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Tom Hume

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Everything posted by Tom Hume

  1. Hi Sandy, My first answer is, I haven't spent a lot of time doing cross-eyed stereo, but I know that I'm good at it, and I know that a lot of my friends struggle or fail. Cross-eyed stereo can convince and amaze you if your head works that way. Failing that, Stereoscopes are very old-tech and very cool. I don't hang out in antique stores much anymore, but they used to be ubiquitous for around 20 bucks - maybe times have changed. Oliver Wendell Holmes created (and deliberately did not patent) the Holmes Stereoscope, and I'll bet if you ask your relatives and neighbors, you'll come up with three of them. I think there are companies still making Stereoscopes. You'd need to print out the 3-D pair (reversed right and left from my display) and slip it into the viewer. I'm not sure what the exact size should be (I used 3" by 5", and that worked), but it seems likely that one of the forum members has a collection of these old slides and will measure one for us. The photos at the top are a product of an old man that still lives in the Stone Age. This is why I will be asking somebody like Andrej for help. It would be nice to have a well-matched pair of photos to view. I have not researched this, but I think there is a cell phone app for this too. Tom
  2. The Backyard photos are in 3-D. They are stunning! The photos are oriented correctly: "Do not attempt to adjust the picture." If you’re good at cross-eyed stereo, you can see the breathtaking 3-D right now (The top set is a little too small and the bottom set is a little big - if you're adept, you will see it, but I'm working on making a more comfortable sizing right now) Andrej and Sandy, the slight perspective-mismatch we all noticed that prevented CE 133A and 133C from being a perfect perspective match, was because the photos were taken with a 3-D stereo camera - probably the Stereo Realist. But the perspective-mismatch one would expect from 3-D is not from left to right, but rather from up and down. The photo shoot would probably have gone something like this: The stereo camera was mounted to a tripod but tilted at a 90 degree angle. The Oswald figure posed and the photographer snapped CE 133A. While the photographer was winding the film, the Oswald figure, while carefully maintaining position, raised his arms and the photographer snapped 133C. This yielded four negatives, but only two were used - the right image from the first shot, and the left image from the second shot (actually, up and down because of the 90 degree thing). The next step is a guess, but my guess would be that at a separate photo shoot, Lee Oswald was photographed with the same camera, and the Oswald head taken from that pair of 3-D prints was affixed to the right and left (up and down) pairs taken of the Oswald stand-in. The enlarged masters were then re-photographed with the Imperial Reflex at different distances from the easel to further hide the photographer’s handy-work. While the bulk of the photo pair above displays great 3-D, Oswald’s face is front-and-center in super 3-D. It appears to be a foot or two in front of his body. And you can almost smell the foliage in the foreground because it’s right in your face. There’s also a nice double exposure effect done with the pair of rifles and papers. For those of you that are adept at cross-eyed stereo (not everybody is good at this), you can see this for yourselves right now. Below is just one of many sites dedicated to this interesting human capability. https://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/3d/stereo/3dgallery.htm I’ve set up these sets of photos for cross-eyed stereo viewing, so they are reversed. If you happen to have an old Stereoscope, you’d want to print out a set of photos to the correct size, but then reverse them (see post #304 for “Stereoscope”) I’m lousy with graphics of any kind, so I’m going to ask Andrej if he'd give me a hand in fine-tuning the two images, but I know he’s a busy guy and has several other irons in the fire on this forum (I can hardly wait to see some of the stuff he’s been working on). I’m going to wait and see if this all passes peer review before I go shooting off my mouth about who led me here, but without mentioning any names, the initials are “ICO”. Tom PS: CE 133B is most likely a 3-D match with the fourth photo that Marina and Marguerite destroyed (and my guess is that Marina had nothing to do with these pictures - her one snapshot was just for show). PPS: "There is nothing wrong with your [monitor]. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your [monitor]. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to – The Outer Limits."
