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Bernice Moore

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Posts posted by Bernice Moore

  1. Thank you Trygve for the links....

    The article on Dave Powers, just about says it all, from what I have read...I have never seen

    him in a video, about the assassination, that he does become quite emotional...even after many

    years had passed...

    They were great friends.....

    Below, for you are two photos..One is the Altgens, which has been labeled, by Robin or R.J.S,

    not positive now..by someone......anyway, insert Bennett and you have them all named..

    The other was taken on the Presidents last Birthday, May 29th 1963....at the WH...on the right

    you can see Dave Powers grinning...He was never far away....


  2. Thank you so much for the schematic Bernice. My notes was inaccurate, as they mixed Hickey's and Bennett's placements. Thanks again, much appreciated.

    Would that mean it is SA Bennett who is seen behind Roberts in the Altgens photo, or is it Powers? And if not Powers, where is he?

    It is Powers........if you also look at the top of his head, above the mirror, it appears to be bald..

    From Powers' affidavit May 1964:

    "I was assigned to ride in the Secret Service automobile which proceeded immediately behind the President's car in the motorcade. That Secret Service follow-up automobile was an open car with two Special Agents in the front seat, two Special Agents in the rear seat and two Special agents on each of the two running boards. I sat in the jump seat on the right side of the car and Kenneth O'Donnell sat in the jump seat on the left side of the car."

    I believe somewhere I have his recall that he thought the first sound was a firecracker as many others did.....and also how well everything

    appeared to be going, in the motorcade, the welcoming crowds and all..all waving and friendly.

    Vincent Palamara "

    "Powers is the older, bald guy with glasses in the middle of Altgens' photo."..

    SA Bennett is in the right back seat....

    It is difficult at times not to mix them up...we all do I am sure...


  3. If this is correct (taken from personal notes), the Queen Mary had these individuals seated:

    Driver: SA Sam Kinney

    Front passenger seat: SA Emory P. Roberts *(radio), (assigned assistant to SA in charge)

    Left running board: SA Clinton Hill (front), SA William MCintyre (back)

    Right running board: SA John Ready (front), SA Paul Landis (back)

    Jump seats: Appointment secretary of Pres. Kennedy; Kenneth O'Donnell (left),Mr. Dave Powers (right)

    Back seats: SA Glen Bennett (left), SA George Hickey (right)

    *I believe Robin Unger recently posted some of the motorcade structure a little while ago, but I could not locate it right now.

    Looking at the Powers film that has been released, it is relatively obvious to me, that he is standing up in the car while filming. Now, after the motorcade has made its turn right on Houston St., Powers is visible in various footage/photos. Also on Elm St. Amongst them, are the Nix-film, the Muchmore film, and the Hughes film. These show him on Houston St., sitting down in the car, looking downwards it could seem like. At least in those short segments of time, which he is visible. Whether he is filming or not, is for others to determine.

    On Elm St. it seems to me like he has turned his sight of view a slight bit somewhat to his right in the Willis photo: http://jfk.fotopic.net/p37002837.html . He is still sitting, and again it would be for others to determine whether he could be filming or not. The same applies to the Betzner photo: http://jfk.fotopic.net/p37002840.html , except for that it might seem like he is facing more forwards. As I understood it, the Betzner photo was taken slightly before the Willis photo.

    The Altgens photo which John posted a crop from here, has many things to it. One of them is the absence of Dave F. Powers. At least I cannot see him, as I always thought the man visible behind SA Emory Roberts was SA George Hickey. Maybe it is I who have completely misinterpreted this. The man seems to have glasses, and I recall remarks on his famous 'grin'. If I have managed to be mistaken about this all along I would very much appreciate being corrected. If it is Hickey, where is Powers? Behind Roberts, jumped to the floor, or where?


    There was a study done on this subject in the past, and Dave Powers could not be found filming after Main St...

    in any film or photos..........I believe he said he ran out of film part way down Main...would have to check..

    But please do your own study..

    Below is the schematic of the Queen Mary, and the Motorcylists..with names shown of the passengers in the Willis photo.......

    Powers film......it does stop on Main St.......



  4. After all last evening, difiiculty in posting...I have found the link to the "ratmandu"......the ratman's..site..... :sun

    Where he has Colonel Prouty's statement and the copy of Richard Sprague's article, with

    some photos, and frames of the Zapruder film....a study.....and in a much more concise form

    for all.......If interested....


    What I posted was from my files, this is a much better rendition...

    The rest of the info, photo & sites etc..were on file..and added to the information...

    If interested grab the facts from the weapons list, as this type of information

    seems to be disappearing from the web, the site is no longer active...??

    Well from what I see..

    Thanks B....

  5. Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty:

    ""It was in my own office, in a part of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, in the Pentagon in 1960 that I first saw an early version of the weapon fired. On July 29, 1960 I flew to Fort Detrick, Maryland by helicopter from the Pentagon to see developments of this and other new weapons at that top secret installation. I am able *from personal and official experience* to support the Sprague- Cutler thesis that an umbrella weapon was used as part of the JFK murder plot.

    The inventor of the flechette rocket was shown into my office by a fellow staff member, and I was told that he had something he wanted to demonstrate to the military to see if it could be developed into some useful tactical weapon system. In his hand he held several small plastic tubes which looked to me like soda straws, about "thick malt shake" size. Then he showed me a small plastic, nylon perhaps, rocket. It was a perfectly shaped, miniature rocket, complete with tail fins. Inside was a tiny charge of propellant.

    Then, without further introduction, the inventor touched a button, and two tiny flechettes zipped out of the "straws" and slammed into the thick soundproofing of the wall across the office. Only their tail fins stuck out from the wall, and the inventor said that it was a good thing he had only a partial charge in them, because they could easily have gone right through a normal wall panel and acoustic board.

    This early, unengineered weapon was shaped something like a pistol with a flashlight-size chamber above the grip. The inventor contemplated using about twenty-five or thirty "straws" mounted together and fired all at once or in clusters. This would give a buckshot impact and more effective target coverage. I was impressed.

    I called my boss' office and introduced the inventor. Again we went through the demonstration. It was not long before the weapon system was under top secret control and was being worked on by some of the military specialists at Fort Detrick. I heard about the development of the weapon many times later, but I did not see it again until it was exhibited at the Church Committee hearings. Shortly after that, when I saw Cutler's first "Umbrella Man" book (The Umbrella Man: Evidence of Conspiracy), published in October 1975 and describing an "air-rifle" type umbrella weapon, I wrote to him to explain that I thought it much more likely that The Umbrella Man had used the rocket flechette I had seen demonstrated.

    It remained for Senseney's Church Committee testimony to close the circle when he stated that he had developed just such an umbrella weapon at the same place I had gone with the earlier weapon---Fort Detrick. The rest of this remarkable story is developed by Sprague and Cutler.

    As you read this article, consider this: It is against Secret Service directives for anyone to be permitted along the route of the President carrying something as conspicuous a weapon concealer as an umbrella. Furthermore, it is abnormal for anyone standing close to the President to open an umbrella in sunlight, raise it, lower it, and maneuver it as this man did. Why was this permitted by the Secret Service? Who had the power to arrange that TUM not be apprehended with the umbrella weapon that day?

    Consider also that until the day of the JFK assassination in 1963, there was no place that anybody outside of the very small CIA and Special Forces group (perhaps as many as twenty people) could get access to that flechette-launching weapon system or anything like it.

    Someone had the power to ensure TUM's nonapprehension and access to the weapon. That person was the murderer. ""


    June 1978 : Gallery Magazine

    November 22, 1963, the day President Kennedy was slain, was bright

    and sunny in Dallas. Why, then, was there a young man with an open

    umbrella on Elm Street, less than 30 feet from the President's car

    as it slowly passed by? Presented below is an answer to this

    puzzle by a former consultant to the House Select Committee on



    by Richard E. Sprague and Robert Cutler


    To the skeptic who refuses to accept the idea that the Central

    Intelligence Agency was involved in the assassination of John

    Kennedy, nothing could be more convincing than to demonstrate how

    one of the CIA's secret poison and weapon systems was used in the

    assassination. Such a claim would have been scoffed at by

    everyone, but the weapons system itself was made public by Mr.

    William Colby, CIA director; Mr. Richard Helms, former CIA

    director; and Mr. Charles Senseney, a contract weapons designer

    for the CIA in testimony before the Senate Select Committee on

    Intelligence (the Church Committee) in September 1975.

    The system is based on launching devices of various types, used

    to launch a self-propelled, rocket-like dart, or flechette. The

    flechette can carry either a paralyzing or fatal poison.

    The flechette itself is very simple. It is about the same size

    and looks like the tip of a large chicken feather. It is plastic

    and has tiny tail fins. Many varieties were developed for

    different uses. The great advantage of this weapon is that it is

    recoilless, almost silent, and the flechette travels at a high

    velocity which increases after launch. The flechettes can be fired

    singly or in high-impact clusters.

    It is propelled to its target by a solid-state fuel, ignited

    electronically at the launcher. It strikes its target, animal or

    human, dissolves completely in the body leaving no observable

    trace, and totally paralyzes its victim within two seconds.

    The launching devices developed by Mr. Charles Senseney at Fort

    Detrick, Maryland for the CIA included a cane, a fountain pen, soda

    straws, and an umbrella.

    The umbrella was used to shoot President Kennedy.

