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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. The photo Marguerite flushed down the toilet was a photo taken on a hunting trip in Russia., where he held shotgun above his head. (The trip where his hosts said he was a lousy shot.) Now explain why she said she held the camera up to her eye when it was reflex camera. On second thoughts don't bother as you will say she must have been mistaken as she was when she first said she took one photo, then two. And you believe her? !!!
  2. Brilliant gifs, Chris. Now let's see what DVP says. The pose of Oswald holding the rifle above his head was taken in Russia, when he was hunting. His hosts said he was a lousy shot.
  3. What a crock of crackpottery you continue to post. The CBS/Schiller man has almost perfectly duplicated Oswald's posture. Very little difference whatsoever. You're seeing (and imagining) things---yet again. Nothing new there, of course. Another example of Bob P.'s vivid imagination working on all eight cylinders. Nice, Bobby. Quote by DVP (David von Braincell?) "What a crock of crackpottery you continue to post. The CBS/Schiller man has almost perfectly duplicated Oswald's posture. Very little difference whatsoever. You're seeing (and imagining) things---yet again. Nothing new there, of course." The CBS Schillerman pose is nothing like the supposedly pose of Oswald. As Bob said, Schillerman bends his body at his hips whilst keeping his legs vertical. All we ask, David, is for you to strike the same pose as Oswald , film it and let us laugh when you fall over. I pass no comment on the funding issue.
  4. There's that word again --- "impossible". You have no idea that such a pose is "impossible", Ray. And it obviously wasn't "impossible", because we can see Oswald standing in such a posture in the photos. And the photos are verified as real by the person who took them --- Marina Oswald. Try again, Ray. The "impossible" thing is getting old. Try it yourself, David. Please remember to film it as it will make a great laugh when you fall on your butt. Yeah, right. Like the man's basic posture is something NOBODY could "examine" back in '63, right? It's called sleight of hand. They didn't expect the photos to be examined minutely. So, again Ray, how were the fake photos made? Do you think a real person stood in the backyard or not? (Apparently not.) I wasn't here so I don't know. Neither were you. So they got a picture of an empty backyard and then they drew in an Oswald-like body and then pasted on a real Oswald head? Is that how it was done? See above answer And they wanted to make sure to leave you CT buffs lots of crumbs and they wanted to make it much more likely their fakery would be discovered, so they decided to fake THREE or FOUR separate pictures, even though they all show the very same thing ("Oswald" with guns). Right? They thought it was a slam dunk case. they weren't worried about anybody checking their work. And what about Marina saying she took the pictures of Lee while he was carrying guns and dressed all in black? All lies? Which photos,David, The one she took first? Oh then she said she took two, Oops then she said she took three.All with the Imperial held up to her eyes. At what point does this BYP insanity end, Ray? No you tell me, David. You should be the one to say.. Hallejujah! It's in the good book!.
  5. David is like a fundamental churchgoer. He believes in the good book (in his case the WC report) and no matter what anybody proves, it's wrong because it isn't in the Book Hallelujah!.
  6. That explains why he is standing in an impossible position. Well done, Dave. Remember these photos were made for an unsophisticated audience, who never had the tools to examine them they way we can now.
  7. Corrected for perspective Note Oswald's head is outside the vertical line of his right foot. (He must have been a circus performer.)
  8. If the man were to slide his thumb down a little more he still wouldn't get anywhere near touching his fingers as does Oswald in the photo. Compare the shadows in CE133A and CE133B.
  9. Nice try, David. The thumb in the Oswald photo almost touch his fingertips. Not so in the reconstruction.
  10. I asked if you believe in Santa Claus because it seems as though you believe the fairy tale written by the Grim Brothers, Specter and Dulles.
  11. Well, he'd have to know the difference between 17 degrees and "45 to 60 degrees". And, quite obviously, Humes didn't. Plus, the mere fact that Humes' guesstimate included a huge, wide range of angles -- from 45 to 60 degrees (that's a pretty big range of angles) -- suggests that Dr. Humes really wasn't sure at all about the angle of declination of the bullet through JFK's upper back. It would have been better if Humes hadn't guessed about the angle at all. Because a "45 to 60 degree" guesstimate is not worth very much. Good thing we have photos to prove Humes was wrong on that one, huh? That was a "guess" on Humes' behalf, true. But, as mentioned, it's the only possible REASONABLE guess given the 5 variables I laid out in Post 211 above. Do you believe in Santa Claus, as well, David?
