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Tom Hume

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Everything posted by Tom Hume

  1. See also Richard Case Nagell’s seemingly out of context public declaration as he was intentionally having himself arrested on September 20th of 1963: “Capitalistic Swine!”
  2. This is a copy of my post #10, the "88" "ICO" puzzles located in Lee Oswald's Historic Diary. I am re-posting it in preperation for my next two posts, which will concern the decoding of these "88" puzzles. PAGE #1 [1] "Berlin" [2] "studet" [3] "sure" [4] "Ideot" [5] (mor) [6] "Great Soviet Union" [7] "USSR only great in Literature wants me to go back home" [8] (extended it exipiers today) PAGE #2 [9] (con.) [Note "O" also looks like "D"] [10] "how easy to die" [11] (to violins) [Note letter "O" in "violins". Other puzzles correct it to "W"] [12] (bathtub water a rich red color) [13] (I remember that) [14] (my Russian is still very bad) [15] "go home" [16] (my mood is bad) [17] "my friend" [18] (sick persons.) [19] (2 hours) [20] (amonst the mentaly ill) [21] (not for insane) [22] (airy, good food.) [23] (they know) [24] " " [Puzzle #24 is missing - see footnote #1 below] [25] "dull" [26] "Berlin" [27] "Metropole" [28] (to the last kopeek) [29] (Intorist office head) PAGE #3 [30] (con.) [31] (all unknown to me) [32] (appar. He did not pass along my request at all but thought to simply get rid of me by not extending my Soviet visa. At the time I requested it) [33] (they make notes) [34] "American Embassy" [35] "I would like to see the Consular" [36] "If you are a tourist please register" [37] (now Head Consular) PAGE #4 [38] (con) [39] "fool" [40] "my mind is make up" [41] "now unless you wish to expound on your maxist belifes you can go." [42] "how did you find out? The Embassy called us." [43] "ifs for the public record." [44) "Time" PAGE #5 [45] "Boratin" [46] "for those without citizenship." [47] "Minsk" [48] "she asks are you happy" [49] "yes" [50] (a new one) [51] "I do not wish to every contact you again." I am beginning a new life and I don't want any part of the old". [these two sentences are sequential, with an extra set of quotation marks between them] PAGE #6 [52] "Minsk" [53] "soon" [54] "uncultured persons" [55] (now part of Belo.) [56] "checker" [57] "to help" [58] (complusery) [59] (shades of H. G. Wells!!) [60] (8 min. walk) [61] (60. Rub. A mon.) PAGE #7 [62] "mosivick" [the correct name of Russian car is "Moskvitch"] [63] (except me) [64] "patroict duty" [65] (unvoiced) [66] "collective" PAGE #8 [67] (at other times of the year unobtainable) [68] (I dont smoke) [69] "you understand the world situation there is too much against you and you don't even know it" [70] (I am too stunned too think!) PAGE #9 [71] (Russian) [72] "I would like to go back to U.S." [73] "I could come in for an interview anytime I wanted." [74] (in spite of my origin and accept) PAGE #10 [75] (without police permission) [76] (since all embassy personal live in the same building) [77] (see - July 8 - 13.) PAGE #11 [78] "someone" [79] (expressed) [80] (They'll call us.) [81] "Queen of Spades." [82] (I think!) [83] "Pass for Forin," PAGE #12 [84] (as prespibed by law) [85] "June Lee." [86] (city hall) [87] "Go ahead and do it, "Po-Russki" [This sentence has quotes at beginning, middle, and end] [88] (Approved!!) Footnote #1: Puzzle #24 is missing from the "Historic Diary", and I believe that part of the solution to puzzle #24 is, "finding the missing puzzle #24". Links to Oswalds Historic Diary. Page #1 http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339322/m1/17/ Page #2 http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339322/m1/21/ Page #3 http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339322/m1/25/ Page #4 http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339322/m1/29/ Page #5 http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339322/m1/33/ Page #6 http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339322/m1/39/ Page #7 http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339322/m1/13/ Page #8 http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339322/m1/11/ Page #9 http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339322/m1/7/ Page #10 http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339322/m1/1/ Page #11 http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339322/m1/67/ Page #12 http://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339322/m1/65/ Tom
