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Bernice Moore

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Everything posted by Bernice Moore

  2. I'd like to know if you: - Believe Oswald fired any shots NO - Believe Oswald killed Tippit NO - Believe the single bullet theory is possible NO - Believe shots were fired from the front, back or both directions BOTH - Can assess the performance of the Secret Service in Dallas WHAT PERFORMANCE - Think LBJ and/or other high public officials were involved YES I'll get things started by saying that I think Oswald fired no weapons that day. I tend to agree with Jim Garrison that he was some sort of intelligence operative, who was assigned at the time of the assassination to infiltrate a group he was told was planning on murdering JFK. I don't think Oswald killed Tippit. I think the single bullet theory is scientifically impossible. I think shots were fired from at least two directions (at least one rear location and one front location). I think the Secret Service failed miserably on the day of the assassination, and I can't accept that their failure was due merely to incompetence. I think Greer, Kellerman and Emory Roberts, at the very least, had prior knowledge of the assassination. I think LBJ and other high public officials (Hoover, McGeorge Bundy, among others) were active participants in the conspiracy and coverup. In short, I think there was a massive conspiracy to kill John F. Kennedy and coverup the crime afterwards. I think the most powerful forces in our society at that time were involved. AGREED So, what's your take? For once, let's hear everyone's opinion without referencing the perceived shortcomings of other posters. Where do you stand? B
  3. GARY SHAW AND JOHN Stockwell: JFK Assassination Cover-Up ON THE WARREN COMMISSION http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhdR9-6gcsM B
  4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXANS CALLED IT.....26) Phil Willis---"…The [Presidential] party had come to a temporary halt before proceeding on to the underpass." [7 H 497; "Crossfire" by Jim Marrs (1989), p. 24]; 27) Mrs. Phil (Marilyn) Willis---after the fatal head shot, "she stated the Presidential limousine paused momentarily and then sped away under the Triple Underpass." [FBI report dated 6/19/64; "Photographic Whitewash" by Harold Weisberg (1967), p. 179];
  5. Jack Don whomever here are a few photos showing the sides closed in..of the underpass as i have them marked...fwtaw,,b
  6. Actually my response was to cite Charles Sanders Peirce, and experiments proving he was right. Since you hold yourself out as a teacher of Peircean thought, why not show us why Peirce was wrong in warning against witness memory in THE LOGIC OF DRAWING HISTORY.... See Page 79. http://books.google.com/books?id=grYAoECfZ...;q=&f=false A widely-held belief holds that eyewitness testimony tends to be unreliable. It was one of the remarkable aspects of Mantik's research, therefore, that he discovered a strikingly high degree of agreement among multiple witnesses about shots that hit the President's head. This led him to a review of the current literature on the reliability of witnesses, including a book by Elizabeth Loftus, EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY (1996). On Table 3.1, he discovered a summary of research with 151 subjects, which reported that, when subjects consider what they were observing to be salient (or significant), they were 98% accurate and 98% complete with respect to their observations—reinforcing their importance as evidence and offering one more indication that popular opinions are not always true. http://jfkresearch.com/Moorman....B http://faculty.washington.edu/eloftus/
  7. ray check out below for your info all through these it is repeated the large defect or words to that effect was blown out... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=84...racy&hl=en# GRODEN'S CASE FOR CONSPIRACY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhWJowvbtxs parkland doctors head wound Blown out... i have been checking out the frames before 313...The only thing that is well delineated imo is the black patch at the back of his head. In the frames leading up to 313, that general area is brown – the color of his hair -- not black…Check them out...imo... B the photo frames below have been inverted..imo what a mess they made came to mind...take care all b
  8. ABC News Classics The Assasination of President Kennedy http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000R9COIK/ref=pe_5140_14152150_snp B..
  9. Thanks Cliff i did not have that information...well let's go to the next shall we.. the bullet that is said by DOUG to have been removed behind the right ear here is a document fwiw...i believe it refers to two bullets .... b..
  10. gif series chris davidson ...then after frAME 313 AUTHOR OF GIF UNKNOWN at present..study zap 341 chris davidson.. then a study by greg burnham ..life magazine recoil study...all for now thanks fellas and thanks for your time...b
  11. Sure Martin...And if you go back to say 325 and step forward you can see the highlight on JKF's head move up and around as his head goes forward and down...all in perfect sync with the position of sun... Thank you Martin for your contributions this below also posted above was done by bill miller he came to your conclusion also..though i think yours is clearer but thanks also to his work...two heads and all that...best b..
