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Ian Kingsbury

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Everything posted by Ian Kingsbury

  1. Like Butlers apologizing "Sir" when confronted with a partially dressed lady. Odd but interesting !.
  2. John Or was it like Ha........haha.!?. Ian
  3. Jim Connally is facing almost to his right in this picture would you agree this is clear evidence against the serpentine bullet theory?. Ian
  4. Denis, This is what I have always heard, that RFK intended to open up the investigation of his brother's murder once he was president. But obviously the powers that be could not have that, so they "invented" Sirhan Sirhan. I have always felt that this case would be, by far, the easiest to "solve" because there was a real autopsy by an honest coroner. I believe that Dr. Thomas Noguchi is even still alive. As is Sirhan. (Who does have an conspiracy-aware lawyer working on his case, against all odds). People saw a security guard immediately behind RFK with a gun drawn, exactly at the spot where Dr. Noguchi's autopsy said the killing shot had to have come from ( vs. several feet in front of RFK, where Sirhan was). Security guard, Thane Eugene Cesar was the name of this guard and he was in fact located in I blieve 1987 and interviewed. In this interview he admitted not only to being there but to HAVING HIS GUN DRAWN,. This was for a mag called "Ragaldies". I used to have a copy of it and probably sitill do someplace. This case can be solved!!! Dawn <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dawn, I think that talk of RFK re-opening his brother's murder case upon assuming the presidency is a lot of bull. Even if he had wanted to, which in some measure he may have, he would still have had to face all the other disclosures mentioned above, such as that he was working with anti-Castro exiles, that he was conducting foreign policy as an Attorney General, that he and his brother had accepted big help from the Mafia to get elected in 1960, and on and on. The Kennedys were not the innocent public servants many today continue to suppose, and all hell would have broken loose. Even if RFK told someone just prior to California that he wouldn't be able to discover "who did it" until assuming the presidency, I don't believe he would have followed through on it. Royce Bierma Royce LBJ managed to avoid all sorts of problems while in the Whitehouse and it appears he was one edition of Life away from jail.RFK as president would have been the end for many !. Ian
  5. I found this useful Why was Curry there?. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:LBJ_oath_with_captions.jpg
  6. Sometimes i believe you have no control over your postings, Mike. Mhh Why is that Martin? I simply wanted others take on Garrison. Let me try to explain Mike. Excuse me to take a swing. Some but few researchers here know each other in person from meetings in DP or elsewhere but the vast majority is anonymous. As an anonymous Poster on the Internet, your Reputation is all you have. In particular here some threads were read 1000'es times from many people. I believe more then on any other Forum. As a neutral observer i see often the same negative empty and heartless platitude from you. Here a little taster from this thread: Garrison was as corrupt as the day is long Garrison was as much of a kook as you are Jimmy D. No two ways around that Garrison was nothing more than a corrupt DA. He appears quite unstable mentally, and in fact if I were to be one to believe in reincarnation, he does seem a bit like Jimmy D himself in this regard. The mentality of the conspiracy buffs never cease to amaze me. I don't want copy tasters from Duncan's forum over here. You know..... Quantity is not quality. Ok, that was flat but true. I mean at some point, when people have read enough from a person, they take him/she not serious anymore. I hope you take this not as offense but as a hint from me. Martin Martin I am sure that Jim Garrison made a few enemies among all sorts of folk .But how many of his convictions were overturned due to his "crookedness"?. Perhaps we could compare it to other DA"s like............Wade .Which one had the scruples?. I always thought Garrison was depicted as a hero before he became a D.A?. what was the perception of Garrison before the trial?. If you cannot refute his evidence attack him .Thats innovative and still works today ! Ian
