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Tom Hume

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Everything posted by Tom Hume

  1. Going sideways with Larry’s suggestion of “FOUR LEAVES” having to do with “VELA” nuclear detection satellites, the letters in the word “VELA” are contained in the word “LEAVES”. Maybe someone had a clever anagram going here.
  2. Robert P, In the video clip you posted on #314, most everyone is both looking toward and/or heading toward the action. But there appears to me to be a dark haired woman moving quickly in the same direction as Baker. As she (?) passes Lovelady, she starts running (left to right}, and Lovelady starts running (right to left). It’s hard to tell, of course, but it looks like she possibly passed within inches of Lovelady. If she (?) knew Lovelady and Shelley, perhaps she blurted something to them as she hurried by. This woman (?) disappears off the right side of the screen only a moment after Baker. Who do you think she is, Robert? If you’ve covered this before, I apologize. Tom
  3. Re: Jim Hargrove’s post #287: My hypothesis predicts that most, if not all, of the enigmatic Oswald impersonations were creations of Oswald’s team, “ICO”, and embedded in these enigmas are one or more of “ICO’s” anagram puzzles. “ICO” stands for “Igor”, Case”, and, “Oswald" I will post my brief take on LO’s four .300 Savages on "The Oswald Code" thread in a few minutes. Tom
  4. Hi Ramon, Congratulations on the fine work you’re doing. In your travels, I for one would be interested knowing about the floor structure of the sixth floor. A new plywood floor was being laid, and if the ceiling of the fifth floor was covered at that time (as opposed to open beams), the cavity between the beams, or floor joists, might have an excellent hiding place to ditch some weapons, or even a couple of humans. It might have been possible for a sheet of plywood to be fitted, but left un-nailed. It could have been quickly slipped into position, and then covered with heavy boxes of books, perhaps to build the sniper’s nest. If this has been covered elsewhere, sorry, I’ve missed it. Thanks, Tom
  5. Sandy said: "Also, I want to personally thank Robert Prudhomme for bringing to my/our attention that Baker was running (roughly) parallel to the TSBD, not toward the stairway. This is a big deal imo." I'll second that. Tom
  6. The end of the clip goes by pretty quick. It might be helpful if someone could post a couple of stills from the point just before we loose Baker.
  7. A few links to the topic of Mac Wallace’s fingerprint discussed on the Education Forum. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20466 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6126 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20827 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18319 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2326 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6815 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2086&page=2 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2321
  8. I have an old note to myself that says that a Russian book was found among Oswald's effects with words cut out: Commission Exhibit 111. http://hdblenner.com/NumberedExhibits.htm
  9. Paul, Do we have any idea as to when Lee Oswald gave the backyard photo to George? Here’s why I’m asking: On the back of George’s photo, Oswald apparently wrote: “Copyright G de M” This anagrams to: “G de M, CIG TROPHY” And it also anagrams to: “CIG TROPHY, 4/12/63” (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25) Tom
  10. This controversial Backyard Photo was apparently taken at "214 West Neely Street". The house faces to the north, and the photos were taken with the camera pointed toward the east. In the photo under discussion (the version given to George de Mohrenschildt), Oswald appears to be teetering, tilted both toward the house (north), and toward the camera (west). Many think that he could not have sustained this posture; that he was either in the process of falling, or was tethered to something behind him. My hypothesis predicts that Oswald, and his cohorts, crafted puzzles into all of their activities for us to ponder. To anagram the address "214 West Neely Street", we first need to change the "214" to letters using "ICO's" key below: (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25) Changing the "214" to "CBE", the address to puzzle becomes "CBE WEST NEELY STREET", which anagrams to: "LEE TEETERS N-WEST, BY C" "C" stands for "Case Nagell", and there are at least three possibilities: (1) It's just a coincidence, and we know that coincidence is in the nature of anagrams. (2) Richard Case Nagell chose Oswald's rental address because of its puzzle value. (3) Richard puzzled out the address of the house where Oswald lived and realized that he could embed puzzles in the photos that corresponded to anagrams of the house address. My hypothesis corresponds with either #2 or #3 above. Here is another interesting anagram of "214 West Neely Street": "YES, STREET BETWEEN 'C', 'L'" "NEELY STREET" is in fact between Canty ("C"), and Lockhart ("L"). https://www.google.com/maps/place/W+Neely+St,+Dallas,+TX/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x864e99843f5ed26b:0x4b047a88cf4ed40d?dg=dbrw&newdg=1 Tom
  11. Hi Ray, I agree that if Lee Oswald had been photographing his TSBD surroundings (and perhaps himself) during the assassination as part of his alibi, he would most likely have been using a dependable camera of some quality. Turning to the "backyard photos", however, "IF" Oswald had taken those because he had been assigned to do so by, say, Banister/Ferrie as part of his patsy bona fides, and "IF" Oswald, and his cohorts, were also embedding decodable puzzles in their activities, Oswald's camera of choice might well have been one bearing a brand name containing a decodable puzzle or two. For example, "IMPERIAL REFLEX" anagrams to: "LEE FIREARM PIX. L" And "IMPERIAL REFLEX" anagrams to: "LAME FERRIE PIX. L" And "IMPERIAL REFLEX" anagrams to: "LEE FILM RARE PIX" And "IMERIAL REFLEX" anagrams to: "PIX FRAME LEE. R/L/I" ("R/L/I" = "Richard/Lee/Igor") And "IMPERIAL REFLEX" anagrams to" "PRIME ALEX RIFLE" The above anagram of "IMPERIAL REFLEX" may be implying that Alex's (Lee's) camera is figuratively his rifle. If so, the next anagram of "IMPERIAL REFLEX" appears to bolster that notion: "RIFLE EXAMPLE: 'I.R.'" One might also suspect that the "I.R." in the above anagram is a double entendre: "I.R." = "Imperial Reflex", "I.R." = "Igor, Richard". "IF" Lee Oswald, the designated patsy, was assigned to buy the firearms, and "IF" he was assigned to have his picture taken with the guns, and "IF" Richard Nagell, Igor Vaganov, and, Lee Oswald were embedding decodable puzzles in all of their activities, I'd say they picked the appropriate name-brand camera to use and be entered into evidence. No real decoding was done in this post, just anagrams. Tom
  12. I initially posted this on the wrong thread, sorry. This is the correct thread. I have a couple of questions for Robert or Chris, etc., about the stampings on the metal parts of "C 2766". If this has been covered elsewhere, I apologize for missing it. (1) Do some investigators suspect that any of the serial numbers have been changed, specifically the "C" or the "2"? (2) Is there an "N" stamped somewhere that appears to have been defaced? Thanks, Tom
