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David Von Pein

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About David Von Pein

  • Birthday 12/27/1961

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    Indiana, USA

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  1. Yeah, but if you were to take up residence on Mars or Venus, I'm sure you'd find that all of the assassination attempts that have ever occurred on those planets were all conspiracies and cover-ups too. It's just what conspiracy theorists like you do---create plots where none ever existed.
  2. FYI / FWIW / FTR (For The Record).... Gerry Down's original thread-starting post in the "Oswald Vs. Crooks" thread is the excellent one reprinted below, posted on July 15, 2024: [Quote On:] "The recent assassination attempt by Crooks on former president Trump provides an interesting opportunity for comparison between him and Lee Harvey Oswald. Some comparisons of note include: LHO was young (24). TMC was young (20). LHO was a loner. TMC was a loner. LHO was bullied (in school, and the marines). TMC was bullied (in school). LHO was intelligent (read a lot of books). TMC was intelligent (won a school math aware). LHO enjoyed playing chess. TMC enjoyed playing chess. LHO was involved in debates (on the radio in N.O.). TMC was involved in debates (school debates). LHO in his teens was interested in military service. TMC in his teens, according to a former classmate, was interested in military service. LHO wore camouflage (in the marines). TMC wore camouflage to school. LHO liked guns (as confirmed by Adrian Alba in N.O.). TMC liked guns. LHO was interesting in bomb making. TMC was interested in bomb making. LHO involved himself in contradictory positions (FPCC & DRE). TMC involved himself in contradictory positions (registered Republican & donating to Democratic causes). LHO shot at his target from a distance. TMC shot at his target from a distance. LHO used an unsuitable assassination rifle (an old bolt action rifle). TMC used an unsuitable assassination rifle (AR-15, not suitable for long distance). LHO put other peoples lives at risk during his assassination attempt (Gov. Connally, Mrs. Kennedy). TMC put other peoples lives at risk during his assassination attempt (Corey Comperatore, James Copenhaver, David Dutch). LHO shot a law enforcement officer (officer Tippit). TMC threatened to shoot a law enforcement officer (seconds before shooting at Trump). LHO had no obvious motive. TMC had no obvious motive (as of yet anyway). LHO had no criminal record. TMC had no criminal record."
  3. The evidence clearly indicates precisely the opposite (of course).
  4. My exact words in response to your wholly-unproven and (frankly) ridiculous assertion above were these words (which, of course, still apply today--and all days to follow): "Well, having a vivid imagination about Lee Oswald's activities certainly aids the conspiracy theorists, that's for sure." And, yes, of course, Oswald was a Lone Nut who killed JFK with a Carcano from the Depository. The evidence clearly shows that to be true. Why should I ignore all of that?
  5. But Gerry Down's original now-moved thread wasn't about "JFK and Trump". It was specifically a thread called "Lee Harvey Oswald vs. Thomas Matthew Crooks". Meaning it was a thread that was created to discuss the similarities between those two gunmen. The thread wasn't created to discuss "JFK and Trump" at all. I don't think Gerry's thread should have been moved away from the JFKA forum, because (IMO) it's a thread that most certainly does relate directly to the JFKA, because Gerry is comparing Crooks to JFK's alleged assassin, LHO. That's directly related to JFKA subject matter.
  6. https://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2014/12/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-862.html Excerpt: "Oh, brother. Cliff Varnell thinks those previous comments I made somehow mean I can no longer believe (or in any way support) the SBT. Cliff's middle initial must be D (for "Desperation")." -- DVP; December 2014
  7. Reprise.....Oh Brother! More defeats for Clifford can be found here: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/search?q=Cliff+Varnell
  8. Oh brother. You're a piece of work, Clifford. If anyone wants to see how I destroyed Cliff Varnell's paper-thin and extremely lousy argument concerning the "little bit" topic, go here: https://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2014/12/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-862.html
  9. It always comes back to the clothing for Clifford. Nothing else matters. Incredible.
  10. And just keep pretending that the very next exchange between Belin and Brennan doesn't even exist....
  11. Just pretend the Warren Commission testimony in my last post doesn't exist, Cliff. I've grown accustomed to such denial.
  12. Dead wrong (as usual). Howard Brennan told the Warren Commission this [at 3 H 148].... DAVID BELIN -- "Mr. Brennan, could you tell us now whether you can or cannot positively identify the man you saw on [sic] the sixth floor window as the same man that you saw in the police station?" HOWARD BRENNAN -- "I could at that time--I could, with all sincerity, identify him as being the same man."
  13. Repeating the evidence that hangs Oswald, you mean. That's what's being repeated. And it should be repeated--daily. Because this evidence isn't going to suddenly disappear.
  14. Both of those things (age & looks) are, of course, purely subjective observations. The overall evidence indicates, without much doubt, that Brennan saw Lee H. Oswald in the 6th-floor window.
  15. CTer pretending, in essence, that Howard L. Brennan never even existed. As usual.
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