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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. Dear Ray: the top landing was tiny. You can best check it in the famous photograph in which the doorway is shown from the back through the glass door, I can upload the picture if you would wish.The WC chart showing the top landing as deep is wrong, and I would not draw any conclusions from this drawing. How wide was the door that opened out on to the landing? I guess it was just about 4'.
  2. Cheers, Andrej. You can see that if the top landing was deeper than you have calculated, it could make a huge difference to where PP or BWF could be.
  3. Thanks Andrej. According to the W.C. scale drawing the distance from the front of the bottom step to the doorway is about 11'6" (Plan view) As the distance covered by the steps is 6'0" that means that the top landing should be about 5'6" What was the source of your 3'6"measurement?
  4. Thanks for the reply, Andrej. Just as a matter of interest, what front to back measurement of the landing in front of the door are you using in your model?
  5. Andrej, why have you shown part of the hand in sunlight when the Darnell photo doesn't show that?
  6. Seventh riser 7 1/4" Sixth riser 7 1/4" Fifth riser 7 1/4" Fourth riser 7 1/8" Third riser 7 1/4" Second riser 7 1/8" Bottom riser 6 1/4" The horizontal distance of lip the top step to the lip of the bottom step is 72 11/16"
  7. Seems to meet all of the necessary criteria, Andrej.
  8. So we agree that PP's arm is not in direct sunlight. What I have been saying all along. Glad you agree.
  9. Perhaps Richard might like to answer the above question.
  10. For those who think that the sunlight is striking the hand of Prayerman, the attached photo shows the comparison of sun striking man on the right's arm, compared to PM's hand. I have color copied sunlight striking the arm of man on the right and pasted it alongside PMs hand.(Skin compared to skin) To compare RGB settings PM Man on right R 127 211 G 119 201 B 133 218 Perhaps whoever believes the sun is striking PM's hand can explain the considerable difference in the RGB values.
  11. Andrej, the viewpoint of the camera needs to be moved towards the right. The right vertical of the doorway should be just adjacent to the right front column. (See Darnell)
  12. Nice one, Sandy. He doesn't have any "proof". It's an assumption- similar to his promotion of the "buttons" theory.
  13. I clearly recall the statements you have produced regarding the incision following the removal of the trach tube. And yet the Parkland doctors after viewing this photo agreed that the was the same tracheostomy incision they saw at Parkland. Ray, Have you read my post #622 in this thread? I'd like to hear your take on it... Tom Hi Tom, I partly agree with your last comment. "IMO the UPPER wound margin has returned to its original position, and is only 'distorted' by the camera angle. The LOWER margin has been retracted (pulled) SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER to create the appearance of a LOWER wound location. I agree that it was ALSO WIDENED to create the appearance of an exit wound, but it has ONLY been widened by LOWERING the LOWER INCISION MARGIN." I think they altered the wound for two reasons. The one you state above, but also to try to search for a bullet.
  14. You could well be right about the sketch I was using, Andrej, but using the layout from the W.C. Report shows a similar result to the first sketch. Re the three ladies photo, the shadow of the left wall appears to be well to the right of where you show it in Sketchup The shadow of the wall, on the second step down (alongside the right foot of the girl in the white blouse.) is further to the right on the photo than it is Sketchup. The black arrow shows where the shadow hits the bottom of the glass partition.IMO. Maybe one of our forum members who live in Dallas could go down there tomorrow and take a photo of the TSBD steps at 12.39 p.m. when the sun azimuth matches that at 12.30, 11.22.63, and this would show where the shadow actually is.
  15. I agree. This seems inexplicable. Unless the tracheostomy was justified because the docs wanted to have a look at the damage in the tracheal area. Sandy. this was Dr Perry to the W.C. "The operative procedure which I performed was restricted to securing an adequate airway and insuring there was no injury to the carotid artery or jugular vein at that level and at that point I made the procedure." Dr. Perry made an incision across the bullet wound, just large enough to accommodate a breathing tube. During a phone conversation in 1966 with author David Lifton, Perry said the incision was "two to three centimeters" wide. Drs. Paul Peters and Robert McClelland, also present in trauma room one, said the incision was "sharp" and "smooth," respectively. After the breathing tube was removed, the incision closed, revealing the original wound in the throat, as described by Drs. Charles Crenshaw and Malcolm Perry. Dr. Crenshaw recalled, "When the body left Parkland there was no gaping, bloody defect in the front of the throat, just a small bullet hole in the thin line of Perry's incision" Dr. Perry described the bullet wound in the throat as "inviolate". ​Does the gash in the death stare photo look like a "small bullet hole in the thin line of Perry's incision"or 2-3 cms wide to you?
  16. Hi Andrej. I would disagree about the left wall shadow being identifiable in Darnell. With regard to this sketch The yellow line shows the azimuth of the sun at 12.30 (i.e. 185 degrees) plus the off-set angle of the TSBD (i.e. 15 degreesW) giving an adjusted azimuth angle as 200 degrees as we look at the sketch.) The green line shows the line of the shadow line of the left wall at 2 p.m.(approx) As this was an hour and a half after the Darnell photo, the sun would have moved about 22.5 degreesW. This appears to agree with the angle of the yellow line. I would estimate that the shadow line at 1.31 p.m. would be to the right of the left door post. Great to have your input.
  17. David, look at the photo at post 35, and look to the bottom left of the circle.
  18. Thanks for the input, Andrej. Have you allowed for the East side of the TSBD building to be approx 15 degrees west of North?
  19. Kath, the you tube link says it "no longer exists".
  20. The area shaded in yellow shows the part of the TSBD entrance that was out of direct sunlight. Based on TSBD being off line to North and the sun Azimuth of 185 Degrees at 12.30 on 11.22.63. Do you still think that the arm of Prayerperson, standing against the left wall would be in sunlight, Richard?
  21. Whether or not Prayerperson is a man or a woman, both Duncan and Doyle proposed that, despite the poor quality of the photo, they could recognise a woman's purse and the buttons on the persons coat. (Duncan appears to have retreated form his buttons theory- however, Doyle continues to preach the buttons are there for all to see.)
  22. Both what the Parkland doctors reported, and that which was said the autopsy reports, could both be what was seen. FBI(Sibert&O’Neill)report11/26/63 "...it was also apparent that a tracheotomy had been performed, as well as surgery of the head area, namely, in the top of the skull…During the latter stages of this autopsy, Dr. Humes located an opening which appeared to be a bullet hole which was below the shoulders and two inches to the right of the middle line of the spinal column. This opening was probed by Dr. Humes with the finger, at which time it was determined that the trajectory of the misssile entering at this point had entered at a downward position of 45 to 60 degrees." ​As no surgery to the head was performed at Parkland, and as Dr Humes is reported to have said that there was already surgery to the head at the start of the autopsy, (and Humes would knowthe difference between " surgery" and bullet damage), where and when was this "surgery" performed?
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