  13. Post moved to "Identifying Markings of C2766" thread.
  14. Thomas, I have been on the forum for five years, and responding members have been few, and with one exception, they have been kind and apparently tolerant. The one exception is you, Thomas Graves. You obviously did not read my post, because in it, I said that I was finished posting. Tom
  15. My hypothesis predicts that the name, "STEVEN YVES L'EANDES", is likely to be a Richard Case Nagell anagram puzzle. In fact, "Steven Yves L'Eandes" appears to be a warehouse of Nagell's ICO puzzles. I am not finished with this huge puzzle, nor will I be any time soon. I have 20 pages of notes on this name-puzzle, and to post just what I have would probably take 50 pages to explain. So I'm just going to give you quick taste without actually decoding anything. The first anagram to fall out of what I submit is a Nagell series of puzzles based on the name "STEVEN YVES L'EANDES", is: "DELVE N'S EVENT ESSAY" If you puzzle folks are so inclined, take on Nagell's challange. The name "STEVEN YVES L'EANDES" is seventeen letters in length and houses several spelled-out numbers. If you can find this sort of thing in any other name on the planet, I'll give you a cigar. (1) SEVENTEEN (2) SEVENTY SEVEN (3) ELEVEN (4) SEVEN (5) SEVEN ELEVEN (6) ELEVENTY-SEVEN (The "Eleventy' series of numbers goes back to Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy) For puzzle purposes, all of these numbers can translate to letters (ICO's key, the simplest key known to mankind, is in footnote #1) (1) SEVENTEEN = R (2) SEVENTY SEVEN = H H (3) ELEVEN = L (4) SEVEN = H (5) SEVEN ELEVEN = H L (6) ELEVENTY-SEVEN = LH (117) Two prominent topics of the L'Eandes series of puzzles appear to be "LSD", and the "SDS" (Students for a Democratic Society, formed in 1960). Interesting names that come out of some of the puzzle answers are "LEARY PhD", and "ARYEH", the 1960 founder of SDS. The puzzle series appears to work like the rest of the ICO puzzles. For example, "STEVEN YVES L'EANDES" anagrams to: "ELEVENTY-SEVEN, AN SDS" "Eleventy-seven" is "11-7" and this number translates to "LH". This allows us to solve the following puzzle: "LH, AN SDS" Or to pick another example, "STEVEN YVES L'EANDES" anagrams to "SEVENTEEN YVES LADS", and translating "Seventeen" to "R", we can make the following anagrams: "R YVES LADS", or, "R, LSD SAVEY", or "A YVES LSD. R", or, "V'S LSD YEAR", or, "V/L SDS YEAR", or, "V, YALE SDS" ("V" would stand for Vaganov, my candidate for the Lee Oswald person in New York. "Yves" is a common French name, which is pronounced, "IV", as in "Igor Vaganov", perhaps) We can decode the above anagrams with ICO's binary code method and find out which are intended. The intended anagrams will generally turn into large information bearing puzzles. As pointed out, with the collection of numbers stuffed into the "Steven Yves L'Eandes" name, we can and should single out the following letters: "7", "11", and, "17", which translate to, "H", "L", and, "R". In this saga I submit, there are two sets of "twins", if you will, being run by Richard Case Nagell. There are the "H/L" twins, one in New York, and the other in the U.S.S.R.. And we have the twin names, "Stephen Landesberg", one with the middle initial "H", and one with the middle initial "R". As Richard Nagell was being arrested on September 20, 1963, he blurted out for all to hear: "CAPITALISTIC SWINE!" This declaration anagrams to: "CIA TWIN SPECIALIST" "Capitalistic Swine" also anagrams to: "L, I, TWIN CIA PATSIES. C" ("L" is Lee, "I" is Igor, and "C" is Case) As Stephen R Landesberg was using his southern drawl while disrupting liberal gatherings in New York, he let it be known that he was a proud member of the "Magnolia Rifles". "MAGNOLIA RIFLES" anagrams to: "NAGELL FORMS A '88'" There are many puzzle answers that inform us that there are "88" puzzles penned by Richard located in Oswald's Historic Diary and how to find them. The complete list is in The Oswald Code thread. "HISTORIC DIARY", for example, anagrams to: "RICHARD'S '88' TOY" Back to the letters "H", "L", and, "R" in our puzzles. There is another "R" in this L'Eandes saga, the mysterious leader-type guy known only as "REGAN". It just might be that Richard Case Nagell made a habit of teasing aliases from his own name. "RICHARD CASE NAGELL" anagrams to: "RC CASA: REGAN, HIDELL" The name "REGAN" anagrams to: "RN AGE" Richard Case Nagell was born August 5, 1930, and from late 1960 until late 1961, around the time the L'Eandes operation was taking place, Richard Nagell would have been 30 years old. The letters "R" "N" translate to "17" and "13" and add up to "30". "RN AGE", then, is somewhat equivalent to "RN AGE = 30". And to add one final REGAN correlation, RICHARD CASE NAGELL anagrams to: "REGAN'S CIA DECAL: 7/11/17" Or changing the numbers back to letters for the H/L folks: "REGAN'S CIA DECAL: 'H/L'. R" And it might also be that Richard made a habit of teasing out puzzles from his own name. "RICHARD CASE NAGELL" anagrams to: "A 'H', 'L', 'R', L'EANDES CIGAR. C" "Cigar" is a common ICO puzzle term that leads me to believe I am being rewarded for the correct answer. Here is a better one for the Harvey and Lee folks: Richard Case Nagell also anagrams to: "L'EANDES: A H/L CIGAR. RC" Richard Case Nagell also anagrams to: "2 L'EANDES: A H/L GRAIL. C" or, "2 LEANDES: A '7' - '17' GRAIL. C" Using the name "James F Rizzuto", Steven H Landesberg (the student) apparently gave a radio interview the day after the assassination. ("James F Rizzuto", I submit, is also an ICO puzzle, and I will get you started with it in Footnote #3) He apparently succeeded in creating a controversy (which my hypothesis predicts was planned by Nagell), but the waters were quickly muddied by the FBI. If it had not been for the tenacity of people like John Armstrong and those on this forum, Hargrove, Josephs, Gaal, et al, we would not be talking about this. As I said, I'm not going to attempt to solve the Steven Yves L'Eandes series of puzzles here on the forum; it would probably take me a year to do