  7. Why did NBC give him the air time had they wronged him unjustly?.
  8. Neither. I was simply stating a fact. Why don't you take a shot at answering the questions instead of evading them? Fine, as droll as they are. 1. Any and all experience is listed in Testimony. Read what the qualifications are and then see for yourself. 2. I do not doubt their competence, I only question their experience. They were certainly less qualified than Nicol. (See #1) 3. I dont know that they do disagree with Nicol. 4. I do not know that anyone else ever looked at his work. I find little rebutting evidence. 5. Who ever said it did not create any doubt. That is why I made the post in the first place. MIKE It was 7-1 against maybe Nichol thought it a conspiracy?. Ian
  9. Care to refute it or are you just blowing the usual ct smoke? Not at all Mr Lamson sir I was merely pointing out that the difference between What we are looking at and when it occurred is about 40 feet 50 frames I thought you had some eureka moment .I was mistaken and will try to use up less of your valuable Oxygen in the future. Ian
  10. Lee I have thought about the 3D chess game in the TSBD before and after the shooting and read and re-read testimonies and affadavits and I know there is something amiss Jack Dougherty for example no pictures,no history I even contacted his old Alumni for news of re-unions past but to no avail I cant get past his military time at an airbase in Indiana. Perhaps others here have had more luck.Danny Arce any relative of Remigio Arce who was mixed up in Op 40?. Givens double trip to the 6th and his APB at 1.45 ?. Soo many questions so little time. All the best Ian Hi Ian There is one picture of Jack Dougherty from what I remember. I won't be on my PC for a few days so wonder of the likes of Bernice has access to it? Not to derail Thomas' thread too much but the fact that the elevators are both locked down on the 5th floor when Truly and Baker are looking up from the 1st floor and when they get up to the 5th one of the elevators has descended leaving only one is curious enough. To have Williams, Jarman and Norman who were "hiding" for some reason on the 5th and not notice anyone get into it is even stranger. Add to this the fact that when Truly and Baker get to the 5th they jump in the elevator that is available and then conveniently bypass the 6th floor because they then go straight on up to the 7th is an eyebrow raiser for me. Everything that happened seems to have had a degree of foresight built into it. Lee Lee Bakers first report indicates a man in a tan jacket walking away from Him or the stairs somewhere on the fourth floor If not staff then who?.Do we need to see if any of the workers had a tan jacket?. Ian
  11. Lee I have thought about the 3D chess game in the TSBD before and after the shooting and read and re-read testimonies and affadavits and I know there is something amiss Jack Dougherty for example no pictures,no history I even contacted his old Alumni for news of re-unions past but to no avail I cant get past his military time at an airbase in Indiana. Perhaps others here have had more luck.Danny Arce any relative of Remigio Arce who was mixed up in Op 40?. Givens double trip to the 6th and his APB at 1.45 ?. Soo many questions so little time. All the best Ian
  12. No, I was happy to admit are there are SOME lamdmarks. The ones you show are over 40 feet and 50 frames apart. Not very helpful for viewing the film and trying to make speed judgements. And of course that was the entire point of my post. You simply can't read. And maybe you might want to consider refraining for chastising anyone over admissions of error. Your posts over on the PC forum about the rover are a perfect example of your failure to do just that. And of course there is this CLASSIC Jack White blunder to which he has still not admitted error after all of these years... http://www.craiglamson.com/apollo.htm Thanks for the grins. Brilliant Mr lamson I do believe you got it 40 foot 50 frames pukka dude!.
  13. Thanks for agreeing with me (except for the apples-oranges comment). Once Hill leaves the QM, his speed comes from him, not the QM. He no longer is carried forward by the movement of the QM. My comment was directed to Mark Haley. Jack Jack Hill would decelerate as he landed and would have to accelerate from the first step and continue accelerating until he reached the already moving limo he could not land at 9mph and hit 9mph within the first step Maybe Ed moses could in his prime but I doubt it.The supporting or landing leg has to absorb the deceleration /Compression followed by acceleration with the extension of the leg. Ian
  14. Richard It looks like Marie "jumped" and shook the camera in mainly an upward motion ,it looks compressed slightly but the head is there just lower down the trunk . Ian
  15. David It may have been part of the punching process when I enlarge it shows a colour running right into the black stripe right along the edge not seen on a small copy and certainly not at speed.The blackstripe does not extend into the hole. Sorry was typing at the same time as John, I think I will go with Johns explanation Ian
  16. TF Bowley Age 82 Tom I think 2 0r 3 people present at the Tippet scene had themselves worked for Ruby or had close relatives/Wives ,girlfreinds also will try and find it. Found this http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6421 Also Robert Howard and Raymond J Carrol were part of a thread Involving Donald Willis who had requested info on Bowley and ruby. Ian
  17. Chris I am sure you have this :- Would an overly wound B&H camera run at 24fps for a shot (short - freudian slip?? ) period of time? :-Camera Specifications Camera Maker: Bell & Howell. Model: 414PD Director Series Film Type: Double 8mm - 25ft or 50ft film roll Film Speeds: ASA 10 to ASA 40 Running Speed: Single frame, 16fps and 48fps (slow motion.) Lens: Bell & Howell Varamat f1.8 / 9-27mm - Power Zoom Mechanism: Spring Motor Lightmeter: Built-in Dual Electric-Eye. Non-reflex viewfinder (parallax corrected and coupled with zoom.) Additional Parts: Removable Pistol Gr my math is improving 48/16=.75 . cheers ian