  3. No Andrej, I was mislead worse than you, but hey, not even Babe Ruth batted a thousand. What got me super interested in this thread a few weeks ago, was the intriguing possibility that the BYPs were taken with the Stereo Realist mounted on a tripod - that if we did the resizing and the de-keystoning work, we would end up with 3-D images of the back yard. To check out this possibility, I resized the three BYPs and used a technique called “cross-eyed stereo”, a method for perceiving 3-D images without any equipment. Thinking I detected some 3-D going on in the image pairs, I took the next step and made prints that would fit into a Stereoscope - an old fashioned but effective method for viewing 3-D stereo photographs. (I'll bet there are apps for doing this on your cell phone) Although I was disappointed in my results, there is still the possibility that when Andrej finishes his work, Stereo Realist 3-D images might be the end result. And if 3-D does emerge after the resizing and the keystone-continuity work is finished, I guarantee that I will declare in a very loud voice that this was one of Oswald’s (and his crew of good guy’s) intentions; an enigma deliberately left for us to untangle and learn from. We’ll see. I can't quite achieve the Oswald "Leaning Tower of Pisa" 4 degree tilt. I think the old Fender bass is working against me. The initials of the "Leaning Tower of Pisa" are "L TOP". The question is, "Who's on the bottom?" Tom
  4. I'm not sure what the Forum rules are for posting relayed messages, but I just received another PM from Craig Lamson: "Jack White spoke of that photo on this forum often. It was digitally altered for Oliver Stone to remove Oswald form the image."
  5. Here is what Craig Lamson sent me, I hope he doesn't mind me posting his Photobucket demo: http://s220.photobucket.com/user/infocusinc/media/move.gif.html And if one looks closely, one can find many very subtle differences in perspective like this. Maybe the camera only moved an inch between shots, but it seems to have moved. And since we now seem to have a fourth photo that Andrej found in Jack White's work, more close comparison work seems necessary.
  6. WOW! A game changer indeed! Where did slide 114 come from, Andrej? But Craig Lamson has just pointed out to me the same sort of subtle differences in perspective that had led me to change my mind about the photos being taken from the "EXACT" same position. I hope he posts his convincing demonstration.
  7. I’m going to backtrack on what I wrote in posts #277 and #278, which was that CE 133A, CE 133B, 133C, were all photographed from exactly the same spot, as if the camera had been mounted on a tripod. If any of you have been studying the three photos in post #278 closely, you might well have come to the same conclusion I did. Then Andrej had a good suggestion: “I would propose to overlay the backgrounds after rotating, resizing and cropping to identical field of view. I am not sure I myself would be able to do it quickly due to my job duties, however, I hope that someone will.” So I sized CE 133A and 133C based on identifiable points, top and bottom, and I think I got the relationship pretty close. I don’t have the skills or software to do a proper overlay, but here’s something easy one can do. Put the two photos on an email page, and you should be able to drag a semi-transparent copy of one of the photos and overlay it on the other. If your results are like mine, the two back yard perspectives are a very close match, but they aren’t identical. Perhaps one of you with the skills and software will fine tune my slightly primitive example, but I’ve changed my mind for now - I think someone could have taken the three photos with a hand-held camera - but whoever it was, he/she didn’t move around much. Tom
