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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. Moorman photo, zoomed and lightened. Seems to show a hole in the back of the President's head.
  2. According to Dr Humes, the incisions in the chest of the body at the autopsy A couple of small incised wounds on the chest, and I forget--I wrote down, wherever I wrote it down, that it looked to me like somebody was going to think of putting in a chest tube. But they never did, because all they did was go through the skin." Yet according to Dr Perry "But in the presence of this large amount of blood in this area, one would be unable to detect small injuries to the underlying structures. The air was indicated by the fact that there was some frothing of this blood present, bubbling which could have been due to the tracheal injury or an underlying injury to the lung. Since the morbidity attendant upon insertion of an anterior chest tube for sealed drainage is negligible and the morbidity which attends a pneumothorax is considerable, I elected to have the chest tube put in place because we were giving him positive pressure oxygen and the possibility of inducing a tension on pneumothorax would be quite high in such instances." ​They inserted chest tubes as they would normally have done. How can one doctor say the the chest tubes were inserted and the other that they weren't, if it was the same body? ​Something smells of fish.
  3. Yes, Kath, the body at the autopsy had a mole (the first photo shown above is from the autopsy.) However, I have been unable to find a photo of JFK, chest exposed, which shows a similar mole. Here's another photo of JFK sans mole. Anybody know if JFK or Tippit had a mole on their left shoulder?
  4. Kath, I wonder if Tippit had a mole on his left shoulder. JFK didn't.]
  5. Lyndon Johnson said the word “n igger ” a lot. In Senate cloakrooms and staff meetings, Johnson was practically a connoisseur of the word. According to Johnson biographer Robert Caro, Johnson would calibrate his pronunciations by region, using “nigra” with some southern legislators and “negra” with others. Discussing civil rights legislation with men like Mississippi Democrat James Eastland, who committed most of his life to defending white supremacy, he’d simply call it “the n igger bill.” Then in 1957, Johnson would help get the “n igger bill” passed, known to most as the Civil Rights Act of 1957. With the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, the segregationists would go to their graves knowing the cause they’d given their lives to had been betrayed, Frank Underwood style, by a man they believed to be one of their own. When Caro asked segregationist Georgia Democrat Herman Talmadge how he felt when Johnson, signing the Civil Rights Act, said ”we shall overcome,” Talmadge said “sick.” http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/lyndon-johnson-civil-rights-racism Nope, doesn't seem a racist to me.......
  6. Lance, Wow! Please don't go into hibernation yet. At least consider this…. John Armstrong and I believe HARVEY Oswald (the guy shot by Jack Ruby) was most likely a World War II orphan who, before he was brought to the U.S., learned Russian from birth as a first or second language. But his exposure to Russian probably ended before he reached the age of 10, when he was brought to New York City, and it was probably also severely impacted by the war while he was still in Europe. Please ask your wife if she feels that the note could have been written by someone with a biography like the one I've described above. I hope you see this and respond. OK, just for you: Yes, my wife said that would be entirely possible. We have an example in our own family. My wife's sister was university-educated and lived and worked in Russia for her first 37 years. But she has been married to an American and has spoken English almost exclusively for more than 20 years. Even in this situation (i.e., where she once had a complete, educated adult command of Russian), she admits that she has forgotten a great many Russian words and she often communicates with my wife in writing in a phonetic "pidgin Russian" that my wife cannot read at all and can understand only when I read it phonetically out loud (which is quite comical). So, yes, the note could be someone who either never had a complete command of Russian or once did but then lost it due to circumstances. Russian is an extremely difficult language, at least IMHO. We have a couple of Russian-speaking friends who came to America when their children were in the 6-8 age range, and my wife is sure the kids are not going to be able to speak Russian at all by the time they are 15 unless the parents really work at maintaining their skills. Didn't Ruth Paine speak Russian?
  7. Note that the Pein ignored the comment from General Walker that the bullet in evidence is not the bullet removed from his wall. “The bullet before your select committee, called the “Walker Bullet [CE573]...is not the bullet that was fired at me and taken out of my house by the Dallas Police on April 10, 1963.” “The bullet used and pictured on the t.v. By the [HSCA] is a ridiculous substitute for a bullet completely mutilated...[with] no resemblance to any unfired bullet in shape or form. I saw the hunk of lead picked up by the policeman in my house... I inspected it carefully. ~~There is no mistake there has been a substitution...” The HSCA ignored Walker's letter." The V​on Pein motto. "If you don't like the evidence - ignore it."
