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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com / Helen Markham's Bus
  2. "Any reasonable person can obviously see how utterly impossible it is to "connect" all of these unconnected threads of SHEER HAPPENSTANCE regarding [Ruth] Paine, [Roy] Truly, [Wesley] Frazier, and [Linnie Mae] Randle in order to weave the magical type of "Oswald Was Planted In The TSBD" plot that conspiracists imagine took place. But just because nobody has yet been able to come close to weaving that magic carpet of conspiracy involving all of those innocent people (like Frazier, Paine, and Truly), it won't stop conspiracy theorists from pretending that a massive pre-assassination "plot" involving those very people really did occur in 1963." -- David Von Pein; July 1, 2008 More: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com / Was Lee Oswald Planted In The TSBD By Plotters?
  3. The GIF clip below shows that Officer Baker was certainly moving toward the curb, with his shadow "climbing the curb" (so to speak). And this "curb-climbing shadow" fact is occurring directly in front of the steps to the Depository, which is perfectly consistent with Baker's never-wavering claim that he went straight from his motorcycle to the front entrance of the TSBD. (I can't recall who created this clip, so I don't know who inserted all the colored lines on it. But it wasn't me.).... Related Discussion From April 2016: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2016/04/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-1123.html
  4. Oh, how right you are with the above remarks, Greg. It's nice to know that are at least a few conspiracy believers who haven't fallen for the absurd and preposterous "Ruth Paine Was A Conspirator" claptrap. I applaud your comments in this thread, Gregory Doudna. Reprise..... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. A section of the above 12/1/63 Associated Press newspaper article that I found particularly interesting is the excerpt pictured below, which reveals the results of some rapid-fire rifle tests performed in Los Angeles that closely match the Carcano rifle firing tests that were done by the HSCA more than a decade later in 1978: "The [House Select] Committee test fired a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle using the open iron sights. It found that it was possible for two shots to be fired within 1.66 seconds." -- HSCA Final Report; Page 83 Which means, via the HSCA tests, that three shots could be fired in a total time span of just 3.3 seconds.
  6. It's more than sixty years later, and yet this headline from page 2 of the December 1, 1963, edition of my hometown newspaper is still as valid and correct as it was back in 1963 (despite the opinions of the many conspiracy theorists who believe otherwise) —— "Evidence Does Not Support Theory Of Oswald Conspiracy" .... -----------------------------
  7. In order to keep the idea of a nonexistent conspiracy alive in the Walker and JFK shootings, James DiEugenio, as usual, will ignore the obvious and clear answers to the questions he posed above. IOW --- Different day....same old worn-out CTer crap. Yawn.
  8. Baker is running straight to the TSBD front entrance. We know this is true because....... Baker told us this. PLUS, we know Baker was inside the TSBD lunchroom within 2 minutes of the shots being fired. Ergo, there is no time available for Baker to have made a side trip to visit "Mailbox Man" on the far east side of the Depository Building. These are basic facts....regardless of THIS EXTREMELY SILLY THEORY promoted in years past by various CTers.
  9. I see my mistake now. What I thought was a second man is really just the shadow of the only man there. His shadow (including the shadow of his moving left arm) is being cast on the facade of the Depository building behind him.
  10. No, I don't. But I have no reason to think it's anything that would lead me down Conspiracy Avenue, however. After staring at your looped clip many times in a row, it would seem to me that there are two people (men?) to the right (east) of the mailboxes [correction], and the guy on the left seems to be moving his left arm in some manner. I'm guessing that that is the man's ARM and not a paper bag as some EF members seem to believe it is. And perhaps the man with the moving arm has something in his hand that is moving around too. Is that what you have determined is a "burning flag", Alan? The motion the man seems to be making reminds me of someone stirring a big cauldron of soup. But that's not possible, because LHO told Buell Frazier he was going to buy his lunch that day. (And Lee has always hated soup anyway.) 🙂 😛 Anyhow, the clip is certainly not nearly clear enough to know for certain what's happening by the mailboxes at that moment. Nice job at enhancing the image for the GIF clip, though.
  11. And yet nobody noticed this or said a word about it later on?? A "flag" is going up in flames right next to dozens of witnesses outside the TSBD front door----and nobody sees it (except for Officer Baker, per your theory)?? That's quite curious, don't you think, Alan?
  12. There was no "throat shot" at all, of course. Because if there had been such a shot, at least one bullet (and probably two) would have been plucked from JFK's body at the autopsy. But no whole bullets were found in his body. The "throat shot" is (and always has been) a fantasy invented by conspiracy theorists.
  13. http://dvp-video-audio-archive.blogspot.com/2016/02/dionne-warwick.html
  14. FYI / FWIW.... Here's a brief interview with Karen Carlin in 1964. AFAIK, this is the only known video footage of Carlin:
  15. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2021/10/remarkable-assassination-painting.html
  16. Here's another one for you to salivate over, Bob. "Connally was hit in the head and wrist." "President Kennedy was shot in the right temple."
  17. Yep. Right on cue. Thanks for being you, Robert!
  18. I just picked out at random this Dayton paper from my newspaper collection. Let's see how many make-believe conspiracies and additional l-i-a-r-s Bob Morrow can find among these front-page articles. I'm sure he can find at least 2 or 3 more fantasy plots hidden in here somewhere. Good luck....
  19. Some of my thoughts on the "Brennan/Sawyer" matter can be found HERE. And here are some excerpts from Vincent Bugliosi's book pertaining to Brennan and Sawyer (click to enlarge)....
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