  8. This is a continuation of the last post - they should be read together. I have re-sized the three photos below. What I did was make all three of the posts next to the Oswald figure the same length, and then cropped the three photos to be the same size. This should make it easier to see that while the Oswald figures change, the background does not. Since photo #2 did not exhibit the keystoning effect of #1 and #3, I displayed photo #2 on my 27 inch monitor and tilted the monitor 12 degrees. With my camera mounted on a tripod at the exact height of the center of the photo (four feet from the monitor), I took a picture with a 50mm lens. Since the left side of the three photos contain the most perspective between near and far objects, study that area and I think you’ll conclude that all three pictures were taken with the camera lens absolutely stationary, and I don't mean within an inch or two, I mean absolutely stationary. This would be next to impossible to do with a hand-held camera. Tom
  9. Below are the three standard Backyard Photos. I submit that all three pictures were taken with the camera in “EXACTLY” the same position. The most likely explanation is that the camera was mounted on a tripod. The notion that all three photos were taken from the same position is not readily apparent because both the Oswald figure and the features of the yard were sized differently by the person or persons that created them (see next post). This was either done by using an enlarger during the printing process, or possibly the camera-original prints were re-photographed to create the effect. There is another difference as well, as photo #2 does not exhibit the “keystoning” effect of #1 and #3. More about this in my next post. To prove to yourself that all three photos were taken from the exact same spot, you can study the left portion of each photo and notice that the perspective relationship between near and far objects does not change. For example, circled in green in the photos below is a black rectangle that is exactly the same in each photo. The black rectangle in the center photo appears to be larger only because this photo was enlarged. Circled in red is a portion of a window on the house, and several feet closer to the camera lens is the stairway. Notice that what we see of this window is exactly the same in each photo, and that the window’s relationship to the features on the stairs is also exactly the same. And one can do this sort of comparison with all of the near and far objects on the left side of the photos and find that the viewer’s perspective does not change. There is one exception, and that is the tree limbs and leaves in the upper left corner - they had moved slightly between shots, probably from the wind. Tom
  10. Hi Lance, I’m pleased you found humor in my work, and you may well be right. Tom
  11. Please excuse me for changing the subject for a moment. Subjective and open to interpretation as it is, here is what appears to be emerging from my analysis of the ICO puzzles. There were four backyard photos using two body doubles: Roscoe White, one of the potential assassins, and Buell Wesley Frazier, a good guy and an associate member of Richard Nagell’s ICO group. This appears to mean that Roscoe White was the subject of at least one photo, and Wesley was the subject of at least one photo. There are two different rifles pictured, one ordered by A Hidell from Klein’s, and the second rifle, a "ringer" created by Richard Case Nagell bearing the serial number C-2766. One of the rifles is sporting a rope sling, and the other a stock leather sling. If my preliminary work is correct, Buell Wesley Frazier is holding the Klein’s Carcano, and it has the stock leather sling. Roscoe White, then, should be the one pictured brandishing the Carcano with a rope sling. With a complete set of four good photos, the "rope sling" portion of this JUST MIGHT BE TESTABLE. GO! Tom
  12. You’re welcome Paul, but actually is was Ray Mitcham’s straightening job in post #22 - I just flipped it.
