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Larry Hancock

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Everything posted by Larry Hancock

  1. Jenkins worked as a paramilitary trainer at JM/WAVE, which means he worked for Morales who was chief of operations at the station. Prior to that he had actually served in Cuba. Equally importantly he was selected to be the senior military officer in the AM/WORLD project under Hecksher; their counterpoints were Artime and Quintero. I wrote on Jenkins in some length in the 2010 edition of SWHT.
  2. Yes, it was ...and given the pains being taken to make AM/WORLD fully deniable and totally operational off shore it took a relatively long time for its actually operations to jell, well into 1964. If you have Shadow Warfare there is a chapter on it that relates that in considerable detail, largely based in a great deal of information from Gary Murr.
  3. My own current opinion, including taking notes during John's presentation last year in Dallas, is that Phillips was likely aware of Veciana while in Cuba, as well as the incipient insurgent groups Veciana was associating with...however the very expanded story that Veciana has only recently begun to tell in regard to Cuba (including his being recruiting inside Cuba as an operational CIA special asset of sorts) does not pass the acid test for me - for a number of reasons. On the other hand, I think there is a possibility of some type of connection between the two men following Veciana's arrival in the United States, primarily dealing with the origins and media promotion of Alpha 66. That connection could well have extended on to Vecian's work in Latin America. I'll await John's research on that time frame. There is a good deal of circumstantial information showing that there was some sort of covert manipulation of Alpha 66 but its something also clearly outside standard/known CIA projects. Morales makes mention of it and strangely enough in 1963 when senior Army members of the Special Group expressed interest in using Alpha 66 there was strong push back from CIA - regional Army intelligence clearly did have an informant relationship with Viciana. I'm forced to approach both Viciana's self described and very much expanded role - as presented in his book - and Escalante's material very critically. In terms of Escalante that's because he clearly did take material from prior, published JFK research and also because his book was written with a clear agenda and its virtually impossible to document some of what's in it beyond taking him at his word.
  4. Morale's and his trainers at JM/WAVE supported AM/WORLD training for Artime and some of his senior personnel. We have that documented in more than one instance from Hecksher and Jenkins; compliments were extended to Morales for the training. So Morales was aware of AM/WORLD and the Artime project...as well as the fact that it was all being moved overseas and not logistically supported from JM/WAVE. Beyond that he would have had virtually no involvement since the whole point was to make it operationally deniable and totally offshore.
  5. I'll continue to monitor this thread for a time. Happy to discuss, answer questions or chat about why this is brand new research.
  6. Steve, I think his lack of a college degree plus the nature of his Marine discharge would have made commercial aviation employment unlikely - once he had gone to Russia it was an impossiblity.
  7. Steve, I think this comes from the very short period when Oswald was working as a courier or carrier of some sort for small items being shipped out from New Orleans...no doubt someone recalls more details. During that period he did spend time down at the dock area...which is actually the first place he did leafleting in New Orleans.
  8. Killing King, by Stuart Wexler and Larry Hancock is now available and you can sample it with a read of the first chapter which is being showcased by CrimeReads at http://crimereads.com/ This book represents some 8 years of new research by Stu and Larry and deals with totally new leads, new sources (some still living) and a view of the conspiracy which killed MLK which has been previously unexplored - other than very superficially by the FBI - up to now. The book also addresses a number of conspiracy myths which have come to be accepted over the years, largely due to the lack of critical new research on the murder. I'm here and would be happy to discuss it or you can email questions directly to me at larryjoe@westok.net
  9. Actually there were a full set of photos taken from inside the tower a few years back, some of them have showed up on pinterest and you can find them at: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1130&bih=672&ei=W6q9WprwFYWgtQXn95O4DQ&q=photos+from+inside+lee+bowers+tower+dallas&oq=photos+from+inside+lee+bowers+tower+dallas&gs_l=psy-ab.12..33i160k1.16022.27193.0.29860. There were a number of articles written about Bowers in the early research publications I mentioned but you definitely have to do some digging to get to them.
  10. I'm afraid that would have to be addressed item by item, some has, a good deal has not and there were leads followed then that really have not been further explored since the early decades. Obviously when you are talking about a couple of journals each with a dozen or more articles an issue that were published quarterly over several years you have a lot of subjects being covered. While some areas really have been cleared up via FOIA and ARRB work others have not... But honestly I myself have not revisited them all for a decade or more, what folks should do is dig into them just as you would in a literature search on any new subject you intend to study seriously. My impression is a lot of people have not taken the time for that. One article that sticks in my mind involved Gary Mack and a search for a bell that would have been ringing at noon time and would have helped corroborate where the DPD recording were really being made i.e. at the Trade Center or in the Plaza - the upshot was that a couple of years later, during an anniversary observance people did really hear the bell chiming in the plaza and tracked down its location. There was a lot of that sort of thing that no longer seems to get into discussions.
