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Bernice Moore

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Posts posted by Bernice Moore




    3) Lundberg sought to impugn Crenshaw's book describing it as "a sad

    fabrication based on unsubstantiated allegations" for Crenshaw's

    descriptions of JFK's wounds which suggested a shot from the front.

    Parkland physician witnesses were presented in JAMA to refute Crenshaw's

    conspiracy-supporting wound descriptions. JAMA failed to acknowledge,

    however, that the very witnesses Breo used to disprove Crenshaw's

    assertions, Drs. Perry, Baxter, McClelland and Jenkins gave eerily similar

    wound descriptions to those of Crenshaw in 1963 and 1964 - when,

    presumably, their recollections were fresher and more reliable, and, when

    they were not being pressured by the AMA/JAMA to give the 'correct' wound


    4) The AMA/JAMA falsely suggested that Crenshaw's observations were

    worthless as he was not even in JFK's trauma room. That Crenshaw was

    present was sworn to by two of JAMA's own interviewees, Drs. Baxter and

    McClelland, before the Warren Commission, and is also confirmed by the

    Warren testimonies of three other witnesses (6H32, 40, 60, 80 & 131).

    AMA/JAMA interviewee Robert McClelland, MD even told Breo that Crenshaw was

    in JFK's trauma room, yet JAMA printed the false slander anyhow, and

    apparently without further pursuing the easily found truth. Had a

    legitimate "peer reviewer" been used by JAMA this error, and myriad others,

    would have never appeared on its pages.

    ) The Dallas Morning News and AMA/JAMA derided Crenshaw's claim that he'd

    picked up a call from LBJ while caring for the mortally wounded Oswald. The

    New York Times pointed out, however, that Charles R. Baxter, MD, the

    JAMA-cited physician who denied Crenshaw's claim, was not even in the

    operating room when the call he disputed came in. Moreover, The New York

    Times also noted that another Parkland physician who was there, Philip

    Williams, MD, did remember such a call and had mentioned it to others for

    years. Moreover the former chief Parkland hospital operator claimed in a

    letter to the Dallas Morning News that she clearly recalled LBJ's call.

    �The News� refused to publish her letter and no retraction or correction of

    this error was ever made by AMA/JAMA.



    This is from the Executive Session on April 30, 1964.


    Some other witness documentation of the limo and windshield.

    via you tube..TMWKK


    There is also a contemporaneous confirmation of what she said on 11.22.63 in Conspiracy of Silence, p. 105:

    "When I walked back into the hall, Evalea Glanges, a medical student, was standing by the nurses' station. She told me a most peculiar story. While we had been working on President Kennedy, she was outside in the emergency room parking lot. Standing beside the President's limousine, she pointed out to another medical student that there was a bullet hole in the windshield. Upon over-hearing her comment, a Secret Service agent nervously jumped into the car and sped away".


    Subject: Larry HANCOCK .heard tape La conf..windshield hole

    BY LARRY Not to cloud the issue but the lack of physical evidence might be partially explained by the statement of the glass expert from Ford who described the secret replacement of the windshield.

    I'm sure that story is archived on the forum somewhere - and certainly it has been challenged. But having heard the taped interview with him, presented at a Lancer conference, there is little doubt that he sounded sincere in describing his orders replace a window with a hole in it - and his wife sounded absolutely terrified that he was even talking about it decades later, she made a number of attempts to shut him up during the interview.And I for one have to view Johnson's order to rework that limo so quickly as highly suspicious....its not like he could not have found another "ride" and surely he had more important things on his mind.

    I wouldn't have been surprised to have found a hole in the floorboards either.

    -- Larry



    "December 2, 1998

    [received 1/12/99]

    Dear Mr. Palamara,

    In reply to your letter in regard to the events at Parkland Hospital on

    that fateful date November 22, 1963.

    I was present at Parkland Hospital on that date in my role as a 2nd year

    medical student. I observed President Kennedy's limousine outside the

    emergency entrance. Another student and I went closer to observe the

    limousine and the damage to the front windshield. Secret Service agents

    appeared and moved the car to another location.

    There was a bullet hole in the windshield.

    I believe that the entire story has never been told.


    Evalea Glanges, M.D. "




  5. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...josepha+johnson

    billie sol estes also had the information about the kinser murder in his book..

    from an old post made on another forum.. john johnson's article and then including information from billie sol estes book which had just been released with john's permission..at the time... web links...and info from madeleine brown's ''TEXAS IN THE MORNING.''.. i hope i got all that straight...b :)

    Billy Sol Estes:

    Billy Sol Estes and E. Howard Hunt are perhaps the only living persons who can tell us a lot about the JFK assassination.