  18. David This never used to make sense either Charles F.Brehm When the President's automobile was very close to him and he could see the President's face very well, the President was seated, but was leaning forward when he stiffened perceptibly at the same instant what appeared to be a rifle shot sounded. According to BREHM, the President seemed do to stiffen and come to a pause when another shot sounded and the President appeared to be badly hit in the head. BREHM said when the President was hit by the second shot, he could notice the President's hair fly up, and then roll over to his side, as Mrs. KENNEDY was apparently pulling him in that direction. BREHM said that a third shot followed and that all three shots were relatively close together. BREHM stated that he was in military service and he has had experience with bolt-action rifles, and he expressed the opinion that the three shots were fired just about as quickly as an individual can maneuver a bolt-action rifle, take aim, and fire three shots. I Now read it without the paragraph split I believe this ties in with Altgens mess of a sentence. Ian
  19. Jack, So far, I would say 1 film, 2 versions, one at 18.3 FPS, the other at 24.3. Both versions used to create the final version. This would allow the excising of frames and control of timing and the synchronization with other films. Short stints between splices. The ability to distinguish the viewing difference in FramesPerSecond in these short stints, very difficult. 2 head shots, one at the physical film location 313, and one at the physical film location 353. So far, the 353 head shot was excised. Not enough info for limo stop determination, yet. But, 2 seconds or so, would probably be a good guess if it did!!! chris Chris I beiieve we could reconstruct a montage digitally by establishing a clock running in realtime over the montage at its staggered spspeeds and the flow would be interupted and would appear to stutter unlike the flow of the math Ian Ian, Could you give me a brief example, say from frame 133-157. It sounds something along the lines of the multiple film syncing I've done in the past. thanks chris P.S. Remember the "MysteryMan" (Croft more than likely) discussion on Duncan's forum and why he was still moving in Dorman, when less than a quarter second later (Martin film ending), according to Meyer's latest film sync revision, we see him at Zframe 133, set to take his photo. That's what occurs when you can't quite sync multiple films changing frame speeds. Looking back, my guess would be I probably adjusted it somewhere around 9 frames to make it work for what I had to go on at the time. Looks like I ended up adjusting it 7 frames to z140. Frame 100-133=33 frames-.25sec (1/4 second)=4.5 zframes=frame 100-frame 128 approx. 28frames/18.3 FPS= 1.53seconds. 1.53seconds x 24.3 FPS=37 frames 37-28=9 frames. I'll get back to the film syncing aspect as I move along. Ian, Could you give me a brief example, say from frame 133-157. It sounds something along the lines of the multiple film syncing I've done in the past. thanks chris Chris It would not work on a section only a length long enough for the brain to recognise a stutter in the "flow of the film" To show the differing speeds the 18fps section gets played at the same speed as the 24fps .The only thing on the screen running at a constant would be your timer overlayed. Sorry if I am not explaining very well but I remember watching a crash at Santa pod raceway one of the cars crashed at 280 mph it was not till I watched it on the news later that I saw the Wobble on the rearend I did not see this live at the track perhaps it is something to do with recognition and what we are expecting to happen. Ian
  20. Jack, So far, I would say 1 film, 2 versions, one at 18.3 FPS, the other at 24.3. Both versions used to create the final version. This would allow the excising of frames and control of timing and the synchronization with other films. Short stints between splices. The ability to distinguish the viewing difference in FramesPerSecond in these short stints, very difficult. 2 head shots, one at the physical film location 313, and one at the physical film location 353. So far, the 353 head shot was excised. Not enough info for limo stop determination, yet. But, 2 seconds or so, would probably be a good guess if it did!!! chris Chris I beiieve we could reconstruct a montage digitally by establishing a clock running in realtime over the montage at its staggered spspeeds and the flow would be interupted and would appear to stutter unlike the flow of the math Ian
  21. Reccommended to be used by Olympic class sprinters only .There is nothing angrier than a "stung Bore"
  22. Hi Jim, Do you mean that you were wondering if the reason ONLY 3 shots were heard by some is that the remaining shots were unheard as a result of the relatively inaudible air gun sound? I think that's what you are asking. IMO, the amount of mass that a projectile would need to possess in order to inflict the kind of damage that JFK suffered exceeds the upper limit of 1963 "air power" technology. IOW: the mass of the bullets required to do the job was too high for "air" alone to power. Again, that is my opinion only. Although I have a fairly good working knowledge of the subject, I'm no expert by any means. Greg/Jim you are looking at over 1000 FPS for a .22 but some home(overgassed) gas powered can reach double that figure. But with such a small (throat wound type )projectile penetration would be a problem.Unless just delivering to blood supply levels in the Derma . Ian
  23. Chris Frame 100(z) would be at the corner TSBD in line with the towner splice .So if Zapruder did film before the limo this would have to be discarded as it would show the 30 feet difference.anything before that would be ok .IOW this is the reason there is no footage of the turn at Elm anywhere. You do not need to alter it if you are not going to show it. Ian
  24. Bill It has been indicated that Lumpkin stopped at the corner of Houston and Elm (near TSBD) surely just the presence of the car would be an indicator of the approx time for the limo to arrive at that corner why did he need to get out and inform the officers they were on thier way. We know the entourage was late and who was on the 6th floor at the time Or was this a timing stop to inform others of the 2 minute warning?. Ian
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