  12. i must post one of my favourite zapruder gifs... i think this must be or perhaps was an Irish Jig in honor of the potus as he passed if correct that is..you tell moi...thanks i think this was another of chris davidsons b
  13. here's one from duncan mccrae showing the forward movement thanks...b
  14. john i believe you are asking about this one,below i hope...,,if so it was created by chris davidson i believe ad you would have to contact him through the forum email to ask for any changes or additions to his work....b
  15. a few gifs for studies and that's about it..the end of the zapruder film showing the limo going into the underpass and the end of the fence is compliments of rick needham..sorry it is not working will, try again...they are marked by the authors name upon downloading it appears if known...i believe many thanks to the gif artists they are amazing...and very appreciated many thanks for your good work... b the gifs below some have been made by bill miller, don roberdeau, rick needham ,martin hindrichs, duncan mccrae, john dolva and frank aqbat if their work is not represented this time it has been many times in the past..i am very grateful as many others are..b.. I returned as i recalled one more name sorry bout that, it is allen healey who has done great gif work for years now..and of course Chris Davidson forgive the grey cells chris ta... a few more..are obviously .gone Chris who does fantastic work,,, ''Dealey Plaza Revisited: What Happened to JFK?''Please See pages 357 through 360 of chapter 30 here:for further studies...fyi b http://www.und.edu/org/jfkconference/UNDchapter30.pdf
  16. I HAVE BEEN ASKED TO POST SOME ZAPRUDER FRAMES FOR STUDIES..thanks...if anyone has a good clear frame 372 close up crop of the head shot area that they could post, that would be very appreciated as mine has disappeared, the Gremlins i guess... perhaps Martin or Robin could or whomever with many thanks... .b the second photo below is frame 374..
  17. I know it was Gary who discovered Badgeman (although Groden claims it was Ruth Carter Stapleton who discoverd the image when Groden showed her the Moorman picture), I just dont care to talk about him at all, I see your work on blowing up the picture and making the image clear as very important I would like to know more about this whole deal with Groden and Stapleton, anybody know the story behind that? Dean this if i recall this is from one of the sites that picked it up..and thanks to them it has been saved.....what site now where i no no ...but fwiw'' In an Internet message board posting,on rich's Gary Mack wrote that Robert Groden had shown an enlargement of the Moorman photograph to Ruth Carter Stapleton, the sister of President Jimmy Carter. Groden pointed out the figure at the end of the retaining all to her. Stapleton reportedly pointed to the figure that later became known as Badge Man, but Groden convinced her that what she saw wasn't a person. Mack wrote: "So a great moment was lost...if Groden had pursued the image further, the question might have been brought to the HSCA and they would have searched for the original, 1963 Dallas copy negatives of the Moorman Polaroid..." (Message board posting by Gary Mack, 7-16-00, www.jfkresearch.com)] '' b//
  18. This is a good time to thank Doug Horne and the ARRB for bringing us Janie Taylor and the Elbert Israel story. (I don't have the link) Israel was a black orderly at Bethesda said he was in the room when quick surgery was done to JFK's head. Being black in 1963 meant being largely invisible. Not hard evidence but then nothing about the head wound evidence is. Hi Cliff the clarence israel document has been known about and well batted about for several years on some forums..but now with doug's great books all have the opportunity to have so much of what is available we owe him our thanks ..and many are grateful..in case others have not seen it here is the israel DOCUMENT....B
  19. Sorry Martin fellas..as i said not to divert the thread...in my post ....well that was hopefully.but i just well knew i should not have posted the Badgeman photos..sorry lot that when one must hesitate because they just know that some are going to simply take the opportunity to jump...anyway am sorry now i did so..let's get the thread back on track i do not think that should be that hard to do...thanks for your time..best b..