  12. O'Neill/Sibert report "This opening was probed by Dr Humes with the finger, at which time it was determined that the trajectory of he missile entering at this point had entered at a downward position of 45 to 60 degrees." What mathematics were needed to observe that the wound was 45 to 6o degrees downwards? If Humes made a "wild guess" what other wild guesses did he make during the autopsy? The position of the head wound? The direction of the throat wound?
  13. Not quite a silly as "the bullet entered the President's back at the third vertebra, at a downward angle of 45/60 degrees, and exited his throat, whereupon it hit Governor Connally in the back.
  14. Right church, wrong pew. The Umbrella man was standing too far to JFK's right to account for the slightly left-to-right trajectory of the throat shot. JFK's head was turned to the right circa Z190, with a laceration on the right side of the trachea, broken blood vessels, a hairline fracture of the T1 transverse process, and an air pocket overlaying the right T1 and C7 transverse processes. And almost straight-on shot, slightly left to right. Fits Black Dog Man to a tee, perhaps with one of these, developed by the same folks who developed the umbrella weapon. http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/church/reports/vol1/pdf/ChurchV1_6_Senseney.pdf http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/church/reports/vol1/pdf/ChurchV1_1_Colby.pdf A shot from the drain opening on the North side of Elm Street would suit your proposed trajectory.
  15. Bob, Did you read what Paul O'Connor said to William Matson Law,about the back wound? Paul O’Connor O'Connor: “Dr. Finck had come over from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology at Walter Reed Army Hospital. He was a forensic pathologist and he strongly objected to Commander Humes doing what he did. He took a sound. Now a sound is a probe, a metal malleable, non-rigid probe. Malleable means you can move it hack and forth and bend it a little bit and trace a bullet path through the body. Now, there are high-powered weapons that will drive a bullet straight through a body and a rigid probe will trace its path all the way through. We started out with a rigid probe and found that it only went in so far. I'd say maybe an inch and a quarter. It didn't go any further than that. So we used a malleable probe and bent it a little bit and found out that the bullet entered the body, went through the intercostal muscles - the muscles in between the ribs. The bullet went in through the muscles, didn't touch any of the ribs, arched downwards, hit the back of the pleural cavity, which encases the lungs, both front and back. It bounced off that cavity and stopped. It actually went down and stopped. Went through the ribs and stopped (photo 10). So we didn't know the track of the bullet until we eviscerated the body later. That's what happened at that time. We traced the bullet path down and found out it didn't traverse the body. It did not go in one side and come out the other side of the body.” Law: “You can be reasonably sure of that?” O'Connor: “Absolutely.” Law: “It was just from the probe then?” O'Connor: “Oh yes.” Law: “And these doctors knew that?” O'Connor: “Absolutely.”
  16. Comparison of ideas about back/neck wound. A---- For the Back wound • The death certificate signed by Dr George Burkley, the President's personal doctor, who was present both in the emergency room at the hospital in Dallas and at the autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland, located the back wound “at about the level of the third thoracic vertebra,” which is typically four to six inches, or 10 to 15 centimetres, below the top of the shirt collar. • The only surviving contemporary report of the autopsy supported this location. • The autopsy descriptive sheet, made by one of the pathologists during the autopsy, was the official diagram of the wounds to the body. It, too, placed the back wound in this location. • The backs of Kennedy’s jacket and shirt each contained a bullet hole located between five and six inches below the top of the collar, which matched this location. Although the jacket had bunched up slightly from time to time during the motorcade as Kennedy waved to the crowd, it had never bunched up sufficiently to allow a bullet to enter at the required angle. In a photograph taken no more than 1.2 seconds before any non–fatal shot from the sixth floor could have been fired, the jacket can clearly be seen to be at or very close to its normal position. Buttoned–up shirts tend to be much less flexible than jackets. President Kennedy’s shirt in particular could not have bunched up significantly: it had been made to measure; it was held in place by a belt; it had a long tail, on which Kennedy was sitting; and the hot weather would have caused the shirt to stick to the president’s back. The hole in the shirt lined up almost exactly with the hole in the jacket. Special Agent Glen Bennett rode in the Secret Service follow-up car on 11-22-63: "I saw a shot hit the Boss about 4 inches down from the right shoulder". Sibert and O'Neill FBI report. The FBI agents’ account contains several observations about the location, angle and depth of President Kennedy’s back wound which, if accurate, would invalidate the Warren Commission’s single–bullet theory: The bullet wound “was below the shoulders and two inches to the right of the middle line of the spinal column,” a location consistent with the bullet holes in the president’s shirt and jacket but too low to be consistent with the single–bullet theory. “This opening was probed by Dr. HUMES with the finger, at which time it was determined that the trajectory of the missile entering at this point had entered at a downward position of 45 to 60 degrees.” A bullet entering at a downward angle could not have come out through the throat, as the single–bullet theory demanded. “Further probing determined that the distance travelled by this missile was a short distance inasmuch as the end of the opening could be felt with the finger.” It became known several years later that the pathologists had been forbidden, presumably by one or more of their military superiors, to dissect the back and throat wounds (see Clay Shaw Trial Transcript, pp.115–8). Such dissection would almost certainly have confirmed or denied the possibility that a single bullet had passed through President Kennedy’s body and had caused both wounds. B ----For the Neck wound. Specter's theory. Dubious autopsy photos. You make your choice.
