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Ian Kingsbury

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Everything posted by Ian Kingsbury

  1. OK Jimbo, here's a piece of REAL RESEARCH from the HISTORICAL RECORD. When Garrison accused Lee of conspiring to murder JFK Mark Lane was seated behind him lending encouragement. With friends like Jim Garrison Lee Oswald had no need of enemies. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=1271&relPageId=4 Welcome to THE REAL world So Oswald really was just a book stacking,Russian holiday loving regular kinda guy?.
  2. If I had known I would have baked you a cake happy birthday Kathy
  3. Harry Avoid viewing monitor through glass objects as this tends to distort the vision. hope this helps A.E.Neuman
  4. I wish you a speedy recovery Duncan see you soon I hope.
  5. Duncan said he was having speed troubles and was migrating to a new site.... I thought I had the new link... but can't seem to find it.... I had already registered there as well... at least I thought I did... DJ I'm guessing Duncan will post links here and there to lead people to the new location... Mark, DJ none of the links work Ian
  6. Zach, As you probably know already, Dick Russell (in "The man Who Knew Too Much") says that Nagell's friend in Mexico City, Arthur Greenstein told him that the "Bob" he met at a party was tall, wore glasses, and looked to be in his mid-thirties in 1962. For comparison purposes, do we know how tall Aritime was? I assume this photo was taken around 1962-63? If so, how old does this "Henry Boysen" look to you? Is he wearing glasses? Thanks, --Tommy corrected and bumped; it was Greenstein who told this to Russell, not Nagell himself. --Tommy Tommy Hecksher was station chief in Santiago when this occured :- http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Terrorism/Chile%20Coup_USHand.html Ian
  7. FWIW I have considered a remote possibility that CE399 was recovered from Dealey Plaza. Dallas police officer, Joe W. Foster, told the Commission he had “found where one shot had hit the turf” (6H252) and, the infamous series of photographs taken by Black Star photographer, Jim Murry, show Foster and other officers inspecting the lawn. In these pictures a sandy-haired man in a suit, later identified by Dallas police chief Jesse Curry as an FBI agent, is seen apparently picking a bullet out of the grass and putting it in his left pocket. Could it be that this unidentified FBI agent carried the bullet straight to FBI HQ in Washington? This might explain how Robert Frazier could have CE399 in his possession over an hour before Elmer Todd received the stretcher bullet in the White House. Martin I believe the FBI man was Kyle G Clark.
  8. I think that most aliens who don't want to get caught in Texas go to Missouri, that's because they don't want to go back to Mexico. It must be the chillies!.
  9. Me: Yes. I am convinced they are not from Stone. If it is an earlier recreation I would like to track down the originators of this movie. I would like to see the whole recreation. Just to rule out the possibility, that these frames are another set of manipulated Zapruder frames... as I said it in the Ed-Forum: the origin of this frames is an unanswered question. KK PS May I put your email into the forum, to inflame the discussion? Thx --- Me: If the Mystery Frames are not from Stone (acc. to Gary Mack), and nobody can find a recreation which fit them, there is IMO only one conclusion left: these frames are just another set of manipulated Zapruder-Frames. KK PS It is my understanding, that Gary Mack claims, that the short aftermath-szene, posted by Duncan in this thread, is a Stone-Recreation. I think that is not the case... Karl Are the mystery frames from "the Watchmen" I have only seen it once but it looked pretty good but did not have time to review it . Ian
  10. Thanks Barry Gives us newbies a chance to catch up so kind. Ian
  11. Bill Shelley Billy Lovelady Jack Dougherty Danny Arce Charles Givens and by some accounts, Bonnie Ray Williams and/or Hank Norman may have helped out. According to the statements of all the employees, the only account of a stranger or unknown person in the TSBD on the morning of 11/22/63 was an 80 year old man that talked to Danny Arce. anybody recognise the cop?. Sorry, Ian, I have no idea who that policeman is. Gary Mack probably knows. Why don't you ask him? Why? You think he was one of the conspirators? --Tommy Tommy No I was wondering if the cop was assisting the old man as he is holding his right arm or why this picture would end up in the WC, I was considering why the old chap would be wearing his best rifle- concealment jacket on such a lovely day And then I came to my senses and reallised there are so many odd things in those 26 volumes. Serendipity Tommy thats the key fire off all the available synapses (too few I know)and see what the cat drags in. This is incredibly boring for you guys but it does wonders for me. Ian
  12. Bill Shelley Billy Lovelady Jack Dougherty Danny Arce Charles Givens and by some accounts, Bonnie Ray Williams and/or Hank Norman may have helped out. According to the statements of all the employees, the only account of a stranger or unknown person in the TSBD on the morning of 11/22/63 was an 80 year old man that talked to Danny Arce. anybody recognise the cop?.