  8. Isn't CE 573 the slug which Walker said wasn't the slug found in his wall?
  9. There is decisive evidence out there somewhere. Hundreds of millions of postal money orders were processed through the Federal Reserve System every year during the 1960's. Somewhere there are bank manuals, elderly postal or bank employees who were directly and knowledgably involved in the process, other processed money orders and similar resources that would settle once and for all whether punch card postal money orders were stamped by banks as they made their way through the Federal Reserve collection process and whether the "failure" of a this particular postal money order to bear any stamp other than the Klein's deposit stamp would have been fatal. This issue could be resolved by some diligent inquiry, but what fun would that be? It's far more fun - and far more likely to sell books - to speculate that a veritable team of FBI, Secret Service, Postal Service and Treasury Department officials were involved in an elaborate scheme of fabrication and deception. Has anyone noticed that the "evidence" Sandy now regards as dispositive in not the evidence on which Armstrong relied at all in formulating his claims? And that the "evidence" Armstrong did rely on has gone poof? And that massive new evidence to the contrary, such as the File Locator Number, has surfaced and been blithely ignored? As one who truly has no dog in this fight, I'm just following the evidence where it, logic, common sense, and reasonable inferences and probabilities seem to lead. If extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, I would respectfully suggest that the "evidence" on which you rely does not come close to the level of being "extraordinary." If the postal money order is such a critical issue, I would suggest that someone do the sort of diligent research that Armstrong should have done before making his claims and then get back to us. And I am emphatically not talking about vague and off-the-cuff questions to anonymous bank officials, which are then reported back to us with assurances in the vein of "Yeah, he really seemed to know what he was talking about, and he agreed with everything I said." Lance comment:- "This issue could be resolved by some diligent inquiry, but what fun would that be? It's far more fun - and far more likely to sell books - to speculate that a veritable team of FBI, Secret Service, Postal Service and Treasury Department officials were involved in an elaborate scheme of fabrication and deception. " Or to state that what you say is right. If the evidence is there to back your submission, go find it and have some fun.
  10. Can't remember, Kath. Had it in my files for several years, but note that the document author is Dave Montague ARRB.
  11. Sandy, have a look at this guy's site. https://ajmacdonaldjr.wordpress.com/2013/11/10/the-arrival-of-jfks-body-at-bethesda-naval-hospital-what-i-saw/
  12. “….even though Admiral Burkley and General Clifton insist on ambulance transport of JFK’s body to Bethesda, Gerald Behn at the White House subsequently orders Roy Kellerman:”You accompany the body aboard the helicopter” Finally, General Clifton insist and then repeats, in great detail, orders for a fork lift and platform at the left rear of the aircraft for the casket, a personnel ramp at the left front of the aircraft for President Johnson and other passengers debarkation, and another personnel ramp at the right front of the air plane (the dark, unlit side of the aircraft, where there is a galley door) for the departure of jacqueline Kennedy…..” [snip] “An air force document titled “Historical Highlights of Andrews Air Force Base, 1942/1989’ states that “the body of the slain President was removed to Walter Reed General Hospital…” http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=43604&relPageId=5
  13. Yes, I believe both of them, Baker and Truly, were lying through their teeth. In his first statement, Baker mentioned nothing at all about seeing Oswald through the window of the door. Early statements are much more reliable then later statements when the "official" story has been agreed. p.s. If , by any chance, you should quote me on your site, please do not write, that I wrote " Yes, I believe both of them" without the subsequent words.
  14. David, you actually believe what Baker said to the Warren Commission? Rightttttt.......
  15. Baker's affidavit 11.22 63 “........The elevator was hung several floors up so we used the stairs instead. As we reacjhed the third or fourth floor I saw a man walking away from the stairway. I called the man and he turned roundand came back towards me. “I know that man.he works here” I then turned the man loose and went up to the top floor. The man I saw was a white man approximately 30years old , 5'9”, 165pounds. Dark hair and wearing a light brown jacket.” "Third or fourth floor" No- according to his later story, it was the second floor. "I saw a man walking away from the stairway"- No according to his later story he saw the man through a window in a door. He was approximately 30 years old." No - Oslwad was mid twenties. "165lbs" No- Oswald was 133lbs "wearing a light brown jacket" No- Oswald was not wearing a light brown jacket. Now assuming that Baker was a fully trained policeman, trained in assessing people and situations, how could he make so many mistakes in his affidavit compared to his evidence to the Warren Commission. Eiither he was totally incompetent for the first, or he was lying in the second. I know which I believe. p.s. How could Brennan judge the weight of guy six floor above him without seeing him fully? We still await the source of the 5'10" description of the shooter issued by the DPD.
  16. So let's see about the description. White man-- Check Early Thirties. No match- Oswald was mid twenties. Slender, good looking- check 165/170lbs..... No match - Oswald was 133 lbs. He had on light coloured clothing. No match - Oswald was dressed in dark clothes. And you think that matches Oswald's description. Wanna buy a bridge, Dave?
  17. DVP "Howard Brennan almost immediately approached the police after the shooting to give them a description of the man he had clearly seen pulling the trigger from the sixth-floor TSBD window -- with that description generally matching Oswald's "size and build" (as Stone/Garrison/Costner said in the film). "Generally" isn't sufficient, David. They said that the suspect was 5'10". Brennan never mentioned the snipers height. Where did the '5'10"" description originate?
  18. You're probably right, Kath, (hopefully ) but as Brown says in the video, he carefully selected a susceptible guy to train to "kill" the actor. I'm sure the CIA had the means and opportunity to select whosoever they considered the best candidate.
