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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. If "Prayerman" was carrying his Imperial Reflex camera, how did it get back to the Paine's garage?
  2. The President's jacket and the back of his shirt showed a bullet hole. The holes in the collar of the shirt were slits, not a bullet holes. The slits in the shirt do not line up as they would if they were caused by a bullet. The one on the left of the shirt is higher than the one on the right of the shirt. If they had been caused by a bullet the left side would have overlapped the right side. Dr Carrico said that the wound was above the where the tie was. Nurse Bowron said that she saw a bullet hole in the throat as she was helping to get the President out of the limo. Nurse Hinchcliffe said she saw a bullet hole in the President's throat. Spectrographic examination showed that there were traces of copper, from the bullet, on the President's coat and the hole in the back of the shirt, but none on the slits in the collar.
  3. And at the time they never dreamt that the world would be able to investigate the evidence via computers, and dissect very little nuance. They mistakenly thought they could get away with any sloppy cover-up
  4. Ray, I've already heard his explanation for this - I'm eager to hear if your response is similar to mine, which didn't affect his belief at all... Tom Tom, I just don't understand how a sliver of bone (If it were such) made a perfectly round hole in The President's neck and yet made rough slits in both layers of his shirt. Common sense says both cannot be true.
  5. Again, if it was a sliver of bone, how would it cause a neat 6mm hole in JFK's throat, as described by Dr Perry?
  6. I still wonder how a bullet travelling through shirt material makes slits rather than holes.
  7. Commander HUMES -- "We were able to ascertain with absolute certainty that the bullet had passed by the apical portion of the right lung producing the injury which we mentioned. I did not at that point have the information from Doctor Perry about the wound in the anterior neck, and while that was a possible explanation for the point of exit, we also had to consider the possibility that the missile in some rather inexplicable fashion had been stopped in its path through the President's body and, in fact, then had fallen from the body onto the stretcher." Note he could well be telling the truth , that he didn't have the information from Dr Perry, but it doesn't mean he hadn't been told by Livingston. It's called being economical with the truth.
  8. So Jose Perdomo had nothing to do with Lennon's death. And the men I mentioned all died from natural causes. Read up on it. Use your head to think and not your a__. Kathy C Hunter Thompson shot himself in the head in the kitchen while on the phone with his wife and while his kids were in the other room, visiting from out of town. This is all verified. As much as I've always loved his writing, he was as nuts as a football bat, and was taken seriously by no one of any political stature. January 2003, Thompson actually did give an interview on KDNK radio (Colorado) where he made a suggestion that he may be murdered to shut him up. "Bush is really the evil one here and it is more than just him. We are the Nazis in this game and I don't like it. I am embarrassed and I am pissed off. I mean to say something. I think a lot of people in this country agree with me...we'll see what happens to me if I get my head cut off next week -- it is always unknown or bushy-haired strangers who commit suicide right afterwards with no witnesses," the writer said. Mark David Chapman is the undisputed killer of John Lennon, and that there may be no other witness than Yoko suggests nothing else. That's a herculean leap in logic, and to further such logic with a "guess" that GHWBush (whose criminality I neither dispute, and of whose involvement with the murder of JFK i am convinced) was involved is as fantastic as the mythical Hercules. Like Sirhan Sirhan is the undisputed killer of RFK. Hinckley shot Reagan. It was on live TV. It's on film. If indeed these were political moves toward a "new world order" then i'm certain that the organizers would have ensured there were no TV cameras around. JFK's murder was on film similarly. My comments in red.
  9. Where is the independent runner going to come from.? Where is Ralph Nader when you need him? (Although he is really the guy to blame for the Iraq invasion, when he split the vote and let Dubya in by the back door.) This is one contest where we hope neither will win.
  10. Just mid 50's dressmaker? Abraham Zapruder- White Russian affiliation, 32nd degree Mason, active MEMBER of 2 CIA Proprietary Organizations, The Dallas Council On World Affairs, The Crusade For A Free Europe These two organizations were CIA (backed) Domestic Operations in Dallas whose membership included: Abraham Zapruder, Clint Murchison, The Texas School Book Depository's owner Mr. Byrd(?), Mrs. Sarah Hughes, who swore L.B.J. in as President while Air Force One was still on the ground in Dallas, George DeMohrenschildt (CIA contract agent and best friend of LHO), George Bush (also good friend of DeMohrenschildt), Neil Newan (mentor that Bush named his son, Neil, after), H. L. Hunt, Demitri Von Mohrenschildt (George D's brother). http://www.kenrahn.com/Marsh/Zapruder/821.html
  11. "The record shows that Butler called in to the funeral home at 1: 26 p.m. to say he had reached the hospital." Yet, the hospital Death Certificate stated the time of death of the President as 1.15 p.m. (Altered from 1.06p.m.) They must have examined him at the hospital before he arrived there. Now a magic hospital.
  12. Interesting take on the way that the U.S. operated from the 60's onwards is 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins.
  13. Is it just another amazing coincidence that Tippet looked and was known as JFK to his colleagues?
  14. Tom, Aquila Clemens described the man with the gun as "short and kind of heavy" and wearing "khaki and a white shirt" - The second man was thin and tall rather than short.
  15. Why would Pauline Sanders move East to West when she would normally move the opposite way (if she was on the West side originally) to follow the parade?
  16. If you are being picky, you should have a comma after "places." A quote should not contain punctuation marks which do not appear within the original quote. I didn't type "places." I typed "places" A punctuation mark should never be followed by a punctuation mark. "A quote should not contain punctuation marks which do not appear within the original quote. I didn't type "places." I typed "places" Depends whether you are using the American system or the English. Either is acceptable. "A punctuation mark should never be followed by a punctuation mark." Rubbish! http://www.betterwritingskills.com/articles/quotation-marks.txt You still omitted the comma after "places".
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