  13. After spending several days putting together the material for the following post, I posted it on "How Did They Get Roscoe White To Lean Like That And Not Fall Over?" thread, and it was buried in 12 minutes flat. Feeling somewhat cheated, I'm re-posting it here: I’m adding more anagrams to my work-in-progress post #76. A few patterns are emerging in my admittedly highly subjective work: A “Roman” theme (that exists in other areas of the ICO puzzles), the notion that two body doubles were used in the ICO-created Backyard Photos - Roscoe White, and Buell Wesley Frazier (a bad guy, and a good guy, in that order), and the apparent possibility that lead (the metal) was added to the body-double’s left shoe somehow. Since there are several new additions to my work-in-progress post #76, I’ll merely show what the list looks like now. “LEE HARVEY OSWALD” anagrams to: (1) “L HEAD OVERLAY WES” (2) “WESLEY HAVE A L ROD” (3) “HO, WES, A LEVEL YARD” (4) “O, A VERY ‘SWELL’ HEAD” (5) “A HELLOVA SEEDY R.W.” (RW = Roscoe White) (6) “RW: EH DEALEY SALVO” (EH = Edgar Hoover) (7) “LHO SWAY REVEALED” (8) “RW SOLE, HEAVY LEAD” “214 WEST NEELY STREET” anagrams to: (1) “LEE TEETERS N-WEST. BY C” (2) “WESLEY BEST TEETER. CN” (3) “1944 WESLEY CENTER. 18-BT” (4) “SECRET TEEN: B WESLEY - 19” (5) “L EYE TEST: CENTER B WES” “RICHARD CASE NAGELL” anagrams to: (1) "C RIG L LEAN CHARADE" (2) “CIA L’S LARGE HEAD. RCN” (3) “LAD, LARGE CHIN. R. CASE” (4) “R CASE AD: L, LARGE CHIN” (5) "R, A LARGE-SCALED CHIN" (6) “RE: H’S RADICAL ANGLE. C” [“ROMAN” anagrams to “A RN MO”] "ROSCOE WHITE" anagrams to: (1) "SWITCHEROO '4'" (there are 4 versions of the BYP) (2) “i.e. WES COHORT” (3) “WES, OTHER ICO” (4) “WE RE-SHOT. ICO” (5) “HOW ESOTERIC” (6) “IS TOWER ECHO” “MANNLICHER-CARCANO” anagrams to: (1) “CN RAN A ROMAN CLICHE” “THE MILITANT, THE WORKER” anagrams to: (1) “WHITE, THE K/L TERMINATOR” (2) “ROMAN LETTER: WHITE HIT K” (3) “K ROMAN, WHITE THE TILTER” (4) “HINT: METALWORK HERE” (5) “WHITE, THE ROMAN TILTER. 10” [Historic Diary puzzle #10 is “how easy to die”, anagram: “WHITE AD: SOOEY”] “THE LEANING TOWER OF PISA” anagrams to: (1) “OF NOTE, R WHITE PISA ANGLE” (2) “NOTE R WHITE ANGLE OF PISA” “IMPERIAL REFLEX” anagrams to: (1) “411 FIREARM, 411 PIX” (2) “PIX LIE, RE-FRAME L” (3) “A L ELM FERRIE PIX” (4) “411 ELM PIX ARE RF. I” (5) “RE: LEE MAIL RF PIX” (6) “A MR LEE RIFLE PIX” “IGOR VLADIMIRS VAGANOV” anagrams to: (1) “IVV, A ROMAN ADVISOR GIG” Note that I’m not doing any real decoding on this thread, I’m just looking for pertinent and possibly intended anagrams. Andrej, I’m looking into a possible metaphoric connection between the Backyard photos and things Roman, or Italian. The tilt of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, for example, has varied between 3 and 5 degrees since the completion of the bell tower circa 1400. Today, after some heavy duty engineering, it sits at about 4 degrees off plumb. Can you make a guess at Oswald’s tilt, and a guess at your tilt too? I’m asking because there are some puzzle indications as to what Oswald's tilt angle was designed to be. Tom Number/Letter translation device: (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25)
  14. I’m adding more anagrams to my work-in-progress post #76. A few patterns are emerging in my admittedly highly subjective work: A “Roman” theme (that exists in other areas of the ICO puzzles), the notion that two body doubles were used in the ICO-created Backyard Photos - Roscoe White, and Buell Wesley Frazier (a bad guy, and a good guy, in that order), and the apparent possibility that lead (the metal) was added to the body-double’s left shoe somehow. Since there are several new additions to my work-in-progress post #76, I’ll merely show what the list looks like now. “LEE HARVEY OSWALD” anagrams to: (1) “L HEAD OVERLAY WES” (2) “WESLEY HAVE A L ROD” (3) “HO, WES, A LEVEL YARD” (4) “O, A VERY ‘SWELL’ HEAD” (5) “A HELLOVA SEEDY R.W.” (RW = Roscoe White) (6) “RW: EH DEALEY SALVO” (EH = Edgar Hoover) (7) “LHO SWAY REVEALED” (8) “RW SOLE, HEAVY LEAD” “214 WEST NEELY STREET” anagrams to: (1) “LEE TEETERS N-WEST. BY C” (2) “WESLEY BEST TEETER. CN” (3) “1944 WESLEY CENTER. 