  3. Hi Gene, I can't find the quote just now, but a Forum Member on one of the Larry Florer threads claimed that Larry was still alive and living in Dallas. He'd be in his mid-seventies now, and I wonder if anyone has ever talked with him? My reason for posting the video was a total shot in the dark: The bystander we see Florer interacting with looks like I imagine Igor Vaganov to have looked, just shy of his 24th birthday (and yes I know Igor was supposed to have been just crawling out of the sack at the time this video was shot). The bystander in question appears about six seconds into the video, he is to Larry's right, Larry points out the young man to the Officer, and there appears to be a brief exchange. Does anyone know of any extant photographs of Vaganov other than the one of him leaning against the street sign in 1967. Tink Thompson once claimed to have a photo of Igor driving a Beauty Queen in a parade in Philadelphia. Does anyone know if that ever surfaced? Tom
  4. Thanks David, your questions suggest reasonable answers. Tom
  5. Above is a link to the youtube video of Larry Florer being arrested on 11/22/63. After he is frisked (six seconds into the video), Larry appears to call his Police Escort’s attention to a young man to their right. Apparently there is a short exchange. Protruding from the bystander’s right shirt pocket is a rectangular object with some weight to it. I’m wondering if anyone recognizes or has an idea about who Larry’s possible associate is. Tom
  6. Hi Brian, I'm not a code person, far from it, but I took a look at Garrison's argument a few years ago, and came to the conclusion that, as tortured as it was, it sort of worked, and who knows, he may have even been right. Two identical five-diget numbers, two "Lee Os", that is a little compelling, but one small problem I have with Garrison's scenario is that I don't think the entry in Oswald's address book reads, "PO 19106", I think what Garrison took to be "PO" is actually a pair of Cyrillic "Ds". Check it out (page #58): http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh16/pdf/WH16_CE_18.pdf Many think that Garrison would have been better off if he'd passed on the Ruby phone number argument. Thank goodness I don't have convince a jury of my hypothesis; I'm merely trying to get folks that are interested in, and good at, word puzzles to take a look (and hopefully join in). Tom
  7. Robin asks: "Since prayer man appears to be back in the shadows, how does the sun reach the ( camera lense, coke bottle bottom ? ) to make a sunlight reflection ?" The right question, I think, and the sunlight should reflect off neither. My imagined scenario has the light coming from the flashlight in PMs mouth. Robin, do you happen to know how many cranks it takes to advance the film on, say, a Hasselblad or a Rolleiflex ? Tom
  8. Several popular cameras of that era, Hasselblad and Rolleiflex to name two expensive ones, had cranks on the right hand side to advance the film. I'm remembering three or four cranks, but maybe Robin or another photographic expert could tell us how many cranks are required on some of these cameras. To reiterate from a previous post, I'm exploring the possibility that Oswald was actively trying to prevent the assassination, and he probably didn't know if his efforts were going to be successful. Pure speculation: Suspecting that he would be shot on the spot if he was at his assigned location in the building, he was absent, and should have been establishing an alibi for himself at that critical moment. From the footage of Prayer Man that we see, it seems reasonable to speculate that that might be Oswald standing in the shadows, cranking his Rollei for all he's worth, quickly taking as many photographs of the activity around him as he could, and occasionally turning the camera on himself to insure that his own image would be in the middle of the film strip. With a piece of evidence like that, there's only one place he could have been at that time. Continuing to speculate, Oswald was taking photos in the shadows because the sun was in front of him, not photographing the motorcade, especially, but the people gathered in front of him, people he knew and people that would know exactly where they were at those moments. And since his camera was a double lens with a crank and the viewfinder on the top, he would need to hold the camera high to capture as many people as possible. A critical element of his photo alibi would be interspersing pictures of his very own face. Being a photographer and having thought hard about his alibi, he was prepared. He could not take the time to adjust the shutter speed between shots of himself and shots of the other witnesses, so he would need a small flashlight to light his face, and as any old-time backyard mechanic knows, the best place to store your little flashlight to keep your hands free is your mouth. When shooting himself, of course, the flashlight comes out of the mouth and is held next to the camera. Flashlight in mouth - hence the white spot we see in the middle of Prayer Mans face? If it had been me, I would have put the flashlight in my shirt pocket and sung "She'll be Comin' Round the Mountain" at the top of my lungs.