  11. Absolutely right Steve, while they were limited in documents especially compared to post ARRB and what is on MFF now, as far as some of the Dallas meterial they were much closer to it and a lot of great stuff has sort of fallen out of the online conversations going on now. In addition to the Third and Fourth Decade journals I would also recommend the JFK Assassination Chronicles for some of the things that don't circulate these days: http://www.jfklancer.com/Chronicles.html
  12. For reference, in the earliest days Gary Mack was very much conspiracy oriented and wrote several articles in the early research journals that were of a conspiracy slant....folks here would be well served to pick up copies of the those as many of the topics still showing up on this forum were being discussed at length and by people much closer to Dallas and the time...one of the first things I did was get back copies of all the Third and Fourth Decade magazines (edited by Jerry Rose) to get up to speed. Amazing what you find in them that seems to have faded out of these dialogs today. You can find the Third Decade online at MFF. https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/Featured_The_Third_Decade_Journal.html
  13. I can add the anecdotal point that very reliable individuals interviewed his brother who stated that Bowers had been threatened and in the months following became extremely worried about some action against him for details he had observed but not officially elaborated on...
  14. I'd go with Gary Shaw's insights on this one. Bowers was one of a handful who tried to get official's interested in certain anomalies he thought were suspicious but quickly realized they really didn't want to hear it. He said just enough to make it clear that he had suspicions, a dangerous thing to do in the event that for some reason a real investigation were to occur later.
  15. The Mexican DFS had copies of all the tapes and some amount of transcripts made from the phone office tap on the embassies but I don't know that would have told them all that much even after the fact. Generally the CIA shared what they felt the Mexican president would find valuable so that likely did not apply as to Osald's visit. I don't know that the DFS itself did much investigation of the visit, certainly they did cooperate in picking up Duran and doing her interrogation but we know what that produced. If the DFS or Mexican president's office did any investigating on their own it was probably very specific, at CIA request. All in all I'm inclined to think that if anyone had important information that we have not seen that it was the FBI legate in MC and we know virtually nothing about what the FBI did in regard to the trip - other than Hosty's remarks about talking to his bureau friends in Mexico.
  16. David, as best I can recall there have been rumors that Diaz Garcia worked as a bodyguard for Trafficante in Cuba however what we know factually is that he worked in casinos, was actually a member of the restaurant workers union and worked his way up to head of security in one casino - can't find the name off hand. If it was Trafficante's that might explain the bodyguard thing but since he only came out of Cuba in 63, with his family, he can't have been too close to him and it does not seem that he went to work in his network afterwards. I don't know of any specific connection for de Torres other than to his brothers well established detective agency in Miami.
  17. David, I must be missing the references to working for Trafficante, where they in those linked documents? That would be new to be in regard to de Torres I think.
  18. David, I can confirm that de Torres did serve as an informant on a number of Cuban exiles he reported as being involved with drug smuggling, primarily via Mexico. His motives for that are unclear although it may have either been a warning that he was able and willing to turn in people as necessary or simply a diversion from the actual smuggling activities of his friends who were raising money for anti Castro activities. I found samples of his reports but nothing specifically mentioning de Torres.
  19. Jim, as a guess I'm thinking they were made as part of evaluating her story of seeing Oswald and the package...
  20. He's still there, he's been at the Lancer conference the last three years and appears both alive and lively...
  21. Rex advised me earlier that the MFF site should be back up now...
  22. I'm afraid a lot of it hinges on the idea that you can do things "deniably", which often means you have to reach out to those folks that do deniable things all the time because they are illegal....sort of like hanging out with a bad crowd.
  23. Hi David, I did note the document on Diaz Garcia and that was one of several we collected while working on SWHT, there are other CIA files on him from 63 relating to a yet another reported, abortive attack on Castro. After that it does get confusing as it appears that multiple people were using the same name, that appears to have happened with others who moved into drug smuggling to support theme selves and fund further efforts against Cuba - that exile network developed and lasted until some of its members became involved years later in more assassination attempts against Castro across Latin America and ultimately became attached to the Contra effort and yet more drug smuggling.
  24. The site is down due to power outages; along with over a million people in that part of the nation.
  25. Totally agree Cliff, we are solidly together on the basics, two hits to JFK from the front and back and obviously a conspiracy...and from then on we slogging through a swamp. In doing Surprise Attack one of my goals was to try to parse out some of the things that are consistent in national crisis response in order to compare to what was going on in the first 48 hours after the actual shooting. It was educational and actually a lot more concerning than I thought it would be...but that's another story. As Jim Marrs used to say, there was a conspiracy, that obvious....deal with it...now what's next...
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