  20. topic,322.0.urlPossible Evidence Neglected I copied this out from an old copy of “The National Tattler” Jun 6/75.. Interesting..[plus some information from jack when first posted...i saved your post jack hope that is fine with you...best b.. “Mystery Cartridge Found at Murder Scene, Given to TV Newsman, Ignored by Officials. It Explains Much: By Al Chapman… Al Chapman author of this article, is a minister who became a hard nosed investigator immediately after President John F.Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas on Nov.22, 1963. He was one of the first of what became legions of private probers who doubted the official findings of the Warren Commission that Lee Harvey Oswald alone was responsible for the death of President Kennedy. A part of a loose knit group of researchers calling them selves the “Dealey Plaza Irregulars,” Chapman has again and again uncovered significant new evidence that indicates the official version was wrong. He has contributed evidence appearing in a number of best selling books and has been repeatedly recognized on a national level. In this article, written exclusively for TATTLER, Chapman reveals for the first time the finding of a second cartridge at the assassination site, a cartridge that could not have been fired from the rifle the Warren Commission claim Oswald used to kill Kennedy and wound Gov. Connally-- The Editors. ************* By Al Chapman A mystery cartridge … one that would not fit the weapon the Warren Commission says was used to kill President John F Kennedy… turned up just after the assassination. It was never officially and seriously checked out by those responsible for seeking the answer to the President’s death on the streets of Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. During the bustle and chaos that followed during the first days after Kennedy was shot by one of more snipers, the throngs of newsman and lawmen that converged on Dallas were concerned with the swearing in of Lyndon Johnson, the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, his murder by Jack Ruby. The second cartridge was ignored. NOT LONG AGO when I heard of the second cartridge from someone who had been close to Oswald, I began investigating it. What I learned firmly convinced me that cartridge should be investigated further by officials with the authority and the power to get at the full truth. The Warren Commission says the bullets that killed President Kennedy and wounded Gov. John Connally were fired by Oswald from a sixth floor window in the Texas Scool Book Depository Building. The found Oswald’s rifle, a 6.5 caliber weapon, inside a window on the sixth floor and determined it to be the death weapon. The second cartridge, which still remains a mystery, is a 30.6 caliber. (Such a shell could not have been fired from a 6.5 caliber weapon such as the M.C.) THE CARTRIDGE ended up in the hands of Bert Shipp, a newsman at the time for the ABC television station in Dallas, WFAA-TV-Channel 8, which ironically is owned by the wealthy family for which Dealey Plaza , where Kennedy was killed, is named. A postman walked up to a WFAA cameraman on the street and handed him the cartridge. It was wrapped in a postal receipt. “Give this to Bert Shipp,” the postman said. “He will know what to do with it”. Shipp was a well known television personality and perhaps that is why the postman thought of him. “Where did you get it?” The cameraman asked. “I found it in the bushes outside the School Book Depository Building,” said the postman. This was about noon, Nov.23, 1963---the day after Kennedy was killed, the day before Oswald’s lips were silenced forever by Jack Ruby’s gun. Shipp at first didn’t take it seriously. “I thought somebody was playing a little joke on me,” Shipp told me in a tape-recorded interview. THE CARTRIDGE shell lay on Shipp’s desk for months. Many people walking in and out of the television newsroom had a look at it, perhaps speculated on it. Some law enforcement people heard about and had a look at the shell. Finally, a member of the Dallas Police Department went by the television station and picked up the cartridge. The police kept the cartridge for awhile and then Patrolman George Butler gave it back to Shipp, who still had it. Police told Shipp as far as they were concerned; he had one of the shells that had come out of Oswald’s rifle. It must have flicked out the sixth floor window and landed in the bushes below. The only problem with that is there is no logical way the shell could have flicked out the window. And there were no bushes below the window---only cement.