    Billy (also spelled Billie) Sol Estes became a hustler and con artist at the age of 13 when he was given a lamb for Christmas. In less than two years he had a flock of 100 sheep. Billy pursued various schemes in agriculture, and by the age of 17 he boasted of having $40,000 in the bank, a fortune for that time in the years following World War II. By the age of 30 he claimed to be a self-made millionaire. The favorite saying to this swindler was, "You can sheer a sheep many times, but you can only skin him once." Unsolved Texas Mysteries, pp. 96, 97

    Billie a young Texan from Pecos, was the very prototype of the "wheeler-dealer," the inordinately avaricious, grafting, finagling businessman usually operating on the outer fringes of the law. A "wheeler-dealer" can best be recognized by his ability to make millions of dollars in a minimum of time in an area of business where political influence is of paramount importance. Billie Sol Estes, Bobby Baker and Lyndon B. Johnson are three outstanding wheeler-dealers of our time. The magic word behind Estes' spectacular, if short-lived success was influence. At the height of his career, in 1961 and early 1962, Estes would fly to Washington about once a month, and invariably, on the eve of his departure for the capital, he would make huge withdrawals from one or the other of his various bank accounts. On a single trip he is reported to have taken with him $150,000 in cash, returning home nearly empty-handed. Three big grain storage companies, all of which made huge profits from government contracts, formed the mainstay of Estes' multi-million dollar business empire. In the single year of 1961, United [grain] Elevator, one of these companies, was paid about four million dollars by the U. S. Government for the storage of grain surplus. Subsequently, three top officials of the Department of Agriculture, which had handled these deals, were forced to resign as a result of the Estes scandal. Joesten, pp. 28, 29

    Billy Sol Estes helped finance LBJ's campaigns and provided his private plane for the campaigning. In return, Estes got to make millions with federal cotton allotments and for storing federal government grain. Estes had organized a complicated scheme whereby displaced farmers would buy some of his land and transfer their allotments to Estes' land; the farmers would then lease the land back to Estes for $50 per acre. Although the farmers were supposed to pay for the land in four equal installments, they secretly agreed to miss the first payment so Billie Sol could foreclose on the land. In this way Estes received more than one-third of the cotton allotments issued in 1961. Unsolved Texas Mysteries, p. 98

    Government officials, however, began to suspect illegal activity, a scheme and device to buy cotton allotments and not to sell land. Johnson intervened by writing a letter to the Secretary of Agriculture defending Estes' practices. An investigation was launched by the Department, with Agricultural Agent Henry B. Marshall conducting the investigation and reporting to Washington. Marshall was on the trail of a multi-million dollar swindle. But it was Marshall himself who had approved 138 different transfers for Estes, 3,000 acres of illegal allotments. Marshall may have been another of Billie Sol's bribery victims. Unsolved Texas Mysteries, pp. 112, 113

    LBJ flew to Dallas on a military jet and met with Estes and his lawyers on the plane which was parked away from the terminal. This meeting would have remained secret had the plane not suffered a mishap on landing. When investigative reporters tried to obtain tower records, they were told the records had been sealed by government order. Zirbel, p. 159

    On June 3, 1961 Marshall was found dead lying face up in the grass near his pickup truck with 5 bullet holes in his lower left chest. He had also sustained a severe head wound and his hands were badly scratched. Although there were no blood stains on the ground except around the body, smears were found on both doors, the hood, and right rear panel of the truck. There was also a six to eight inch dent in the right rear panel of the truck. Marshall's .22 cal. bolt action rifle was found beside him. Unsolved Texas Mysteries, p. 93

    The local Justice of the Peace ruled the death a suicide. This determination is even more ridiculous than the "single bullet theory" in the Kennedy assassination, for it would require a person to shoot himself by holding the rifle at arm's length, work the bolt to eject the empty shell and load a new one, shoot himself again, and repeat the process of loading and firing 5 times. Twenty-three years later, Marshall's body was exhumed and examined. It was found that in addition to the 5 bullet wounds, he had been struck a severe blow to the head and had also been asphyxiated with carbon monoxide. There was enough carbon monoxide in his lungs to have incapacitated him, but this is strange, since his body was not found in his pick-up truck. Texas in the Morning, p. 148

    The medical examiner determined that three wounds would have been rapidly incapacitating; one shot had severed the aorta near the heart, one had penetrated his liver, and another had gone through his lung. Any one of these wounds would have caused immediate paralysis or death. The suicide verdict was changed to murder. Unsolved Texas Mysteries, p. 102; Texas in the Morning, p. 149