    The flechette struck JFK in the throat, causing a small entrance

    wound, but leaving no other trace. The missile was about 5

    millimeters in diameter, and the wound was 4 millimeters. The size

    of the wound as compared to the size of the flechette is consistent

    with other findings of this nature. This particular wound,

    officially called an exit wound by the Warren Commission, puzzled

    medical examiners and critics of the Warren Commission alike. The

    critics charged that had the throat wound been an exit wound, it

    could not have been so small.

    JFK was paralyzed by poison contained in the flechette in less

    than two seconds--so paralyzed that the first rifle bullet that hit

    him did not knock him down, but left him in a nearly upright

    position. A second volley of shots fired at JFK a few seconds

    later struck a stationary, visible target. The paralyzing

    flechette shot was fired by a man holding the umbrella launcher.

    He was in close proximity to an accomplice. Using a radio

    transmitter, the accomplice signaled the riflemen through each of

    their respective radiomen in the Dal Tex building, the western end

    of the Texas School Book Depository building, and on the grassy


    An exquisitely timed intelligence murder was performed. The

    paralytic poison allowed two volleys of rifle shots to be fired

    into JFK. He had become a sitting duck.

    In what follows, the basic evidence for this sophisticated

    murder technique and weapon system will be presented. Much of the

    evidence, in the form of photographs, has been under the noses of

    assassination researchers for many years. The testimony given by

    Colby, Helms, and Senseney opened the minds of a small group of

    researchers, who looked at the photographic, medical, and

    ballistics evidence in a new way.

    The coauthors of this article and researcher Christopher

    Sharrett have now been able to clearly show that JFK's

    assassination had to have been a carefully planned, well-executed

    intelligence operation, using CIA weapons and techniques.


    | |

    | Analysis of JFK's Motions and the Shots: |

    | |

    | Numbers beginning with "Z" are frames of the Zapruder film. |

    | |

    | |

    | Crucial to an understanding of the shots and JFK's |

    | reactions to them is an understanding of President |

    | Kennedy's hand, head, and upper torso movements at the |

    | time he was hit by shots, and the motions of Governor |

    | Connally. Contrary to what most media organizations and |

    | some researchers state, JFK's hands did not raise to grasp |

    | at his throat. The Zapruder film shows quite clearly that |

    | just the opposite occurred. Photos #1 through 6, are |

    | frames 189, 190, 204, 224, 225, and 227 from the Zapruder |

    | film. The President's right hand can be seen making what |

    | appears at first to be a slight forward jerk between |

    | frames 189 and 190 (1/18 second) and then snapping |

    | downward from his forehead to a position well below his |

    | throat by frames Z224 and Z225. It also clenches into a |

    | fist. His head, during this two-second timespan, snaps |

    | into a nearly straight-ahead position, and his left hand |

    | raises and clenches into a fist somewhat below his right |

    | hand level. His right fist can be seen to be still moving |

    | downward between frames Z224 and Z225. |

    | The discontinuity between Z189 and Z190 added to the |

    | continuous downward, fist-clenching motion of his right |

    | hand from Z190 to Z225 has been taken by many researchers |

    | as evidence of a shot striking JFK at frame Z189. The |

    | theory of discontinuous motion caused by a transfer of |

    | momentum from an externally applied force is evident here. |

    | Any discontinuity in JFK's motions occurring in the 1/18 |

    | second between frames can be taken as evidence of momentum |

    | transfer from a projectile, rather than being caused by |

    | any internal neurological phenomenon, voluntary or |

    | involuntary. What actually occurs between Z189 and Z190 |

    | is a backward and upward motion of JFK's head. His right |

    | hand remains in a fixed position with respect to the side |

    | of the limousine. This indicates a shot from the front. |

    | A second such discontinuity occurs between frames Z225 |

    | and Z227 (2/18 second), during which time JFK's head and |

    | upper torso are driven forward and down into his clenched |

    | fists. The fists remain in a fixed position with respect |

    | to the side of the limousine. JFK's elbows are flung |

    | upward and outward by the force of a rifle bullet striking |

    | him in the back. This is the shot that caused the back |

    | wound 5 3/4 inches down from the top of his shirt and |

    | created holes in his jacket, his shirt, and his back. It |

    | did not exit at his throat. |

    | A similar analysis of momentum transfer from the rear |

    | causing a discontinuity in motion can be made for Governor |

    | Connally between frames Z237 and Z238 (photos #7 and 8). |

    | Finally, JFK's head motions between frames Z312, Z313, |

    | Z314, and Z321 (shown in photos 9 through 12) demonstrate |

    | two transfers of momentum--one from the rear, between Z312 |

    | and Z313, and another from the right front, between Z313 |

    | and Z314 and up to Z321. The latter bullet drove JFK's |

    | head and upper torso back and to his left, where he |

    | bounced off the rear seat into his wife's arms. |



    Throughout the last fourteen years, a number of questions

    arising from the evidence obtained at Dealey Plaza have puzzled

    serious researchers. While these questions seem to be unrelated,

    all of them are answered in a very logical way by this new

    interpretation of the evidence.

    The questions concern President Kennedy's throat wound, the

    motions of his hands and head before the fatal shot struck, the

    timing of the shots, the absence of bullets, the presence of a man

    carrying an open umbrella, and the trajectory of an early shot from

    in front of JFK. Here are the questions:

    The Throat Wound and Trajectory of the Throat Shot:

    Assuming the throat wound in JFK to be an entry wound, why was

    it so small (4mm)? How could a rifle bullet leave such a small

    wound (about the size of a soda straw)?

    If a bullet did enter JFK's throat, where did it go? Why was no

    trace of a bullet found? The entry wound apparently was not at a

    downward angle. If a bullet *was* fired from the grassy knoll,

    hitting JFK in the throat at Z189 (frame 189 of the film shot by

    Abraham Zapruder), where could it have come from to enter at a

    *nearly horizontal* trajectory, while missing everything in its

    path, including the Stemmons Freeway sign, Abraham Zapruder, a

    small tree, the side of the limousine, Secret Service agent

    Kellerman, Governor Connally, and the limousine windshield? Where

    did the throat shot come from (see photo #13 [CAPTION READS: "TUM

    at lower left of Stemmons sign, The Accomplice farther left. (For

    actual photograph, see Warren Commission Hearing and Exhibits, Vol.

    XXI, P. 770.])

    Why is there a *forward* motion of JFK's right hand between Z189

    and Z190, if a shot hit him from the front at that time? Why

    didn't that bullet drive JFK violently backward (see photos #l and


    The Motions of JFK's Hands:

    Why did the President's hands clench into fists and drop below

    his throat as the result of a bullet striking him in the throat?

    Why did his head snap around to the front? These motions, which

    can be observed in photos #1 to 6, Zapruder frames 189, 190, 204,

    224, 225, and 227, appear to be more like a stiffening action,

    taking a little less than two seconds, rather than the grasping at

    his throat described by many casual observers. JFK did not grasp

    at his throat at all.

    Why didn't the bullet fired at frame Z225, striking JFK in the

    back, knock him down on the seat? Why are JFK's fists still in the

    same position after the bullet hits, Z225 to Z227 (see photo #6,

    2/18 second after photo #5)? The motions make it appear that JFK's

    head, torso, and fists were frozen in position at Z225. The bullet

    forced his head and upper torso down and forward into his fists.

    It flung his elbows outward as though they were pivoting around his

    fists and shoulders. Why?

    Why didn't JFK duck or turn or shout after he was hit at Z189?

    His mouth opened, but there is obviously no lip or mouth motion

    between Z224 and the time of the fatal shots. When Governor John

    Connally was hit, he screamed "like a stuck pig," said Jackie

    Kennedy, and rolled to the floor of the car. One bullet went

    completely through Connally, and he is alive today. If JFK had

    been able to fall to the floor after the first, nonlethal bullet

    hit him in the back, he might have lived, too. But he could not,

    because the flechette's poison had paralyzed him. The people who

    thought they heard JFK scream were imagining it.

    The Timing of the Shots:

    Some witnesses said they heard two volleys of shots separated by

    a few seconds. The photographic evidence coupled with other

    evidence shows there actually *were* two volleys of shots: The

    first volley was timed between Z189, when the throat shot hit, and

    Z237, when a shot hit Connally.[1] The back shot hit JFK at Z225.

    The shots in this volley occurred over forty-eight frames, or about

    two and a half seconds. If the Z189 shot is taken out, the other

    two shots were separated by only twelve frames, or about a half-

    second. The earliest overseas press reports, such as NZPA-AAP (New

    Zealand Press Association) datelined Dallas, said, "Three bursts of

    gunfire, apparently from automatic weapons, were heard." These

    earliest reports had not been tampered with.

    The second volley occurred at frames Z312 and Z313, nearly

    simultaneously. The shot that missed could have also been fired at

    about this same time (see photos #9 and 10).

    The questions are:

    Were there two volleys of shots, and if so, why?

    How could shots fired from three or four widely separated

    positions be timed so accurately? Keep in mind that the earliest

    reports said "automatic weapons." On-the-spot witnesses heard

    shots so closely timed that they reported them to be from automatic

    weapons. This takes precision firing under control.

    [1] The authors disagree on the timing of the Connally shot. Cutler

    believes it was fired at Z223, Sprague at Z237, a difference of

    less than a second. In either case, it was part of the first

    volley and was a separate shot from the JFK back shot at Z225.