it justice. I've been working with the ICO Code for five years, I'm in over my head, and I'm burned out. I'm going to find another audience and another way to present what Nagell's ICO was apparently up to for several years before the assassination. "ICO" stands for "Igor", "Case", and, "Oswald", and I know very little about the Harvey/Lee controversy, but my candidate for the other Lee Harvey Oswald is someone we know as "Igor V Vaganov". I suppose I disagree with the H/L folks here: Oswald and Vaganov (Harvey and Lee if you like) were on the same side. Igor's impersonations and stunts were big red flags, intentional puzzle enigmas for us to notice and solve. By all indications, Oswald and Igor (and Nagell too) were the best of friends with a common goal: Prevent the assassination, and if they had been successful, their puzzles would have been meaningless. But since they failed to save the President, their ICO coded puzzles established their alibi, and, with the exception of Marina's husband, gave the remaining members of ICO (Richard, Igor, Jerry Belknap, and at least two others), leverage against "the powers that be", leverage to remain living. The ICO puzzles, I submit, will turn out to be objective. Even though the coded puzzles are based on anagrams, the puzzle-solver's anagram is decodable with ICO's unique application of 6-bit binary code. If it decodes to gibberish, you have got it wrong. But also lending objectivity to the puzzles is the fact that they refer to and connect to one-another. Any first class puzzle solver (and I'm not one, I'm a jazz bass player) would agree, I submit, that ICO at the very least had created an intentional time capsule for posterity. Before I go, I will completely re-write The Oswald Code thread to make it readable and to correct my mistakes and misperceptions. I wrote it as I was learning, wrote it as the puzzles themselves taught me the simple keys to their solution. As a result, my thread is a bit of a mess, but the few simple ICO puzzle techniques and tools are all in there. I don't think I'm missing anything. So long, Tom Footnote #1 Letter/Number translator: (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25) Footnote #2 The "DT" cipher (Double Talk cipher): A..B..C..D..E..F..G..H..I..J..K..L..M..N..O..P..Q..R..S..T..U..V..W..X..Y..Z K..L..M..N..O.P..Q..R..S.T.U..V..W..X..Y...Z..A..B..C..D..E..F..G...H..I...J Footnote #3 the "ONION": The DT cipher in footnote #2 is used to double the number of letters in a piece of discourse. The ONION is used reduce the number of letters by removing all of the duplicate letters. The word "ONION", for example, would become "ONI". Footnote #4 James F Rizzuto: The trick to finding ICO's intended puzzle in the name "JAMES F RIZZUTO" is to realize that the name contains the word "AMORTIZE". Here is the pertinent anagram: "AMORTIZE JF. Z: SU" "AMORTIZE" means to spread out and reduce, and ICO's method for reducing discourse is to use the "ONION" discussed in many of my posts. The onion merely involves getting rid of all of the duplicate letters. The word "ONION" would become "ONI", for example. "James F Rizzuto" is 13 letters and has but one duplicate letter: "Z". But before we trash one of the "Zs", we need to complete our initial anagram: "AMORTIZE JF. Z: SU". "Z" means code work, and we have been instructed to "Z: 'SU'". Since "SU" is less than six letters (we need at least six for binary code), the only way to decode "SU" is to apply it to the "DT" cipher, and "SU" becomes, "CE". "CE" translates to the number "24", and our puzzle part now becomes: "AMORTIZE JF 24" There is only one way to get "JAMES F RIZZUTO" to 24 letters. Stay with me: First we will Amortize, or "Onion" James F Rizzuto by removing the only duplicate letter, "Z": "JAMES F RIZUTO". Next, we will double the remaining 12 letters using the "Double Talk" cipher, the "DT" cipher: "JAMES F RIZUTO + TKWOC P BSJEDY" And finally, according to our instructions, "AMORTIZE JF 24", we will use the amortizing "onion" on the 24 letters above: "JAMESFRIZUTOTKWOCPBSJEDY" becomes: "JAMESFRIZUTOKWCPBDY" Now we have found our anagram puzzle, the reason for Stephen H Landesberg to use the name "James F Rizzuto". Anagrams of the above 19 letters can be found and decoded using ICO's 6-bit binary code technique. Here is one slightly silly but very interesting anagram: "C MAIRZY DOTES: B P 22 JFK U" Most everyone that was around in 1963 is familiar with the song "Mairzy Dotes". It is a string of nonsense-sounding syllables that become clear as the song progresses. It is an excellent metaphor for the ICO puzzles, because as the puzzle answers get shorter, abbreviations are used. Abbreviations that the puzzles themselves teach, and the experienced solver would recognize "B P 22 JFK U" immediately as the primary mission of ICO, thwarting the assassination. Briefly, "B" is Belknap, and he was to stage a fit in front of the TSBD, the purpose of which was to force the motorcade to take an alternative route; the motorcade would do a "U" turn. During Belknap's theatrical seizure, he was to "P" his pants big time, a world-class "PEE" that was also theater (a stopper would be pulled from a bladder hidden under Jerry's ODs, a bladder filled to the brim with urine). ICO's intent was to create a spectacle that would be noticed and REMEMBERED! The above was a brief summery of my interpretation of ICOs plan for Jerry B Belknaps stunt. Since the puzzles were crafted before the assassination, and since we know very little about this man and the actual event of the 22nd, we dont know if this piece of theater came off as planned; merely that the planned result (forcing the motorcade to take an alternative route) failed. "C MAIRZY DOTES: B P 22 JFK U" is for sure not the primarily intended anagram for this 19-letter puzzle. If you are so inclined, see what you can do with it. (Note: There are two spellings for the word DOTES in the song title, the other being DOATS. Nagell used the Andrew Sisters spelling). By the way, I'm not altogether sure that Oswald and Igor were not genetically related.
