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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. Yeah, that's another one of the too-numerous-to-count crackpot theories proposed by Mr. Lifton in his 2013 video interview series. Lifton wants us to take seriously the idea that SS agent Paul Landis ran from the SS follow-up car and took the place of Bill Greer as the driver of the SS-100-X limousine immediately after JFK was shot, and that it was Landis (and not Greer) who actually drove the limo most of the way from Dealey Plaza to Parkland Hospital. The question would then be: Why in heaven's name would there be a need to change limo drivers, especially at that critical point in time when every second counts in trying to get the wounded President to a hospital in an attempt to save his life? It makes no sense at all. Another of Lifton's dozens of unprovable make-believe cloak-and-dagger episodes is the one about how the wounded JFK was supposed to be transferred to an ambulance at the Trade Mart. Lifton says this transfer to the ambulance was going to be done in order to get JFK's body away from Jackie and other members of the Kennedy party. But this "ambulance" part of the plot didn't go off as planned (although I don't think Lifton, in his 2013 video interview, ever explains why it didn't). Also: Lifton thinks Connally was shot THREE separate times (by Agent Ready, of course). And: At the very beginning of Part 4 of Lifton's 14-part interview (see my full playlist below), we hear the interviewer say: "So the original plan was not to have the driver shoot the President...", which (I guess) means that Lifton turned into a "Greer Shot Kennedy" CTer. It sure sounds that way to me, based on the interviewer's remark at the start of Part 4.
  2. You're mixing up your conspiracy theorists. The "Giving Change To Oswald" theory belongs to Robert Groden, not David Lifton. From a 2016 discussion: For more about Lifton's "Oswald And The Fishing Pole" story, CLICK HERE.
  3. I can't wait to see the evidence in "Final Charade" that will back up (and prove) this quote of David Lifton's: "He [John Connally] got shot as a result of this fight in the car [with Secret Service agent John Ready]." -- David S. Lifton; November 2013
  4. I'm not too stunned really. I say that mainly because of all of the crazy nonsense that David Lifton has been promoting for many years now---and a lot of it right on this very forum. Just check out my battles with him, which go back to 2011 (many of them which started here at the EF): Another kooky idea Lifton had is that UPI's Merriman Smith knew about the Dealey Plaza shooting in advance, and that Smith was part of a post-assassination cover-up.
  5. No, Lifton thinks (thought) that SS agent John Ready "threw himself" into the President's car after the shooting started (per a witness who talked to Lifton at some point). And then---get this---Ready is the one who shot John Connally!! I mentioned this yesterday in another thread. I'll replay my prior post here: ---------------------------------------- A brief recap of this 14-part video series featuring David S. Lifton, which was recorded in November of 2013: Here's a partial list of some of the preposterous things that Mr. Lifton believed happened on November 22, 1963: 1.) A Secret Service agent was, indeed, killed on 11/22/63. And the body of this dead SS agent was then placed on board Air Force One at Love Field in Dallas. And apparently nobody noticed this occurring at all. 2.) All of the films taken in Dealey Plaza on November 22 were altered/faked (e.g., the Zapruder Film, the Nix Film, the Muchmore Film, etc.). A direct quote from David Lifton in 2013: "All the films have been altered." 3.) Prior to departing Dallas, JFK's body was evidently (per Lifton) placed on some sort of "ledge" in the cargo area of Air Force One, and then, sometime during the flight, his body fell from this ledge, resulting in a situation where one of JFK's arms was left dangling toward the floor of the cargo hold. And as a result of this, at the start of the autopsy at Bethesda, Kennedy's arm (due to the onset of rigor mortis) was sticking up, stiff as a board, and could not be lowered until Dr. Humes actually got up on the autopsy table (per Lifton's account) and forced the stiffened arm down by JFK's side. 4.) To avoid the prying eyes of the media, Air Force One made an unscheduled stop near the end of the runway after landing at Andrews Air Force Base. This was done so that JFK's corpse could be secretly taken out of the airplane's cargo hold and transferred to a helicopter. 5.) Secret Service agent John Ready "threw himself" into the Presidential limousine after the shooting, and (according to Mr. Lifton) it is Ready's foot we see sticking out of the back seat of the car in the David Miller photograph. For this theory of Lifton's to be correct, it would mean that John Ready lied in this report. 6.) Quoting David Lifton in 2013: "He [John Connally] got shot as a result of this fight in the car [with Secret Service agent John Ready]." I think it's now time for one of these: WTF?! So now we know how David Lifton managed to keep John Connally from sustaining any wounds from the rear during the period when the assassination of JFK was taking place on Elm Street. He (Lifton) merely invented this fantasy story about Secret Service agent John Ready leaping into the limousine and shooting Connally. And then John Connally, in all of his many post-1963 interviews, decided to never once mention this "fight" that he had with Ready. Oh, brother. 7.) Lifton, as of 2013, apparently believed that President Kennedy's wounds were altered (with lightning-like speed evidently) while JFK was still aboard Air Force One at Love Field in Dallas. I had always thought Lifton believed that the body-altering surgery was performed at Walter Reed Hospital. But I guess David decided to change the location of that part of his fanciful tale. ~shrug~ 8.) Lee Harvey Oswald did, indeed, fire a rifle from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building on November 22nd....but David Lifton thinks it was merely a "mock attack" and Lee was only firing "blanks". Well, have you had enough of this fantasy stuff for today? Yeah, me too.