    On April 4, 1962, Billy Sol's accountant, George Krutilek, the only other person besides Marshall who could unravel the fraud, was found dead in his car with a hose from the exhaust stuck in the window. Krutilek was a 49 year old certified public accountant who had worked for Estes and had been the recipient of his favors. He had been grilled by the FBI on April 2nd, the day after Billy Sol's arrest. Krutilek had been dead for several days. The El Paso County pathologist, Dr. Frederick Bornstein, held that he certainly did not die from carbon monoxide poisoning. Zirbel, p. 159, Texas in the Morning, p. 148

    Another of Billy Sol's friends was found dead as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning. Harold Eugene Orr, president of the Superior Manufacturing Company of Amarillo, which had played a key role in Estes' finance frauds, had been arrested with Billie Sol and given a 10 year prison sentence, two months after Johnson became President. On February 28, 1964, just before he was to begin serving his term in federal prison, Orr went out to his garage, ostensibly to change the exhaust pipe on his car. A few hours later he was found dead. Tools which were unsuited for the purpose were scattered around. Texas in the Morning, p. 151

    Yet another person involved with Billy Sol was found dead from carbon monoxide poisoning. Howard Pratt, a Chicago office manager of Commercial solvents, Billy Sol's fertilizer supplier, was found dead in his car.

    Just by coincidence, Henry B. Marshall, George Krutilek, Harold Eugene Orr, and Howard Pratt - all associated with the Billie Sol Estes scandal which involved Lyndon Johnson - were found dead of carbon monoxide poisoning. When Estes testified before the grand jury, he was under immunity only for the Marshall case, and he refused to answer questions about the mysterious deaths of his three former associates who had also supposedly died of carbon monoxide poisoning within several years of Marshall's death. Unsolved Texas Mysteries, p. 126

    When Johnson became president, all federal investigations were dropped or blocked, but Estes still faced a Texas state charge of defrauding farmers. He was convicted and went to jail. But during Johnson's presidency, the U. S. Supreme court decided that Billy Sol's "rights had been violated" and that he was entitled to a new trial. The Justice who wrote the opinion was Tom Clark, a native of Dallas, and a Justice who concurred was Earl Warren, the head of LBJ's Warren Commission. Zirbel, p. 160

    In 1984, a year after he got out of prison, paroled after serving 6 of a 22 year sentence, Estes testified to a grand jury under a grant of immunity in the Marshall case. He told the grand jury that Lyndon Johnson ordered people to be killed. Referring to Henry Marshall, the Agricultural Department agent who was investigating illegal cotton allotments and other deals that generated $21 million a year for LBJ's slush fund, LBJ told Billie Sol to "get rid of him." The Dallas Morning News, March 24, 1984, headlines read "LBJ ordered murder of witness, says con man Estes." Killing the Truth, p. 514

    In March of 1984, Clint Peoples, U. S. Marshal, encouraged Billie Sol to come forward after twenty-three years of wondering about Marshall's death. Billie Sol testified with immunity from prosecution before a grand jury that he had attended at least three meeting with Lyndon - two in Washington and one at the Driscoll Hotel - during which they discussed the need to "stop Marshall from disclosing Estes' fraudulent business dealings and his ties with Johnson." Billie Sol wanted to clear his conscience about Marshall's death, and named Malcolm "Mac" Wallace as the triggerman.

    The situation was supposedly discussed by Estes, Johnson, and [presidential aide] Carter in the backyard of LBJ's Washington home. Johnson was, according to Estes, alarmed that if Marshall started talking it might result in an investigation that would implicate the vice president. At first it was decided to have Marshall transferred to Washington, but when told Marshall had already refused such a relocation, LBJ, according to Estes, said simply, "Then we'll have to get rid of him." Unsolved Texas Mysteries, p. 118

    Estes said that Malcolm Wallace, an employee of the Department of Agriculture who took orders from LBJ, was the one who killed Marshall. Wallace had been convicted of murder by shooting his wife's lover five times with a .25 cal. pistol in 1951. [Coincidentally, Marshall was also shot 5 times with a small caliber weapon.] He received a 5 year suspended sentence, which was unheard of since the penalty for premeditated murder in Texas was death. Unsolved Texas Mysteries, p. 115

    Senator John McClellan demonstrates impossibility of suicide with rifle.

    In July of 1962, the Senate Permanent Investigations Subcommittee, chaired by Senator John McClellan (D-Ark.) held hearings in Washington on Marshall’s death.

    Madeleine Brown states:

    Wallace told Lyndon's associates and Billie Sol Estes later that he had caught Marshall in a lonely place on the road and was gassing him with a hose from the exhaust when a stranger came along in the distance. Wallace then shot Marshall five times and got away, thus saving Lyndon's bacon.