18-BT” (4) “SECRET TEEN: B WESLEY - 19” (5) “L EYE TEST: CENTER B WES” “RICHARD CASE NAGELL” anagrams to: (1) "C RIG L LEAN CHARADE" (2) “CIA L’S LARGE HEAD. RCN” (3) “LAD, LARGE CHIN. R. CASE” (4) “R CASE AD: L, LARGE CHIN” (5) "R, A LARGE-SCALED CHIN" (6) “RE: H’S RADICAL ANGLE. C” [“ROMAN” anagrams to “A RN MO”] "ROSCOE WHITE" anagrams to: (1) "SWITCHEROO '4'" (there are 4 versions of the BYP) (2) “i.e. WES COHORT” (3) “WES, OTHER ICO” (4) “WE RE-SHOT. ICO” (5) “HOW ESOTERIC” (6) “IS TOWER ECHO” “MANNLICHER-CARCANO” anagrams to: (1) “CN RAN A ROMAN CLICHE” “THE MILITANT, THE WORKER” (1) “WHITE, THE K/L TERMINATOR” (2) “ROMAN LETTER: WHITE HIT K” (3) “K ROMAN, WHITE THE TILTER” (4) “HINT: METALWORK HERE” (5) “WHITE, THE ROMAN TILTER. 10” [Historic Diary puzzle #10 is “how easy to die”, anagram: “WHITE AD: SOOEY”] “THE LEANING TOWER OF PISA” anagrams to: (1) “OF NOTE, R WHITE PISA ANGLE” (2) “NOTE R WHITE ANGLE OF PISA” “IMPERIAL REFLEX” anagrams to: (1) “411 FIREARM, 411 PIX” (2) “PIX LIE, RE-FRAME L” (3) “A L ELM FERRIE PIX” (4) “411 ELM PIX ARE RF. I” (5) “RE: LEE MAIL RF PIX” (6) “A MR LEE RIFLE PIX” “IGOR VLADIMIRS VAGANOV” anagrams to: (1) “IVV, A ROMAN ADVISOR GIG” Note that I’m not doing any real decoding on this thread, I’m just looking for pertinent and possibly intended anagrams. Andrej, I’m looking into a possible metaphoric connection between the Backyard photos and things Roman, or Italian. The tilt of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, for example, has varied between 3 and 5 degrees since the completion of the bell tower circa 1400. Today, after some heavy duty engineering, it sits at about 4 degrees off plumb. Can you make a guess at Oswald’s tilt, and a guess at your tilt too? I’m asking because there are some puzzle indications as to what Oswald's tilt angle was designed to be. Tom Number/Letter translation device: (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25)
  15. I applaud Andrej’s demonstration and find very little fault with it. But I was trying this earlier, and the angle of ones right foot is very important. The more at right angles one’s right foot is to the direction of tilt, the farther one can tilt. To remain standing, the center of gravity needs to be somewhere near the ball of one’s right foot. Would it be helpful to this demonstration if the Oswald photo on the left was corrected for keystone and the verticals plumbed up?
  16. One of the most famous Roman buildings in the world and the most famous Roman rifle in the world. And then, arguably, there was the most famous Roman Catholic in the the world - JFK. The serial number of the most famous Roman rifle in the world, also plays the notes of the most famous Roman song in the world - "O Sole Mio". See post #5, here: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=22752
  17. It’s possible that Oswald’s big out-of-proportion chin was donated by the Master Anagrammer himself - Richard Case Nagell. “RICHARD CASE NAGELL” anagrams to: “R, A LARGESCALED CHIN” Another possibility is the "R" in the anagram above stands for "ROSCOE". It’s my view that one of Richard’s techniques was to anagram the names of a small number of individuals, most of them working with him, and he created enigmatic events that correlated with those anagrams; he turned these name-anagrams into self fulfilling prophecies, if you will. It appears to me that the BYPs were one of those enigmatic events, and it was a puzzle opportunity for Nagell, because Oswald had been assigned to take a picture with his new gun by those that were setting him up - Ferrie/Banister/Hoover, et al. I’ll add the above anagram to my work-in-progress post #76.