  9. Since I’m exploring the possibility that Oswald was actively trying to prevent the assassination, and he probably didn’t know if his efforts were going to be successful, he should also have been establishing an alibi for himself at the critical moment. Since he was a photographer, it seem reasonable to speculate that he might have been standing in the doorway of the TSBD taking photographs of the activity around him, occasionally turning the camera on himself to insure he was in the middle of the film strip. With a piece of evidence like that, there’s only one place he could have been at that time. That fellow up there sure looks like he’s doing something with his hands. Just a thought. Tom
  10. I wouldnt call myself a researcher, Stephen, but I suspect that Oswald not only had good intentions towards the President, he was also trying to save both Kennedys life and his own by attempting to prevent the assassination; a plan that I suspect had included Richard Nagell until he took himself out the picture. Tom
  11. I'm in the process of revising this thread. What you see here now is an evolving rough draft started in November 2017. Please stand by, it will take a while. I'm gearing this thread toward those that are interested in letter and number puzzles ("Steganography"), and those that are open to considering my hypothesis. "Steganography": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steganography "ICO" stands for "Igor", "Case", and, "Oswald", and my hypothesis is that Richard Case Nagell, first working for Army Intelligence, and later the CIA, appears to have spent as long as six years running a pair of under-cover low-level look-alikes in a secret CIA operation. They were Lee Harvey Oswald and a man who went by the name of "Igor Vladimirs Vaganov" (I believe this name was cut from whole cloth, a puzzle creation of Richard Nagell's). All three men eventually got tangled up in the assassination plans of Ferrie/Banister/Phillips/Hoover/Dulles, and it's my belief that Nagell became ethically appalled at what he saw on the horizon for his crew, himself, his president, and his country. So while pretending and appearing to follow orders to the letter, the ICO group both tried to prevent the assassination, and intentionally sabotaged the framing of Oswald as the patsy. To further their ends, ICO created a huge system of letter/number anagram puzzles to chronicle their activities and their enigmatic sabotaging stunts. ICO had two civilian recruits, Buell Wesley Frazier, and Jerry B Belknap. In part, Wesley appears to have been chosen because of his name's anagram possibilities, and where his sister lived. Richard Nagell and Igor Vaganov were the genius puzzle makers, and their work appears to have been at least partially created for our benefit. LHO’s Way Revealed The above phrase is an anagram of “Lee Harvey Oswald”. Below is a similar anagram of "Lee Harvey Oswald": LHO Sway Revealed We have what appears to be a small coincidence between an anagram of Lee Harvey Oswald and a curious feature in a photo of him. I believe that Richard Case Nagell created one of his major stunts around "LHO Sway Revealed", and other anagrammable material associated with the Backyard Photos. Richard was both making naturally occurring anagrams come true, and creating anagrammable discourse to fit with and tie together his informative sabotaging stunts. The body-tilt of the man pictured above is about 4 degrees, and there has always been controversy regarding the possibility of a person maintaining such a stance. Here’s our friend Andrej giving it a try. While we might have a slight problem with the angle of his right foot, Andrej appears to have pulled off the 4 degree sway. From my own experiments, sustaining a 4 degree tilt without being tethered to something verges on impossible. Since the ICO puzzles use both letters and numbers ("Gematria"), ICO chose the most simple and complete method in existence for translating numbers into letters and vice versa: (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25) The number "4" is an important number in the ICO puzzle system, and it's equivalent to the letter "E". All three subjects in the photos above "vary" from the vertical by roughly "4" degrees. "Lee Harvey Oswald" anagrams to: "LEE H OSWALD VARY 4" Here’s another anagram of “Lee Harvey Oswald”: “HD-4 REVEAL LO SWAY” The letter combination “HD” in the ICO puzzle system stands for Oswald's “HISTORIC DIARY”. “Historic Diary” anagrams to “RICHARD'S 88 TOY”, and there are “88” puzzles in the diary - “44” bracketed in parentheses, and “44” bracketed in quotation marks. The entire list of “88” puzzles and links to the 12 pages of the Historic Diary are in my June 25, 2014 post on this thread. (Note: The number "88" and its divisors is one of the unifying principles in the ICO puzzle system. The divisors of "88" are, 1, 2, 4, 8, 11, 22, 44, and, 88. "88" is the number of puzzles in Oswald's Historic Diary, and it's the number of degrees we will need to tilt several photos to perceive a few sets of 3D images Richard Case Nagell made for us. "44" is the number of letters on the label of The Irving Nixie Package, and "44" is one of the puzzle names for that label. (it's also probably the number of letters on the so-called "Vaganov Note"). There are two groups of puzzles in the Historic Diary, "44" bracketed in quotation marks, and "44" in parentheses. "11/22" was assassination day. We are currently working with the important number "4", it's the number of degrees in Oswald's tilt, and "4" was originally the total number of sets of 3D images (one got lost, and we'll discuss this later). There are "8" pictures in all that make up the set of "4" 3D pictures. The numbers "1" and "2" translate to the letters "BC", and this stands for "Binary Code", and "44" is the potential number of bits available in ICO's Binary Code