    Many years later, I met with U. S. Marshal Clint Peoples to discuss Malcolm Wallace because I had witnessed Mac practicing at the Dallas Gun Club. Clint had investigated Wallace's death for years. He was planning to break the case open with proof that Wallace was one of the shooters behind the picket fence overlooking Dealey Plaza. Unfortunately, Clint's untimely death under mysterious circumstances prevented this announcement from ever being made. It is a fact, however, that a Wallace Plumbing truck was at the scene of the assassination in Dealey Plaza. [The Wallace family owned a plumbing business in Dallas.]

    Clint's car was run off the road shortly before he was to meet with me and some associates. His car was hit by a truck and he was killed. It is said that his wrists showed marks from handcuffs. Texas in the Morning, p. 85

    Nolan Griffin testified that a man stopped at his gas station and inquired about the location of the Marshall farm. a few days before Marshall was found dead. A drawing of this individual resembles Billy Sol Estes. When Billy testified before a grand jury 22 years later, it became apparent that the man could have been Mac Wallace.

    Madeleine believes that Mac Wallace not only murdered several people to protect Lyndon Johnson, but also that it was Wallace, not Oswald, who fired the gun narrowly missing General Walker, and that it was Wallace as well who fired from the Grassy Knoll at the President. Madeleine says it was Mac Wallace's style; she saw him often at the Dallas Gun Club practicing with a .22 single shot pistol. Texas in the Morning, p.170

    Wallace was friendly with the Johnson family to the point of dating Josefa, Lyndon's sister. They had an affair during 1949 and 1950 in the Washington, DC area when Wallace, a former University of Texas student body president, was working as an economist for the Agriculture Department. Wallace was known as a hatchet man for LBJ. Josefa was at that time getting a divorce and had just been released from a Washington area alcoholic rehabilitation center. In 1951 Josefa had stopped dating Wallace and began a relationship with John Douglas Kinser, a 33 year-old Austin golf professional who owned a golf course. Lyndon believed that Kinser began dating his sister in the hope of securing LBJ's help in getting a small-business loan. One afternoon, Wallace drove up to Kinser's golf course and shot him dead in the keeper's house. Wallace fled but was captured. During his trial, Wallace was represented by John Cofer, the same attorney who had represented Lyndon Johnson in the famous "Ballot Box 13" voter fraud case in 1948 and who represented none other than Billie Sol Estes in the case of phantom fertilizer tanks. In fact, it had been rumored that Cofer handled the Estes case personally so he could prevent Lyndon Johnson from being dragged into the mess. Texas in the Morning, p. 79Later Lyndon would tell Madeleine, "Goddamn, Madeleine, can you believe this xxxxhead Wallace?" No one loves to drink and xxxx more than me, but xxxx, I wouldn't kill anyone over a piece of ass. The world's full of ass. Hell, I've got friends in Austin who owe me favors. I'm going to call in my markers for Wallace's trial. Madeleine, I can't have this bullxxxx embarrassing my family." Texas in the Morning, p. 79

    Estes told Larry Howard [head of the JFK Assassination Research Group in Dallas] and others that he sat in on one of the planning sessions for the assassination of President Kennedy, a meeting at which Lyndon Johnson was present. Estes maintains that Hunt and Murchison paid for the murder, and Hoover orchestrated it with special agents trained by the CIA; General Charles Cabell took care of the problems at the autopsy, and Hoover and Johnson were able to cover it up by creating and controlling the Warren Commission. Killing the Truth, p. 512

    Madeleine Brown says that Billy Sol took the fall for LBJ, and that there are only two people left who know the whole story of what happened to John F. Kennedy: Billy Sol Estes and Lady Bird Johnson. Bobby Kennedy went to see Estes when he was in jail, hoping to find out the truth about his brother's death; but Billy Sol would not tell, claiming that he was not ready to die yet. Killing the Truth, pp. 506, 507

    As a result of Estes’ testimony before the Robertson County Grand Jury, the Justice department sent Estes a letter requesting a meeting to discuss the provocative charges he had made. Estes enlisted the legal services of Douglas Caddy to represent him. Caddy wrote a letter to the Justice Department asking for the protection of immunity among other things. In return, Estes would provide information on far more than the Justice department had asked about. Estes listed seven more murders directly linked to Lyndon Johnson, one of them being that of President John F. Kennedy, and all of them at the hand of Malcolm Wallace.

    May 29, 1984

    U. S. Justice Department Criminal Division

    Dear Mr. Caddy:

    RE: Billy Sol Estes

    I have considered the materials and information you have provided to me in connection with your representation of Billy Sol Estes. I understand that Mr. Estes claims to have information concerning the possible commission of criminal offenses in Texas in the 1960’s and that he is willing to reveal that information at this time. I also understand that Mr. Estes wants several things in exchange for this information, such as a pardon for the offenses for which he has been convicted and immunity from any further prosecution among other things.