    The Umbrella and The Umbrella Man (TUM):

    Questions have always been raised about TUM (The Umbrella Man)

    ever since Josiah Thompson and Richard Sprague discovered the open

    umbrella in a series of photographs. Photo #13, a picture taken by

    Phil Willis at Zapruder frame 202, shows TUM with open umbrella.

    Photos #4, 5, and 6 (frames 224, 225, and 227 of Zapruder's film)

    show the umbrella protruding from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign.

    Photo #14 (by Richard Bothun) [CAPTION READS: TA and TUM seconds

    after shooting] shows TUM less than a minute after the shots,

    sitting on the edge of the grass near his original position, with

    another man seated next to him. The umbrella is lying on the

    sidewalk. Photos #15 and 16 (by Wilma Bond) [CAPTIONS READ: TA at

    left, casually walking down Elm Street. AND, TUM, folded umbrella

    in hand, to right of sign.] show TUM a minute later, standing near t

    he highway sign holding the umbrella.

    The temperature was a cool and breezy 68 degrees F. The sky was

    clear blue. No rain had fallen since early that morning. No

    natural reason seemed to exist for a fairly young man to be holding

    an open umbrella over his head while the President of the United

    States was passing by, ten to fifteen feet away (see diagram of

    relative positions of TUM and JFK). An examination of the

    thousands of photographs taken during the Presidential procession

    and in and around Dealey Plaza that day revealed not a single other

    open umbrella.

    Thompson and Sprague's speculations were that TUM was giving

    visual signals--first to go ahead (opening umbrella), then to fire

    a second round (raising umbrella). Afterward, the speculation

    went, he stayed around to see whether anyone had noticed anything

    about the actual shooters.

    A closer analysis of the Zapruder film shows that TUM actually

    raised and lowered the umbrella very rapidly--too rapidly to have

    been a good signal for riflemen as far away as the Dal Tex building

    and the grassy knoll (see photos #3, 4, 5, 6, 17 [CAPTION READS:

    TA's arm raised at right front of limousene (Z228)]). Why did he

    do this?

    Analysis also shows that TUM actually rotated the umbrella.

    This rotation appears in the original Zapruder film, including

    frames up to Z236 that show the umbrella in the space between the

    sprocket holes. Measurements of this rotation show that it tracks

    JFK's position during his travel down Elm Street at this time

    period. Why did TUM rotate the umbrella? If he were an observer,

    he would turn his head, not the umbrella.

    After the shooting, why did TUM sit down and then stand up,

    within a few feet of his position in front of the Stemmons Freeway

    sign, when everyone else in that vicinity ran or jumped away in the

    direction of the grassy knoll? Everyone, that is, except one man

    who sat down next to TUM. Who was he, and where was he when the

    shots were fired, and what was he doing with TUM?


    | |

    | No natural reason seemed to exist for a fairly young |

    | man to be holding an open umbrella over his head |

    | while the President was passing by ten or fifteen |

    | feet away. |

    | |

    | Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty of the Defense Department |

    | witnessed a demonstration of the flechette-launching |

    | weapon system in his office in Washington, D.C. in 1960. |

    | Here is his description. |

    | |

    | |

    | It was in my own office, in a part of the Office of the |

    | Secretary of Defense, in the Pentagon in 1960 that I first |

    | saw an early version of the weapon fired. On July 29, |

    | 1960 I flew to Fort Detrick, Maryland by helicopter from |

    | the Pentagon to see developments of this and other new |

    | weapons at that top secret installation. I am able *from |

    | personal and official experience* to support the Sprague- |

    | Cutler thesis that an umbrella weapon was used as part of |

    | the JFK murder plot. |

    | The inventor of the flechette rocket was shown into my |

    | office by a fellow staff member, and I was told that he |

    | had something he wanted to demonstrate to the military to |

    | see if it could be developed into some useful tactical |

    | weapon system. In his hand he held several small plastic |

    | tubes which looked to me like soda straws, about "thick |

    | malt shake" size. Then he showed me a small plastic, |

    | nylon perhaps, rocket. It was a perfectly shaped, |

    | miniature rocket, complete with tail fins. Inside was a |

    | tiny charge of propellant. |

    | Then, without further introduction, the inventor |

    | touched a button, and two tiny flechettes zipped out of |

    | the "straws" and slammed into the thick soundproofing of |

    | the wall across the office. Only their tail fins stuck |

    | out from the wall, and the inventor said that it was a |

    | good thing he had only a partial charge in them, because |

    | they could easily have gone right through a normal wall |

    | panel and acoustic board. |

    | This early, unengineered weapon was shaped something |

    | like a pistol with a flashlight-size chamber above the |

    | grip. The inventor contemplated using about twenty-five |

    | or thirty "straws" mounted together and fired all at once |

    | or in clusters. This would give a buckshot impact and |

    | more effective target coverage. I was impressed. |

    | I called my boss' office and introduced the inventor. |

    | Again we went through the demonstration. It was not long |

    | before the weapon system was under top secret control and |

    | was being worked on by some of the military specialists at |

    | Fort Detrick. I heard about the development of the weapon |

    | many times later, but I did not see it again until it was |

    | exhibited at the Church Committee hearings. Shortly after |

    | that, when I saw Cutler's first "Umbrella Man" book ("The |

    | Umbrella Man: Evidence of Conspiracy"), published in |

    | October 1975 and describing an "air-rifle" type umbrella |

    | weapon, I wrote to him to explain that I thought it much |

    | more likely that The Umbrella Man had used the rocket |

    | flechette I had seen demonstrated. |

    | It remained for Senseney's Church Committee testimony |

    | to close the circle when he stated that he had developed |

    | just such an umbrella weapon at the same place I had gone |

    | with the earlier weapon---Fort Detrick. The rest of this |

    | remarkable story is developed by Sprague and Cutler. |

    | As you read this article, consider this: It is against |

    | Secret Service directives for anyone to be permitted along |

    | the route of the President carrying something as |

    | conspicuous a weapon concealer as an umbrella. |

    | Furthermore, it is abnormal for anyone standing close to |

    | the President to open an umbrella in sunlight, raise it, |

    | lower it, and maneuver it as this man did. Why was this |

    | permitted by the Secret Service? Who had the power to |

    | arrange that TUM not be apprehended with the umbrella |

    | weapon that day? |

    | Consider also that until the day of the JFK |

    | assassination in 1963, there was *no place* that *anybody* |

    | outside of the very small CIA and Special Forces group |

    | (perhaps as many as twenty people) could get access to |

    | that flechette-launching weapon system or anything like |

    | it. |

    | Someone had the power to ensure TUM's nonapprehension |

    | and access to the weapon. That Person was the murderer. |



    The answers to all of these questions and the analysis of the

    evidence must begin historically with the development of the weapon

    system itself. There is no better way to describe it than to hear

    about it from ex-CIA directors William Colby and Richard Helms and

    weapon developer Charles Senseney. Here is their testimony before

    the Church Committee on September 16 to 18, 1975, as published in

    Volume One (1976) of that Committee's final report, under the

    title, "Unauthorized Storage of Toxic Agents."

    TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1975. Testimony of William E. Colby,

    director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Committee met at

    10 A.M. in the Russell Building.

    Present: Senators Church, Tower, Mondale, Huddleston, Morgan, Hart

    of Colorado Baker, Goldwater, Mathias, and Schweiker. Also

    present: William G. Miller, staff director, Frederick A. 0.

    Schwarz, chief counsel, Curtis Smothers and Paul Michel, Committee

    staff members.

    Chairman Church: The particular case under examination today

    involves the illegal possession of deadly biological poisons which

    were retained within the CIA for five years after their destruction

    was ordered by the President. . . . The main questions before the

    Committee are why the poisons were developed in such quantities in

    the first place: why the Presidential order was disobeyed; and

    why such a serious act of insubordination could remain undetected

    for so many years.

    William Colby: The specific subject today concerns the CIA's

    involvement in the development of bacteriological warfare materials

    with the Army's Biological Laboratory at Fort Detrick, CIA's

    retention of an amount of shellfish toxin, and CIA's use and

    investigation of various chemicals and drugs. . . . Information

    provided by him [a CIA officer not directly associated with the

    project] and by two other officers aware of the project indicated

    that the project at Fort Detrick involved the development of

    bacteriological warfare agents--some lethal--and *associated

    delivery systems suitable for clandestine use* [emphasis added].

    The CIA relationship with the Special Operations Division at Fort

    Detrick was formally established in May 1952.

    The need for such capabilities was tied to earlier Office of

    Strategic Services World War II experience, which included the

    development of two different types of agent suicide pills to be

    used in the event of capture and a successful operation using

    biological warfare materials to incapacitate a Nazi leader


    The primary Agency interest was in the development of

    dissemination devices to be used with standard chemicals off the

    shelf. Various dissemination devices such as a fountain pen dart

    launcher appeared to be peculiarly suited for clandestine use. . .

    . A large amount of Agency attention was given to the problem of

    incapacitating guard dogs. Though most of the dart launchers were

    developed for the Army, the Agency did request the development of a

    small, hand-held dart launcher for its peculiar needs for this

    purpose. Work was also done on temporary human incapacitation

    techniques. These related to a desire to incapacitate captives

    before they could render themselves incapable of talking, or

    terrorists before they could take retaliatory action. [Or to

    prevent guard dogs from barking.]