( Neither could a 30.6 shell be fired from the MC.) If the postman indeed found the shell in the grass or bushes, it had to have been another area--- most probably the grassy knoll where many sources report hearing shots and seeing puffs of smoke when Kennedy was shot ---reports brushed aside by the investigation’s officials. ENGRAVED ON THE mystery bullet is “FA 41.” I checked this out and found this meant the bullet was manufactured in 1941 at Frankfort Arsenal in Illinois. It was part of 1941 military ammunition. Firearms experts will tell you such a bullet manufactured during World War 11 would be just as potent two decades later and could have been fired at the President. A corner was torn off the postal receipt in which the cartridge was wrapped. That corner would have shown the date and month of the receipt. The receipt was blank except for a telephone number. Checking out the telephone number, I found that in 1963, it was the number of a North Dallas lounge that, according to police sources. Was a hangout for underworld figures? At the time I interviewed Shipp, the number belonged to a loading ramp at Dallas Love Field. I have never been able to locate the postman who found the shell. It could have been one of many postmen who served the various office buildings in the area. WHAT THE authorities should do ---if an official reopening, of the assassination is conducted---is to locate the missing person. The information he could provide might be a vital link in determining the truth about the President’s death more than ten years later.”” Written in 1975. Al Chapman ..Bert Shipp A few words about Al Chapman. I went all through high school with Al. Al had only one arm; his left arm was missing at the shoulder. His right arm was extremely strong; he could outgrip anyone. Despite his handicap, he played tackle on the football team. After high school, he was running with some bad friends and had a minor scrape with the law. After that he "got religion" and was even ordained as a part-time minister. I seem to recall that his "regular job" was as a custodian, I think. In 1963 he took an intense interest in investigating the assassination, became a writer and frequent contributor to grocery tabloids. He was helped by his son, who is now a Dallas private investigator. Al died about 20 years ago. Shortly after Al's death, his son let me copy a few of Al's photos. If I recall correctly, he purchased one of her several sets of the WC 26 volumes that had been obtained by Marguerite Oswald. Jack
  21. HERE'S another...b photo ftom records building showing view and the rooftops in 63 as they were...b i'll be back to finish lost one,,,
  22. Not to divert the thread....Hi Kathy hope all is still going well health wise...perhaps these will help your view his arms are up as in the comparison made of roscoe white as such...the other is jack's work for your information..take care..p.s that is smoke from the rifle not his mouth...b
  23. Gems from the 26 Volumes: by Vince Palamara SETH KANTOR ON THE "DEAD" SECRET SERVICE AGENT 20 H 410: "A Western Union man who had been with us since we came down from Andrews Air Force Base came into the [Parkland Hospital] office.A nurse asked him about a report that a Secret Service agent had been killed out on the street. HE SAID THAT IT WAS TRUE. This was one of the immediate rumors which sprung up. It took several days for this particular rumor not to be believed in Dallas itself (FELLOW IN JAGGARS-CHILES-STOVALL who got it from a friend who got it from a POSTMAN* supposed to have been at the death scene that the shot and bleeding SS man was in on the plot to kill the President.)" [emphasis added] *the 1/22/77 issue of "The Continuing Inquiry" contains an article written by Penn Jones and Gary Shaw re: the "dead" agent incident as reported in a letter sent to Jim Garrison during the Clay Shaw trial: "A Mr. Robertson, Assistant Director of the Dallas or Fort Worth Secret Service office, confided to [friend of writer who requested anonymity] in 1963 that a plot to kill President Kennedy was planned and he did not want any part of it. On November 22, 1963, my friend was in the office of Mr. Robertson when all phones began to ring, about the time Kennedy was arriving at Carswell Air Force Base [in Fort Worth], Mr. Robertson then said, 'Well, this is it' and left the office. Sinc that time Mr. Robertson's family of seven children and wife have not seen or heard from him, yet his paychecks continue to be mailed to his home." Jones/ Shaw: "Our 1965 investigation lead us to believe Robertson was in Dallas but was posing as a POSTAL INSPECTOR, but it was reported to us that he had left Dallas. We also learned from newsmen that something unusual did happen on Harwood [street] shortly before the turn to Main Street. No one wanted credit for this, but we were told by reliable newsmen that a man jumped in front of