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Ian Kingsbury

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Everything posted by Ian Kingsbury

  1. Shepard I have to agree with you here. Max Holland has a habit of propping up the W.C. version, to me its a case of "move along please nothing to see here. Ian
  2. Lee, I call it like I see it, if I don't cover up my father's crap what makes you think I'm going to cover up someone else's? First off, my father was killed for having to much information on Kennedy's assassination and I get a bit touchy when I think someone is trying to hide something, we're not talking about a petty theft crime, were talking about the crime of the century and the "killing" of my father. What more do you want from me? I'm not afraid to die and when I discover those involved you bet your assets the world will know.... Scott What appears to be an attack is probably down to frustration .Members here have been seeking the facts for many years And are deeply disappointed at the apparent failure of "New discoveries".You on the other hand offer hope with your contacts in Miami and your Fathers Notebook and other information I cannot wait for the release of your book I just wish it was sooner. Ian Yes Ian, Thank you for your kind words, you are right, I can see how many can get frustrated over a case that has been ongoing for nearly 50 years, in many ways I have changed and sometimes forget where I am, so if I have lashed out, attacked or insulted anyone in anyway. I apologize in the way I have been towards people, it too has been my biggest frustration, to find out what really happen to my father. I too wish the book would have been out sooner, I really wanted it to come out months ago, but my co-author said in a firm voice "We will not put out crap"! What I thought was not crap months ago evolved into something unexpected, I just hope I live through it. Scott Get some "insurance" amigo
  3. Lee, I call it like I see it, if I don't cover up my father's crap what makes you think I'm going to cover up someone else's? First off, my father was killed for having to much information on Kennedy's assassination and I get a bit touchy when I think someone is trying to hide something, we're not talking about a petty theft crime, were talking about the crime of the century and the "killing" of my father. What more do you want from me? I'm not afraid to die and when I discover those involved you bet your assets the world will know.... Scott What appears to be an attack is probably down to frustration .Members here have been seeking the facts for many years And are deeply disappointed at the apparent failure of "New discoveries".You on the other hand offer hope with your contacts in Miami and your Fathers Notebook and other information I cannot wait for the release of your book I just wish it was sooner. Ian
  4. Thanks Evan I di reply in post have not used this function b4

  5. Scott I know its an oldie but with all your contacts in Miami ,Have you thought to ask where the money came from to sponsor all the activities going on.It appears to me that David Atlee Phillips would have contacted many of them .If the groups that were willing to get their hands dirty were off the radar officially maybe they would have met Maurice Bishop the off the radar contact. It may be worth asking them about thier handlers .I bet thier is a name or two known here!. Ian Ian, That is a very good question, please do not hesitate to email me with any questions at scott@kaiser-industries.com I plan on going back again better prepared. I would like to invite anyone interested in going with me? "Serious inquiries only please", I beleive that we could get better information if the right questions were asked. William Kelly asked a question about Gordon Campbell Yacht, I asked Posada and he gave me the name Venus. But, I'd like to know more. Scott Thanks for the quick reply. I also believe the simplest questions about the basics will help to build a picture of who was controlling the various groups,This could also reveal times and dates When certain individuals were present in Miami?. Ian
  6. Scott I know its an oldie but with all your contacts in Miami ,Have you thought to ask where the money came from to sponsor all the activities going on.It appears to me that David Atlee Phillips would have contacted many of them .If the groups that were willing to get their hands dirty were off the radar officially maybe they would have met Maurice Bishop the off the radar contact. It may be worth asking them about thier handlers .I bet thier is a name or two known here!. Ian
  7. Don't spoil it ,I got the book for my birthday today.
  8. Tosh for sure could finally end the dispute (demopedia) between you and Daniel Hopsicker who claims in "Barry and the Boys" that the guy hiding his face is Frank Sturgis. George ps: somewhere I read that the first guy on the right is William Seymour (?) The guy who is hinding his face is Frank. Fiorini or Kaiser?.
  9. As I recall, either the History Channel or A & E did a 5 evening special entitled "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" in November, 2003, but I was unaware of what PBS was airing in connection with the 40th anniversary. In fact, I think that I have it on DVD. In reality, even if O'Reilly wanted to truly push the issue and give it a lot of continued air time, the decision as to whether to proceed in that manner would invariably be made above his pay grade, presumably by Roger Ailes or Rupert Murdoch after they had received a visit from someone high up in the Administration. Maybe envisioning O'Reilly taking on VB is just wishful thinking, but I would like to see someone cross swords with VB instead of, in effect, asking him why we should buy his book. Perhaps Now is a good time as Roop seems distracted trying to keep afloat at the moment.its a shame JFK never had a mobile as we could have heard the shots direct through hacking his calls,Or maybe a text that just says Bang..Bang/bang..bang!.