    Before we can engage in any further discussions concerning Mr. Estes’ cooperation or enter into any agreement with Mr. Estes we must know the following things: (1) the information, including the extent or corroborative evidence, that Mr. Estes has about each of the events that may be violations of criminal law; (2) the source of his information; and (3) the extent of his involvement, if any, in each of those events or any subsequent cover-ups. Until we have detailed information concerning these three things we can not determine whether any violations of federal criminal law occurred which are within our jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute and, if so, whether the information is credible and otherwise warrants investigation. Accordingly, if we are to proceed with meaningful discussions concerning Mr. Estes’ proffered cooperation, we must receive a detailed and specific written offer of proof from you setting forth the information noted above. The government will hold your offer of proof in strictest confidence and will not make any use of it other than to determine the credibility of the proffered information and whether it warrants further discussions with or debriefings of Mr. Estes.

    I must make sure that several things are understood at this time concerning Mr. Estes’ proffered cooperation. First, if after reviewing your offer of proof we decide the information that Mr. Estes can provide is credible and in all other respects warrants further investigation -- a decision which will be made unilaterally by the government -- it will be necessary for Mr. Estes to be interviewed and to reveal everything he knows about the possible criminal violations. He will have to do so completely, truthfully and without guile. Second, it must be understood that the government is not now making specific promises to Mr. Estes except with respect to the confidentiality and use of your offer of proof as noted above. If it is decided that Mr. Estes should be interviewed, the extent of promises concerning the confidentiality or use of the statements or promises of reward or consideration to Mr. Estes, if any, will be determined only after we receive a detailed written offer from you.

    Above all else, I must emphasize that Mr. Estes must act with total honesty and candor in any dealings with the Department of Justice or any investigative agency. If any discussions with or debriefings of Mr. Estes take place after receipt of your offer of proof and if any agreement ultimately is reached after Mr. Estes provides a statement, the government will not be bound by any representations or agreements it makes if any of his statements at any time are false, misleading or materially incomplete or if he knowingly fails to act with total honesty and candor.


    Stephen S. Trott

    Assistant Attorney General

    Criminal Division



    August 9, 1984

    Mr. Stephen S. Trott

    RE: Mr. Billie Sol Estes

    Dear Mr. Trott:

    My client, Mr. Estes, has authorized me to make this reply to your letter of May 29, 1984. Mr. Estes was a member of a four-member group, headed by Lyndon Johnson, which committed criminal acts in Texas in the 1960’s. The other two, besides Mr. Estes and LBJ, were Cliff Carter and Mac Wallace. Mr. Estes is willing to disclose his knowledge concerning the following criminal offenses:

    I. Murders

    1. The killing of Henry Marshall

    2. The killing of George Krutilek

    3. The killing of Ike Rogers and his secretary

    4. The killing of Harold Orr

    5. The killing of Coleman Wade

    6. The killing of Josefa Johnson

    7. The killing of John Kinser

    8. The killing of President J. F. Kennedy

    Mr. Estes is willing to testify that LBJ ordered these killings, and that he transmitted his orders through Cliff Carter to Mac Wallace, who executed the murders. In the cases of murders nos. 1-7, Mr. Estes’ knowledge of the precise details concerning the way the murders were executed stems from conversations he had shortly after each event with Cliff Carter and Mac Wallace.

    In addition, a short time after Mr. Estes was released from prison in 1971, he met with Cliff Carter and they reminisced about what had occurred in the past, including the murders. During their conversation, Carter orally compiled a list of 17 murders which had been committed, some of which Mr. Estes was unfamiliar. A living witness was present at that meeting and should be willing to testify about it. He is Kyle Brown, recently of Houston and now living in Brady, Texas.

    Mr. Estes, states that Mac Wallace, whom he describes as a "stone killer" with a communist background, recruited Jack Ruby, who in turn recruited Lee Harvey Oswald. Mr. Estes says that Cliff Carter told him that Mac Wallace fired a shot from the grassy knoll in Dallas, which hit JFK from the front during the assassination.

    Mr. Estes declares that Cliff Carter told him the day Kennedy was killed, Fidel Castro also was supposed to be assassinated and that Robert Kennedy, awaiting word of Castro’s death, instead received news of his brother’s killing.

    Mr. Estes says that the Mafia did not participate in the Kennedy assassination but that its possible participation was discussed prior to the event,, but rejected by LBJ, who believed if the Mafia were involved, he would never be out from under its blackmail.

