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Martin Blank

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Everything posted by Martin Blank

  1. You got that right my friend.... Bernie here exemplifies the reason John S. has to shut this place down... Cheers and see you over at DPF DJ David, you do know that the person you have just said "You got that right my friend" to was actually agreeing with me, don't you? Read the next bit... that is unless armstrong wrote a work of coincidental fiction like the warren report... Quite! i agree with david on harvey and lee. the last line was sarcasm. you and i, bernie, are a million miles apart
  2. First off Bernie.. "cult" is condescending and unnecessary... and then you have the nuts to ask for us to help you understand... maybe a Zig Zegler course might help? anyway... children that look similar at age 11, 12, 13 will generally look similar later in life as well... if you consider a 5'11" 165 man and a 5'8" 135 lb "identical"... which they are obviously not... Those two images are from only a WEEK apart... the passport and other ID photos are a week apart. Maybe you can help us understand how John Pic was able to pick LEE from HARVEY at every age and in every instance... HIS BROTHER Bernie... So what you see and believe is your right.... it simply does not trump the evidence. The rest of your post is just assumption and snide sarcasm No worries Bernie.. You reading the very thing you are condemning would only look academically sound and responsible... 1000 pages and tens of thousands of source docs on the CD are only for people interested in an educated discussion.. You a religious scholar now too? you've read the entire Bible, the Torah and the Koran...? or do you just bash things you have limited knowledge about and hope others don't notice, even after you've proclaimed your ignorance and refusal to do your own investigation? There's a line from a favorite band of mine: You ain't gonna learn what you don't wanna know... Interested you can ID holes in theory you barely understand... but please... post a list of your questionable holes and I'll do what I can to help you see the evidence... For at the root of all this is NOT John Armstrong, but the evidence he uncovered... The EVIDENCE shows a Harvey & a Lee to be two separate people existing in two different spaces which were merged to create one Oswald for the WCR and beyond. i heartily second your comments and as that band says: sometimes you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right. that is unless armstrong wrote a work of coincidental fiction like the warren report.
  3. Good point Paul and one which I have many times asked. You won't get an answer because the very idea is too ludicrous to even imagine so they'll just ignore that inconvenient anomaly. It seems it was just pure luck that they happened to grow up looking as near as damn it identical. But when you say that there will be a flurry of posts saying that they DON'T neccessarily look alike at all. (Both Dawn and David have argued that point with me before) Take a look at post 7 by David...they look pretty identical to me. So can someone in the H/L cult please explain this? Did the originators of this dastardly plot KNOW that H/L were going to emerge from adolescence looking identical? If so...how? Could it have worked if Lee had grown into a 24 stone dwarf? Would it have worked if Harvey had shot up like a basketball player in his late teens or developed a skin disease (such things happen all the time). Where would that have left this 'clever' plan by Angleton? Did they just cross their fingers and hope that these two 13 year olds from different families and different countries would conveniently grow up to resemble each other Was it important that the 'impersonator' looked like the person he was impersonating? I mean, whoever heard of an impersonator who looks nothing like the person he is impersonating? So all these paper chasing anomolies count for nothing other than slopping more mud into the water. Until you can explain how they knew that these two pre-adolescents were going to grow into one entity so alike that they could be interchangeable Armstrong's theory just comes a cross as yet another kooky explanation along the lines of "Jackie did it!" or "Greer did it" or "Elvis did it"... I don't expect any honest answers; the proponents of this theory are even more dishonestly evangelical than the SBT mongers, only ten times more damaging. No wonder Mr Mainstream writes us all off as freaks and 'head-the-balls'! I despair. You know, I'd have more respect if Armstrong's supporters would at least be honest about this Everest sized obstacle to the whole sorry theory and say..."Yes, I agree that is problematical". But they won't. Please don't implore me to read the whole book David. You've had years now to tease out the most compelling parts; none of you have sold it. Why would I want to wade through a huge tome when its proponents refuse to answer simple questions about the gaping holes? It's a religion...and not a very good one at that! so as i asked earlier what is your explanation
  4. Paul, Maybe I'm mistaken, but wasn't "Lee" supposed to have been born in Hungary? (Of course back then all Hungarians had to learn Russian, an Indo-European language quite different from their non-Indo-European Hungarian....) --Tommy No Tommy, that was Harvey. Thanks Dawn. But I've got to ask you something: Why the heck is it so gosh darn important for JFK assassination researchers and / or bloggers to get their stupid facts straight, anyway? Sheez! (Just kidding.) --Tommy Message for Martin Blank: It was "Lee" "Harvey" who was from Russia Hungary. then who was marina talking about?
  5. Paul, Maybe I'm mistaken, but wasn't "Lee" supposed to have been born in Hungary? (Of course back then all Hungarians had to learn Russian, an Indo-European language quite different from their non-Indo-European Hungarian....) --Tommy for what it's worth: Though a good Russian speaker Oswald rarely speaks Russian to anyone except Marina, who thought he was a local when they first met. She said he spoke with a Baltic accent.