Kennedy's car on Harwood shouting, "Stop, I must tell you." The man, according to ther report, was promptly wresteled to the ground and hustled away." [emphasis added] ----- To my great surprise, there are FOUR reports that corroborate the above article, in conjunction with the overlooked Kantor report: The first is the actual LETTER sent to Garrison from an "Amy Britvar" dated 2/21/68 and originating from Turtle Creek Blvd. in Dallas, TX. [thanks go to John Armstrong and Jack White for the copy of this letter]! An internet people search for Britvar drew a blank, although there ARE other Britvars in Texas (further work will be done on locating this person). The second is a Treasury Department (U.S. Customs Service) document, dated 1/17/80, from Joseph G. Forrester, U.S. Customs, to Attorney General Benjamin R. Civiletti [thanks go to John Armstrong and Ed Sherry for this document]. The letter reads in part: "My interest in the Kennedy murder started in 1966 when I met ab Air Force Master Sergeant at St. Albans Naval Hospital, Queens, New York. This sergeant, an elderly man, was suffering from terminal cancer. He stated that on November 22,1963 he was attached to Air Force One as an electronics technician. He further stated that after the President was shot a message was received over a military frequency that multiple assassins had attacked the President...a Secret Service agent, Mr. Robertson, stationed in the Dallas-Fort Worth area disappeared on November 22,1963 yet his family still receives his paychecks. The disappearance of an individual is not unusual except that it has been said that Mr. Robertson became aware of an assassins plot against the president. An assassin plot had been unearthed in Chicago a short time before President Kennedy's Dallas trip. Please do not misconstrue this letter. I am not a crank; but I am sincerely interested in this crucial investigation. I am willing to join an investigative team and if that is not possible, will make myself available for an interview by investigative officers." The third is a lengthy memorandum written by Vince Salandria, dated 1/31/67, regarding an interview with Rita Rollins, a Navy Nurse with an interesting story to tell.---the crucial part in question reads as follows: "The name of the person in Dallas...is Inez Robertson. CHUCK ROBERTSON, HER HUSBAND, WORKS AT THE POST OFFICE...Inez Robertson, actually saw them [men with guns] make a breakdown of the rifles. This tall man with long grey or white hair[-]he was in the station wagon. There is a luggage rack on the station wagon. It was a Rambler station wagon. This fellow with the mixed grey hair carried them [the armed men] to the airport...This tall man had been around Dallas the day before the assassination...THIS EPISODE HAS CAUSED FRICTION BETWEEN CHUCK ROBERTSON AND INEZ ROBERTSON. HE IS NOT IN DALLAS NOW." [emphasis added] The fourth can be found in the WC volumes: 17 H 749 (CE 705: the DPD Channel 2 transcripts)--- "One of the SECRET SERVICE MEN ON THE FIELD---ELM AND HOUSTON; said it came over the teletype that one of the Secret Service men had been killed." [emphasis added] ----- Finally, here are excerpts from my article about the "dead" agent: In the July, 1997 JFK Deep Politics Quarterly article "Jim Fox and the Dead Secret Service Agent Story," Mark Crouch raised some fascinating possibilities. In fact, I was so inspired by that article that I finally decided to do something I should have done a long time ago: namely, detail every scrap of data concerning this mystery, as well as the one concerning the "agent(s)" of unknown repute spotted in Dealey Plaza immediately after the assassination. First things first, however -- here is every known reference to the dead agent I could find as reported in the media on November 22, 1963. Eddie Barker, KRLD-TV, a CBS affiliate, noted, "The word is that the President was killed, one of his agents is dead, and Governor Connally was wounded." ABC News in Washington reported, "A Secret Service agent apparently was shot by one of the assassin's bullets." ABC's Bill Lord report included, "Did confirm the death of the secret service agent... one of the Secret Service agents was killed...Secret Service agents usually walk right beside the car." ABC Washington also noted, "One of the Secret Service agents traveling with the President was killed today." The Associated Press (AP) was quoted on WFAA (ABC):"A Secret Service agent and a Dallas policeman were shot and killed some distance from where the President was shot." At 12:45 p.m. CST, KRLD-TV, a CBS affiliate, reported that a Secret Service agent had been killed along with the President. At 1:23 pm, CST, CBS's Walter Cronkite reported, "A Secret Service man was also killed in