system, abbreviated "BC". "44 BC" is also the year Julius Caesar was stabbed to death in a coup, an event with parallels to 11/22/63. We'll discuss ICO's "Binary Code" system later.) Getting back to the anagram “HD-4 REVEAL LO SWAY”, HD puzzle number 4 is, “IDEOT” (note spelling), and this anagrams to: “O TIED” Here’s one indication that Oswald was possibly tied to something or someone on his left. However, many other puzzles indicate that the man’s body we see in the BYPs is not that of Lee Harvey Oswald, only the head is. The puzzles indicate that the body-double was Wesley Frazier. "Lee Harvey Oswald" anagrams to: "L HEAD OVERLAY WES" Here’s another anagram of “Lee Harvey Oswald”: “HD-4/11 REVEAL O SWAY” Here we are to combine HD-4, which is “IDEOT”, and HD-11, which is “TO VIWLINS” (also note spelling). “IDEOT" plus "TO VIWLINS” anagrams to: “LO NOT TIED, W IS. IV” In the anagram above, the answer is signed off by “IV”, the initials of “Igor Vaganov”. However, this puzzle answer appears to be a double entendre. If we remove the period in the sentence above, we can regard the “IV” as a Roman Numeral “IV”, the number of degrees he’s tilting: “LO NOT TIED, W IS 'IV'” An aside: It's my belief that "Igor Vladimirs Vaganov", Oswald's impersonating "twin" and ally, was a made up name - a creation of Richard's. Here's just one anagram of "Igor Vladimirs Vaganov": "R'S VIVID ANAGRAM LOGO: IV" Roman numerals and other things Roman, or Italian, appear frequently in the ICO puzzle system, and especially in the Backyard Photos stunt ("ROMAN" anagrams to "A RN MO"). There is, of course, the odd choice of a crummy Italian Mannlicher Carcano rifle, and the letters "MC" are also a Roman numeral that I'll discuss later ("MC" as a Roman Numeral is "ELEVEN HUNDRED" - try your hand at anagramming this). Also later we will see references to the "Leaning Tower of Pisa", which is also leaning at roughly 4 degrees. For now, notice the initials of "Leaning Tower Of Pisa: "L TOP" This is suggestive of Lee's head being on "top" of the body in the photos, and anagrams of Lee Harvey Oswald indicate that the person in the BYPs is actually a composite of Lee's head pasted on Wesley Frazier's body. "Leaning Tower of Pisa" anagrams to: "F'S GOT PIANO WIRE LEAN" This anagram suggests that the 4 degree lean was facilitated by the man's body being connected to something or someone with piano wire. I'll get back to the "Piano Wire Lean" in a bit. CE 133A CE 133B 133C Above are the three extant Backyard Photos. There are many suspicious oddities in the pictures that have been discussed over the years, such as Oswald's head appearing too large in CE 133A and CE 133B, the "V" shaped nose shadows that don't seem consistent with the other shadows in the photos, the body shadows not being consistent with each other, Oswald's chin being to large and inconsistent with other pictures of him, etc. However, there are a few oddities that I don't think have received enough attention: Notice that in the center photo, CE 133B, that the vertical yard features, the posts and the board and batten siding on the garage, are all indeed vertical. But in the right and left photos, the same verticals display a photographic "keystone" effect, that is, the space between parallel vertical features appear wider at the top of the photos than at the bottom. Furthermore, this amount of keystone is suspiciously profound. The three photos were taken with the camera roughly 4 1/2 feet above the ground (notice which stair tread appears level with the camera), and since the garage on the right is roughly twice that height, there should be absolutely no keystone effect. It has been suggested that possibly the plastic lens of the cheap Imperial Reflex camera, supposedly used by Marina to take the photos, was loose and flopping around inside the camera, and that this was the cause of the keystone effect. I submit that the answer lies elsewhere, and I'll present this alternative in a moment. Also, the man in the photos above appears to be standing in roughly the same place in all three pictures, while the photographer appears to have moved around, appears to have snapped the three pictures from various distances from the subject. Check it out. The middle picture appears to be much more of a closeup than the right and left photos. But this is an illusion, I think. An intentional illusion created for us to notice and ponder. I submit that the photos were created to appear to have been taken by a photographer in motion, appear to have been taken from different vantage points in the yard. This is an intentionally created illusion, I think. Pick any spot on the three photos for a reference, and you will see that the camera-to-subject perspective is essentially the same for all three pictures. I submit that the three photos were intentionally shot from the same spot in space, and they were intentionally cropped differently. I don't know, maybe cropped differently so as not to appear too obvious, but cropped so we would eventually notice, and ponder, and question. CE 133A CE 133B 133C Circled in red is a vent, or a window, on the house. It is several feet in back of the stairs to it's left, but notice that the vent/stairs relationship is the same in all three photos. Circled in blue is a dark rectangular spot on the fence that is several feet to the rear of the post appearing next to it, and once again, the perspective is the same in all three photos. Choose any near/far relationship on the photos and you will see the photographer has not moved the camera. If, as it has been assumed, the prints of CE 133A and CE 133B had been processed commercially, this would have been immediately obvious to us, but the prints were clearly cropped differently, and this piece of ICO theater was not a matter of Oswald simply dropping off the negatives at a camera shop to be printed. Disregard the center