  16. Below is a link to the "Hands off Cuba" flier. It will have to do until I can successfully upload the photo: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/oswald/timeline/enlarged-t_1963_summer.html This post includes a simple and "EXCITING CONTEST". There are three easy anagram puzzles at the end (puzzles penned by Richard Nagell, I believe) and the first forum member to get two of them correct will win an all-expense-paid trip to Timbuktu. If you get all three of them right, you will get to come back. And the best part is, if you do get all three correct you will very possibly be second person in the world (excluding those on the "Dark Side") to understand why Lee Oswald appeared to be so sloppy with the bogus addresses he stamped on his "Hands off Cuba" fliers. I am putting the "EXCITING CONTEST" at the end in the hope that you will read the rest of the post. "ICO" stands for "Igor", "Case", and, "Oswald". There are two sets of ICO puzzles in the "Hands off Cuba!" flier. The first is a set of 7 17-letter puzzles, and the set is titled "A 7/17 RANT". The second is a set of 9 13-letter puzzles, and it is titled, "The Story. R" ("R" stands for "Richard"). These are not my names for the puzzle sets, they are named by the puzzle sets themselves. First I'll show you the two sets of puzzles, and then I'll tell you where they came from on the flier. "A 7/17 RANT": (1) HANDSOFFCUBAIJOIN (2) THEFAIRPLAYFORCUB (3) ACOMMITTEENEWORLE (4) ANSCHARTERMEMBERB (5) RANCHFREELITERATU (6) RELECTURESLOCATIO (7) NEVERYONEWELCOMEI "THE STORY. R": (1) HANDSOFFCUBAJ (2) OINTHEFAIRPLA (3) YFORCUBACOMMI (4) TTEENEWORLEAN (5) SCHARTERMEMBE (6) RBRANCHFREELI (7) TERATURELECTU (8) RESLOCATIONEV (9) ERYONEWELCOME The first letters in each puzzle of the "A 7/17 RANT" set are: "HTAARRN" Using the simple Number/Letter key in Footnote #1, I will translate an "H R", to "7 17", and make the following anagram from the letters above: "A 7/17 RANT" And this, of course, is a set of 7 17-letter puzzles. The first letters of the second set titled "THE STORY. R", are: "HOYTSRTRE" And these letters anagram to: "THE STORY. R" There are 117 proper letters on the flyer, and 9 x 13 = 117. The second puzzle set ("THE STORY. R") came right off the flier in the order that the letters occurred. There are, however, two more letters on the flier, and these are the two "exclamation points". One "exclamation point" is at the end of "Hands off Cuba!", and the second one is at the end of "EVERYONE WELCOME!" In the ICO puzzles, the "exclamation point" is to be regarded as an upside-down letter "i", and they are optional. By "optional", I mean that "Hands off Cuba", for example, could be a stand alone 12-letter puzzle, but it is also a 13-letter puzzle when the "exclamation point" is included. I have made my "Exclamation Point" argument in post #24 on "The Oswald Code thread". I will not make it again here: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20276&page=2 So with the addition of two exclamation points (two letter "i"s), I for one, feel completely comfortable stretching the 117-letter flier to 119 letters. These 119 letters, in the order they come from the flier, are the "A 7/17 RANT" set. 7 x 17 = 119. I'm not going to attempt a solution for any of the above puzzles now, this will come later, but I'm hoping some of you will take an interest. And now for the "EXCITING CONTEST" (This will be cool and you might be amazed. Start thinking about packing your bags for Timbuktu): There were a variety of addresses hand-stamped on some of the "Hands off Cuba" fliers, and most of them were bogus in one way or another. "EXCITING CONTEST" Puzzle #1: L. H. OSWALD 4907 MAGAZINE NEW ORLEANS, L.A. Lee Oswald actually rented the apartment at "4905 MAGAZINE", and reportedly, his neighbor could never figure out why Oswald was using the neighbors address. Your puzzle, then, is the house number, "4907 MAGAZINE", and while there is more than one correct answer, the best answer will tell us who is associated with the bogus address, "4907 MAGAZINE". There is one answer, a ridiculously simple anagram, that is also an appropriate title for this flier (if you get this easy one, I will throw in a double vodka martini at your hotel in Timbuktu). The best answer, however, is far more interesting, but a little tougher (It's not hard).. Hint: It requires a very limited use of ICO's "Double Talk" cipher ("DT" cipher) in footnote #4. For this answer, you will also need to know that the letter "Z" means to "DECODE" something (The anagram I'm looking for may end something like this, and this is only an example: "BLAH-BLAH-BLA. Z: 'X'. This means to use the "DT" cipher on the letter "X"; to "Z" it. You will gain the letter "H" in this process, and you can throw away the "Z: X". You can then use the new "H" to improve your anagram: "BLAH-BLAH-BLAH"). And from a puzzle-solver's point of view, when one is "tuned in" to an "ICO" puzzle, one knows that the asked-for letter-decoding will yield exactly the letter or letters that is/are needed to complete or improve the puzzle answer. It works every time (except when one is off on a wild goose chase and making stuff up. And that's where practice and necessary discipline come in). CONTEST PUZZLES #2 and #3: FPCC A J HIDELL P.O. BOX 30016 NEW ORLEANS, L.A. Lee Oswald was actually authorized for "P.O. Box 30061", not "P.O. BOX 30016". One could regard this as a simple mistake, but I submit that there were no mistakes in the ICO puzzles. The apparent mistakes were put there for you to notice, and when you solve the