    One such operation involved the penetration of a facility abroad

    for intelligence collection. The compound was guarded by watchdogs

    which made entry difficult even when it was empty. Darts were

    delivered for the operation, but were not used.

    Church: Have you brought with you some of those devices which

    would have enabled the CIA to use this poison for killing people?

    Colby: We have indeed.

    Church: Does this pistol fire the dart?

    Colby: Yes it does, Mr. Chairman. The round thing at the top is

    obviously the sight; the rest of it is what is practically a

    normal .45, although it is a special. However, it works by

    electricity. There is a battery in the handle, and it fires a

    small dart. [self-propelled, like a rocket.]

    Church: So that when it fires, it fires silently?

    Colby: Almost silently; yes.

    Church: What range does it have?

    Colby: One hundred meters, I believe; about 100 yards, 100


    Church: About 100 meters range?

    Colby: Yes.

    Church: And the dart itself, when it strikes the target, does the

    target know that he has been hit and [is] about to die?

    Colby: That depends, Mr. Chairman, on the particular dart used.

    There are different kinds of these flechettes that were used in

    various weapons systems, and a special one was developed which

    potentially would be able to enter the target without perception.

    Church: Is it not true, too, that the effort not only involved

    designing a gun that could strike at a human target without

    knowledge of the person who had been struck, but also the toxin

    itself would not appear in the autopsy?

    Colby: Well there was an attempt--

    Church: Or the dart?

    Colby: Yes; so there was no way of perceiving that the target was


    WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1975. Richard Helms' testimony:

    Huddleston: Mr. Helms, you said you were surprised, or that you

    had never seen the dart gun that was displayed here yesterday.

    Would you be surprised or shocked to learn that that gun, or one

    like it, had been used by agents against either watchdogs or human


    Helms: I would be surprised if it had been used against human

    beings, but I'm not surprised it would have been used against

    watchdogs. I believe there were various experiments conducted in

    an effort to find out how one could either tranquilize or kill

    guard dogs in foreign countries. That does not surprise me at all.

    Huddleston: Do you know whether or not it was used, in fact,

    against watchdogs? Helms: I believe there were experiments

    conducted against dogs. Whether it was ever used in a live

    operational situation against dogs, I do not recall.

    THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1975. Testimony of Charles A. Senseney:

    Senseney: I worked in the Biological Warfare Section of Fort

    Detrick from 1953. . . . I was the project engineer of the M-1

    dart launcher and following on microorganism projectiles and so


    Smothers: Is this a device that looks roughly like a .45 caliber

    pistol with a sight mount at the top?

    Senseney: This was a follow-on. It was to replace the M-1

    projectile to go into the Army stockpile. It did look like a .45.

    Smothers: Did the CIA have, Mr. Senseney, the wherewithal to

    utilize this dart launcher against humans?

    Senseney: No, they asked for a modification to use against a dog.

    Now, these were actually given to them, and they were actually

    expended, because we got all of the hardware back. For a dog, the

    projectile had to be made many times bigger. It was almost the

    size of a .22 cartridge, but it carried a chemical compound known

    as 46-40.

    Smothers: And their interest was in dog incapacitation?

    Senseney: Right

    Baker: Your principle job with the DOD, I take it, was to develop

    new or exotic devices and weapons: is that correct?

    Senseney: I was a project engineer for the E-1, which was type

    classified and became the M-1. They were done for the Army.

    Baker: Did you have any other customers?

    Senseney: To my knowledge, our only customer was Special Forces

    and the CIA, I guess.

    Baker: Special Forces meaning Special Forces of the Army?

    Senseney: That is correct.

    Baker: And the FBI?

    Senseney: The FBI never used anything.

    Baker: Looking at your previous executive session testimony,

    apparently you developed for them a fountain pen. What did the

    fountain pen do?

    Senseney: The fountain pen was a variation of an M-1. An M-1 in

    itself was a system, and it could be fired *from anything*

    [emphasis added]. It could be put into--

    Baker: Could it fire a dart or an aerosol or what?

    Senseney: It was a dart.

    Baker: It fired a dart . . . a starter, were you talking about a

    fluorescent light starter?

    Senseney: That is correct. Baker: What did it do?

    Senseney: It put out an aerosol in the room when you put the

    switch on.

    Baker: What about a cane, a walking cane?

    Senseney: Yes, an M-1 projectile could be fired from a cane; also

    an umbrella.

    Baker: Also an umbrella. What about a straight pin?

    Senseney: Straight pin?

    Baker: Yes, sir.

    Senseney: We made a straight pin, out at the Branch. I did not

    make it, but I know it was made, and it was used by one Mr. Powers

    on his U-2 mission.

    Huddleston: Were there frequent transfers of material between Dr.

    Gordon's [a researcher at Fort Detrick] office and your office,

    either the hardware or the toxin?

    Senseney: The only frequent thing that changed hands was the dog

    projectile and its loaders 46-40. This was done maybe five or six

    in one quantity. And maybe six weeks to six months later, they

    would bring those back and ask for five or six more. They would

    bring them back expended, that is, they bring all of the hardware

    except the projectile, okay?

    Huddleston: Indicating that they have been used?

    Senseney: Correct.

    Huddleston: But it could have been used on a human being?

    Senseney: There is no reason why it could not, I guess.

    Schweiker: Mr. Senseney, I would like to read into the record

    [from a CIA document] at this point a quote from paragraph nine

    [exhibit 6, document 67]: "When funds permit, adaptation and

    testing will be conducted of a new, highly effective disseminating

    system which has been demonstrated to be capable of introducing

    materials through light clothing, subcutaneously, intramuscularly,

    and silently, without pain."

    Now, I just have a little trouble, Mr. Senseney, reconciling

    your answers in conjunction with this project, when the CIA

    document makes clear that one of the very specific purposes of the

    funding and the operation was to find a weapon that could penetrate

    light clothing subcutaneously, which obviously means through the

    skin, and intramuscularly, which obviously means through the

    muscles of a person. And are you saying that you have absolutely

    no recollection at all that tests or programs were designed to use

    any of these devices to permeate clothing on people and not dogs?

    Senseney: We put them on mannequins.

    Schweiker: What's that?

    Senseney: We put clothing on mannequins to see whether we could

    penetrate it. These were the requirements. You almost read the

    exact requirements that the SDR quoted from the Special Forces


    Schweiker: I would not expect you to test them on live human

    beings. I would hope that you did use mannequins, Mr. Senseney.

    Wouldn't that be directed toward people-usage, though? That is the

    point we're trying to establish.

    Senseney: That is what the Special Forces direction was. You have

    to look at it this way. The Army program wanted this device. That

    is the only thing that was delivered to them. It was a spin-off,

    of course, from the M-1. The M- 1 was a lethal weapon, meant to

    kill a person, for the Army. It was to be used in Vietnam. It

    never got there, because we were not fast enough getting it into

    the logistics system.

    Schweiker: What was the most-utilized device of the ones with

    which you worked and supervised?

    Senseney: The only thing I know that was really used was the dog

    projectile. The other things were in the stockpiles. I don't

    think anyone ever requested them.

    Schweiker: How do you know for certain it was for dogs?

    Senseney: Well that is what they asked us to test them against.

    They wanted to see whether they could put a dog to sleep, and

    whether sometime later the dog would come back and be on its own

    and look normal.

    Schweiker: Of the devices that came through you, which of these

    were utilized in any capacity other than for testing?

    Senseney: That was the only one that I know of--the dog

    projectile. I call it a dog projectile. We were developing it

    because the scenario read that they wanted to be able to make

    entrance into an area which was patrolled by dogs, leave, the dog

    come back, and then no one would ever know they were in the area.

    So that was the reason for the dog projectile.

    Church: Thank you Senator Schweiker. I think it is clear that the

    CIA was interested in the development of a delivery system that

    could reach human beings, since not many dogs wear clothing. And

    you would agree with that, wouldn't you?

    Senseney: Yes.

    Church: Okay.

    Schwarz: Along the same line, I assume you must agree that

    spending money in order to make darts of such a character that they

    cannot be detected in an autopsy does not have much to do with


    Senseney: No, that would not have anything to do with dogs.


    In 1960, the CIA purchased from the Army at Fort Detrick, Maryland

    a poison-dart weapon system, consisting of small flechette-type

    projectiles, self-propelled by solid-state rocket fuel, and

    launched by a series of devices, including umbrellas. The

    flechettes were about 5mm in diameter and about an inch long. The

    poisons carried were of two types. One was a lethal poison,

    apparently used against enemies in Vietnam. The other was a

    quick-acting, paralyzing poison that took effect in less than two

    seconds and lasted for several hours. This was intended for use

    against dogs guarding a secured enemy area. It had to cause

    paralysis fast enough to prevent the dog from barking.

    The flechette completely dissolved in the body, leaving no

    trace, so that enemy agents would not be suspicious. The dogs

    recovered after several hours and behaved as though nothing had


    The launching devices did not have to be very accurately aimed

    and fired, because the weapon was designed for close range. The

    flechette could hit any part of the body of a dog or human and

    still cause complete paralysis. The solid-state fuel was ignited

    by completing an electrical circuit.

