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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. Dear Mr Tidd "Billy Lovelady had an erect posture"?? I'm not sure what to make of that statement. Are you saying Billy Lovelady never stooped or bent over at all? Billy Lovelady can be clearly seen in Altgens 6 leaning out past the TSBD entrance to look at the presidential motorcade which accounts for his 'head-thrusting-forward posture'. Lovelady is also visible standing next to Prayer Man in Weigman as Bart points out in his film. So Lovelady and his posture are not actually that relevant to the PM debate anymore except in so far as we know that Lovelady is not PM. If that the only point you can criticise in the film? Vanessa, It's my personal opinion that Mr. Tidd doesn't like to look at JFK assassination films and photographs very closely because he thinks that they were all altered. I explained to him on another thread that the reason Lovelady's posture and positioning appear so different in the Altgens 6 still photograph and the Wiegman film clip is due to the wildly different angles of the photographers involved, plus the fact that Lovelady (who was by the center hand rail the whole time) leaned forward at a certain point. But to no avail. My only problem with Prayer Person's being Oswald is that in the Wiegman clip you can see Prayer Person lower a 35 mm camera (or a pair of binoculars) from his / her face. Was Oswald known to have taken a 35 mm camera or a pair of binoculars to work with him that day, or were either of those things found inside the TSBD after the assassination? --Tommy How do you know it was a 35mm camera or a pair of binoculars? Although I did not at first agree with her, Linda made a very good and believable case for the glowing object, seen in PM's hands, to be a reflex camera. Light travels both ways through the viewing lens, reflecting off of a 45° mirror inside of the camera. The glow seen is merely available light above PM's head being reflected off of this mirror and out the front lens of the camera. Another interesting thing I discovered about reflex cameras is that not all photographers hold them at their waist and take photos by looking down through the viewfinder. According to one article, it is possible to hold the camera up to the eye, and scan the viewfinder. However, I would actually like to try this myself before I commit totally to believing it. Hard to find reflex cameras nowadays, though. Bob, If it was the Imperial reflex "he" was holding,(as that is the model he is supposed to have owned), he wouldn't have been holding it up to his eye as that model, unlike better quality SLRs, didn't have an separate view finder for eye level photos.
  2. Lovely coached? Listen to his reply to Ball. Mr. LOVELADY - I drive my truck here (indicating) but we came in from this direction; that would have to be west. Mr. BALL - You came into the building from the west side? Mr. LOVELADY - Right. Mr. BALL - Where did you go into the building? Mr. LOVELADY - Through that, those raised-up doors. Mr. BALL - Through the raised-up doors? Mr. LOVELADY - Through that double door that we in the morning when we get there we raised. There's a fire door and they have two wooden doors between it. Mr. BALL - You came in through the first floor? Mr. LOVELADY - Right. Mr. BALL - Who did you see in the first floor? Mr. LOVELADY - I saw a girl but I wouldn't swear to it it's Vickie." "I wouldn't swear to it it's Vickie" Why would he mention "Vickie" when her name hadn't been mentioned at in testimony or questioning? ​How would he know to say he couldn't swear that it wasn't Vickie, if her name hadn't previously been mentioned to him?
  3. Harry Holmes to the Warren Omission "I relayed this information to them and told them to start on the 13th because he could have bought it that morning and that he could have gotten it by airmail that afternoon, so they began to search and within 10 minutes they called back and said they had a money order in that amount issued on, I don't know that I show, but it was that money order in an amount issued at the main post office, which is the same place as this post office box was at that time, box 2915 and the money order had been issued early on the morning of March the 12th, 1963." How did Holmes know that the money order was issued early on that morning?
  4. Roy, This is the photo by Cancellare, from which the small insert was made. which seems to show that the photo was taken within seconds of the shooting.
  5. Think casket charades, Bob. 6.35 p.m Shipping casket arrives. Dr Humes "the President's body, as I recall, arrived about 7:30 or 7:35" Plenty of time for hanky panky.
  6. Ray, To me it looks like the guy is standing behind the truck. But I think you're posting this in the wrong thread. Hi Sandy, If you enlarge the photo, you will see that he appears to be in the back of the truck. I posted it here because you were talking about shots from the South Knoll.
  7. Strange that one minute this flat bed truck has a man in the back, then it has a cover.
  8. Sorry, David, I missed your earlier reply. Of course, it could have happened the way you say. The operative words are "could have".