    Mr. Estes asserts that Mr. Ronnie Clark, of Wichita, Kansas, has attempted on several occasions to engage him in conversation. Mr. Clark, who is a frequent visitor to Las Vegas, has indicated in these conversations a detailed knowledge corresponding to Mr. Estes’ knowledge of the JFK assassination. Mr. Clark claims to have met with Mr. Jack Ruby a few days prior to the assassination, at which time Kennedy’s planned murder was discussed.

    Mr. Estes declares that discussions were had with Jimmy Hoffa concerning having his aide, Larry Cabell, kill Robert Kennedy while the latter drove around in his convertible.

    Mr. Estes has records of his phone calls during the relevant years to key persons mentioned in the foregoing account.

    II. The Illegal Cotton Allotments

    Mr. Estes desires to discuss the infamous illegal cotton allotment schemes in great detail. He has tape recordings made at the time of LBJ, Cliff Carter and himself discussing the scheme. These recordings were made with Cliff Carter’s knowledge as a means of Carter and Estes protecting themselves should LBJ order their deaths.

    Mr. Estes believes these tape recordings and the rumors of other recordings allegedly in his possession are the reason he has not been murdered.

    III. Illegal Payoffs

    Mr. Estes is willing to disclose illegal payoff schemes, in which he collected and passed on to Cliff Carter and LBJ millions of dollars. Mr. Estes collected payoff money on more than one occasion from George and Herman Brown of Brown and Root, which was delivered to LBJ.

    In your letter of May 29, 1984, you request "(1) the information, including the extent of corroborative evidence, that Mr. Estes has about each of the events that may be violations of criminal law; (2) the sources of his information, and (3) the extent of his involvement, if any, in each of those events or any subsequent cover-ups."

    In connection with Item #1, I wish to declare, as Mr. Estes’ attorney, that Mr. Estes is prepared without reservation to provide all the information he has. Most of the information contained in this letter I obtained from him yesterday for the first time. While Mr. Estes has been pre-occupied by this knowledge almost every day for the last 22 years, it was not until we began talking yesterday that he could face up to disclosing it to another person. My impression from our conversation yesterday is that Mr. Estes, in the proper setting, will be able to recall and orally recount criminal matters. It is also my impression that his interrogation in such a setting will elicit additional corroborative evidence as his memory is stimulated.

    In connection with your Item #2, Mr. Estes has attempted in this letter to provide his sources of information.

    In connection with your Item #3, Mr. Estes states that he never participated in any of the murders. It may be alleged that he participated in subsequent cover-ups. His response to this is that had he conducted himself any differently, he, too, would have been a murder victim.

    Mr. Estes wishes to confirm that h

    e will abide by the conditions set forth in your letter and that he plans to act with total honesty and candor in any dealings with the Department of Justice or any federal investigative agency.

    In return for his cooperation, Mr. Estes wishes in exchange his being given immunity, his parole restrictions being lifted and favorable consideration being given to recommending his long-standing tax liens being removed and his obtaining a pardon.

    Sincerely yours,

    Douglas Caddy

    The Men on the Sixth Floor, p. 158

    Billy Sol's desperate financial circumstances forced him to file for bankruptcy, causing a host of creditors and mortgagors to descend on him to file their claims. Texas in the Morning, p. 149 Billy Sol never did testify before any federal agency. He may have been afraid of involving others, close to him, who were still living.


    Have added some links

    Good Bad and Indifferent on Billie Sol Estes..

    Unsolved Mysteries









    Name Base


    The Men On The Sixth Floor


    Holy Smoke



    by Mack White



    312 pages of FBI files dating from 1956 to 1966, covering Congressman Lyndon Johnson, Vice-President Lyndon Johnson, President Lyndon Johnson, and the Johnson Administration.

    Topics covered in the files include: Alleged voting irregularities in the Texas counties of Webb, Duval, Starr, Zapata and Jim Hogg. The Billy Sol Estes Affair. Billy Sol Estes was an associate and neighbor of Lyndon Johnson. Billy Sol Estes was convicted in 1962 of fraud against the federal government. Information covering the Johnson radio and television holdings. Allegations that Johnson demanded kickbacks from insurance salesman Don B. Reynolds after buying a policy from him. The alleged kickbacks included a $585 Magnavox stereo and $1,200 of advertising on a Johnson owned Austin televison station, KTBC. Details of a conversation between FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and President Johnson, about developments in the Kennedy Assassination investigation. A range of issues involving the protection of the president.

    Background checks on President Johnson Administration staff, including Pierre Salinger.


    Billie Sol Estes' presence still makes for lively theater

    By Bill Whitaker

    Local attorney Jim Norvell called a press conference last week to proclaim famed Texas wheeler-dealer Billie Sol Estes innocent, but that won't tilt the scales in anyone's mind.

    Nor did Billie Sol really expect it would.


    Billie Sol Estes, convicted of swindling, emerged from prison today and proclaimed: ''I've done the crime, I've done the time and I did it alone.''