  10. I believe there was a Pujol (possibly a minister) in Prio's govt before Castro, but maybe its a common name also found this "As the provincial Mexican newspaper, Por Esto reported on March 16, the Santrina was captained by the old CIA agent" —by the old CIA agent— "José Pujol, known as ‘Pepín’ and Santiago Alvarez himself was on board. This was recorded in a photo published by the same paper in an article headlined ‘The Santrina will continue on its way to Miami’". I found it here:- http://www.granma.cubaweb.cu/english/speeches/art09.html
  11. How's this one: Callaway gave an affidavit ( 24 H 204 ) identifying Oswald as the man he saw before he even saw the lineup. In his testimony, Jim Leavelle, who took the affidavits from Callaway and Sam Guinyard ( 24 H 210 ), reported that he took the affidavits "while waiting for the showup". ( 24 H 311 ) Leavelle's WC testimony confirms that the affidavits were taken while the witnesses were waiting for the lineup participants to come down the elevator. Mr. BALL. Did you take statements from them? Mr. LEAVELLE. I believe I took affidavits from them, according to my notes, there while we were waiting for them to come down. ( 7 H 264 ) So the affidavits of Callaway and Guinyard, which identified the "No. 2 man" ( Oswald ) in the lineup as the man they saw running with the gun/pistol in his hand, were taken BEFORE EITHER MAN HAD VIEWED OSWALD IN A LINEUP !!!! Gil It appears that leavelle had a habit of taking statements before lineups he did the same to Whaley Mr. BELIN. Did they have any statements on there before you went down to the lineup? Mr. WHALEY. I never saw what they had in there. It was all written out by hand. The statement I saw, I think, was this one, and that could be writing. I might not even seen this one yet. I signed my name because they said that is what I said. Ian
  12. Reminds me of how LBJ formed the Warren Commission with fully compromised individuals. Looks like the infection is spreading:- http://www.forbes.com/feeds/ap/2011/07/24/general-broadcasting-amp-entertainment-eu-britain-phone-hacking_8581521.html How many more confessions before Murdoch capitulates . Cameron is putting distance between himself and Roop cos Murdoch has the dirt on them all and will drag all down with himself OR the enquiry will have to be BENT.Maybe in 10 years we will have another enquiry to say the first and second enquiries were wrong or maybe a fourth or fifth!.anything but the right result seems paranoidly familiar!.
  13. I believe Murdoch will fall but it looks like he wants to take Cameron with him .You were right about the apology Douglas We get 2 here in the U.K. all across the papers yesterday a whole page apology and we get a bonus "Sorry" today. I intend to Boycott all of His products if possible.
  14. Could be right Jim a Volunteer Arms--Commando Mark III "Thompson" 45 ACP Rifle
  15. I'm too lazy to look it up myself, so I will ask this question-- Do we know, with any certainty, where else LHO was during the days immediately before and after his visit to the Atomic Energy Museum? --Thomas Thomas my enthusiasm knows no bounds old bean .Oswald was giving his speech to the jesuits at the behest of his cousin Eugene Murret this was in Alabama on the 27th July 1963 .also 9 May 1963 Oswald had found work at the Reily Coffee Company, located two blocks from Guy Banister’s offices. Its owner, William B. Reily, was a right-wing reactionary. Reily provided financial support to such groups as Arcacha’s Crusade to Free Cuba and Ed Butler’s propaganda outfit, INCA. Oswald’s employment at Reily’s lasted until 19 July 1963. June 1963 USS Wasp leafletting Oswald leafletted the crew of the USS Wasp, an aircraft carrier then in port, and seemed to invite arrest, June 1963. 19 July 1963 Oswald let go from Reily Coffee Company, supposedly for spending too much work time next door at Adrian Alba’s garage. 1. Crescent City Garage Home to the local government agencies’ motor pools. One day Alba recalled observing an FBI agent handing a white envelope to Oswald, who was standing in front of Reily’s. Alba watched as Oswald clutched the envelope close to his chest and walked back into Reily’s. Ian Ack, http://www.eurekaencyclopedia.com/index.php/Category:New_Orleans_Return And A bit more here if you wish I can read it to you http://www.slideshare.net/AJWeberman/nodule-x19-new-orleans-july-1963-to-september-1963 bump for Thomas Graves
  16. I'm too lazy to look it up myself, so I will ask this question-- Do we know, with any certainty, where else LHO was during the days immediately before and after his visit to the Atomic Energy Museum? --Thomas Thomas my enthusiasm knows no bounds old bean .Oswald was giving his speech to the jesuits at the behest of his cousin Eugene Murret this was in Alabama on the 27th July 1963 .also 9 May 1963 Oswald had found work at the Reily Coffee Company, located two blocks from Guy Banister’s offices. Its owner, William B. Reily, was a right-wing reactionary. Reily provided financial support to such groups as Arcacha’s Crusade to Free Cuba and Ed Butler’s propaganda outfit, INCA. Oswald’s employment at Reily’s lasted until 19 July 1963. June 1963 USS Wasp leafletting Oswald leafletted the crew of the USS Wasp, an aircraft carrier then in port, and seemed to invite arrest, June 1963. 19 July 1963 Oswald let go from Reily Coffee Company, supposedly for spending too much work time next door at Adrian Alba’s garage. 1. Crescent City Garage Home to the local government agencies’ motor pools. One day Alba recalled observing an FBI agent handing a white envelope to Oswald, who was standing in front of Reily’s. Alba watched as Oswald clutched the envelope close to his chest and walked back into Reily’s. Ian Ack, http://www.eurekaencyclopedia.com/index.php/Category:New_Orleans_Return And A bit more here if you wish I can read it to you http://www.slideshare.net/AJWeberman/nodule-x19-new-orleans-july-1963-to-september-1963