  19. From JFK and the unspeakable. "..Butch Burroughs, who witnessed Oswald’s arrest, startled me in his interview by saying he saw a second arrest occur in the Texas Theater only “three or four minutes later.” 449 He said the Dallas Police then arrested “an Oswald lookalike.” Burroughs said the second man “looked almost like Oswald, like he was his brother or something.” 450 When I questioned the comparison by asking, “Could you see the second man as well as you could see Oswald?” he said, “Yes, I could see both of them. They looked alike.” 451 After the officers half-carried and half-dragged Oswald to the police car in front of the theater, within a space of three or four minutes, Burroughs saw the second Oswald placed under arrest and handcuffed. The Oswald look-alike, however, was taken by police not out the front but out the back of the theater.” 452 What happened next we can earn from another neglected witnesses, Bernard Haire. 453 Bernard J. Haire was the owner of Bernie’s Hobby House, just two doors east of the Texas Theater. Haire went outside his store when he saw police cars congregating in front of the theater. 454 When he couldn’t see what was happening because of the crowd, he went back through his store into the alley out back. It, too, was full of police cars, but there were fewer spectators. Haire walked up the alley. When he stopped opposite the rear door of the theater, he witnessed what he would think for decades was the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald. “Police brought a young white man out,” Haire told an interviewer. “The man was dressed in a pullover shirt and sacks. He seemed to be flushed, as if he’d been in a struggle. Police put the man in a police car and drove off.” 455 When Haire was told in 1987 that Lee Harvey Oswald had been brought out the front of the theater by police, he was shocked. “I don’t know who I saw arrested,” he said in bewilderment. 456 Buctch Burroughs and Bernard Haire are complimentary witnesses. From their perspectives both inside and outside the Texas Theater, they saw an Oswald double arrested and taken to a police car in the back alley only minutes after the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald. Burroughs’ and Haire’s independent, converging testimonies provide critical insight into the mechanics of the plot. In a comprehensive intelligence scenario for Kennedy’s and Tippit’s murders, the plan culminated in Oswald’s Friday arrest and Sunday’s murder (probably a fall back from his being set up to be killed in the Texas Theater by the police). There is a hint of the second Oswald’s arrest in the Dallas police records. According to the Dallas Police Department’s official Homicide Report on J.D. Tippit, “Suspect was later arrested in the balcony of the Texas Theater at 231 W. Jefferson.” 457 Dallas Police detective L.D. Springfellow also reported to Captain W. P. Gannaway, “Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested in the balconyh of the Texas Theater.” 458 To whom are the Homicide Report and Detective Springfellow referring? Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested in the orchestra, not balcony. Are these documents referring to the Dallas Police Department’s second arrest in the Texas Theater that afternoon? Was Butch Burroughs witnessing an arrest of the Oswald look-alike that actually began in the balcony? That would have likely been the double’s hiding place, after he entered the theater without paying, thereby drawing attention to himself and leading the police to the apprehension of his likeness, Lee Harvey Oswald (who was already inside). As Butch Burroughs pointed out, anyone coming in the front of the theater could head immediately up the stairs to the balcony without being seen from the concession stand. The Oswald double, after having been put in the police car in the alley, must have been driven a short distance and released on higher intelligence orders. Unfortunately for the plotters, he was seen again soon. With the scapegoat, Lee Harvey Oswald, now safely in custody, we can presume that the double was not supposed to be seen again in Dallas – or anywhere else. Had he not been seen, the CIA’s double-Oswald strategy in an Oak Cliff shell game might have eluded independent investigators forever. But thanks to other key witnesses who have emerged, we now have detailed evidence that the double was seen again – not just once but twice. [bK Notes: I don't believe, as JD apparently does, that the man who resembled Oswald and was taken into custody by the Dallas PD out the back of the Texas Theater is the same person who resembled Oswald and seen by T. H. White in a 57 Plymouth with Texas License plate PP 4537, as there apparently were more than two individuals who resembled Oswald in Oak Cliff at that time.]
  20. Kath, have you seen this video of British stage hypnotist, Derren Brown, hypnotising a man to get him to assassinate a famous stage actor? In the video, he mentions the Robert Kennedy assassination, Sirhan Sirhan and the blue /white polka dot dress. It is quite long, as the video goes into how he selected the man and his subsequent training. I sent the video to a clinical psychiatrist friend of mine, who had told me that it was impossible to make somebody do something he didn't want to do, under hypnosis. He was blown away by the results. (If you'll excuse the expression.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwNfZvoTVlU
  21. The doctors at Parkland said they inserted intravenous catheters in both sides of the President's chest. Dr Humes said that there were the catheters cuts but they didn't go into the lungs. "couple of small incised wounds on the chest, and I forget--I wrote down, wherever I wrote it down, that it looked to me like somebody was going to think of putting in a chest tube. But they never did, because all they did was go through the skin. Either the Parkland doctors were wrong- doubtful. If they said they inserted intravenous catheters, then they did. Or Dr Humes was wrong. Possible but unlikely. Or two different bodies with chest slits cut in the body at Bethesda, to marry up to those cut by the Parkland Doctors. A substitute body would answer the disparities between the head wounds seen at Parkland and those seen at Bethesda.
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