photo, CE 133B, for the time being. CE 133A and 133C are a vivid 3D stereo set of photos that need to be rotated "88" degrees to be viewed as such: To view the 3D images, one needs to get a hold of good quality Stereoscope, and there are plenty of vintage examples out there. Ask your friends and relatives and you’ll surely come up with one. You will see Lee Oswald's backyard in stunning 3D, and Lee's 3D head thrusting toward you in super 3D. Wesley's body will have four arms, but I have not yet found the significance of this, other than the fact that had both poses been the same, it would have been a dead give-away. With no photo-card in the cardholder of your Stereoscope, it’s possible to view the 3D Backyard Photos directly on you computer monitor with many of the Stereoscopes. For proper viewing, Oswald’s nose on the left photo, for example, should be very close to 3 inches from Oswald’s nose in the right photo. Do whatever you need to do to achieve this 3-inch relationship. If you find that you cannot get the Stereoscope close enough to your monitor to achieve a good focus, you will either need to cut off the cardholder stick (bad idea), or print out a 3 x 7 inch copy of the photo pair above. Before rotating the above photos 88 degrees, I removed the 12 degrees of keystone in each picture. Before I tell you why I did this, I want you to give a moment's thought to something: The term "3D" is an important puzzle term for a number of reasons, and it contains both a letter and a number. Using ICO's letter/number key, "3D" can be changed to "33", or "DD", or "D3". Considering the first option, "33", can you guess where to apply this possibly important number? Think for a moment. If your guess was to look at puzzle number "33" in Oswald's Historic Diary, your guess is the same as mine. Puzzle HD-33 is "THEY MAKE NOTES", and this anagrams to three pertinent and obvious things: (1) "THE KEYSTONE: A 12" (a description) And, (2) "KEYSTONE THEM '0'" (an instruction) And, (3) "THEN MAKE '4' TOYS" (an instruction we apparently can't follow to the letter. We can only make "3" toys, "3" sets of 3D images, as the mate to CE 133B has gone missing down the memory hole. More about the "3" sets in a moment) But that's why I removed the 12 degrees of keystone, following the instructions to "keystone them 0" (zero) a per anagram #2 above. But having done that with Photoshop, I'm uncomfortable because (1) this leaves me open to criticism for having manipulated the images, and (2), one can straighten the keystone of an image with Photoshop, but there doesn't seem to be a way to specify or to know the number of degrees one has corrected. Many years ago, Jack White speculated that the keystone was intentional, and he described how he thought it might have been done, by tilting the easel of the enlarger on the final doctored print by a specified number of degrees. In the set of 3D images below I applied a similar technique; I accurately tilted my computer monitor 12 degrees, and carefully photographed both Backyard Photos. I lost some clarity in the process, but Photoshop wasn't involved. I then rotated them 88 degrees, an amount I will talk about later. For comparison, below is CE 133A and 133C again, but here the keystone has NOT been removed. If you have a Stereoscope, you can plainly see that with the original 12 degrees of keystone left intact, the result is the same - stunning 3D. So why did ICO put us through all of this. My guess would be so they could demonstrate, as they did countless times in their puzzle system, that they were making puzzles, genius puzzles, and that they were a first-class operation all around. CE 133A and 133C are a matched 3D set, but they are just one set out of 4 sets of 3D images that ICO originally created. However, there are only three sets extant. It's my current belief that CE 133B is an orphan, that it's mate went missing, just like 133C almost did. Below are the three extant sets of 3D images. Remember the 3 inch nose-to-nose rule for viewing with a Stereoscope. If you have trouble with the size I posted on your particular monitor, you should be able to drop the three sets of photos below onto a blank page of Apple Pages, or MS Word, and size them correctly. Before answering "why the 88 degree tilt?", I'll briefly describe each of the three sets below individually: Above, the top pair of 3D images are the Mexico City visa application photos. The four photos above are not 3D because they have not been rotated. There is a top set of two photos and a bottom set of two photos. The two top photos are from the visa application and the visa application copy. The two below are apparently left-over extras found in Oswald's possessions, photographed by the Dallas Police, and that picture was stored in the Texas History collection. The first photo in each set, the pair on the left, appear to be exactly the same, and the second photo in each set, the pair on the right, appear to be exactly the same. Below left are overlays of the first photo in each set at 50% opacity, below right are overlays of the second photo in each set at 50% opacity (It’s hard to align fuzzy pictures, but I think I got pretty close). There appear, then, to be two identical sets of visa photos, and this seems to be an impossibility if the four photos (four different clicks of the shutter) had been taken in a commercial photo booth in Mexico. The 3-D version above, the set rotated 88 degrees, is actually the pair photographed by the Dallas Police. I used this set because they are clearer than the actual visa photos, but as you can see, neither set is anywhere near high-quality, and the 3-D suffers greatly from this. Also, since there is no background there is no background perspective. The chin and neck area is where the 3D should be most noticeable to you. It would have been nice to have a good set of images to work with.