  6. like mr. brancato, i am a citizen with a half century interest in the assassination. personally, i find armstrong's work compelling. my repsonse to those who denigrate his work is, using facts, come up with a better explanation of the material mr. amrstrong has presented.
  7. rest in peace, pete. your kind don't come along very often. we are the better for having you you did your job and you did it well. and too bad we are still waist deep in the big mudddy. we don't listen. kind of ironic how this will play out with the country, that once turned its back on him, celebrating his life.
  8. they'd have to first do some actual research and put some thought into figuring out what it meant. as ken kesey said the cables of the media all lead back to the bank of america.
  9. i'm madly flipping channels looking for a breaking news alert on the conserva-stream media on this. and an apology from all those talking heads to america.
  10. it always amazes me when people take the intelligence world and its characters at face value and that there is no acting, no shadings or interpretations. no layers and only one dimension. they never consider, for example, that nagell may have been "acting" the way he did some of the time when he seemed stressed for a reason other than a superficial one and that a trip to a mental health center was for a purpose other than treatment. he was playing a role. they don't even see a looking glass to go through.
  11. And he cops, with no attribution, his first sentence from Norman O. Brown: "Poets are not the unacknowledged legislators of the world, lucky for us, but they can be worldly judges of poetic legislators." Norman O. Brown said in his address “Apocalypse: The Place of Mystery in the Life of the Mind,” which he delivered at Columbia university in 1960: "And so there comes a time – I believe we are in such a time – when civilization has to be renewed by the discovery of new mysteries, by the undemocratic but sovereign power of imagination, by the undemocratic power which makes poets the unacknowledged legislators of mankind, the power which makes all things new."
  12. I live within a reasonable distance of Olney and wish I had known about this. Some interesting names and presentations. one of the Parkland ER nurses whose name escapes me was originally from robinson, ill., north of Olney and got her degree from Indiana State University in Terre Haute. Her hometown paper interviewed her on the 40th anniversary. Her opinion was more than one gunman based on what she saw. i used to have a copy but became separated from it somewhere along the way. maybe i'll call the reporter to see if i can get another copy. how ironic the conference was held in the Camelot Room. in an interesting side note, Olney is famous for its white squirrels.
  13. i think you are too optimistic. the next crop of elite historians, political commentators, etc. will be owned by the same people who own the current crop
  14. Jesus, the JCS were insane. Survivable nuclear war with the soviets? If they were so set on that course of action, why then, didn't they push for it after JFK was killed? If they were in control they could have done as they pleased. Am I missing something here? Excellent question, Chuck. If, as your question suggests, JFK were the only, or the primary impediment preventing the JCS from initiating nuclear war, why did they not pursue that path after JFK had been removed? The post assassination course of events, in particular the failure to directly engage the Soviet Union or Cuba in hostilities, suggest that the JCS were obviously not at the top of the decision making food chain. So, it's what JFK's past record meant to the future, and the future for the JCS and their masters meant the defense money to be made in Vietnam, and the proprietary military cordoning off of the Laotian opium from the Chinese. Spot on, David. The highest level sponsors of the assassination were thinking long term. A large scale confrontation was short-sighted compared to the immense profits which could be generated by long term control of the SE Asian drug pipeline and an on-going armaments production industry running at warp speed. The last 50 years have been a testament to, and verification of this strategy. not to mention all that south china sea oil awaiting big oil once we took down the viet cong and n. vietnam
  15. Martin, Unfortunately, I suppose one would be investigated if he or she walked around carrying a sign saying, "Happy Birthday, Lee Harvey Oswald!" (Before it's too late I just might walk around with a placard around my neck saying, "Hands Off Cuba! Viva Fidel!" That should make the evening news. LOL) --Tommy not if you do it in mexico city
  16. he would have been 74 (hard to fathom) i ask his forgiveness for the wrongs perpetrated against him in the name of a false america. “Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?” ― John Milton, Areopagitica so let's have a free and open encounter
  17. give them time. i hear they also have a tape of jack ruby telling jackie, "I'm going to do it for you, toots!" can't wait.
  18. boycott tom hanks! I have a set of your cards mr. brancato.
  19. That’s it, though. The “personal,” as you put it, resides in the fact that we (even if you were only 12 like I was) could feel it – feel the energy, the dynamism. We knew, somehow, that we were headed somewhere great and that there would be a commitment to the country’s ideals. It was a great feeling. The only way you can know an experiential reality, however, is to experience it. And that’s what subsequent generations lack – the feeling of the reality of it all and a true sense of the opportunities that were lost. They’ve known only the growing twilight that followed. That’s been their reality. The ability to feel has been seemingly kicked out of them. To us it may seem that they have been seduced by the beast, but to them it’s the way things are and it’s best to go along if you want to be rewarded. The trouble is they don’t realize the cost. If you think about it, though, they should be angrier than us for having been given the kind of country they inherited. And to have little or no hope of things ever getting better. We had a few years at least. The mass media and elite leadership will never admit to anything. It would serve no useful purpose for them and illegitimatize their position.
  20. i think it will happen along about the time the cables of the elite media are no longer attached to the bank of america.
  21. Clearly an assumption on your part. either way, thanks for opening a hole big enough to drive a semi through. adios
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