  18. Post Deleted. The "Roscoe White" anagram puzzle is turning out to be much more interesting than I had first thought. It begs for more work.
  19. An underlying assumption in the title of this thread is that the BYPs show a switcheroo, that we are looking at Roscoe White’s body with Lee Oswald’s head attached. My highly subjective information indicates that the body belongs to Buell Wesley Frazier. Be that as it may, one reason to believe in the Roscoe White photo opportunity, is that he possessed BYP number 4, possessed “switcheroo 4.” The name “ROSCOE WHITE” anagrams to: “SWITCHEROO 4” I have an idea what this might mean, and yours might be quite different. EDIT: Since there are no responses to this post, I'm going to add the anagram of "ROSCOE WHITE" to my work-in-progress post #76. Tom (A=0)(B=1)(C=2)(D=3)(E=4)(F=5)(G=6)(H=7)(I=8)(J=9)(K=10)(L=11)(M=12)(N=13)(O=14)(P=15)(Q=16)(R=17)(S=18)(T=19)(U=20)(V=21)(W=22)(X=23)(Y=24)(Z=25)
  20. Paul wrote: “The simplest answer would be somebody who wanted to later claim that the photo was a Fake -- and be able to prove it was a Fake!” Paul, without necessarily agreeing with some of the other facets of your hypothesis, I totally agree with your statement above. And without repeating my hypothesis, my view is that your statement applies to not just this set of puzzling enigmas, but to many, if not most, of the other puzzling enigmas associated with Oswald. They were, I think, conscious creations, and they were created for us to solve and learn from. And it’s entirely possible that properly solving these often absurd enigmas will turn out to be objectively verifiable. Tom
  21. I’m going to try to stay out of everybody’s way with my anagrams by adding new material, as I find it, to post #76 on this thread. For example, I just added an anagram of “Richard Case Nagell”, “C RIG L LEAN CHARADE”. ("C", of course, would be "Case", and "L" would be "Lee")
  22. Hi Ray, Your version of this photo is one of the clearest I’ve seen but it’s been cropped - did you do that, or is this the way it came. I’d like to know if your source for this picture has the other three photos available. Also, the other three backyard photos don’t seem to have the divergence of verticals that this one does. Why would that be? Tom
  23. All right, then. Enough of my hypothesis, but at least you now know where I think I’m coming from. Tommy’s thread is called, “How Did They Get Roscoe White To Lean Over?", and there seems to be a lot to talk about here. There're at least two aspects to the title of this thread: Whether or not that’s Roscoe’s body under Lee’s head, and the question, “Can somebody actually stand that way without tipping over?” But then there are some rhetorical assumptions in “How Did ‘They’ Get....” This topic seems interestingly open-ended. Who are "they"? for example. I think Andrej, and perhaps others, are working on the “Lean Over” part, and I’m looking forward to what could happen next. I thought Michael Walton had a great GIF, tweaking the size of Oswald’s head (post #71), and this seems right on topic. Oswald’s head-size has been talked about for years, but I’d really like to see some of the graphics people here on the forum take another shot at it. In another life, I sold men’s hats. Clothing people can get pretty good at sizing people up, and looking at the Oswald ‘Leaning Tower of Pisa’ photo, I’d guess Lee's hat size at 13 1/2 - a world’s record. But then again, some good analysis just might make me look foolish for guessing that. And then there’s that unbelievable “straight-on-sun” nose shadow that David pointed out in post #31. At least unbelievable to some of us, and without doing any science, I reckon Lee’s nose shadow should have been over on his right cheek an inch and a half or so. Of course, some good analysis just might make me look foolish for reckoning that. I think some of us would like to know how to access the best study-able versions of the Backyard Photos in existence. Sandy, thanks for post #38. “How Did They Get Roscoe White To Lean Over?" All in all, a Crackerjack title for a thread. Press on. Tom
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