  12. Hi Ian, No, I had not seen that before. Steve Thomas was asking if anyone had ever heard of RX-ZIM, and in my travels on the package label, I've not seen anything that comes close to that. On the label the main code symblol for the assassination appears to be simply the the letter "E". I think that it might turn out that a second code name, "David's Sling", was used, but we'll see. The Oswald effort to thwart the assassination appears to be the letter "N", which of course decodes to the number "13". In the link you provided for the Steve Thomas's post, Steve posts a link to some information about Oswald and Igor Vaganov - very interesting, and it's my belief that Igor was associated with the coded "Undeliverable Package". And there's the torn in half King of Spades that was found with the Vaganov Note. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_of_spades#Representation The King of Spades is considered to be King David of David and Goliath fame. With his sling and five stones, he slew the evil giant with a blow to his head. Some biblical scholars make the argument that Davids Sling propelled a rock through Goliaths eye and into his brain. It could be that Lee Oswald and Igor Vaganov had a relationship that involved them being set up to take the fall for assassinating the President. Did they in turn dream up several complicated and bizarre ways to tell their story to either stifle the plan, or cover themselves if it succeeded? Or is this all just a red herring like so many of the strange and conflicting pieces of evidence surrounding the events of November 22nd, 1963? Tom
  13. The Murr package label photo: http://www.jfkresearch.freehomepage.com/murr.htm I'm going to take my contribution to this thread is a slightly different direction. I'd planned to show how the entire label could be translated into binary code, which would in turn yield meaningful information. As I was just getting started, I realized that I'd missed a couple of keys on the label, and that this would make my decoding efforts incomplete. So during my reappraisal, I once again decided that my task is not to solve the puzzle, it's beyond my capabilities, my task is to show that it is a puzzle, so that people that are good at these sorts of things might get busy solving it. To that end, I'm just going to work on showing pieces of the puzzle and I'll begin by pointing out some possible things that seem to relate to Igor Vaganov. One of major mechanisms of the puzzle is the thirteen-letter anagrams that are possible using the thirteen primary letters on the label: F L O G A B W N S D T I T (For the sake of simplicity, the "601" on the label has been converted into letters using the formula at the bottom of is post. This is the simplest conversion there is, and we can always change them back. In fact, we can freely change any letter to its assigned number, and visa versa, any time the need arises). In reference to Igor Vaganov, this is the first anagram that got my attention: "L O TSD Twin Bag". This uses twelve of the thirteen primary letters with an F left over. Notice this uses "TSD" instead of the usual "TSBD". However, Oswald himself entered "Texas School Depository" in his address book, and many people regard "Schoolbook" as one word. A "Bag" is supposedly what was found inside the parcel when it was opened, and it was described as being similar in many respects to the one supposedly found at the TSBD, so this anagram makes at least a little sense. But both Oswald and Igor Vaganov spoke fluent Russian, and Vaganov was known to sometimes use "Baganov" as an alias (among others). Also, "B" and "V" in Russian are nearly equivalent; putting "Vaganov" in the Google Russian Translator yields a word that both starts and ends with a "B". So it might be at least suspected that "LO TSD Twin Bag" was a double entendre for the controversial paper Bag and the controversial Igor Baginov (Vaganov). But to be complete, we have a twelve letter anagram, and we do have a letter left over, an "F". When you have the Murr photo set up on your favorite photography program (Im just using iPhoto on my old Mac), you can pour a little juice to the F, and the right side all but disappears, and the vertical stem of the "F" blossoms into a big beautiful capital "I". http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/TomHume440/FblossomedintoI_zpsb4386686.jpg Notice that up high and next to the right side of the "I", there is a small "V". Also notice that there is a horizontal line over the top of the "I" (both of these features appear with the "I" on the Vaganov note. Looking to the next line on the label, the first character is the "6" in "601". http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/TomHume440/86andvintailofD_zps0496eda3.jpg It has a fuzzy circle at the bottom that could easily be taken for a coffee spill or something on the label. But on closer inspection, it seems to have been