    The umbrella used a battery-powered circuit. The battery and

    trigger button were located in the handle of the umbrella. Wires

    running up the shaft connected the button and battery to the

    igniter, which was mounted on the shaft. The trigger button

    activated the igniter, firing the solid propellant, which sent the

    flechette through the rocket launcher--a straw-sized metal tube--to

    its target.


    Here is the way the assassination team used the weapon system to

    kill JFK.

    The Umbrella:

    TUM took aim by sighting along the launcher and tracking JFK as he

    moved down Elm Street. He continued to track JFK after firing the

    flechette at Z189. He quickly raised and lowered the umbrella

    after firing. This motion may have been caused by operating a

    reloading mechanism in the umbrella to put a second flechette into

    the firing position. It could also have been a signal to a

    radioman accomplice to transmit a beep, calling for a second volley

    of shots (see next section).

    The flechette struck JFK in the throat at Z189, entering above

    his collar, creating a 4mm entry wound and causing immediate

    paralysis. The trajectory can be seen from photo #13 to have

    cleared the edge of the limousine. The flechette was traveling at

    an angle from the right front of the limousine, and it missed the

    other occupants of the car. The paralysis took place in about one

    and a half seconds, from Z189 to Z216. By Z224 (see photo #4),

    JFK's arms, fists, head, and shoulders had been in a paralyzed

    state for a half-second. The flechette made no noise when

    launched, so that no one heard a shot at the time of Z189.

    The flechette's momentum was small because it was extremely

    lightweight. As a result, only a small transfer of momentum

    occurred, driving JFK's head only slightly upward and backward.

    This can be detected by a careful comparison of photos #1 and 2,

    Z189 and Z190. JFK's right hand can be seen to remain in a fixed

    position between these two frames (1/18 second) with respect to the

    side of the car. His head moves up and back in comparison to his

    hand or the car.

    The Rifle Shots:

    The first rifle shot was fired from the second floor of the Dal Tex

    building. It struck JFK in the back, five and three-quarters

    inches below his shirt-collar line, at frame Z225. Since JFK's

    muscles were paralyzed, he was like a rigid, sitting duck target.

    His head and upper torso were driven down and forward, and his

    elbows were flung upward and outward, because no muscles would stop

    a rotating elbow and arm motion pivoting around two frozen points-

    -his fists and his shoulders. (Observe all of these points between

    photos #5 and 6, Z225 and Z227--2/18 seconds apart.) If JFK had

    been in a nonparalyzed state, the back shot would have knocked him

    much farther forward and down.

    The flechette dissolved in JFK's body, leaving no trace, except

    for the small entrance wound in his neck. The poison would not

    have shown up in the autopsy, even if tests for it had been made.

    However, because there was no apparent reason to suspect poison, no

    tests for it were made.

    The Timing of the Shots and The Accomplice:

    After Jim Hicks made his statement to Jim Garrison's investigators

    in 1968 about being a radio coordinator for the firing team,

    researchers were convinced that radio communications were used

    between radiomen located near each of the riflemen and some central

    coordinating transmitter.

    Hicks appears at the center of the plaza on the south side of

    Elm Street, near Houston Street. In the Zapruder film, he is seen

    during the shooting with both hands showing, no radio transmitter

    visible, and no other indication that he is doing anything but

    observing at the time of the shots (photos #1, 2, and 3). Hicks'

    real role was as the radio system supplier and tester. Later Hicks

    shows up with the radio in his back pocket, walking down Elm Street

    (see photo #18, taken by Willis [CAPTION READS: Hicks in light

    jacket with radio in back pocket (Same as #13 above)]).

    In 1977, Cutler, Sprague, and Sharrett discovered the real radio

    coordinator in a series of photos. In photo #13 he appears with

    raised hand, standing to the left of the Stemmons Freeway sign, on

    the north curb of Elm Street. He is about twenty feet away from

    TUM. Because his identity is unknown, he will be called TA (The

    Accomplice) in this article. His raised hand appears in photos #4,

    5, and 6. Early observations of his hand concluded he was waving

    at the President. Closer analysis shows he was not waving. His

    hand remains raised and motionless, except for a slight clenching.

    TA can be seen sitting next to TUM in photo #14 and walking away

    down Elm Street in photos #15 and 16. The radio can be seen in

    photo #19, taken by Jim Towner [CAPTION READS: TA, radio in back

    pocket, heading down Elm Street.], in TA's belt at the back, and

    also in photos #14 and 15.

    TA undoubtedly was using a button-type beeper transmission

    technique for signaling all radiomen to have the riflemen shoot in

    volleys. The button was in his raised hand. A wire connection to

    the battery-powered transmitter was mounted on his belt at the

    back. The first beep was transmitted as soon as TUM launched the

    flechette. The second beep was transmitted a second or two ahead

    of Z312. The first signal triggered rifle shots from the shooter

    in the Dal Tex building and the shooter on the west end of the

    sixth floor of the TSBD (Texas School Book Depository). The man on

    the knoll did not have a clear shot at that time and did not fire.

    The Dal Tex shot hit JFK in the back at Z225, and the TSBD shot hit

    Connally at Z237.

    Three shots were fired in the second volley--by the Dal Tex

    rifleman, whose bullet narrowly missed JFK and hit the south curb

    of Main Street; by the TSBD rifleman, whose shot struck JFK in the

    head at Z312; and the man behind the fence on the grassy knoll,

    who now had a clear path and fired the fatal shot. His bullet

    struck JFK in the right temple and exploded at Z313. The fourth

    rifleman was positioned right by the octagonal structure at the

    west end of the semi-circular wall on the grassy knoll north. He

    did not shoot, because the Stemmons Freeway sign and a tree were in

    his way. He had a clear shot after the limousine had passed the

    sign, but by then JFK was dead. He would have fired had the others

    missed their target.

    TA and TUM got together, for about two minutes, immediately

    after the shots, probably to discuss the results and to observe any

    police or Secret Service activity in the area (see photo #14).

    Then they went in separate directions, up and down Elm Street (see

    photos #15 and 16).


    | |


    | The questions plaguing researchers can now be answered. |

    | |

    | |

    | * The President's small throat wound was caused by a |

    | small flechette. |

    | |

    | * The flechette dissolved, leaving no trace, |

    | explaining why no bullet was found. |

    | |

    | * No bullet was fired from the grassy knoll at the |

    | time of the first hit. TUM had a clear shot at Z189. |

    | |

    | * TUM's flechette was actually moving in a slightly |

    | upward trajectory, explaining the backward and upward |

    | motion of JFK's head between Z189 and Z190. |

    | |

    | * The flechette's small momentum explains why there |

    | was no violent backward motion. |

    | |

    | * JFK's fists clenched and his head snapped to face |

    | forward while his right hand snapped downward because |

    | his muscles were paralyzed quickly by the poison. |

    | |

    | * The bullet at Z225 didn't knock JFK down, because |

    | he was paralyzed. |

    | |

    | * The paralysis affected the muscles, fixing them in |

    | position and preventing those portions of JFK's upper |

    | body from moving when he was hit in the back. His |

    | elbows were not fixed and were flung outward. |

    | |

    | * JFK did not make a sound, because his vocal cords |

    | were paralyzed (see testimony). |

    | |

    | * There were definitely two separate volleys of |

    | shots. Each of the four gunmen were prepared to |

    | shoot twice upon radio coordinating commands. One |

    | knoll gunman could not fire the first volley, because |

    | of obstructions. The other did not fire at all. |

    | |

    | * All the questions about TUM and the umbrella are |

    | answered by knowing he was using an intelligence |

    | weapon system with umbrella launcher and flechette |

    | dart. |

    | |

    | * Raising and lowering the umbrella was a signal to |

    | TA for a radio beep to order a second volley. |

    | |

    | * The umbrella rotated because TUM was tracking JFK. |

    | |

    | * TUM and TA sat down together to assess what |

    | happened. |

    | |

    | * TA was the radio coordinator and was standing |

    | behind TUM, where he could see TUM's signal and |

    | transmit a beep to the radiomen, ordering the first |

    | volley. |



    What conclusions can be drawn from this analysis?

    FIRST: Some higher-level individuals within the CIA furnished

    one of their secret weapons systems to be used in the

    assassination. It is doubtful that more than a very few

    umbrella launchers were made for the CIA at Fort Detrick.

    This may have been the principal reason for the CIA cover-up

    that began on November 22, 1963.

    SECOND: The degree of sophistication in such a complex

    intelligence murder--including the planning for the paralysis,

    the radio coordination, the firing positions creating a cross

    fire in two volleys, gaining access to the buildings, setting

    up a patsy (Oswald), and all of the other techniques used--

    indicate that lower-level anti-Castro Cubans, or even Mafia

    members, could not have pulled it off without CIA guidance and

    supervision. Skill and intelligence training, plus detailed

    management, were required from the only organization capable

    of running such an operation.

    THIRD: The Select Committee on Assassinations and the Senate

    Intelligence Committee have a lot more interrogating to do.

    They must question the people who designed the weapon system

    and those who made it available to the assassination team.

    Richard E. Sprague is currently a consultant to the Battelle

    Institute, a think tank in Columbus, Ohio, and was formerly a

    consultant to the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

    He has written numerous books and articles, including the

    self-published "The Taking of America 1-2-3."

    Robert Cutler is an architect and a assassination researcher.

    He has self-published five books on the Kennedy assassination,

    the latest of which is "Seventy-six Seconds in Dealey Plaza."


    Below Senator Church and Senator Towner..... with a flechette firing weapon..

