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Steven Kossor

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Everything posted by Steven Kossor

  1. Whether or not there were other sites for "the big event" besides Dallas, the plan in Dallas definitely involved the use of a "transfer ambulance" in addition to the usual precautionary ambulance; both were on-site at the Trade Mart (the transfer ambulance arrived around 10:00 am and the "regular" ambulance (601) arrived from Love Field about a half-hour before JFK arrived in DP). The DPD radio transmissions confirm this to Chief Stevenson at 12:11 so it begs the question "Why would the need for a transfer ambulance be identified and requested specifically by the DPD the day before the big event (in addition to the "regular" ambulance) at the Trade Mart? I'm confident that the answer to that question will be in Final Charade. It looks like somebody at the DPD was planning to move an injured patient via the "transfer" ambulance at the Trade Mart, not just trying to be ready in case some unforeseen emergency were to happen (that's what 601 was for).
  2. The "JFKA research community" is one of the most fratricidal organizations imaginable. Misunderstandings abound in a sea of singular voices all vying for attention and recognition, right? In any case, at this point there are only probabilities to consider since the perpetrators concealed the facts so thoroughly over the years that, even when a glaring omission in their sanitizing efforts is discovered, it can be (and certainly is in the minds of most people) dismissed as an inexplicable "factoid" or some other gunk in the works that detracts from the beauty & symmetry of their preferred understanding. Not sure what you meant by "your mileage clearly varies" but if it's a compliment, thanks. If not, we'll see how it all turns out in 100 years, right? A pioneer gets recognized eventually for his/her discovery of a new land, not for the failures of all kinds that may have occurred along the way, I think. Best wishes; the truth only "wills out" if we don't stop seeking after it (with inevitable wrong turns along the way, but with course corrections as they are discovered), right? I found David Lifton to be willing and able to consider alternatives when they were proposed as questions or in the context of a conversation between knowledgeable parties interested in fuller understanding, rather than the puerile, selfish search for vindication that seems to be happening so often in the JFKA research community. The DPD audio recordings between 12:00 noon and 12:30 pm on 11/22/63 are a case in point; the audio is clear and time-stamped by the speaker, describing things that indicate advance planning for the need of a "transfer ambulance" parked at the Trade Mart (on the route between DP and Parkland hospital) in addition to the usual precautionary "regular" ambulance there "in case something bad were to happen." I sent the audio to David Von Pein years ago, but ... his site still has lots of great material without it.
  3. Thanks for responding, Jonathan. David spent his adult life connecting dots based on the evidence he discovered and was able to draw on a wider experience base than most people have in his analysis of things. His work is justifiably credited as "seminal" and although some of his earlier conclusions drawn from his ever-expanding evidence collection were more improbable than his later conclusions, only once or twice did he seem to be "a closed book" when I spoke with him about the JFKA. He was generous insofar as he was able to be, and I learned a great deal in the time I spent exploring possibilities and probabilities with him.
  4. I hope you guys receive more respectful treatment after you've passed on than you've been showing Mr. Lifton....
  5. Either the scope of the editing was larger than is commonly assumed (there were broadcasts on all three TV stations, and on radio, for citizens to deliver their movie and photo film to the Dallas authorities to be processed centrally so that it could be edited as necessary - or confiscated entirely - so as to limit the impact of any other "visual aids" that might compete with the Zapruder film from that day onward), or the publicity about "the time-clock of the assassination" prevailed over any competing media from that day onward, leading the owners of the conflicting media to keep their mouths shut. We'll never know the full extent to which the perps exercised their authority, will we. At least we have their finished artwork to alert us to the fact that we were duped, and that a full, honest investigation of the JFKA has yet to be mounted....
  6. Perhaps this was addressed elsewhere, but I recall reviewing evidence over the past 10 years or so that John Connally watched "the Zapruder film" repeatedly in his hospital room (with others in the room whose identities I don't recall) and that these repeated viewings had the effect of "clarifying" his memory of the events that happened in the short time before the film was projected for him in his hospital room. This experience was also reported by Clint HIll, if I'm not mistaken, who reported that the Zapruder film was frequently projected to CIA personnel to "review" what happened in Dallas. These viewings of a film which has more than a little evidence of tampering (see Costella's work, among others) would serve the purpose of the plotters in terms of creating memory confusion and replacement with a narrative that was claimed to be necessary for a variety of reasons (preventing WWIII, etc) so that, even with the glaring sloppiness of the editing that was done as quickly as possible (the obvious impact of force from the front & right), the altered film served its purposes wonderfully -- a fitting testimonial to the creativity and depravity of Mr. Dulles and his friends, I think. I believe that there were scenes removed from the Zapruder film that were incompatible with the belief that "an orderly transition of power from the JFK administration to the Johnson administration took place following a lone nut's horrific act" and that the necessary alterations must have been done before Connally viewed the finished product before he was released from Parkland hospital. The most viable place for those alterations to have been done is at the Jamieson film company production studio in Dallas. When you get a chance, watch Zapruder's television presentation on the afternoon of the shooting where he demonstrates a head wound that is compatible with the Bethesda autopsy findings, but not compatible with the observations of almost all of the Parkland witnesses, including Mrs. Kennedy who certainly was in a better position to observe JFK's wounds "up close" than anyone else. There is more, of course, and Final Charade will have lots of the other pieces.