    Why The History Channel Had To Aplogize


    JFK: Le dernier témoin

    JFK: The Last Witness

    by William Reymond and Billie Sol Estes

    Éditions Flammarion, 2003

    400 pages.

    ISBN-10: 2-08-067940-6

    ISBN-13: 9782080679406

    The Johnson conspiracy theory explored by top journalist (and US resident) William Reymond with last living witness, Billie Sol Estes

    An instant bestseller in France, William Reymond’s JFK: The Last Witness, puts forth a new theory on the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Far from being just another conspiracy book, it offers a missing piece in the puzzle, and a glimpse into the dark and corrupt world of Texas politics in the fifties and sixties in the form of a live witness and the co-author of the book: Billie Sol Estes.

    Sol Estes was from a modest background, but made a fortune at a young age and in the early fifties was spending his way to influence in Texas politics. His main and most notable beneficiary was the young senator Lyndon Johnson. When an investigation into Johnson’s financing was opened, Johnson betrayed Sol Estes rather than expose himself to rightful accusations. Estes lost his wealth, his family, and life, and spent time in jail. Now elderly and in poor health, the once formidable muckraker delivers some outrageous proclamations, and offers an up-close view of Texas dirty politics.

    Reymond convincingly weaves elements of a Johnson conspiracy, provided by Estes, to the latest forensic evidence, reconstituting the day of the assassination and the investigations, or lack thereof that ensued. The single assassin theory upheld by the Warren Commission falters when one key connection is made: the links Estes provides between Lyndon Johnson and Mac Wallace, an assassin whose finger prints were found in the same warehouse that sheltered Lee Harvey Oswald.


    The Taut Miles from Pecos 1962 article


  6. frog sent this info a bit ago, it may be of interest to those researching lho....

    from John Armstrong's book "Harvey & Lee" pages 909-910

    Contains the inventory that the DPD sent up to the FBI over the weekend, which was 5 pages long, and the returned evidence, 100 pieces of which were not signed by the DPD, which took up 21 pages when returned by the FBI. Why would the FBI add 100 items that were not sent from Dallas? We know why, of course.

    Also the 2 rolls of Microfilm that the DPD had no time to develop were returned with sections missing. Then the FBI renumbered all the pieces so that nothing matched or could easily be compared.


    I Have been digging at the mf site for the lists but nada so far so here is the link to the lho info page perhaps another will hav e better luck..take care all....b


  7. QUOTE:

    I have the impression i've been used as a pinball-ball here.

    I seem to get the same impression Martin. :)

    It seems all sides wan't you to work for them.

    Your business must come first, that's what pays the bills.


    Right on Robin....Martin you do what and when you feel like doing for whomever, or do nothing... you should not be made to feel any pressure of any kind..if so then you alone know how to take care of it and however your decide....there are some no matter what you do or find for them and present them with it is never enough...ever they seem to think you and others are at their disposal...why i have no idea because if they knew as much as they think they know in the first place they would have no need to ask ever....but there are times when i think perhaps this is done to tire others out to the point they back off and pack it up...if that ever happens that is the individuals choice only,,,,,,.You have been so generous so careful with your time and work and so very open and honest that this should never have been implied in anyway and never have happened...imo...as robin suggests look after your own business and backyard first do not feel like a ping pong..ball for any or anything...it's not worth it..the stress .and neither are they ..whomever.... take care b

  8. "I suddenly realized that the Point of interest we see in Altgens7 is actually in the same place as in Altgens6 cause i found no

    solution for this crucial part.

    What i did then was to build a 3D dummy of the windshield incl. the mirror.

    Important is:

    a.) the correct angle of the windshield

    b.) the correct size and shape of the mirror

    c.) the correct distance of the mirror in relationship to the windshield.

    Once this crucial parts are fitting, we will realize that the damage in Altgens7 is in the same location as in Altgens6."


    It would be very helpful for you to show the model - and tell us what numbers you actually used for a,b, and c.

    Right now you're just stating conclusions, you're not demonstrating why we should come to the conclusions along with you.Jerry

    now jerry... josiah has stated his conclusions without showing his study has he not..''.quote...Thanks, Doug, for steering me to those two posts. I read them without any idea how Martin reached the conclusion he did. I just read them again and I'll bet you that, when this claim is run to ground, it will turn out to be wrong on both points made by Martin.''b

  9. ''One of the most intriguing, and frustrating, records of the assassination are the heavily edited "Air Force One" audiotapes available from the LBJ Presidential Library in Texas''