  17. Scientists? Plural??? Thomas This is where I found my Moskalev and Oak ridge connection http://www.hss.energy.gov/healthsafety/ohre/roadmap/histories/0468/0468toc.html Ian Bill thanks for the extra info. Ian
  18. Bernice, one of the revelations of the Lopez Report is that Anne Goodpasture not only knew this guy in the Mystery Man photo was not Oswald, but she very likely knew who he really was. He was a KGB agent named Yuri Moskalev. Now Goodpasture is also the person who delivered the tape to the Texas border the night of the assassination, of a voice that was not Oswald's. She was in on the cover up to her neck. As she worked not just for Win Scott, but David Phillips. Phillips sent some of the transcripts to himself at CIA HQ under an alias "Michael CHoaden". And RIchard Sprague strongly suspected that these transcripts were altered since the Tarasoffs did not recognize them when he showed them to the translating couple. Jim Do you mean Yuri Moskalev the physicist?. He visited Oak ridge Atomic facility on a co-op fact finding mission and met with Goldman (physicist) at some time prior to 63 Oswalds Name turned up in the visitors book . Ian Ian, Great post. Thanks! It's interesting to note that almost everyone who signed that page was from Texas-- must have been some kind of group tour. Also, "Oswald" didn't put his street address or P.O. Box number down. Everyone else did, except for one family (also from Texas). --Thomas Just noticed that the page covers more that just the day that "Oswald" was there. Still, one wonders why so many of the visitors were from the great nation, uhh.. I mean state of Texas. --Thomas Thomas Thanks I just wondered if it was an organized visit perhaps some club or institution from Dallas ?.But was this someones idea of a practical joke ?. Maybe a dead letter drop or a warning perhaps!. Ian
  19. Bernice, one of the revelations of the Lopez Report is that Anne Goodpasture not only knew this guy in the Mystery Man photo was not Oswald, but she very likely knew who he really was. He was a KGB agent named Yuri Moskalev. Now Goodpasture is also the person who delivered the tape to the Texas border the night of the assassination, of a voice that was not Oswald's. She was in on the cover up to her neck. As she worked not just for Win Scott, but David Phillips. Phillips sent some of the transcripts to himself at CIA HQ under an alias "Michael CHoaden". And RIchard Sprague strongly suspected that these transcripts were altered since the Tarasoffs did not recognize them when he showed them to the translating couple. Jim Do you mean Yuri Moskalev the physicist?. He visited Oak ridge Atomic facility on a co-op fact finding mission and met with Goldman (physicist) at some time prior to 63 Oswalds Name turned up in the visitors book . Ian
  20. My appreciation, as I had missed that Hargis also stated that the second shot (aka/the Z313 impact) struck JFK in the head. Chaney is of record as having stated that the Preident's head "exploded" with the second shot as well. Both statements of which are well founded in the facts and testimonies. Tom This is echoed By Brehm's Statement The second shot being the head shot aka "313" . and Altgens realises what they want and fluffs his lines and starts babbling.In plain sight ?.
  21. Me too Tom .Hopefully someone will "stumble" onto them at some point and realise .Perhaps Chris Davidson could donate his math work to make the Frames/Distances more Graphic?.
  22. For one Mike, "Industry on Parade" http://www.americanhistory.si.edu/archives/d4507.htm NBC 1950-1960 (not a relatively short run, this series was very popular) Hiram Holliday is this correct ?. I was very young then or was I?.
  23. Evan, as you know, I've tried to apply real criminal investigative techniques to what happened at Dealey Plaza, and follow the leads where ever they go, but everyone has a pet suspect they want to nail and they would rather argue over inadmissible evidence rather than see what we really have if a grand jury were to ask to review it. And rather than go into "all of the above," as suggested, it is more preferable for a detective to go in cold and see what he finds rather than cluttering his mind with stuff that's already been reviewed and has failed to produce evidence that could be reviewed by a grand jury. Bill I agree with the Criminal investigation part but when it comes to writing it up you would have immediate dissent Perhaps a more graphic display would help like a Geneology chart with the links provided by Robert Howard and Tom Scully"s Work which I see here every day, at least those of us farther behind in our understanding could make a better study if we could physically "See" the link. Ian
  24. We got quite a few in U.K. too The Prisoner the Avengers Danger man Outer limits Rowan and Martins Laugh in Bonanza Wagon train Gunsmoke My Favourite Martian Get Smart Man from uncle but the campest ever ....Batman....... Adam west had the physique of an old oven glove
  25. I presume that this training followed them into thier civilian lives wherever it may be Home or Abroad it would immediately identify them in plain sight I shall be listening closely John!.
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