  7. The Jamieson film company in Dallas was known as "The Hollywood of Texas" in 1963 and appears to have had all of the optical printers and other special effects film editing equipment on-site and operational at the time the Zapruder film arrived there. If the plotters intended to create a false visual history of the JFKA to stand in place of (and refute) eyewitness testimony to the extent necessary - as would seem likely - it would make sense for them to stage the big event in the city where The Hollywood of Texas was located, and to begin the process of creating the false film record within minutes (not hours) after the shooting occurred. Brugioni and others could have been playing what amounted to spectator roles while the plot was unfolding around them. Food for thought.
  8. David Lifton's estate has just been settled. I believe that his estate has been compiling his writing and other material to release it in the most complete format possible, including his work on Oswald's recruitment, training and manipulation for the role he would play in JFK's life that started many years before 1963. His ideas about "what was supposed to have happened in Dallas, but didn't" evolved over a long period of time. David shared his understanding of things relatively frequently and widely, but he was always sharing fragments of "a work in progress" rather than a finished product. He had a lifelong history of "disguise and deception" activities and didn't trust anyone enough to talk in depth and detail about the JFKA, which led many people to malign him. I suggested to him that he had been operating "like a colloquium of one" since 1966 and that by not engaging in more open dialogue with other researchers, he was at-risk of succumbing to "confirmation bias." He recognized this and helped me fill in the gaps in my own understanding of Oswald's background the JFKA by suggesting a wide range of reading matter, and I believe he took me more into his confidence than he might have otherwise as a result, but he still kept his secrets. The estate has full access to the records we made of our conversations about the JFKA over 10 years. The discoveries David made in the WC records from 11/21/63 (and especially the events documented between 12:00 noon and 12:30 pm on 11/22/63) that appear to reveal plans (not just "precautions in case something bad happens") to provide ambulance transportation for JFK's body to Parkland hospital will make very interesting reading when his work is finally released. I won't comment further on David's work in deference to David's memory and his estate and look forward to reading Final Charade as much as anyone in the Forum.
  9. Mr. Hoffman befriended David toward the end of David's life and assisted him in setting up a gofundme account and offered opportunities for David to talk in on-line chats that he publicized about David's evolving ideas about "what was supposed to have happened in Dallas, but didn't." Mr. Hoffman's students created a documentary about David's research activities that has not been released beyond a small audience. Mr. Hoffman was one of several people David turned to for support in the last few years of his life. To the best of my knowledge, he did not sue David or his estate and David passed away thinking that Mr. Hoffman was his friend.
  10. Jim, thanks for your thoughtful review of Fetter's book.
  11. The video provides a selective reporting of the Sibert & O'Neil report. The actual quote in the Sibert & O'Neil report is "surgery of the head area, namely in the top of the skull." By editing the presentation to exclude the boldface words, it made it appear that the "surgery of the head area" was not specifically in the top of the skull (where the surgery evidence actually appeared), but rather that the statement was referring to the triangular incision above the right eye. This is not scholarship; it is shameful propaganda.
  12. Something was unquestionably removed from the original Zapruder film before the limo appears; the absence of the overexposure evidence is dispositive proof that the limo's appearance could not possibly have been captured at the start of the camera mechanism -- the film had to have been moving at "operating speed" by the time the limo appeared, for the overexposure evidence to be absent. Haven't seen this evidence before but it certainly seems that the truth is becoming more apparent (incontrovertibly) as time passes. The truth is the only thing that will let us escape the downward spiral that America has been traveling on, ever since JFK was killed.
  13. Terrific interview by Bruce de Torres. The fact that 90+% of Americans polled 8 years ago said that they thought America started on a downward spiral after JFK was killed is a profound reality; whatever happens, if we don't correct that course, hitting the bottom is inevitable.
  14. Fluid dynamics has been established science for a long, long time - decades at least. Fluids move in a cone away from the source. A blunt object applies force differently than a speeding bullet and results in different "splatter" patterns, but the splatter always moves away from the source of the striking force. If the fluid lands on the driver's side quarter panel of a limousine, it was propelled in that direction, moving away from the source of the energy that struck the object that exhausted the fluid from inside it. The apex of the cone points toward the source of the energy that moved the fluid. You can't have blood and gore spraying on officer Hargis with sufficient force to make him think that he, himself, had been struck by a shot (rather than "driving through a mist"), without having the cone pointed close to 180 degrees away from Hargis and the driver's side quarter panel of the limousine in DP at one of the times that JFK was shot in the head on 11/22/63 (in the direction of the GK). If fluid traveled elsewhere, it's because of force being applied (shot(s)) from other locations. That's plain old fluid dynamics in action, no matter what the Zfilm or other media may, or may not, depict. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
  15. I'd be happy to digitize any audio tape recordings that anyone would like to make available to me (cassette tapes preferred) with the understanding that the digitized product (.mp3 recording) would be uploaded (donated at no cost) to MFF or other research database(s) so that it is as accessible as possible to the research community; no charge from me for the digitization. PM me if you'd like to talk about this. We definitely need to create digital copies of all analog recordings and the sooner, the better. Audio tapes begin degrading as soon as they're recorded and if they're stored incorrectly, the deterioration accelerates. 50 years is very, very old for an audio tape recording.
