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Tom Hume

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Everything posted by Tom Hume

  1. Hi James, I'm not sure if any of this has been mentioned before, but it appears that for an old building like the TSBD, the entrance way had to have been remodeled at one time with more modern aluminum frame windows and doors. It would be unusual for an commercial aluminum door to made to a custom size - possible, of course, but unusual. They are and were, to my knowledge, standard at 84 inches - 7 feet spot on. If you used a door as an 84 inch ruler, how would that change your calculations? Tom
  2. Comment moved to another thread: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=21775
  3. Link to the James Branum Doodle: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/01/0124-005.gif So what is this thing? I have a few ideas and maybe you will too, but this is how I learned of it. As I understand it, several years ago John Dolva was going through the docs located in the Dallas Municipal Archives, John F. Kennedy/Dallas Police Department Collection. He was reading the four-page written statement given to the Dallas Police Department by Buell Wesley Frazier, and John was apparently moving from page to page by changing the last digit in the URL. When he got to the last page of Frazier's statement, a URL ending in 004, he proceeded on to 005 and was presented with this doodle. It was apparently not listed anywhere in the collection, it was just waiting there patiently at the end of Frazier's statement, waiting for John to discover it. And for the last few years John has posted about it on this forum at least nine different times, short posts asking if anyone knew any thing about it. John indicated a suspicion that it might have something to do with Jim Braden since his name was so close to James Branum. And in fact an anagram of "James Branum Doodle", is: "JAMES BRADEN DO MU. LO" "MU" has several meanings, but in many Asian cultures it means something that doesn't exist, or no longer exists, or is dead. I'll have more to say about the word "MU" in future posts. But what is the connection, if any, between Frazier's written statement and this Doodle? Was it found on the back seat of Frazier's car after the assassination? Did Oswald give it to Frazier to hang on his wall? I have no idea. Somebody would need to ask Frazier, I suppose, perhaps some investigator that is already on good terms with him. In my opinion, the doodle has all of the earmarks of a huge "ICO" puzzle, the subject of a thread I started almost two years ago called "The Oswald Code". "ICO" stands for "Igor", "Case", and, "Oswald", and these three guys, in my opinion, along with three or four others were attempting to prevent the assassination, and for alibi purposes, they documented their activities in over two hundred coded puzzles. And I think this doodle is one of them. It is a bit unique, however, in that it contains not only anagramable material, but also a pictogram, a doodle. The label on the "Undeliverable Package" also has pictogramic aspects. When John Dolva posted about this doodle, no one, including myself, appeared to show any interest. But three months ago, when I was putting together my last post on "The Oswald Code" thread (post #26 linked below), I noticed a possible connection, which I will need to explain briefly (there is no need to refer to this post now, do it later if you're interested): http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20276&page=2 You might want to bring up the link below, however, Gary Murr's photo of the "Undeliverable Package" label: http://www.jfkresearch.freehomepage.com/murr.htm The first line of the label reads, "For Lee Oswald". However, I make the argument in post #26 (linked above), that the "Delta" symbol in the upper left corner of the label is very much a part of the label puzzle. The first line of the label, for puzzle purposes in my opinion, should be regarded as reading: "DELTA FOR LEE OSWALD" This can anagram to: "ALERT: A WES F DOODLE. L" And/or: "ALTER A WES F DOODLE. L" Another anagram of "DELTA FOR LEE OSWALD" appears to tell us something about the word "ALTER" in the last anagram: "ALTER 4 DOODLE FLAWS" So where did the number "4" come from? It came from translating an "E" to a "4" using this: (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25) This is the simplest method known to man for translating letters into numbers and visa versa. It is universal in all the "ICO" puzzles and is indicated on the package label itself. I believe I know where two of the four "DOODLE FLAWS" are and I am going to show you one of them right now. Hopefully before this thread is finished, we will have found all four. And by the way, I have not by any means solved this doodle puzzle, if in fact that is what it turns out to be. I have a few pages of notes, but this is a puzzle that could take me a year working by myself, or ten years. This is why I am talking to you. If you don't have the doodle on your screen, bring it up again: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/01/0124-005.gif Notice the "BO" between "James" and "Branum". It seems to be a mistake, a flaw if you will. This should be a big red flag to any "ICO" puzzle-master. Oswald's Historic Diary is filled with flaws and