puzzle, you will discover that the puzzle itself points out and explains its intentional mistake. You will also know that you are working on a puzzle created by another intelligent human, and not just having an anagam fantasy. The two addresses, "P.O. BOX 30016", and "P.O. BOX 30061" both contain the same letters and numbers. For anagramming purposes, they are identical and this, of course, means that simply anagramming the two addresses will yield the same answers. This is not what we are looking for, and one needs to use ICO's 6-bit binary code to get two separate answers, one for each address. DON'T FREAK! I will do the dreaded binary code work for you. But anagramming "P.O. BOX 30016" (or "P.O. BOS 30061") in fact can tell us that we need to use binary code. I will put this explanation in footnote #5. Here we go: "P.O. BOX 30061" decodes to (#3): "SENTDAAGBLOBOP" And, "P.O. BOX 30016" decodes to (#4) "SENTDAABGCOBOP" Your task is to anagram the two puzzles above. The two answers will be RELATED, and they will tell us WHICH ADDRESS IS CORRECT for Oswald. Hint: "The Hands off Cuba" flier appears to have been made by Richard Case Nagell. It is common for ICO puzzles answers to have one or more letters at the end that indicate the puzzle-maker. You might keep an eye out for one of these two puzzles to be signed by one or more of this set of initials: "RCN". TOM Footnote #1 Letter/Number translation device: (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25) Footnote #2 DT cipher (Double Talk Cipher). It works from the top down: A..B..C..D..E..F..G..H..I..J..K..L..M..N..O..P..Q..R..S..T..U..V..W..X..Y..Z K..L..M..N..O.P..Q..R..S.T.U..V..W..X..Y...Z..A..B..C..D..E..F..G...H..I...J Footnote #3 - PO BOX 30061 = PO BOX DAAGB POBOXD = 101011, and, 010100, plus tags AAGB Yield: SENTDAAGB BGAADX = 100011, and, 011100, plus tags OBOP Yield: LOBOP. Total yield: SENTDAAGBLOBOP Footnote #4 - PO BOX 30016 = PO BOX DAABG POBOXD = 101011, and, 010100, plus tags AABG Yield: SENTDAABG GBAADX = 010011, and, 101100, plus tags OBOP Yield: COBOP. Total yield: SENTDAABGCOBOP Footnote #5: When we translate the numbers in "P.O. BOX 30016" (or "61") to letters, we get: "POBOXDAABG" And this anagrams to: "BOX GAP. DO '01'" "01" is shorthand for binary code, the computer system of "zeros" and "ones".
  17. Hi Glenn, You wrote: "as a newbie in here, i don't even know if this post is intentionally ambiguous, or a red herring. heck i don't even know if you're real name is Tom - so i'll just ask: does it matter if LHO was at the museum in July of 63? why would it be 62 if the other entries are mostly 63?" I don't think it matters whether Lee Oswald was at the American Museum of Atomic Energy in Oak Ridge, Tennessee on July 26, 1963 or not. The point is that whoever wrote the "Lee H Oswald" entry had created a solvable anagram puzzle, the same sort of puzzle that surrounds many of Oswald's activities leading up to the assassination. Oswald gave a speech the following day, July 27, 1963, at Spring Hill College in Mobile, Alabama, a couple hours drive from where he was living in New Orleans. New Orleans to Oak Ridge, Tennessee, would have been about a ten-hour drive, so I suppose it would have been possible. A sharp researcher on this forum might know where Oswald was supposed to have been on the 26th, but I haven't been able to form an opinion. It's my belief, however, that Lee Oswald was not one of the "ICO" puzzle makers; Richard Case Nagel and Igor Vaganov did that, and since many of the puzzle answers from my previous post are signed with a "C", my bet would be that Richard "Case" Nagell created and entered the "Lee H Oswald" puzzle at the Atomic Energy Museum. Your second question, Glenn, "why would it be 62 if the other entries are mostly 63?" Anomalies in discourse surrounding Lee Oswald are often the key to untangling an intentionally created ICO puzzle. I'm used to looking for the anomalies. If one notices the confusion over whether the "Lee H Oswald" entry in the register says "7-26-63" or "7-26-62", and realizes that the "62/63" anomaly might have meaning, and notices that the numbers in "7-26-62" anagram to "C-2766" (see footnote), the serial number of the A Hidell/Lee Oswald Mannlicher Carcano rifle, and notices that making anagrams from the rest of the puzzle tell one over and over again that the answer to the date entry is "62", one might come to suspect that one is working on an intentionally created Lee Oswald puzzle. Just one of over 200 enigmatic puzzles created to eventually be noticed, solved, and learned from. The ICO puzzles tell the same story over and over and over again, the story of who the bad guys were, and who the good guys were, and what the good guys were doing to prevent the assassination. Tom Footnote Letter/Number translation device: (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25)