the fusillade of shots." Seth Kantor, a reporter for Scripps-Howard, would write in his notebook, which was published by the Warren Commission [20H 410] "They even have to die in secret." At 2:14, the AP again made note: "A Secret Service Agent and a Dallas policeman were shot and killed today. The Dallas Police radio, channel two, also carried the story: (2:40 p.m.) "One of the Secret Service men on the field--Elm and Houston, said that it came over his Teletype that one of the Secret Service men had been killed." The Dallas Times Herald , dateline November 22, 1963, added, "From the Secret Service office in Dallas--a spokesman could neither confirm or deny the report: 'All I've heard is the same reports you've heard [sic]'." At 3:40 p.m. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Robert A. Wallace reported, "No Secret Service man was injured in the attack on President Kennedy," a denial of sorts, but it does not indicate if one was killed, or if there was violence away from "the attack on President Kennedy." Beyond this, several authors, this one included, have come upon information that, in one way or another, appears to corroborate the story to a certain extent. What follows is a listing of these findings. In High Treason 2 (p. 439), DNC advance man Marty Underwood said to Harry Livingstone-- "There were a couple of suicides in the thing, with the Secret Service and everything..." Livingstone: "Do you remember who committed suicide?" Underwood: "I don't remember. I think there were a couple...." [He is then cut off by Livingstone.] Secondly, in this author's book The Third Alternative (p. 36): "While all three major television networks reported that "A Secret Service agent and a Dallas policeman were shot and killed' on 11/22/63, only to be officially corrected later by Secret Service officials, this author learned from Crouch, [Mark Crouch,friend and confidante of PRS agent/photographer James K. "Jack" Fox] that Agent Fox stated that the story was true!! According to Crouch, Fox was working in theExecutive Office Building on 11/ 22/63 (where the PRS office was), when he was asked by SAIC of PRS Robert Bouck to get ready a detail of four to six agents to assist in retrieving the body and casket of the unnamed Secret Service agent. Fox told Crouch, "We lost a man that day- our man ,' and qualified his remarks by stating that he was not referring to JFK! This was a deathbed confession of sorts, -- Fox died not long after telling Crouch this in the early 1980's [ed. note: Fox died in 1987]. (Interestingly, although having heard the news reports that stated that the President's limousine raced to Parkland Hospital after the shooting, Mrs. Bill Greer thought for several hours that her husband had perished that day! Since she knew that Greer was the driver of JFK's car, this appears to be a strange admission. See Death of a President, p. 354, 1988 edition; interview of Richard Greer, 10/7/91)"; Third, from Richard Trask's Pictures of the Pain, (p. 50): Mrs. Cecil Stoughton had similar concerns about her husband to those of Mrs. Greer cited above, no doubt due to these same reports... RE: MOTORCYCLES--- 20 H 489: DPD Captain Perdue Lawrence (rode in the advance car) Exhibit re: motorcycle distribution DATED NOVEMBER 21, 1963, the day before the assassination [handwritten comments from 7/24/64]: In addition to DPD motorcycles officers B.W. Hargis and B.J. Martin, H.B. MCLAIN AND J.W. COURSON WERE SLATED TO RIDE ON THE LEFT SIDE OF JFK'S LIMOUSINE. Also, in addition to DPD motorcycl officers D.L.Jackson and J.M. Chaney, C.A. HAYGOOD AND M.L. BAKER WERE SLATED TO RIDE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF JFK'S LIMOUSINE! 3 H 244: DPD motorcycle officer M.L. Baker testified that there was a last minute change made at Love Field-told to stay to the rear of limousine [baker evidently interpreted this as WAY back]; 6 H 293: DPD motorcycle officer B.J. Martin testified that they were instructed to stay to the rear of the limousine; 7 H 580-581: DPD Captain Perdue Lawrence testified that the Secret Service told them to stay to the rear on the evening of 11/21/63 [based off JFK's alleged "desires", debunked by my Secret Service interviews and previous motorcades, inc. in Texas and Florida in November 1963: how convenient---JFK's "desires" coincided with his assassination!]; 21 H 571: DPD Asst. Chief Charles Batchelor----"[DPD Captain Perdue] Lawrence then said there would be four (4) motorcycles on either side of the motorcade immediately to the rear of the President's vehicle [as borne out by his 11/21/63 report]. MR. LAWSON [OF THE SECRET SERVICE] STATED THAT THIS WAS TOO MANY, that HE thought two (2) motorcycles on either side would be sufficient, about even with