misspellings that litter the 88 puzzles within the diary (see post #14, The Oswald Code), and every one of those flaws, I submit, is central to the puzzle itself. When I first saw the "BO" "flaw" sitting there all by itself, I ran it through "ICO's" "Double Talk" cipher, the "DT" cipher, as it is usually called in the puzzles. You can read about this simple substitution cipher in my first post, and where its name came from too. Below is the cipher, and it usually works from the top down. This "DT" cipher, like the number/letter key, is grade school level encryption: A..B..C..D..E..F..G..H..I..J..K..L..M..N..O..P..Q..R..S..T..U..V..W..X..Y..Z K..L..M..N..O.P..Q..R..S.T.U..V..W..X..Y...Z..A..B..C..D..E..F..G...H..I...J So the "BO" flaw ciphers out to "LY", which gives us, "BOLY", which can anagram to: "BY LO" But I made that decision all on my own, which I don't think is particularly outrageous, but it turns out that we seem to have instructions to accomplish this same act, a common feature of "ICO" puzzles: Forget the "LY" I added for a moment. If we merely add the "BO" to "James Branum Doodle", we have "JAMES BO BRANUM DOODLE", which can anagram to: "MEMORANDA: DOUBLE J'S 'BO'" And the obvious way to double "BO" is with the "Double Talk" cipher above, which, of course gives us the same answer: "BY LO". "JAMES BRANUM DOODLE BY LO" Just a couple of quick examples of what we can do with this: Remember that before we had the "BY LO", "JAMES BRANUM DOODLE" anagrammed to: "JAMES BRADEN DO MU. LO" Now with the addition of "BY LO", it can anagram to: "JAMES BRADEN BLOODY MU. LO" And here is yet another anagram of "JAMES BRANUM DOODLE BY LO": "ED LANSDALE, MOMO, RUBY, JOB" "MOMO" would presumably be "Sam 'Momo' Giancana". And much much more. To be continued. Tom
  4. Hi Chris, The post that I deleted, as you know, was in response to your observation that Buell Wesley Frazier appears to be impossibly tall unless, of course, he was standing on a stool or sitting on a ladder. My hypothesis is that Richard Nagell, and five others including Oswald, were actively trying to prevent the assassination, and concurrently creating a huge series of coded puzzles to tell their assassination story and supply their alibis. If my hypothesis turns out to be correct, they called themselves, "ICO". I have a few partially decoded puzzles that appear to indicate a relationship between Buell Wesley Frazier and "ICO", and a few of these appear to indicate that on the 22nd, Oswald and Frazier were following a script that had already been written in the "ICO" puzzles. While highly subjective at this point, some of my puzzle answers appear to address some of the questions on both this thread and the "Oswald Leaving TSBD" thread, and so I thought I would write a brief "food for thought" post. A bad idea, apparently. What I will do, Chris, is tack my deleted post onto the end of my last post on "The Oswald Code" thread, post #26. I am doing it this way because it is a bare bones post that I will be able to expand on in the future. Give me a couple of hours to get this up and running. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20276&page=2 I really like your work, man. I wish I had math and science background to fully follow and appreciate it. Tom
  5. Some will remember that in 1963, film in sealed dispensers was not available for many cameras. It was good practice to load and unload one's camera in a very dark place like, say, a closet. If Oswald/PM had been establishing an alibi for himself by photographing the motorcade, the people around him, and himself, he may have wanted to get his film to safety as soon as possible; perhaps with a small pre-addressed package he could drop in a mailbox. Tom
  6. Steven Gaal wrote: "This pilot car makes only one recorded stop along the parade route today -- exactly in front of the TSBD." If this is true, Steven, you raise an interesting question: What was the pilot car doing when Kennedy made two impromptu stops to shake hands before reaching Elm Street? In one of them, he actually got out the car. Tom
  7. Hi David, You wrote, "It has been posited that the Belknap incident occurred ahead of schedule, timed wrongly to coincide with the motorcade's expected entrance into Dealey, which was delayed." Then perhaps the questions could be asked, "Was the 'delay' of the motorcade a result of the Jerry B Belknap incident? Was the motorcade under the direction of those committed to the Elm Street ambush?" Tom
  8. It is possible that Jerry B Belknap had an effect on the Elm Street timing of the Presidential motorcade. It is possible that Jerry's actions were a staged performance designed to create a roadblock, forcing the motorcade to take an alternative route. It is possible that Jerry B Belknap was part of a group attempting to prevent the assassination. It is possible that Oswald was also a part of this group. Tom
  9. Greg, here are a couple of quotes from this thread: Robert Howard: “He [Greg Parker] is the single best researcher in the mix, and has been for some time…. It would not be miraculous for some of the former best & brightest to come back to posting here, but that would require a considerable infusion of a higher standard of behavior in postings and savoir faire.” Tom Neal: “I hope you continue to post here. There are MANY who want to hear what you have to say.