  6. A brief recap of this 14-part video series featuring David S. Lifton, which was recorded in November of 2013: Here's a partial list of some of the preposterous things that Mr. Lifton believed happened on November 22, 1963: 1.) A Secret Service agent was, indeed, killed on 11/22/63. And the body of this dead SS agent was then placed on board Air Force One at Love Field in Dallas. And apparently nobody noticed this occurring at all. 2.) All of the films taken in Dealey Plaza on November 22 were altered/faked (e.g., the Zapruder Film, the Nix Film, the Muchmore Film, etc.). A direct quote from David Lifton in 2013: "All the films have been altered." 3.) Prior to departing Dallas, JFK's body was evidently (per Lifton) placed on some sort of "ledge" in the cargo area of Air Force One, and then, sometime during the flight, his body fell from this ledge, resulting in a situation where one of JFK's arms was left dangling toward the floor of the cargo hold. And as a result of this, at the start of the autopsy at Bethesda, Kennedy's arm (due to the onset of rigor mortis) was sticking up, stiff as a board, and could not be lowered until Dr. Humes actually got up on the autopsy table (per Lifton's account) and forced the stiffened arm down by JFK's side. 4.) To avoid the prying eyes of the media, Air Force One made an unscheduled stop near the end of the runway after landing at Andrews Air Force Base. This was done so that JFK's corpse could be secretly taken out of the airplane's cargo hold and transferred to a helicopter. 5.) Secret Service agent John Ready "threw himself" into the Presidential limousine after the shooting, and (according to Mr. Lifton) it is Ready's foot we see sticking out of the back seat of the car in the David Miller photograph. For this theory of Lifton's to be correct, it would mean that John Ready lied in this report. 6.) Quoting David Lifton in 2013: "He [John Connally] got shot as a result of this fight in the car [with Secret Service agent John Ready]." I think it's now time for one of these: WTF?! So now we know how David Lifton managed to keep John Connally from sustaining any wounds from the rear during the period when the assassination of JFK was taking place on Elm Street. He (Lifton) merely invented this fantasy story about Secret Service agent John Ready leaping into the limousine and shooting Connally. And then John Connally, in all of his many post-1963 interviews, decided to never once mention this "fight" that he had with Ready. Oh, brother. 7.) Lifton, as of 2013, apparently believed that President Kennedy's wounds were altered (with lightning-like speed evidently) while JFK was still aboard Air Force One at Love Field in Dallas. I had always thought Lifton believed that the body-altering surgery was performed at Walter Reed Hospital. But I guess David decided to change the location of that part of his fanciful tale. ~shrug~ 8.) Lee Harvey Oswald did, indeed, fire a rifle from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building on November 22nd....but David Lifton thinks it was merely a "mock attack" and Lee was only firing "blanks". Well, have you had enough of this fantasy stuff for today? Yeah, me too. --------------------------------------------------------- Related Link:
  7. It's nearly impossible for me to believe that David didn't have his Final Charade manuscript backed up and saved in a minimum of two other places---on his PCs and various other external hard drives. I always make sure I have all of my files safely backed up on two external portable drives at all times. DSL surely wasn't so short-sighted that he would keep his many years worth of work located on just one single laptop.....would he?
  8. Same here. Best Evidence was the very first book I ever bought (or read) about President Kennedy's assassination. I purchased a hardcover First Edition in January of 1981. (And I wish I still had it in my collection, but unfortunately I do not.) I disagree with just about every single conclusion that Mr. Lifton came to in the book, but I still found B.E. to be a fascinating read. I can even recall the unique (and very pleasant) smell that the book emanated. It was always a pleasure to open it up and take a big whiff. (It's funny the things that make an impression on one's memory, isn't it?) Yes, I think David S. Lifton's "body alteration" and "casket switching" theories are pure bunk, but, boy oh boy, that man could sure write an impressive forum post. And I even had some friendly interactions with him from time to time too. David's 1,252 posts here at The Education Forum cover a wide range of JFKA-related topics, spanning a 16-year period, from September 7, 2006, to his last post on October 31, 2022. RIP, DSL. 😞
  9. Upon digging a little deeper into this, I have now answered my own question (via the Cincinnati Enquirer newspaper article seen below, from June 27, 1962). Click to enlarge:
  10. https://blogspot.com/The-Cincinnati-Enquirer-November-23-1963 The above Cincinnati newspaper has an interesting tidbit in the article in the lower-right corner (re: limousines). It says: I have never heard about the existence of such a companion car. Anybody know anything about it? And do any photos exist of it?
  11. On my computer, it says Morley's Live Stream is going to start on Dec. 6 at 12:30 PM EST, not 9:30 AM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To5UEvb5jQU
  12. Movie Synopsis: Larry Buchanan directed and co-authored "The Trial Of Lee Harvey Oswald", which premiered in a Wisconsin movie theater on April 22, 1964, just five months to the day after President Kennedy was assassinated. This courtroom drama is all the more fascinating due to the fact it was made so very soon after the President's death. And if Lee Oswald had not himself been murdered just two days after JFK was killed, then many of the scenes we see played out in this film just might have actually taken place inside a real courtroom in Dallas. This film is not to be confused with the 1977 television movie of the exact same title. Nor should it be confused with the 1986 TV docu-trial "On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald".
  13. More Fort Worth pics (and videos): https://jfk-in-fort-worth.blogspot.com/
  14. Yes. From the Hotel Texas to Carswell AFB in Ft. Worth.
  15. Richard, The pics with the white Lincoln Continental are taken in Fort Worth on 11/22.
  16. I doubt very much that JFK physically left the vehicle to greet the nuns. I'm pretty certain that didn't happen. Plus, we can see that the door is also ajar at Love Field:
  17. Why on Earth would the slightly ajar door make "all bullet trajectories null and void" ????? That makes no sense whatsoever.
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