the rear fender of the President's car." [emphasis added]; 4 H 338: Secret Service agent Winston G. Lawson--- DULLES: "...do you recall that any orders were given by or on behalf of the President with regard to the location of those motorcycles that were particularly attached to his car?' LAWSON: "NOT SPECIFICALLY AT THIS INSTANCE ORDERS FROM HIM." [emphasis added---Lawson would go on to say that "it was my understanding that he did not like a lot of motorcycles surrounding the car", something not borne out by very recent prior motorcades!!!]; 20 H 453; 463-465: DPD Captain Glen King---stated that the Secret Service was PRIMARILY responsible for the President's security, while the role of the DPD was a SUPPORTIVE one [in keeping with all prior motorcades in 1963] -------- WILL FRITZ'S MEN OUT OF THE MOTORCADE: 20 H 391: Seth Kantor's notes----"Will Fritz's men called off nite before by SS. Had planned to ride closed car w/ machine guns in car behind Pres." [which could mean someplace behind JFK's car, as was the case in New York on 11/15/63]; --------- PRESS OUT OF THE PICTURE: 6 H 163: DMN reporter Tom Dillard---"We lost our position at the airport. I understood we were to have been quite a bit closer. We were assigned as the prime photographic car which, as you probably know, NORMALLY A TRUCK PRECEDS THE PRESIDENT ON THESE THINGS [MOTORCADES] AND CERTAIN REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC PRESS RIDE WITH THE TRUCK. In this case, as you know, we didn't have any and this car That I was in was to take photographs which was of spot-news nature." [emphasis added]. Dillard forcefully said the same thing on C-Span on 11/20/93, telling the tv audience that the flatbed truck was "cancelled at the last minute" and they were put in Chevrolet convertibles "which totally put us out of the picture." [all previous trips, inc. Florida, has press/ photographers very close in front and behind JFk's limousine, inc. WH photographer Cecil Stoughton, who rode in the SS follow-up car from July 1963 until 11/21/63---he was relegated to one of the aforementioned convertibles and would NOT tell me who placed him away from the limo! In addition, Godfrey McHugh was told, for the first time, to please not ride in the limousine, as he and/ or Ted Clifton often did; however, bith the Secret Service and (recently) Ken O'Donnell have been blamed for this, although McHugh earlier had mentioned only the SS to CFTR radio in 1976, years before the Ralph Martin book!]; --------- MOTORCADE ROUTE: 4 H 169: DPD Chief Jesse Curry---testified that he was not consulted about the motorcade route!; >From WC document-Griffin to Rankin re: Dallas PD: "From an administrative standpoint, (DPD's Charles) Batchelor believed that the failure of the Secret Service to inform the police adequately in advance of the exact route to be taken by the president prevented them from adequately organizing their men and taking the necessary security precautions."; -------- OVERPASSES (AND THE UMBRELLA MAN)-DISTRACTIONS?: 21 H 564: DPD Asst. Chief Charles Batchelor---"He [Lawson of the SECRET SERVICE] also stated that we should have men on each railroad and traffic overpass that the presidential party would go under, and that these people should be instructed NOT TO LET ANYONE STAND OVER THE IMMEDIATE PATH OF THE PRESIDENTIAL PARTY." [emphasisi added---not adhered to in Dealey Plaza!]; 4 H 327: Secret Service agent Winston G. Lawson himself testifies that "any citizen", no exceptions, were to be kept off overpasses. In fact, 4 H 351: Lawson testified: "I recall thinking we were coming to an overpass now, so I glanced up to see if it was clear, the way most of them had been, THE WAY ALL OF THEM HAD BEEN UP UNTIL THAT TIME ON THE WAY DOWNTOWN, AND IT WAS NOT...And I was looking for the officer WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE, HAD BEEN REQUESTED TO BE THERE...and I made a kind of motion through the windshield trying to get his attention to move the people from over our path THE WAY IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN...we were just approaching this overpass when I heard a shot." [emphasis added---was this a visual distraction, as the umbrella man was? In the new Z-film video---the sprocket area---Secret Service agent Clint Hill, in particular, is seemingly transfixed on the umbrella man DURING the initial shooting!]; 2 H 119: Fellow Secret Service agent William R. Greer, the driver of the limo, conveniently didn't really remember anyone (except MAYBE one police officer) on the overpass!; ------------- "SECRET SERVICE AGENT(S)" IN DEALEY PLAZA/ KNOLL/ TSBD: 6 H 312: D.V. Harkness; 7 H 535: DPD officer Joe M. Smith; 7 H 107: Seymour Weitzman; 6 H 196: Ronald Fischer; 20 H 443: SS Inspector Kelley re: LHO! 18 H 887: "Gen. C.A. Willoughby" on the Young Americans for Freedom National Board!; 5 H 454-455;457-458: Secret Service Chief James J. Rowley---testifies about Secret Service agent Abraham W. Bolden, Sr. re: Bolden's allegations of laxity and his legal troubles [bolden was shocked that he was mentioned at all in the 26 volumes---he never knew he was in them, let alone testimony from the Chief!]; 1 H 399: Robert Oswald---Marguerite shown Ruby's photo NOVEMBER 23, the day BEFORE Ruby shoots LHO! Who showed her the photo? SECRET SERVICE AGENT MIKE HOWARD! 