  18. The July 26, 1963 entry on line 13 of the Visitor's Register at the American Museum of Atomic Energy reads: "7-26-63, Lee H Oswald U.S.S.R., Dallas Rd, Dalls" Or does it? Bill Kelly has the best copy of this register that I've seen. Enlarge it and keep it handy for a minute. http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2010/10/lee-h-oswald-at-atomic-energy-museum.html I submit that the entry on the Visitor's Register is an "ICO" puzzle. "ICO" stands for "Igor", "Case", and, "Oswald". A central question that was intentionally designed into this puzzle, (maybe "THE" central quesion, from a puzzle-solver's point of view) is: "Does the date indicated anagram to the serial number "C-2766", the serial number of the Mannlicher Carcano rifle associated with A Hidell/Lee Oswald? A non-trivial central question then, is: "Does the register say '7-26-63', or '7-26-62'"? I can't answer that; the digit in quesion appears ambiguous. You try. Take a closer look at the number "3" in "63", and try to decide if that is a "3", or in fact a "2". This is not trivial! As in so many other "ICO" puzzles, it is the ambiguities that lead not only to the puzzle's solution, but can provide the puzzle-solver with confidence that he/she is working on an intentionally created puzzle, and not just making stuff up. This will happen when the puzzle itself points out the ambiguity. The ambiguity is "The Irritant in the Oyster". Below is ICO's key for translating numbers into letters and vice versa. This is the simplest such key known to mankind: (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25) I'm going to assume for a moment that it is a "62" in the date, "7-26-62", and using the key above, translate one of the number "2s" to a "C". The date now anagrams to: "C-2766" Hang in there for a moment, and we will see some puzzle answers that tell us that the ambiguous number "2" or "3" in the year, "62" or "63", should be regarded as a "2". But first, let's anagram the next item on line 13: "LEE H OSWALD, U.S.S.R." This anagrams to: "L HOWARD USELESS" While it may be true that "L HOWARD" was "USELESS", that was not the intent of this puzzle answer. Here is how it should read: "L HOWARD: USE LESS" Those that have been following my posts will remember that a major tool of the ICO puzzles is something called the "ONION". It simply involves removing all of the duplicate letters from a piece of discourse. The word "ONION", for example, would become, "ONI". The phrase "USE LESS" is telling us to reduce the number of letters, and the "ICO ONION" is their way. "L HOWARD: USE LESS", with the "ONION", becomes: "L HOWARD USE" And if we added this to our first answer, "C-2766", as we should, we get: "L HOWARD USE C-2766" Forget that. Now we are going to use the "ONION" on the entire line. Keep in mind that our central question is the date; whether or not it should be regarded as "62". But for this exercise, I'll go ahead and enter "63" (It actually makes no difference for what happens next) Here is the assumed line again: "7-26-63, LEE H OSWALD U.S.S.R., DALLAS RD, DALLS" I'll translate the numbers to letters (grade-school-level decryption): "HCGGD, LEE H OSWALD U.S.S.R., DALLAS RD, DALLS" Next, I'll remove all of the multiple letters, i.e. the "ONION" (grade-school-level decryption): "HCGDLEOSWAUR" Finally, I will make two anagrams of the above letters: (1) "L HOWARD: USE '62'" (2) "H OSWALD URGE '2'" I regard those as a couple of reasonable answers to our puzzle's question, "2 or "3"? The "ONION" is one of two methods that ICO used to hide their puzzles in larger pieces of discourse. Their second method was to hide the puzzle in the "primary letters" of a piece of discourse. The "Primary Letters are the first letter of each word, plus any numbers that are present. In this next puzzle step, both the "Primary Letter" trick, and the "ONION" trick are required, and this is not uncommon. Here is our line 13 again: "7-26-63, Lee H Oswald U.S.S.R., Dallas Rd, Dalls" First I will change the numbers to letters: "HCGGD, Lee H Oswald, U.S.S.R., Dallas Rd, Dalls" Now we will keep only the primary letters: "HCGGD, LHO USSR, DR, D" Next I will apply the "ONION" to the above: "HCGDLOUSR" This anagrams to: "GOLD RUSH C" And when we translate the "C" to the number "2": "GOLD RUSH '2'" Or, "GOLD RUSH: '2'" And this is a ICO tripple entendre. The first Gold Rush was in 1849 when gold was discovered in California. The "2nd" gold rush, metaphorically speaking, was the rush for uranium. And here we are at the American Museum of Atomic Energy, and not so coinsidentally, "GOLD RUCH "2"", is the search for the number "2" in this puzzle, and EUREKA! "GOLD RUSH '2'" EUREKA! And I have just put you through three or four steps of "grade-school-level" encryption. "GOLD RUSH '2'" also anagrams to: "L'S ROUGH 2/3" And this is where we started: the date of "63" or "62" that was "ROUGH", that was "ambiguous", and prompted us to look deeper. Do you have doubts that the "62/63" date at the beginning of the line was intentionally ambiguous? Do you have doubts that one of the primary goals of this ICO puzzle was to point out this"2/3" ambiguity? One more thing: Notice that there is a missing "a" in Dallas, and that "Texas" was crossed out. One reason for these omissions, I submit, was so the puzzle could end up being "32" letters long. The essential hook of this puzzle, is, "Is it a '3', or is it a '2'"? "Is it a '2', or is it a '3'"? Look deeper. Richard Case Nagell, with more than competent help from Igor V Vaganov, created (I'm guessing) more than 200 coded puzzles to tell the trio's story of the assassination, and what they, ICO, were doing to prevent it. ICO was/were the good guys; the patsy-story-tellers; low level spooks; tangled up in the assassination of another "good-guy", in their view and in mine. I only scratched the surface of the above puzzle in this post. ICO, I submit, told us a whole lot of what they knew about the assassination. I assume ICO had reasons for choosing the medium they did - an omnibus of solvable coded puzzles - an "ICO Time Bomb". I'm not making this up (at least I'm trying not to). Tom