” 1,373 views of your thread in two days tells me that I’m not the only one that agrees with the two quotes above. Tom
  10. Hi Jon, I’m not sure my answers to your questions in post #12 are on topic for this thread, so I’ll respond to you in a PM tomorrow. Tom
  11. Jon, I was there too, for a couple of hundred air combat missions in country, and I regard my service as a disgraceful period of my life. I came away believing that we, the United States, perpetrated an immoral capitalist travesty, turning a paradise into a wasteland strewn with dead and maimed little brown people so that rich white guys could sit around the pool and open their fat dividend checks. Who were the Viet Cong? In some ways, people like me. Tom
  12. I think the "van" you are referring to was the "Clean Towel and Linen" van. It was touched on a bit in at least two threads on this forum. The first from 2007, and the second from 2009. An interesting van with a close frontal view (shot) of the President on Huston, and close rear view of the limo down Elm. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=9512&page=2 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=14366&page=2
  13. Dan, your ideas in post #10 above somewhat parallel Greg Burnham’s post 159 on the “Proof of Motorcade Stopping” thread. Greg’s post below: Vincent J. Salandria was interviewed by Gaeton Fonzi in 1975. It was quoted by Fonzi in The Last Investigation (1993) "I'm afraid we were misled. All the critics, myself included, were misled very early. I see that now. We spent too much time and effort microanalyzing the details of the assassination when all the time it was obvious, it was blatantly obvious that it was a conspiracy. Don't you think that the men who killed Kennedy had the means to do it in the most sophisticated and subtle way? They chose not to. Instead, they picked the shooting gallery that was Dealey Plaza and did it in the most barbarous and openly arrogant manner. The cover story was transparent and designed not to hold, to fall apart at the slightest scrutiny. The forces that killed Kennedy wanted the message clear: 'We are in control and no one - not the President, nor Congress, nor any elected official - no one can do anything about it.' It was a message to the people that their Government was powerless. And the people eventually got the message. Consider what has happened since the Kennedy assassination. People see government today as unresponsive to their needs, yet the budget and power of the military and intelligence establishment have increased tremendously. "The tyranny of power is here. Current events tell us that those who killed Kennedy can only perpetuate their power by promoting social upheaval both at home and abroad. And that will lead not to revolution but to repression. I suggest to you, my friend, that the interests of those who killed Kennedy now transcend national boundaries and national priorities. No doubt we are dealing now with an international conspiracy. We must face that fact - and not waste any more time microanalyzing the evidence. That's exactly what they want us to do. They have kept us busy for so long. And I will bet, buddy, that is what will happen to you. They'll keep you very, very busy and, eventually, they'll wear you down."
  14. I’d bet you’re off the hook, Greg. Look at Jon’s photograph, he’s smiling.
  15. Robert, maybe this is nit picking, but my only problem is this: At Z-189 there appears to be a clear line of sight from the corner of the picket fence to the President. Immediately before Z-189, however, it appears that the crowd on Elm Street, the Stemmons sign, and Umbrella Man would possibly block a shooter’s view of the limo. Maybe Robert Prudhomme could weigh in on this, but it seems to me that a shooter would need time, maybe three seconds or something, to acquire his target before taking his shot. So it seems prudent to not only ask what a shooter at the corner of the picket fence would be seeing at Z-189, but what a shooter would be seeing, or not seeing, before Z-189. You wrote: “Tom also of interest maybe the Stemmons Freeway sign effectively blocks from view the corner of the concrete wall from the SSA in the Queen Mary, they may not have been able to see the shooter. It also might have deflected what ever sound the weapon did make.” Good point. Tom
  16. Hi Robert, You said: "4 shot assassination model Shot number 1 : ~Z-189 : was by a silenced weapon : made a slight noise or popping sound, detected by only a very few witnesses : wounded the President in the throat." On the Secret Service Agents Response thread, you also expressed the view that the first shot (the firecracker-like sound) was fired by a gas-powered air rifle of some sort, fired at around Z-186, and fired by a sniper located at the corner of the picket fence. I find this possibility intriguing, and if you still stand by this notion, and if it is important to your larger hypothesis, I would like to see you come up with a horizontal depiction of what a shooter at the corner of the picket fence would be seeing at Z-189 and before. By Z-225, Kennedy is emerging from behind the Stemmons sign and appears to have been hit, possibly in the throat, by a shot that very few have apparently heard. Yes, Zapruder's line of sight, and a possible shooter's line of sight from the corner of the picket fence, are different, but they are also similar. At Z-189 and before, the spectators on Elm Street, the Stemmons sign, and Umbrella Man, appear to be possibly blocking a shooter's view of the limousine occupants. Perhaps this work has already been done, but it would be nice to know if your "picket fence gas-powered" shot is even possible. Thanks, Tom
  17. Maybe Richard Nagell initially plucked "HIDELL" right out of his own name. "Richard Case Nagell" can anagram to: "A RCN GRACES 'A HIDELL'" "'A HIDELL' GRACES A 'RCN'" "11-22 ARRANGES 'A HIDEL'" "A RCN SCAR, e.g. 'A HIDELL'" "'CS' ARRANGE 'A HIDELL'. C" See my post #24 on "The Oswald Code" thread for an explanation of "CS" - "Capitalistic Swine". And post #15 has my brief takes on many of "Hidell" aliases (lots of work yet to be done here). And here's an interesting anagram of "A HIDELL" that I'm not sure I have posted before: "'HD', A LIE. L" "HD" here would stand for "Historic Diary" Tom (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25)
  18. Jon, you said: “2. I could believe CIA or ONI sent Oswald to the USSR as a false defector if I could see a purpose that he served over there for the CIA or ONI. I don't perceive any such purpose.” Perhaps it served the purpose of establishing Oswald’s bona fides as a Commie lone-nut malcontent. Tom
  19. When I started THE OSWALD CODE thread a year and a half ago, I was not aware of Alan Weberman’s work. What little I know of his efforts I’ve learned from the video Douglas has provided, and there appear to be very few parallels. I am asking that you not confuse Mr. Weberman’s hypothesis with mine. Thanks. Tom
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