do not feel the need to pursue your own "suspicions" on any element of evidence "In pocket" as you consider the evidence "proved"in your mind. What is really strange is I share your love of movies too and your reviews of some of the classics mirror my own even down to the emotions of watching a great film. I guess it's the choices we make that make us what we are rather than the people we meet on th way. Ian
  18. Perhaps this technique/cypher could be applied to the diaries in an "unknown" language?.
  19. Can he sell me a Betamax player?.maybe Nigeria still using laser disc!.
  20. The "trained" operative would have checked for copies,maybe it was just an IBM guy!.
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