  17. Ray, I would have hoped you knew better than to pull a stunt like this. Try again with the lines actually at the same level. Let me help you out, Ray. having the lines at the top and bottom of the ear doesn't work because the heads are tilted at slightly different angles. So you say. If they are the same guy, perhaps you can explain the different chins.
  18. The only time the jacket and the shirt moved up sufficiently for the bullet to enter via the President's neck was when Specter decided that was what had happened, to suit his proposition. Prior to that the bullet entered the back of JFK at or about the third thoracic vertebra. All the rest is bull.
  19. Thanks for posting that Mr Sorensen. It’s good to know we can count on your sensible approach to get us back on track when we wander off it. Apologies for the levity on here and that poor taste joke btw I hope it didn’t offend you. These floating heads of Oswald are remarkable. I think the one on the left is the most similar except that PM has his head turned more sharply to his left. In fact it looks to me like PM and BWF are looking at each other and maybe, even talking to each other. Bump.
  20. I agree with you, Ian. Lovelady is standing to the left as we look at it and then moves to the right. He then leans out further as the limo moves further down Elm Street. At this point we see him leaning in Altgens6.
  21. Great post, Bart. We await the comments of the Zapruder believers.
  22. Thanks for reminding me about's Stan's work on this. Two different guys to me. Look at the ear levels. (And the different chins.)
  23. My comments in red. You must be joking this time, Ray. The things you mentioned above regarding Governor Connally fit the "Lone Assassin" and "SBT" scenarios beautifully. In fact, it's perfect. Everything John Connally has said over the years regarding the things he had first-hand knowledge of has been perfectly consistent with the Single-Bullet Theory and the overall "Oswald Did All The Shooting From The Sixth Floor Of The Book Depository" scenario. Connally was hit in the back by the shot that was directly IN-BETWEEN the two shots he heard coming from "back over my right shoulder". Ergo, the shot he felt hit him (but did not hear) obviously ALSO had to have come from the same general direction as the two shots he did hear---i.e., from behind him. No " ergo" about it. It is your assumption. There's nothing inconsistent or unbelievable about any of Connally's testimony whatsoever. And it fits the SBT to a tee. As for JBC's belief that he and JFK were struck by different bullets --- that belief almost certainly stemmed in large part from his wife's belief that JFK reacted first and then JBC reacted after Kennedy. "almost certainly stemmed in large part......" Again, totally your assumption. But Nellie certainly wasn't aware of all of these ultra-fast reactions that took place an instant after Z224. No way she saw all this flinching and lapel movement and grimacing and arm raising and tie displacement. What Nellie saw, instead, were her husband's SECONDARY and VOLUNTARY reactions, which began just a short time later. And in her mind, she thought the reactions of the two victims were separated by a lengthier period of time than they really were. And who could blame her? I think any of us probably would have thought the same thing Nellie thought, given the circumstances. "And in her mind......" Are you serious? How do you know what was in her mind? Did she tell you? Do you write crime fiction by any chance? But if I had a chance to show the late Mrs. Connally and the late Governor Connally the in-motion GIF clips presented below, I'm confident that I could make SBT believers out of both of them in less than 15 minutes....
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