    The Church Committee ""referrs to the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental

    Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, a U.S. Senate committee chaired by Senator Frank Church (D-ID) in 1975.""

    Bill Number: SB 578


    CABO Weapons List


  6. Just a thought....Jim....

    Jim Garrison's Playboy Interview 1967...

    ""PLAYBOY: You've claimed that many of the people involved in the conspiracy were "neo-Nazi" in their political orientation. What would motivate Ruby, a Jew, to work with such people?

    GARRISON: Money. As far as my office has been able to determine, Jack Ruby had no strong political views of his own. Historically, of course, there have been a number of self-hating Jews who abetted their own tormentors: Adolf Hitler's mentor in Vienna, Karl Lueger, was born a Jew, and I understand that one of the leading pro-Nazis in New York City, a retired millionaire who finances anti-Jewish activity across the country, is the son of a rabbi.

    But I don't believe Jack Ruby falls into this category; he was just a hoodlum out for a buck. I will say --- with the understanding that it's pure speculation --- it's not impossible that Jack Ruby developed certain guilt feelings in prison over his role in the plot. Remember his repeated lament, "Now there will be pogroms. They will kill all the Jews."? Most people assumed this was just the fantasy of a crumbling mind. But maybe Jack Ruby knew better than the rest of us what the master-racist authors of the assassination had in mind for the country.""



  7. Here is the print out . As you can see there is a signifigant drop.....upon mention of the name

    Rutledge ...as you state...

    ""One of the first prosecution witnesses, Police Reporter John Rutledge of the Dallas Morning News, testified that Ruby was "a loudmouthed extravert" who loved to strut wherever there was big action. Rutledge said that he saw Ruby at police headquarters at least three times on the night of Nov. 22, after Oswald had been arrested. Ruby was familiar with the place; he always liked to hang around with cops. Wielding pad and pencil, he had slipped past a police guard among surging newsmen. "He was explaining to members of the press from out of state who everybody was," said Rutledge. "Somebody would come out and say something to the press and a newsman would say, 'Who's that? Sheriff Decker?' and Ruby would say, 'No, that's Captain Will Fritz.' He'd spell out the names. He was making all the identifications, shouting them out." Once, testified Rutledge, an officer spotted Ruby in the crowd at headquarters and said, "Hey, Jack, what are you doing here?" Ruby had replied: "I'm helping out these reporters here.""



  8. So I would hazard to guess that if he were about 62 in 1969, he was about 56 in 1963. (Douglas Caddy)

    Thank you, Douglas. That is most helpful. I will try to dig up some more information.

    Many researchers have excellent sources that they do not divulge. In addition

    to James, there are Monk, Robin, Cameron Koo and others. (Jack White)

    Cameron Koo, now there's a blast from the past. In fact, Jack, Cameron Koo is actually yours truly. It was a pseudonym I used with published material many years ago.



    Now there's a name, "Cam Koo" I still miss him...... :D


  9. Quote : "" This incident is prime evidence that Oswald was known to Walker and his buddies before 12/3 when Marina decided to come clean to her interogators.""

    And to J.Edgar Hoover...

    Ruth Paine provided two books to the Irving Police to pass them onto the Secret Service to give to Marina, on or possibly before Dec. 3/63.....The note found inside was translated by one SA Gopadze.

    On Dec.3rd/63 Inspector Thomas Kelley then called Gordon Shanklin about the note, who then sent a memo to J.Edgar Hoover.


    January 17/64 : Hoover then wrote a letter to Lee Rankin, stating that prior to Marina's interview on December 3/64, where she had related said information that LHO had shot Wallker.............

    He mentions that previously ......"the possibility that Oswald may have fired at Walker was considered."



  10. Not to get involved in this ongoing adventure....

    But I do have a few mentions re the subject of the shooting at General Walker and LHO being involved...

    As the only implications to him being there came from Marina..

    But it seems re the information that this perhaps

    all began a few days before the actual event....That the bullet found ,was attributed at the time to a 30.06 rifle..

    and that it was only after the assassination of JFK that LHO was mentioned as being guilty, and that Marina related her story..

    while in custody..

    I have no idea now where I collected this from now, it was buried in an old folder....but relates to the Walker incident..

    ""On the night of April 8, Walker's aide Robert Surrey observed two men

    suspiciously lurking about the house of General Walker, "peeking in

    windows," and when called out by a neighbor, the men jumped into a car

    with no license plate and fled. This was reported to the police almost

    immediately. Walker had just returned from his coast-to-coast speaking

    engagement ....

    WC 5 H 448.

    On Tuesday, April 9, Walker aide Max Claunch observed a

    suspicious-looking "Cuban or dark-complected man in a 1957 Chevy" drive

    slowly around Walker's house several times.

    Anthony Summers, "Conspiracy" page 214.

    On the night of Wednesday, April 10, 15-year-old Scott Hansen was

    attending a Scout meeting at a church near the Walker house. He observed

    a 1958 black-over-white Chevrolet parked along the fence next to Walker's

    property. He had seen this car parked in the same place on a previous

    Wednesday, and never saw it after April 10th....

    FBI Report of June 4, 1964, FBI #100-10461.

    At about 9 pm on April 10th, General Edwin A. Walker was sitting in his

    study when someone fired a bullet through his window. The bullet glanced

    off the wooden window frame and embedded itself in the wall above General

    Walker's head. A 14-year-old neighbor, Kirk Coleman, saw two men flee in

    separate cars from a church parking lot adjacent to Walker's house; one

    man -- of medium build with long black hair -- he got a quick look at,

    while the other was hidden from his view by a fence...

    DPD Supplementary Offense Report, April 11, 1963, OfficerW. E. Chambers.

    "The Dallas *Morning News* of April 11, 1963, carried a page-one story by

    Eddie Hughes stating that the bullet that crashed through the rear window

    and into the wall of the Walker house was 'identified as a 30.06,' and

    citing other police findings on the authority of Detective Ira Van

    Cleave" ....

    Sylvia Meagher, "Accessories after the Fact " page 288.

    An Associated Press story on the shooting was reported in

    the *New York Times* of April 12, 1963, page 12; the police had no

    suspects in custody; the bullet was identified as a steel jacketed 30.06..

    The following day, "Toby," a dog belonging to a neighbor of Walker's,

    Mrs. Ross Bouve, became terribly sick. Mrs. Bouve told the FBI later that

    "she was of the opinion someone had given him something to quiet him or

    drug him or poison him, because he did become sick and vomited

    extensively on April 11 and 12, 1963. . . . She based her belief that the

    dog had been given something because of the shooting incident and the

    dog's habit of barking at anyone or anything in the alley area behind

    Walker's house" ....

    CE 1953.22--- also Sylvia Meagher page 290.

    In a scintillating bit of discourse, Gen. Walker's aide Robert Surrey was

    questioned about "Toby" by the Warren Commission.

    Mr. JENNER. Does she have a dog that is sometimes obstreperous, does a

    lot of barking?

    Mr. SURREY. Yes; she does. . . . Anyone approaching the house, generally

    her house or General Walker's house, would be barked at . . . in the

    middle of the night . . .

    Mr. JENNER. And you have approached General Walker's house, I assume, at

    night, have you?

    Mr. SURREY. Yes.

    Mr. JENNER. If the dog is out . . . the dog is alerted and barks?

    Mr. SURREY. Not so much anymore. Evidently he knows who I am now.

    Mr. JENNER. I see. But before the dog became familiar with you, he did


    Mr. SURREY. Yes, sir. . . .

    WC5 H 433--also Sylvia Meagher page 290.

    Walker hired a private investigator to look into the assassination

    attempt when he grew frustrated with the efforts of the Dallas Police

    force; he also had a suspicion that a former employee might have been

    involved. The crime was still listed as unsolved on November 22, 1963.

    It has also been attributed to General Walker that he did not believe that LHO was

    involved in the shooting..in a video.......right now I have no idea which..though..


  11. Hi Bill:

    My,My how the story has already grown.....

    NOTE: ""The report, titled simply Robert F Kennedy, is not sourced or authenticated but it was circulated to the FBI's five most senior officers, Mora said.""

    That means it could be another phony.....they have arisen in the past....

    Killing Kennedys Again Time.?? Repeatedly moreso it seems in the past few years.

    This was the earlier report, how some seem to have jumped on the bandwagon...as always. And as usual break their necks to report such without checking

    and or having any verification...aw well, the way it has gone on for years...

    Kennedy link to Monroe death

    March 17, 2007 12:00

    Article from: AAP

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    AN Australian director has uncovered a document that suggests Robert Kennedy was aware of a plot to "induce" the suicide of Marilyn Monroe.

    Bobby Kennedy was the brother of murdered US president John F Kennedy and served as US Attorney-General from 1961 to 1964 before he was assassinated in 1968.

    Philippe Mora, writing for Fairfax newspapers, said Monroe was well known for staging suicide attempts as a form of attention seeking.

    But he said he has uncovered a three-page document that revealed on August 4, 1962, she was left to die while attempting another attention seeking moment.

    The report, handed to the FBI on October 19, 1964, implicated the actor Peter Lawford, Monroe's psychiatrist, her housekeeper and personal secretary in the 36-year-old actresses death.

    It stated Lawford made “special arrangements” with the psychiatrist that saw Monroe given a high quantity of her prescription medication.