  19. There is another possible reason for the Oswald impersonations: That these doppelgangers were not part of a frame at all, but were stunts created by Oswald and his two confederates, Richard Case Nagell, and Igor V Vaganov. These three guys called themselves "ICO", and their stunts were awash in anagram puzzles that both told their story of the upcoming assassination attempt, and what ICO was doing to prevent it. We have two names: "O H LEE", and, "HERBERT LEE", an address, "1026 North Beckley, and a visit to a car insurance company by "O H LEE". "1026 NORTH BECKLEY" anagrams to: "1026 KEY: 'B', OTHER 'L'" There is an abundance of ICO puzzles that appear to make this same claim; that Baganov was the other Lee. My hypothesis predicts that Oswald's choice of addresses would likely have been made by RCN or IVB for their puzzle value. The two "Lee" names at the Beckley address are: "Herbert Lee", and "O.H. Lee", and one of the standard ICO puzzle techniques (covered in my previous posts) is called the "ONION". It simply entails removing all of the duplicate letters from a piece of discourse. "ONION" becomes "ONI", for example. Using the ONION on "HERBERT LEE/O.H LEE", yields "HERBTLO", which anagrams to: "'B', OTHER 'L" Yikes! This is essentially the same puzzle answer we received from anagramming O. H. Lee's address. Using ICO's binary code method, "'B', OTHER 'L'", decodes to (Footnote #1): "JBB, 11-22" (The number/letter translation devise is in Footnote #2) "JBB" was ICO's primary tactic for preventing the "11-22" assassination: "Jerry B Belknap" was to stage a fit on Elm Street that would force the motorcade to take an alternative route. Claiming to be "O H Lee", someone applied for car insurance and also claimed to be from "San Antonio": Not "New Orleans", but "San Antonio. "SAN ANTONIO" anagrams to: "SANTA ONION" And when one uses ICO's Onion technique on "SANTA ONION", one comes up with "SANTOI", which anagrams to: "IT'S A NO" This is a typical ICO double entendre, meaning that the ruling at the insurance company was "NO", and that "San Antonio" was not the correct city - "IT'S A N.O." - "IT'S A 'New Orleans'". "HERBERT LEE" anagrams to: "THE REBEL: R.E." We get to find out who the "REBEL R. E." is by anagramming "HERBERT LEE - O.H. LEE". These two names anagram to: "ROBERT E. LEE. He-he. L" My take would be that ICO was adding a little humor here, which is not uncommon. If we combine both names and the address, it looks like this: "OH LEE, HERBERT LEE, 1026 NORTH BECKLEY" And when we translate the four numbers to letters, it looks like this: "OH LEE, HERBERT LEE, BACG NORTH BECKLEY" And when we use the "Onion" on the above letters, it looks like this: "OHLERBTACGNKY" And this 13-letter puzzle anagrams to: "G BACK THORNLEY" "G" would be "Guy", and this appears to be another double entendre, because, "G BACK THORNLEY" decodes to (#3): "A GAY" Another very common ICO puzzle tool is the "DT" cipher, and "DT" stands for "Double Talk". Where the "Onion" is used to reduce the number of letters in a puzzle, the "DT" cipher is used to double the number of letters. A..B..C..D..E..F..G..H..I..J..K..L..M..N..O..P..Q..R..S..T..U..V..W..X..Y..Z K..L..M..N..O.P..Q..R..S.T.U..V..W..X..Y...Z..A..B..C..D..E..F..G...H..I...J The cipher works from the top down, and if we apply the name, "O. H. LEE" to the cipher, we get, "OHLEE + YRVOO", which can anagram to: "YO, E HOOVER. L" The above answer looks okay, but the real meaning is this: "O-24: E HOOVER. L" I translated the "Y" to "24", and "O-24" is a very big deal in the ICO puzzles, second only to the Jerry B Belknap stunt. "O-24" is the puzzle symbol for the so-called "Odio Incident". "O" stands for "Odio", but the puzzle also contains eight letter "Os". The puzzle is puzzle number "24" in Oswald's Historic Diary, the incident happened on the "24"th of September, and the giant "24"-letter puzzle is Richard Case Nagell's masterpiece, one of his "Trade Marks" ("MICRO DOTS" anagrams to "RC 'TM': S ODIO". "LO CURTAIN RODS" (the intended 13-letter rendering of this ICO puzzle), anagrams to "RCN ULTRA: 'S ODIO'"). I'm introducing the "S ODIO" puzzle here because it is a good example of the "ONION", and "ODIO" is one of the topics discussed on this thread. Here is the 24-letter "S ODIO" puzzle (AKA: O-Y): "LEON O, LEOPOLDO, ANGELO, S ODIO" These 24 letters can anagram to: "PEEL ONION: LOOOLDOAGELOSOD" And when we follow the above directions, we come up with: "PEEL ONION: LODAGES" And we can now re-anagram this to: "PEELED ONION: S.O GAL" When we use the Onion on the entire 24-letter puzzle: "LEON O, LEOPOLDO, ANGELO, S ODIO", we come up with, "LEONPDAGSI". This anagrams to: "DP IS ANGELO", or "ANGELO IS DP" This might bear repeating: "DP IS ANGELO", "ANGELO IS DP" "DP" is, of course, "David Phillips", and "DP IS ANGELO" appears to be at least one of ICO's primary intention behind this huge "S ODIO" puzzle. Although it might be of little value, my favorite 24-letter anagram of "LEON O, LEOPOLDO, ANGELO, S ODIO", is: "DIG DAP'S LLLLEEEOOOOOOOON. N" ("DAP" could possibly stand for "David Atlee Phillips") Tom Footnote #1 B, OTHER L BOTHER = 101101, and, 010010, plus tag L Yield: BL LREHTO = 110110, and, 001001, plus tag B Yield: WJB. Total Yield: BLWJB = JBB, 11-22 Footnote #2 letter/number translation device: (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25) Footnote #3 G BACK THORNLEY GBACKT HORNLE = 010001 101110, and, 101110 010001, plus tag Y Yield: AAY YELNRO HTKCAB = 001110 110001, and, 110001 001110, plus tag G Yield: G. Total yield: A GAY