18 H 795: Secret Service agent Andy Berger---writes in his SS report that "AN UNIDENTIFIED CIA AGENT" who had "CREDENTIALS" made himself available at Parkland while JFK was there (this is seperate from FBI agent Vincent Drain, who identified himself and was sent via Hoover, and an "unidentified FBI agent" who did NOT have credentials!; 17 H 566: THE SOURCE FOR FBI MAN WILLIAM WALTHER'S TELETYPE? 17 H 574: a bomb threat in El Paso, TX on 6/5/63---JFK, Connally, and LBJ were there (although LBJ was not in the motorcade) to start the planning of the upcoming Texas trip for NOVEMBER 21-23, 1963!!!; 18 H 692: Confirmation that Godfrey McHugh did indeed come from Fort Worth, as Harry Livingstone wrote in "High Treason 2", pp. 567-568; 17 H 870-895: the Secret Service's 12/5/63 re-enactment photo album [A.K.A. "WHY THE B&$%# DIDN'T THE TSBD SHOOTER SHOOT AT JFK WHEN THE PRESIDENT WAS TRAVELLING DOWN HOUSTON STREET?!?!); 19 H 42: BEVERLY OLIVER? [in dispute]; 19 H 148: "R.A. WHITE"; 20 H 784---THE FIRST ALTERATIONIST?: from transcript of a speech by Revilo P. Oliver from 1964: "Oswald, as we all know, killed Kennedy. There is only one uncertainty, whether another Communist sharpshooter participated in the assassination. There is a good deal of evidence, INCLUDING THAT OF PERSONS WHO SAY THEY SAW THE NEWSREEL FILM BEFORE IT WAS TAMPERED WITH, and the reported opinions of the physicians who examined the body in Dallas, that four shots were fired---not three--and that at least one of them came from a different location. That, of course, is the kind of evidence that Earl Warren will probably do his best to suppress [emphasis added]".; 20 H 510: Photo of General Walker's backyard---this time the license plate is allowed to remain intact!!!!; 20 H 356 and 411: San Antonio Congressman Henry Gonzalez obtained Connally's clothing/ effects, but 6 H 118: they first went to LBJ aide Cliff Carter! (?); 20 H 445: SECRET SERVICE AGENT ROGER WARNER in Parkland Hospital with LHO [more corronboration for Dr. Crenshaw]; 20 H 161, 163: photos of Dealey Plaza---see Stemmons Sign...; 19 H 690: UNDERSECRETARY OF THE NAVY PAUL "RED" FAY, A VERY CLOSE FRIEND OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY FROM WWII DAYS, REVIEWED AND APPROVED THE NO-CHANGE DECISION RE: LHO'S UNDESIRABLE DISCHARGE!!!; 19 H 711, 713: LHO/ Connally letters [Korth]; 19 H 656, 717: LHO's "13-inch head", as per Jack White :-); 18 H 96: Arlen Specter way off trajectory (photo)!; 17 H 485: DPD Channel 2 transcript---DPD wanted to hold the two Secret Service cars (the limo and the follow-up)at parkland to PRINT THEM!!!; 16 H 950-951: V.P. Detail of SS Shift Report for 11/22/63--- SAIC H. STUART KNIGHT ASAIC RUFUS W. YOUNGBLOOD ATSAIC THOMAS LEM JOHNS (18 H 814: "ATSAIC [PAUL] RUNDLE") 18 H 14, 31: Re: David Ferrie!; 13 H 214, 352: "Rocco took pictures"---is this Larry Ronco, Oliver's friend?; 16 H 721: recorded interview (transcript) of Marguerite Oswald by Secret Service agent Mike Howard---"Harvey Lee Oswald": first time corrected, second time not corrected; 6 H PLUS 17 H 1-48: Parkland Hospital medical reports/ testimony; 9 H 179, 199, 273: George De Mohrenschildt's friendship with Jackie Kennedy and the Auchincloss family; 9 H 235: De Mohrenschildt's friendship plus with the CIA's J. Walter Moore; 11 H 330-331: Dean Andrews---testified that LHO couldn't have killed JFK; 21 H 150-269: Price Exhibits 22 H 710-712: Palmer McBride 22 H 931-932: Shari Angel Weston 23 H 817: 11/22/63 FBI report---interview of Roger Craig 24 H 23: 11/25/63 FBI report---second interview of Roger Craig 24 H 765: transcript of Chief Curry's comments on WFAA/ ABC for 11/23/63 re: Craig's negro in a car 25 H 171: Earlene Roberts re: police car blowing horn 25 H 378-380: re: Ruby in Houston 11/21/63! 25 H 721-722, 725, 844-850: re: Secret Service agent Mike Howard and brother Pat and the allegation that they deliberately planted story that a janitor saw LHO pull trigger 25 H 769: Douglas Jones/ Jones Printing Co.---did not believe LHO ordered Hands Off Cuba handbills 26 H 63: re: John Thomas Masen 26 H 79-84: re: Joachim Joesten b
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