    BILL WE ARE BEGINNING TO SEE A PATTERN HERE THE DALLAS radio PARKLAND INTERVIEWS tapes were also secluded and found within the lbj library what else has been...or has this been noted and looked into in the past..i do not know...it makes one wonder if his library has been used as a hideaway by some within the government or if he had copies of such within his records that were not passed along or shared or secured where they should have been on his orders...?? thanks..b

  10. Good for you Don for taking him to task...but consider where it comes from...as you mention

    ''which says a lot about the assassination theories he's constantly pushing in his posts. ''you must have disagreed with him in the past i am thinking i have also and felt his wrathful ruffles...i paid no attention to him ignorig his type is the worse possible hurt you can hand them...and i have not and will not discuss anything since nor in the future with him,....this all should be imo a give and take and anyone who must have it all one sided and must get mean in doing so... is not worth the effort just some thoughts..thank you for your many good posts in the past and looking forward to more in the future...best .....ps and now from Evan's post you have learnt even more..distortions...b..

  11. Almost 50,000 of you signed our petition to the History Channel telling them that you refuse to watch their programming if they're going to produce right-wing propaganda and call it "history."

    In response to our video and your petition, Stephen Kronish, a screenwriter for "The Kennedys," told The New York Times that he based his script on books by renowned Kennedy historians, mentioning David Talbot as one of his sources. "If I'm wrong," Kronish told The Times, "I guess all of them are wrong."

    So we tracked down David Talbot, who has read the script, and asked him what he thinks of Kronish's claim to have based his story on Talbot's research. Here's what Talbot had to say.

    Kronish and his friends at The History Channel just keep digging their hole deeper. Let's keep the pressure on until they stop making excuses and start providing us with a balanced portrayal of history.

    Send our petition to your friends and family today! It's critical that we let as many people as possible know about this outrageous piece of right-wing propaganda from The History Channel.


    Robert Greenwald, Leighton Woodhouse

    and the Brave New Films team

    P.S. - Check out New York Times' coverage on David Talbot. b..

  12. TOSH YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN THIS OLDER LINK AND http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=9376




    2009 robert speaks...




  13. i cannot cut the signature from the pdf jerry sent, thank you..for sending... to then put side by side for a comparison the pdf will not allow me to...so i will post both of the docs, martin chris robin any fella around that can do so for the comparisons it would be greatly appreciated..but note one appears to be printed the other an adult signature...thanks b

    Here you go Bernice:


    This signatures obviously are not from the same person.

    Why not do the copies from the original signed document. Thats the usual process.

    OR if the the signed document is not a hand....let it blank.

    To let is sign from another person is document falsification and can be prosecuted.

    I'am puzzled that this has happend in this delicate case.


    many many thanks you fellas some are so very helpful repeatedly, it is so very much appreciated as this certainly adds to the research of all...hear hear for you fellas...best b..

    the signatures are very obviously different extremely so...these are both from the government w/c SS files.government .INVESTIGATIONS .now why would that be no surprise to me, i have no idea.. B) hopefully this can be further looked into and researched..something is seriously in error..and with the government files EEK!!!!!..b :blink::blink::blink::blink::ice

  14. [

    I just discovered something very interesting. I want to credit and thank Jerry Logan. Jerry, Barb and others may agree or disagree with me but I must point out that many of us really try to be cooperative in assisting each other even though we may "battle" online. There are also many people who are very helpful to everyone. Jerry was kind enough to e-mail me a copy of the Charles Taylor affidavit which was prepared for him to sign to recant his obseveration in his report of November 27, 1963 that he saw a hole in the windshield and his December 10, 1975 statement when he confirmed he saw a hole. Note the affidavit was NOT written by him (Taylor) but was prepared for him to sign. There is a great deal made of the fact that he did not have enough time to look at the windshield closely but even the affidavit indicates that he was in the passenger seat of the limo for an HOUR as it was driven from Andrews Air Force Base to the Garage. What was he doing, staring at his feet? The MOST interesting aspect was that he DID NOT SIGN his name. It was hand printed out by someone. In 1963 his signature was very clear. Did he forget how to sign his name? Was he trying to tell us something? I am not a handwriting expert but it would be interesting to compare the two writings as there seems to be something suspicious. Why would he do this? What is of further interest is that the notary public does not sign her name but it is also hand printed out. Has anyone ever heard of a notary printing their name. I don't know how to place the two comparisons here as I demonstrate my poor typing and computer skills every day. Perhaps Bernice or someone could do so.

    Doug Weldon

    i cannot cut the signature from the pdf jerry sent, thank you..for sending... to then put side by side for a comparison the pdf will not allow me to...so i will post both of the docs, martin chris robin any fella around that can do so for the comparisons it would be greatly appreciated..but note one appears to be printed the other an adult signature...thanks b the pdf has been reloaded it stopped opening for some reason...

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