  20. The Richard Bartholomew that is a member of this forum appears to be the Rambler Station Wagon author. Here is his website: http://www.bartholoviews.blogspot.com/ Richard started a topic on this forum in 2006. He wrote this: "I am an editorial cartoonist, born and raised in Dallas, and have lived in the Austin metro area since 1976. I was at school in the suburb of Mesquite, 12 miles from Dealey Plaza, at the time of the JFK assassination. Soon after graduating from the University of Texas at Austin, I met and married a niece of Erwin Schwartz, Abraham Zapruder's business partner. My father worked with Kenneth Porter at Collins Radio in the suburb of Richardson. Obviously, the assassination has been an unavoidable part of my life. I began researching it in earnest, however, only after stumbling upon new evidence while employed at the University of Texas. As a native Dallasite, and Texas citizen, I felt it was my civic duty to report a suspicious automobile fitting the description of a getaway car seen by several witnesses leaving Dealey Plaza." Here's a link to Robert Howard's thread, "Richard Bartholomew: Rambler Station Wagon": http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=5872&hl=%2Brambler+%2Bstation+%2Bwagon Tom
  21. Glenn Wrote: "i've been enjoying the story so much, all the while wondering who this Bartholomew fellow is because he writes well enough and his research is so meticulous, and now you're saying he may have been in dallas on that day?" That's not exactly what I said, Glenn. I said: "Richard Bartholomew is also the name that Larry Florer gave as the person that could back up his alibi during the assassination. Probably a different guy." I agree that he writes well and his research appears to be meticulous. Tom
  22. This is a fascinating story. Richard Bartholomew is apparently a member of the forum. Perhaps if one of his friends on the forum feels so inclined, they could send him a PM and see if he would give us an update on his research. Richard Bartholomew is also the name that Larry Florer gave as the person that could backup his alibi during the assassination. Probably a different guy. Florer's 11-22-63 statement: Post #4 by Bill Kelly http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=15988&hl=%2Blarry+%2Bflorer Tom
  23. Marina Oswald was born July 17, 1941, which would have made her "22" years old at the time of the Salvation Army incident. It would be interesting to know if she had given her age as "21". "Salvation Army" is 13 letters, the preferred puzzle length of Oswald's "ICO" group of anagram puzzlers. "Salvation Army" anagrams to: "MARINA STAY 21. LO" (The number "21" was translated from the letter "V". See footnote #1) "MARINA STAY 21. LO" decodes and anagrams to (#2): "ICO MO. VV" "MO" is Method of Operation, and "VV" is V Vaganov. "ICO MO. VV" decodes and anagrams to (3): "IVB" "IVB" is Igor V Baganov (Vaganov), one of the two puzzle makers. Richard Case Nagell was the other. My hypothesis predicts that many, if not most, of the hard-to-explain Oswald sightings and events were stunts being pulled by Oswald's group, "ICO", to create enigmas, enigmatic events with ICO's puzzles imbedded in them. ICO had two goals; one was tell their story of the assassination, and the other was to prevent it. And both with a touch of enigmatic flamboyance. Tom Footnote #1 Letter/Number translation device: (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25) Footnote #2 "MARINA STAY 21. LO" MARINA STAYVL = 001010 010011, and, 110101 101100, plus tag O Yield: CVI LOVYAT SANIRA = 101001 001010, and, 010110 110101, plus tag M Yield: IOVN, Total yield: CVOIOVM Footnote #3 "ICO MO. VV" ICOMOV = 000001, and, 111110, plus tag V Yield: BV VVOMOC = 110000, and, 001111, plus tag I Yield: I. Total yield: IVB Footnote #4 Bonus Material: "TEST DRIVE MERC" is 13 letters, and anagrams to "I.V. TEST RED MERC". Once anagrammed, it turns into a large puzzle to be solved and learned from. "JOHN HURT. Ral NC" is 13 letters, and anagrams to "ALT JOHN H RUN. RC" ("Alt John H" would be John Hoover, and "RC" would be Richard Case). "JOHN HURT. Ral NC" also anagrams to, "H. L. HUNT JR CO-RAN". Once anagrammed, this likewise turns into large informational puzzle. "HISTORIC DIARY" is 13 letters, and anagrams to "RICHARDS 88 TOY". There are 88 puzzles to be solved in Oswald's Historic Diary. "HISTORIC DIARY" also anagrams to, "DAISY RR HIT. ICO". Kennedy being mortally wounded by a BB gun is a large topic of the ICO puzzles. I assume that the Daisy Red Ryder would be the one found, not the one actually used. "LO CURTAIN RODS" is 13 letters, and anagrams to, "RCN ULTRA: S ODIO". ("MICRO DOTS" is not 13 letters, but anagrams to "RC 'TM': S ODIO" ("RC" is Richard Case, and "TM" is Trade Mark)). "LO CURTAIN RODS" also anagrams to, "LO, RR CUSTODIAN". If Red Ryder was what was in Oswald's short bag on the morning of the 22nd, the puzzles have not revealed this to my satisfaction yet. "HANDS OFF CUBA" is 12 letters, but it has an exclamation point at the end, and in ICO puzzles, the E.P. is to be regarded as an upside-down letter "i" - the 13th letter. The puzzle itself tells us so, and I have done an entire post on this puzzle trick. "I'M JUST A PATSY" is likewise 12 letters, but the puzzle itself tells us to add an exclamation point. "LEE OSWALD GUNS" is 13 letters and might be an intended caption for one of the backyard photos. It anagrams to, "W USES LO DANGLE", and "W" would be the first initial of W G Banister. "RICHARD NAGELL" is 13 letters, and it anagrams to, "RCN, A HIDELL RAG". The meaning of "RAG" here would be a stunt, or a prank.
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