very carefully made put there on purpose. To me, the top portion of this circle has always looked a little like a big half-round fuzzy eyebrow. At any rate, the circular addition on the "6" creates more than a suggestion of a number "8". And the number "8" decodes to the letter "I" (we also have the numbers "8" and "6" - "86" is of course a slang term for getting rid of something). The first letter on the next line down is the "D" in "Dallas" and it appears to have a small "V" added to lower left portion of its formation. The first letter on the last line is the letter "I" in the below-the-label "Irving Texas". http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/TomHume440/IVArt_zpscdce6eb3.jpg So far, one could make an argument that the first characters on each of the four lines had either an "I" or a "V" associated with it. While we're in the area of the "I" in "Irving", notice the next letter. Its supposed to be an "r", but it doesn't even resemble one. It looks like a heavily drawn "A", lying horizontally. Looking at it another way, it also looks like a "T". And that seems to be the way this puzzle works; things can be temporarily regarded as other things they resemble. So we have the "r" in "Irving", also apparently serving as an "A", and a "T". That spells "Art", and with the "I" in Irving to its left, and the "V" in "Irving" to its right, we might put together the expression, "I. V. Art". "Igor Vaganov Art"? Just a thought - maybe he's the one that drew the little tiny cartoons all over the label. http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/TomHume440/Shaw3_zpsc2a7740b.jpg http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/TomHume440/5d15ad37-aefb-4278-9cd3-770f83391095_zps5f45adf5.jpg The last letter on the first line is the "d" in "Oswald". It appears to have a number "8" written lightly after it, and "8" decodes to "I". Its very light, but its there. http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/TomHume440/8nexttodinOswald-lite_zpsfaeef7ed.jpg The last letter on the second line is the "t" in "St", and it has an "A" lying horizontally across it vertical portion. At least we used it as an "A", because it looked like one, to complete the anagram "Assassinate" out of the all the letters in "Nassaies St". http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/TomHume440/StshowingIV_zps3881f8ff.jpg But since we can't see what should be the horizontal section of the "A", because its obscured by the vertical portion of the "t", it could just as easily be regarded as a "V", and I think we're supposed to. Notice also while were here, that the letter "S" has a separation at the top, and looking at the two pieces with the right frame of mind turns them into a "V" and a dotted "i". More about this in a bit. The last letter on the next line is supposed to be the "s" in "Texas", but it looks much more like a number "8", and "8" decodes to "I". (I think the "8" might be the tail end of the expression, the "D Ferrie Eyebrow 8", but that's an argument for another post ("ceja" is the Spanish word for "eyebrow")). http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/TomHume440/Eyebrow8_zps6dbc8cfe.jpg The last letter on the bottom line is supposed to be the "s" in "Irving Texas", but it looks very little like one. It appears to be a "Z", but because the bottom portion is so light, it could also be regarded as a "V" (once again, I think we're supposed to). http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/TomHume440/ZandVintailoftexas_zps9dd584d9.jpg So if the label is in fact a puzzle, one could make some sort of argument that the first and last letter of all four lines on the label are either an "I" or a "V". The letters "I" and "V", also resemble the capital letter "N" and one of the most prominent anomalies, not on the label, but on the package itself, is the large "N" very near where the FBI put their number Q265. http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/TomHume440/NONPACKAGEMADEOFISANDVS_zps13b09699.jpg The image is kind of small, sorry - I couldnt seem to enlarge it. It looks to me like the letter "N" is constructed from a tangle of "I"s and a "V"s . Looking back at the label again, there's a large nicely formed capital "N" beginning the word "Nassaies". When that's turned upside down, it appears to be formed exactly like the Russian letter "ee" whose transliteration is "I". http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/TomHume440/russian-alphabet_2_zps6a0282c5.jpg http://i1278.photobucket.com/albums/y520/TomHume440/VandIinupsidedownN_zps45feacee.jpg And the upside down "N" on the label also looks just like a nicely hand written letter "V". A Russian "I" and a western style "V", all in one symbol. More later. Tom (A=0) (B=1) (C=2) (D=3) (E=4) (F=5) (G=6) (H=7) (I=8) (J=9) (K=10) (L=11) (M=12) (N=13) (O=14) (P=15) (Q=16) (R=17) (S=18) (T=19) (U=20) (V=21) (W=22) (X=23) (Y=24) (Z=25)