    “Marilyn expected to have her stomach pumped out and get sympathy for her suicide attempt,” the report said.

    It said on the same day, Kennedy made a phone call from St Charles Hotel, San Francisco to Lawford “to find out if Marilyn was dead yet”.

    Mora, who is based in Los Angeles, has found the document, compiled by an unnamed former special agent, among thousands of pages released under Freedom of Information laws in October.

    The report, titled simply Robert F Kennedy, is not sourced or authenticated but it was circulated to the FBI's five most senior officers, Mora said.


  12. This is all I have Chris, re the timing......of the David Wiegman film....

    the wee bit on the Sprague-Mack study, included, was found

    on the web....and the article is not available.

    Though if anyone does have this copy of "Coverups" 9/82..

    the information would be appreciated, when I contacted Gary a

    few years ago he had them packed away and they were not accessible.

    David Wiegman:

    "We were in that straight-a-way heading down to what I now know as

    the Book Depository, and I heard the first report and I thought like every

    body that it was a good size firecracker---a cherry bomb .Then when I

    heard the second one, the adrenaline really started pumping because

    there was a reaction in the motorcade, I was sitting on the edge of the

    (car door) frame,which I sometimes did. I keenly remember right after

    the incident that my feet were on the ground during one of the reports.

    I don't think I was fast enough to react to the second, but I think on the

    third one I was running.

    The car had slowed down enough for me to jump out. I swung my leg

    over and jumped while the car was still moving, but it was very slow.

    I jumped and I remember running and I remember the third shot.

    When I got out I knew I better get around the corner. The car was

    stopping. I'd better run around there and see what was happening. I

    knew the reaction was to run forward. I'd done this before in other

    motorcades because a lot of times the President will stop and do

    something. He might just shake a hand. He might look at a sign.

    So your doing no good sitting in your car, and you can always

    retrieve your car as it goes by....It was a technique I've used and

    I've gotten some good pictures that way. That may have been built

    in to get out and run and get up there and see what the heck's

    happening . The motorcade has stopped, plus you heard a report

    I don't think I thought on the first or second ( shot ), but when the

    third one went off, I really thought I felt the compression on my face.

    ----I really thought I felt it. The I thought "Somebody is shooting".

    The idea of turning on the camera, I don't know where that came

    from. I’ve turned in some real sloppy work over the years that

    went into editing because I believed that sometimes your not

    photographing what's happening as much as the moment. It's a

    slice of time. And something told me, "hey look, what have I got to

    lose. I've got a full spring and just turn it on." I can't stop and plant

    my feet, so I put it against my chest because you can't run with a

    Filmo up to your eyes. So I just slid it down under my chin and

    looked forward and ran as fast as I could and took in everything I


    Telephone interview Wiegman, 3/11/89..P.O.T.P...Trask..

    pages 371-372.


    He was in the Press car 1."the reel car"

    the first with photographers aboard..A yellow 1964 Chev.Impala


    The President's Lincoln..The Queen Mary.SS...L.B.Js ...

    SS..The Bell Telephone press pool car ..then the Press #1 Car..

    (Wiegman's). Along with Atkins,Craven,John Hoefen,( Wiegman's

    sound man..Front seat driving a Texas Ranger..then Cleve Ryan

    then Wiegman on the passenger seat in the sixth car behind the


    He was carrying a Filmo movie camera,used no handle,

    shot with left eye finders on left side of camera.Wide angle lens,

    He thought he used a 10mm.that day..

    Worked for NBC..TV cameraman..White House attachment every

    day for 8 years..37 years old..


    "It would appear through careful analysis of this film, and aided in

    research done by Richard Sprague and Gary Mack ,on the timing

    of the sequence, that Wiegman began filming


    prior to the President BEING HIT IN THE HEAD".

    Gary Mack 's,"Coverups!"..9/1982..p.2-5...9/1985, p.1-2..

    Letter Richard Sprague to Robert Cuttler, 10/31/1982.


    "Wiegman probably first pressed his camera trigger just after

    the second shot."..clip.."begins as Wiegman's car is approaching

    the TSDB, while the telephone car infront begins making the

    left hand turn.".." shows various spectators on the steps of the

    Book Depository as well as others on the sidewalk..Many are

    looking forwards towards the presidential vehicle while some

    are gazing back at the vehincles coming in their direction."



    In the film we see, the film begins with a panning of the front

    entrance of the TSBD,swings to the left, then back to the right,

    he then was on his way to the knoll,and behind the fence...see.

    the film at below...click, Wiegman, then when page loads, click top

    right hand corner button....ta da..



    We have Wiegman capturing the TSBD entrance approximately

    "A little over three seconds" prior to the President being hit in

    head."..see above..Sprague..Mack..


    He continued filming as he ran his film shakes and jumps as he

    spans the grassy knoll area, the Limo travelling to the underpass,

    and what appears to

    be smoke coming from under the trees in the area

    of the fence ,then the pergola area

    again, and some of the witnesses laying on the

    ground,finally he proceeded to the

    parking lot behind the fence area..




    From what I have been able to find out, the Altgens 1st..then..approximately in the area of

    30 to 45 seconds later the Wiegman was taken..

    The Altgens as the first shot rang out, the Wiegman as he heard the final two shots as he was

    jumping from the press car running and filming .


  13. I've comandeered the term "cognitive dissonance" to describe the phenomenon consciously generated by manipulators/forgers of evidence in this case. The Z-film, for example, may have been altered as much to be discovered as a "fake" -- and thus promote rancor and confusion among investigators and otherwise dilute our energies and mire us in secondary mysteries -- as to obliterate proof of conspiracy.

    And so the figure in the doorway with the distinctive over/under shirts and the oh-so-tantalyzing facial features drives us to distraction. Oswald? Lovelady?





    And so much more...documents, statements within the WC, and on......

    Results, being to keep the researchers from their further and perhaps new investigative studies..


  14. Hi Duncan:

    A few thoughts, nothing in stone, as usual.

    You mention that Don stated this shooter was close to the Files spot..words to that effect...

    Files states that he was only 8 to 10 feet from the corner of the fence, seen closest to the steps..

    Sam Holland in the Mark Lane clip.....and some of the men with him on the overpass mention the area was 20 to 30 feet towards

    them on the overpass. Not towards the corner and steps closer to the

    Zapruder pedestal...

    The many footprints found in the mud, behind the fence and the mud seen scraped off the bumpers of the cars.

    As seen below, were a distance up towards the overpass ,from the closest corner to Zapruder..

    Each car is approximately 5 feet wide, each car parked, has a two feet approx distance on each side, to enable the driver

    and passenger to get out of said car.....

    As is seen on Sam Hollands map......approximately a 2 feet distance between the corner fence and the first car, then

    the 2 feet opening on the far side to be able for the passenger to get out....etc.

    Now the map shows 4 cars......The muddy footprints, he has drawn between the 2nd and 3rd car....or someone has...therefore the

    mathematics would be........

    2 feet from fence....5 foot wide car...2 feet on the other side also...

    Times 3 equals approximately 16 feet........Now Sam does say in his film with Mark Lane the footprints were in front of the 3rd car

    but on the map they are seen drawn mainy in front of the 2nd and 3nd car......who knows where he stood after walking back

    and forth so many times, to finally take a shot, it's hard to decide with a positive....given several feet between each way..

    The Nix below which is a more direct view shows the tree and the hatman....is this the same man that you are viewing,

    or is this a different shooter, spotter whatever.....

    Another from Skaggs show a more front view, seen after.....

    Now note, the sign and the light pole.......As seen in the Lane video, when they walk around the fence to the spot....

    Where they saw the smoke drift out from under the trees, the sign is closer on their right, and he states JFK was hit

    just as the limo got to this side, the left of the lamp post.......see photo also.....

    You have the ability to catch a frame from films, as you have so kindly done in the past.....

    When you find the time, or anyone who is able to...perhaps if you catch the frame from where Sam and Mark Lane

    are standing behind the fence, you will be able to catch the spot in front of the sign, and the lamp post as shown..

    I am thinking the distance where the shot took place from,

    was much closer to the overpass as the R.R men stated..

    The Allen photo taken after,shows more of a perspective re the distance from the step fence corner, to the lamp

    post,and appears more than 8 to 10 feet...imo..

    As I said just some thoughts... :blink:

    Confusion reigns...


  15. The Men Who Killed Kennedy Video

    Part 6....Tom Wilson

    About 5 minutes into the film..



    Hi Bernice

    Thanks for that link. It had been a while since I last saw it. I've always been interested in Wilson's work. What is curious about the video is the wound shown in Moorman does not appear similar to what is allegedly obscured in the autopsy photo. Any thoughts on that? Anyone else also notice that?



    Hi Nick:

    There are many threads on the forum, discussing the differences in what is seen between the film and photos compared to the medical studies and autopsy photos.

    In the Moorman we are also looking at JFK from the south side of Elm, the Zapruder from the North .....and neither agree with the autopsy


    Within Dr.David Mantik's and Dr.Cyril Wecht's studies....Dr.Mantik has had access to the autopys photos 9 times at the archives. BTW.

    They are the most foremost medical minds....in our corner, and discuss at great length those differences

    and their findings... Found in Dr.Wecht's latest book,and Dr.Manitik's studies which are in Dr.Fetzer's series of books.