  13. So you know what each of us has seen and measured? I don't think so. I don't know what you have viewed. I do know that you have made critical observations concerning this evidence which you have NOT viewed. You are invited to actually conduct primary research by viewing this evidence. If you are unable to do so due to financial or personal or professional reasons, I understand and no one should hold that against you. However, if you are capable of examining and evaluating this evidence, I encourage you to accept the invitation. If not, I will not draw any conclusions about you and/or about your reasons for declining the invitation. Greg I think your offer is fantastic to actually view something tangible But perhaps Tink,Pat and Craig already have their answers,But it already sounds as if others are indicating that if this is a third generation copy it will not display what is on the camera original and as none here have veiwed the original this problem will persist until the original is veiwed(another 50 years)How can Sydney or anybody be sure of what they have is from the original with so many copies on the net.Recently Gerda Dunckel discovered a difference between the MPI and an older copy the difference was obviously to show only this part and this is why it was edited. I guess we will have to wait until Sydney produces the DVD. Ian
  14. bumped again --Tommy Tommy The need to know applied to thier persons too , Although they knew each other at times displaying this connection is not appropriate.IOW they all KNOW each other when they NEED to. Ian Sorry Ian, Not sure what you're talking about. Could you please clarify who you mean by "they" and "their" in the context of what you wrote? Thanks, --Tommy Tommy "They" as in their collective intelligence positions,And "their "as in personally being aware of each other as seperate entities.Its a 2 hat operation .it would be beneficial to any operation involving the intel crew the need to know and who does not need to know.The presidents physician Admiral Burkley was invisible most of the 22nd,but at the crucial times he was there but hardly mentioned.He would have advised the Parkland doctors of the Addisons disease and possibly gave them JFK's medication for his problem he was there but very few mention him. Burkley was also present at the autopsy but was hardly questioned odd?.He also had his attorney write to Sprague of the HSCA to inform him he may have information disproving the single assassin theory.(conscience maybe?.) Ian
  15. bumped again --Tommy Tommy The Need to know applied to thier persons too ,Although they knew each other at times displaying this connection is not appropriate.IOW they all KNOW each other when they NEED to. Ian
  16. Quite so Mark but some of them are more "equal" than others and will escape the wrath of the comintern oops I meant comittee oops again maybe we should just call them the history men!. Ian
  17. David. Been asking that one for years David.If Truly is to be believed (twice) He Identified two strangers(to Baker) Oswald in the lunchroom and a man in a Tan Jacket on the 3rd/4th floor. with "he works here"so we know that the tan jacket man was an employee well known to Truly .Baker does not mention Drawing his weapon on the tan man nor does Truly mention a weapon . Speculation:perhaps he recognised him before he turned back towards them and offered the information before Baker needed to ask!:I think this tan man would be in the list of employees .So when the "wheres Oswald?" shout came about Truly could have offered the information that he had seen him in the lunchroom earlier ,Or is this where he stepped away while the authorities spoke?.If Jack Dougherty said "something caught my eye when Oswald came in to work that morning" We would be arguing that point I believed JD was used in other ways up on the 6th floor and that is why it is so difficult to find out any background on him .I find it hard to believe the early critics missed this one ,after all we found the name of the manhole cover FBI agent who did not want to be found . How hard can it be? Said the discoverer of diamonds. Ian
  18. Duncan, I just found out from ancestry.com's military records that when Jack E. Dougherty (born in 1923 in Texas) enlisted in (Army) Air Corps in Dallas on 11/24/42, he was 74 inches tall (6'2") and weighed 165 pounds. He would have been 19 years old at the time. --Tommy Tommy Jack would have been 40 in 63 And after years of manual work would have Bulked up a bit .The guy in the picture has large shoulders and neck (unless he worked out ) I would say he was a manual worker.In my trade(stonemason)you get large around the shoulders and neck due to the constant lifting onto a bench.No doubt this guy moved a lot of something on a regular basis.Jack Dougherty is very elusive when it comes to his past I email his Alumni every year to get a picture from his old school album maybe someone else could try it from Stateside the address is:- http://sunsetalumniassociation.homestead.com/MessageCenter.html I think I traced him to an airfield in Indiana (Freeman airfield) for his army service. Ian
  19. Hang in there, Kathy. Now for some more bad news. I found out about a week ago at the emergency room that I'm going to have to have prostate surgery. Seriously. And I'm afraid it's malignant because I can smell it. (Kind of like the smell of a hyena's breath. Get the picture?) I'll find out more today at the UCSD Medical Center urology department. Of course all the doctors are on Christmas holiday until Jan. 3, so some technician will take a look at me and hopefully give me some good advice. I'm only 62 years old. This is not a joke. --Tommy P.S. Gotta look on the bright side. Maybe this will motivate me to start wrapping up my "novel". P.P.S. Excuse me for "sharing"this with you, but I don't have a whole hell of a lot of friends in "real" life. Some of you should know me pretty well by now, and I consider you "friends". Sorry to be morose and morbid and all that, but right now I'm scared poop-less. Pardon my French. To Kathy and Tommy Just sharing it shows you are strong, you have my admiration and are in my thought for doing so . All my very best wishes++++++ Ian
  20. He must have had foreknowledge Tommy ,Otherwise why the tears?, Once again, your humor escapes me, Ian. Probably just too abtruse for me. I ask for help and I get an enigmatic reply. LOL --Tommy Jfk ,,, sob ah just seen the periods , it was a bit Obtuse!
  21. Hi Dave Henry wade gets a mention here too :- http://karws.gso.uri.edu/JFK/history/wc_period/pre-wcr_reactions_to_assassination/pre-wcr_reactions_by_the_left/Oswald_and_FBI/Oswald_and_FBI.html
  22. I felt compelled to comment but have no feelings either way.
  23. Christian Thanks for your fantastic efforts ,Do you have any objections to your images being distributed among other forums?. Ian
  24. Tommy I thought the word was "Soda" in America would this not cover all the drinks Dr Pepper,Coke,7Up and Pepsi?. In the U.K. a Soda would mean a soda water usually from a Syphon type dispenser. Ian
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