  14. Hi James, I'd like to send you an email or a pm. Is there a way to do that?

  15. Hi Jim, I'd like to send you an email or a PM, would that be possible? Tom

    1. Tom Hume

      Tom Hume

      Hi Jim, I'd like to send you an email or a pm, would this be possible? I'm sorry, I'm not sure if this little comment box I'm using is the right place to put a larger message. Tom

    2. Jim Root

      Jim Root

      Hi Tom....sorry I have not checked this in years.....jroot@avhsd.org

  16. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Lee Oswald had a connection to either John Hurt, or to Raleigh NC, but quite aside from that, “JOHN HURT, RALEIGH NC” is an intentionally created and informative puzzle. First we can look at the puzzle maker’s name: “RICHARD CASE NAGELL”, which anagrams to: “R’S DECAL: A RALEIGH NC” Many, if not most, of the puzzling anomalies associated with Oswald’s behavior both before the assassination and while in custody were intentionally linked to anagrams of three names: “Richard Case Nagell”, “Igor Vladimirs Vaganov”, and, “Lee Harvey Oswald”. “JOHN HURT, RALEIGH NC” is 17 letters long, and it is going to easily puzzle out to the serial number of the “Ringer Rod” creation/modification of Richard Case Nagell, the “Ringer Rod” Carcano, C-2766, that would be substituted on assassination day for the Klein’s Carcano that matched Hoover’s carefully laid paper-trail. In the “ICO” puzzles (“ICO” stands for “Igor”, “Case”, “Oswald”), “Ringer Rod” is usually abbreviated, “RR”, and “RICHARD CASE NAGELL” also anagrams to: “LEE’S ‘RR’ ‘C-276...’. DIAL ‘A N” (we translated some letters to numbers using the device in the footnote) Once again, “RR” stands for “Ringer Rod”, and when we “DIAL” the letters “A N” on the telephone, we are dialing the numbers “2 6”. In the process, we loose our instruction, “DIAL”, and we are left with this: “LEE’S ‘RR’: ‘C-2766. C” The "C" at the end stands for "Case", and the above puzzle answer was, I submit, Richard’s primary reason for choosing that particular serial number, “C-2766”. And now back to “JOHN HURT, RALEIGH NC” From merely puzzling out the name, “JOHN HURT”, we are told to make a 17-letter puzzle - the explanation of this is a little long and drawn out and I’ll deal with it in another post. But here's an easy clue to the intended size of the "JOHN HURT" puzzle: Earlier, we saw that "Richard Case Nagell" anagrammed to “R’S DECAL: A RALEIGH NC”. The letter "R" translates to the number "17" and a slight rearrangement yields this anagram: "RALEIGH NC'S DECAL: A '17'". And this is a common method for ICO to reveal the size of one of their puzzles, and Lee Oswald’s late-night actions in jail gave us this 17-letter puzzle: “JOHN HURT, RALEIGH NC” There are several instructive 17-letter anagrams of this, and I will present three. For you to fully appreciate the first puzzle anagram, I need to point out another ICO puzzle term: “TURIN”. The series of Italian rifles commonly known as Mannlicher-Carcanos were invented in 1890 at the Turin Army Arsenal in Turin, Italy by a fellow named Salvatore Carcano. Also, the town of Turin famously houses “The Shroud of Turin”. It’s easy to make a metaphorical connection between The Shroud of Turin and the sack (shroud) that supposedly held C-2766, because Richard Case Nagell makes the metaphorical connection for us in several of his puzzles. Here’s one example: “CURTAIN RODS” anagrams to: “TURIN ROD SAC” The third word, "SAC", would have been more correct had it been spelled "SACK", and this apparent error is corrected in another anagram of "Curtain Rods" containing the term "[sIC]" in reference to the "SAC" spelling. The missing "K" in “TURIN ROD SAC” is the topic of post #11 linked below: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=22752 The "TURIN" metaphor is apt in another way, as both The Shroud of Turin and C-2766 are fakes. “JOHN HURT, RALEIGH NC” anagrams to: “R CHANGE J.H. TURIN. LHO” “R” stands for “Richard”, “J.H.” stands for “J Hoover”, and Richard not only "CHANGED" the patsy's Carcano, he told us about his stunt in many puzzles. Here is the next anagram of “JOHN HURT, RALEIGH NC”: “J.H. ‘RR’ UNIT, CHANGE 17” J Hoover’s “RR UNIT” is C-2766, and we are being told to “CHANGE” something in our “17”-letter puzzle, and the next anagram will tell us what to change. “JOHN HURT, RALEIGH NC” anagrams to: “JH, HLH, ETC. RING ‘OURNA’” “JH” is “J Hoover”, “HLH” is “H L Hunt”, and once again we are being told to use the telephone on the letters, “OURNA”. This yields the numbers, “68762”. In the process, we loose our instruction, “RING”, and translating just the “8” to the letter “I”, we can now make a final anagram: “C-2766, J.E.H. HIT. L.H.” There are several puzzles inside “JOHN HURT, RALEIGH NC” and this, I submit, was one of them. If you are willing to puzzle out what Richard Case Nagell and his "ICO" crew created for us to find, you just might understand about half of the Kennedy assassination mysteries. Tom Footnote - Letter/Number translation device: (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25)
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