  9. "All US Postal Money orders have unique serial numbers. In the fall of 1962, Oswald purchased numerous money orders from the same downtown post office and mailed them to Washington, DC in order to repay a loan from the government for his travel expenses incurred when he returned to the USA from Russia. These money orders were purchased in numerical sequence beginning in November, 1962. These serial numbers show that some 1200 money orders per week were purchased at the downtown post office in Dallas. At this rate we see that Oswald's alleged purchase of a money order on March 12, 1963 should have been numbered 2,202,011,935. But the serial number of the money order published in the Warren Volumes was more than 118,000 numbers higher. At the rate of 1200 money order per week, this money order should have been purchased in late 1964 or early 1965. In other words, this money order could easily have been pulled from a stack of fresh, unsold money orders by a postal official in Dallas, sometime after the assassination, and then given to the FBI." David, can you explain the above anomaly?
  10. It was a Russian who stopped a nuclear war in 1962. Interesting story. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasili_Arkhipov
  11. From "Harvey and Lee." by John Armstrong "All US Postal Money orders have unique serial numbers. In the fall of 1962, Oswald purchased numerous money orders from the same downtown post office and mailed them to Washington, DC in order to repay a loan from the government for his travel expenses incurred when he returned to the USA from Russia. These money orders were purchased in numerical sequence beginning in November, 1962. These serial numbers show that some 1200 money orders per week were purchased at the downtown post office in Dallas. At this rate we see that Oswald's alleged purchase of a money order on March 12, 1963 should have been numbered 2,202,011,935. But the serial number of the money order published in the Warren Volumes was more than 118,000 numbers higher. At the rate of 1200 money order per week, this money order should have been purchased in late 1964 or early 1965. In other words, this money order could easily have been pulled from a stack of fresh, unsold money orders by a postal official in Dallas, sometime after the assassination, and then given to the FBI. A close look at the details surrounding the "finding" of the money order the day after the assassination strongly suggests that this is what happened." Any comments, Dave?
  12. What is the ruler there for. It doesn't appear to be measuring anything. What is it hiding underneath it? Note that two different people are holding it. I wonder why.
  13. That is not another woman, Ray. That is the character Prayer Woman, formerly known as Prayer Man. I know it isn't the "other woman", Duncan. I couldn't find the full montage showing her with your arrows to "Prayerman". Do you deny saying that the montage "proved" that Prayerman" was a woman?
  14. Answering your questions in order. 1./The neckline, and sleeves for that matter,are obviously made of a movable and flexible material, that's a no brainer. The neckline on that woman's dress would never drop as low as the neckline on "Prayerman" Other women may well have short sleeves dresses on. This woman didn't and no way would she ever roll those sleeve up.
  15. As on your site, I ask you what happened to the neckline of the ladies dress, Duncan, and to the sleeve of her dress? Do you think a smart lady like the one in your photo would roll the sleeves of her dress up? And again what happened to the woman whose buttons you originally said was "prayer man"? Can we expect yet another woman later on?
  16. By reading "Best Evidence" many years ago, I learned of Humes statement regarding "surgery of the head area." I was of the opinion that if he performed the surgery himself, the best thing he could have done was to say nothing at all. That wasn't quite enough to make me certain, however. Adding the weight of O'Neill's "Wayne, there was no brain" statement to Paul O'Connor's testimony, and Humes outburst: "I'd like to know by whom it was done, and when, and where", convinces me that Humes had no knowledge of the head surgery until he began the autopsy. By all means, please do. Two questions, please:1. Do you believe Boswell witnessed the creation of the two false back wounds? 2. I presume you believe that Humes had nothing to do with the alteration of the 'throat wound'? Thanks for the info, and of course I eagerly await the publication of "Final Charade"! Tom Tom, Ebersole stated that the throat wound was "neatly sutured" when he saw it. I don't think the autopsy photos show a "neatly sutured" wound- more a gash.
  17. Farid told me,several years ago, that in the original study, he only looked at one photo. How he could tell from one photo that the shadows were kosher eludes me.
  18. David, I agree with you that the surgery was done before Humes saw it. If he had done it, there would be no reason to say out loud about there being surgery to the head area. He could have just ignored it and carried on, and nobody would have been the wiser.
  19. Jim, Where did the bad guys expect that paper bag, theoretically / ideally with Oswald's fingerprints on it (but, strangely, with no gun oil on it), to be found? In Ruth Paine's wastebasket? Since the theory would be that Oswald had made the bag for transporting the rifle to the TSBD, how would the finding of it at Ruth Paine's house after the assassination help to frame Oswald? --Tommy Paper of the same type as the bag in the TSBD found in the Paine's Household with Oswald's fingerprints on. Slam dunk.
  20. He's flinching his shoulders, David. That's kinda the whole point. (Duh.) Governor Connally is involuntarily reacting to having just been shot. In that case , he is flinching rather too late to have been hit by the same bullet that JFK had already reacted to.
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