    Tom Wilson was a V.P of the company and an Engineer, he developed a computer program that peered within steel for flaws,

    which over the years, must have saved the steel companies zillions? Not to mention the safety features of

    such a discovery.....

    He spent ten years at least, I believe on his assassination studies. Men

    of such stature, do not invent findings...His work and studies if obtainable would put to rest many other claims made by others.

    Therefore his work would be extremely damaging.

    Nothing seems to comply, they did a mighty fine job..and as we see the daily continual attempts at confusion still proceed..

    Thanks...take care..


  16. Hi Tom:

    Welcome to the forum......You may find the article by Gaeton Fonzi below interesting..

    Am only posting a part, click the link to read all, if interested..about Darlin Arlen..


    The Warren Commission, The Truth, and Arlen Specter

    By Gaeton Fonzi

    Greater Philadelphia Magazine, 1 August 1966

    On November 29th, President Johnson created the Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy “to evaluate all the facts and circumstances.” He asked Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren to be its chairman. According to The New York Times, Warren initially refused, but after an emotion-filled conference with Johnson, consented to serve.

    Johnson then completed the Commission with two senior Senators, Democrat Richard Russell of Georgia and Republican John Sherman Cooper of Kentucky; two senior Representatives, Democrat Hale Boggs of Louisiana and Republican Gerald Ford of Michigan; former CIA director Allen Dulles; and former World Bank president John J. McCloy.

    The Commission chose J. Lee Rankin, former U.S. Solicitor General, as its general counsel. Rankin, in turn, selected New York University professor and tax law expert Norman Redlich as his special assistant. Almost all communication between the working staff of lawyers and investigators and the Commission members was to pass through Redlich and Rankin.

    As “senior counsel” to the Commission, a group of the most eminent and respected lawyers in the country were chosen, among them Philadelphia’s William T. Coleman Jr., partner in Dilworth, Paxson, Kalish, Kohn and Dilks. These men, however, generally turned out to be such outstanding attorneys that, during the course of the investigation, they could find little time to free themselves from their own busy law practices. As a result, the bulk of the work fell on what were called the “junior counsel,” the young lawyers with budding reputations for whom appointment to the Commission staff was a tremendous honor, Arlen Specter was one.

    Specter, then a 33-year-old assistant district attorney, had recently been made chief of the litigation division after having achieved a notable success in sending local Teamster boss Roy Cohen to jail. A Yale Law grad, he had an excellent reputation as a hard, diligent worker and was known among his associates as a man of integrity and ambition—albeit, according to one civil lawyer friend, within the framework of what he termed a “prosecutor mentality.”

    Nevertheless, when Howard Willens, Specter’s former co-editor of the Yale Law Journal who was acting as liaison between the Commission and the Justice Department, called him late in December and asked him to join the Commission staff, Specter initially refused. He says he didn’t like the idea of leaving Philadelphia or of being away from his wife and family for a long period. But as he began to talk to more and more friends about it, to his associates and then-district attorney James Crumlish and his law partner Marvin Katz, they convinced him it was a unique opportunity. “They told me I’d be a damn fool if I didn’t go,” he says.

    Basically, the task of the Warren Commission staff was to evaluate reports submitted by various government agencies, chiefly the FBI and the Secret Service. (The FBI had quickly conducted its own investigation into the assassination and submitted more than 25,000 reports.) From the reports, the staff lawyers had to decide what witnesses would be questioned further, which should be brought to testify before the formal hearings of the Commission (only 94 of the 552 who provided testimony finally were), what questions needed further investigation and what details were relevant or irrelevant. There were no independent investigators. If something needed checking, the staff lawyers had to do it themselves or ask for an FBI or Secret Service report on the matter.

    It had been initially decided that the Commission staff should be divided into senior counsel and junior counsel “teams” to look into various areas, resolve the minor problems and inconsistencies, and present before the Commission itself only the major questions. The team report for each area would serve as the basis for the principal chapters in the Commission’s final Report.

    Arlen Specter was assigned as junior counsel to Area I, “the basic facts of the assassination.” Senior counsel in the area was to have been Francis W. H. Adams, a former New York City police commissioner. But because Adams was so wrapped up in a major case with his own law firm, he wound up spending only a few days working on the Commission investigation. Practically the entire workload for the most important area of the assassination fell on Arlen Specter alone.

    The rest of the Commission staff worked on five other areas. Area II was concerned with the identity of the assassin. Chapter IV of the Report, which evolved from it, was entitled “The Assassin” and concerned itself with evidence which indicated that it was Oswald who fired from the sixth-floor window of the Texas School Book Depository. Area III of the investigation was devoted to Oswald’s background. Area IV looked into the question of whether Oswald was connected with any conspiracy and investigated his movements outside the country. Area V dealt with Oswald’s death, including the possibility of a prior connection with Jack Ruby. A sixth area, which was added later at the request of the Commission, studied Presidential protection in general.

    Thus, before an objective evaluation of the facts concerning the assassination of President Kennedy ever got under way, it was decided that four of the six areas of investigation should concern themselves with Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Arlen Specter knew it.

    Critic Dwight Macdonald wrote in Esquire: “The American legal mind is often subtle and complex, but its ‘adversary’ training pushes it toward an Either/Or solution which treats Facts not as ever-changing pointers toward an ever-changing hypothesis, but as uniformed troops to be strategically massed so as to overwhelm the enemy by sheer numbers…lawyers are always out for total victory—I attribute the Commission’s ‘adversary’ bias against Oswald simply to the fact that the prima-facie case against him was so strong.”

    Arlen Specter began working for the Warren Commission early in January, 1964. A deadline of June 1st had been set for the first draft of reports from each of the area teams. Specter was the only staff lawyer to meet that deadline. In his report he concluded that all the shots fired on Dealey Plaza on November 22nd came from the sixth-floor window of the Texas School Book Depository.

    Based on Specter’s investigation, these were the main points in the final version of the Report:

    Witnesses, principal among them steamfitter Brennan, saw what they took to be a rifle in an upper-story window of the Depository.

    Three employees on the fifth floor of the Depository heard shots and shells dropping on the floor above them.

    Two large bullet fragments found in the front of the Presidential car as well as a nearly whole bullet said to be found on Governor Connally’s stretcher at Parkland Hospital were definitely fired from the 6.5-mm Mannlicher-Carcano rifle which Oswald ordered from a Chicago mail-order house and which was found on the sixth floor of the Depository.

    Three shots were fired. One hit Kennedy near the top of his back, came out the front of his neck, went through Connally’s back, came out his chest, smashed his right wrist and caused a puncture wound in his left thigh. Another went in the back of Kennedy’s head and blew out the right front part of his head. A third missed. The Commission decided that the order of the hits was irrelevant and made no determination of the sequence.

    Specter based these conclusions on a number of principal pieces of evidence: The autopsy report from Bethesda; motion pictures of the assassination taken by amateur photographer Abraham Zapruder; a re-construction of the event based on the films; and ballistic tests of bullet velocity and wound characteristics

    The crux of Specter’s contention—and the Commission’s Report—is what has come to be called the “single bullet theory.” That is, the same bullet which went through Kennedy’s neck caused all of Governor Connally’s wounds. Specter claims that one of the principal factors that led him to the theory was that there was no other way to explain what happened to the bullet which emerged from the front of the President’s neck—unless it also hit Connally. There was no indication that it hit anywhere else in the car. There was a crack on the inside of the front windshield and a mark on the chrome above it, but much more damage would have been done if they had been caused by a whole bullet.

    There was also the question of timing. Tests showed that the fastest the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle could be fired twice was 2.3 seconds (based on the time required just to open and close the bolt, not aiming). The Zapruder film, taken at 18.3 frames per second, indicated that all the shots were fired in less than six seconds. If three shots were fired, they would have had to be fired very rapidly and accurately.

    It is far more complicated than that, however, given the details of the evidence. In fact, the key question is this: Was it possible for a lone gunman to have accomplished the assassination if President Kennedy and Governor Connally were not hit by the same bullet?

    Specter maintains that the answer is not “central” to the Commission’s conclusion. He does so in the face of the very evidence which the Commission used to conclude that it was. In fact, Edward Epstein in Inquest quotes a Commission lawyer as stating bluntly: “To say that they were hit by separate bullets is synonymous with saying that there were two assassins.”



  17. Aw the Wiegman....I believe this is a better copy......

    of the doorway....the smaller is about the same..

    It could be showing someone on the left, in the back

    of the doorway with

    a camera......???

    I have found the same frame from Wiegman, it may be

    a little brighter..but blurred also, he was running at the time,

    from what he said...



    And to the cameraman's left, emerging from shadow, replete with the deep white "V" of T-shirt ... ?



    Hi Charles :

    Yes am extremely aware of the who....

    That, the photos I posted, have been part of the doorway study, which is not what Chris and Robin

    are into on this thread .

    So thinking the better part of discretion would be not to mention such....

    I did not..that is another huge can of worms in otherwards... :(



  18. Kathy:

    This is entirely your decision......But this is not the JFK research forum....

    This is the Education forum..........why you seem to have taken several times the

    opportunity, when responding to posts to mention your past problems on such, is beyond me..

    Which also is seen as diverting the thread....

    When it has absolutely nothing to do with, and is none of this particular Forums nor it's

    memberships business....and I doubt very much that many if any ,are what I would call

    interested in a personal occurrance, that happened so long ago, on another forum.

    Why not let it pass and get on with your research.....


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