  16. Thanks for the clarification about agonal "breathing" being more of a reflex originating in the brainstem. That would mean that the oxygen exchange in the lungs that we associate with respiration wouldn't be occurring, right?
  17. Interesting that Perry reports in this 11/22/63 evening interview that he did his tracheotomy surgery after Carrico had done the "endotracheal tracheostomy" that Perry had described in the 2:15 pm 11/22/63 press conference (he didn't mention his own tracheotomy work in the earlier press conference). Through Carrico's placement of the endotracheal tracheotomy tube (ineptly), Perry seems to have been led to believe that JFK was still alive, and he removed the improperly placed tube and did a throat incision to permit the direct insertion of a tracheotomy tube into JFK's trachea at the level of (or below) the throat wound (the reported site of his surgery moved over time). The other doctors who assisted in the tracheotomy surgery with Perry (Barker and McClelland, if memory serves) also neglected to describe that activity in their summary reports written in the afternoon at Parkland and also talked only about the Carrico-initiated placement of an endotracheal tracheotomy tube through JFK's mouth (which leaked because the cuff needed to seal the tracheal passageway was inflated above the level of the throat wound). If the accounts of JFK's appearance upon arrival at Parkland are accurate, he was cyanotic ("blue") upon arrival at Parkland, indicating a loss of oxygenated circulating blood for at least a few minutes with fixed & dilated pupils, eyes deviated from center, and no apparent heartbeat, so the reports of "agonal" breathing are dubious at best. He was DOA; by the time he reached Parkland, his brain was so damaged that it was not capable of generating the impulses necessary to produce the muscular contractions necessary for breathing to take place. Kemp Clark, the neurosurgeon who pronounced JFK dead, eventually admitted that JFK died "instantly" in DP, but that was after the news cameras had been pointed elsewhere for some time.
  18. Given the other photos of the visor, it is more likely that there was some white circular anomaly on the underside of the visor, rather than a hole through it that was covered-up by photo retouching. Another example of the depth and breadth of the research capability of the Education Forum. Thanks for the clarification. Still waiting to get the other 6 recordings of Nathan Pool from Mr. Morissette, and/or the floor plan of Parkland's ground floor showing the location of the elevator from which vicinity Pool reported to have made his observation of the movement of a gurney coming out of Trauma Room 1 with a purple covering over the body on it. Best wishes to all!
  19. The rearview mirror appears to be showing the driver's side sun visor, and there is a bright circular area in the mirror's reflection of the visor. It looks like a hole in the visor, but the visor itself shows no such hole. If the visor was lowered, the hole would be at about the same location as the windshield hole described by several witnesses. Food for thought. If anyone has a diagram of Parkland hospital's ground floor that shows the location of the elevator area where Nathan Pool reports having been able to watch JFK's body being moved on a stretcher out of Trauma Room 1 under a "purple cover" I would really like to see it. There is no elevator depicted on any drawing of the hospital floor plan that I've seen, and I can't figure out where Pool was standing when he made his observation of the body on a stretcher being rolled out of Trauma Room 1. I wonder if Pool says where the stretcher was pushed after it left Trauma Room 1 in one of the five other recordings of his deposition at the HSCA that Mr. Morisette reportedly has.
  20. Here's a link to the cleaned-up version of the first of six audio recordings that Denis Morissette posted a few weeks ago. The sound had to be slowed down by about 26% and there were four distinct sections in the recording that each had to be processed differently (probably due to storage problems over the years). The section where Pool describes watching JFK's body being rolled out of Trauma Room 1 on a stretcher covered with a "purple cover" occurs in the last section of the audio recording which is also the most clearly understandable. Best wishes to all; hope I can clean up the other 5 recordings some day. https://app.box.com/s/l7g2fn6pxzhmj52hz61qw54es0m3p62m
  21. Thanks to David Butler for paging me on the subject of David Lifton's work over the last 10 years of David's life. I have not had any interaction with his estate since January of last year, but it is my understanding that the estate has, or soon will, complete the process of acquiring possession and ownership of 100% of his intellectual and personal property, including all electronic media and the contents of his Las Vegas apartment and the two storage units that he had been renting to conserve artifacts and other historically relevant media, based on the electronic last will and testament that he created with my technical assistance a relatively short time before he died. David shared bits and pieces of his work with many others over the last 10 years of his life so I'm confident that there are a number of recipients of information who can help to finish his works in progress at the time of his death, and that the estate will be contacting those who are known to have given information to him, and received information from him, based on the large body of electronic and other correspondence dating from at least 2005 that the estate has acquired. There is nothing more that I can contribute to the discussion of David's estate, but I am confident that the estate will contact me if it believes that I can provide clarification about any items or information that that it has acquired. Best wishes to all, always!
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