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Malcolm Ward

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Everything posted by Malcolm Ward

  1. James R Gordon said,"My conclusion from all this is that the T1 Transverse Process was not damaged." On the whole,after following this debate,I am inclined to agree with you James.Its just better done with the 3D Images,a picture paints a thousand words,so as to speak.
  2. We know Walker hated the Kennedys.I mean a ex General like Walker would have a big Ego as people in high positions usually do.With RFK having him detained in a mental institution would be like waving a red flag at a bull to him. What if Walker,even though he hated JFK,was reluctant to join in a conspiracy to kill the President.If someone then takes a shot at Walker,and Walker believes the Kennedy's are behind it.That might just be enough to give him a shove to agree to a assassination.If indeed he was reluctant to do so in the first place.
  3. JFK and LHO were reading one of Fleming's novels about this time. Reading or re-reading the original Bond books is a wonderful way to while away the hours. These were the ultimate beach/holiday books of the 1950's and 1960's. Both John F. Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald were each reading an Ian Fleming novel at the time of the assassination in November of 1963. The books are full of politically incorrect stereotypes and crude misogyny, but are also an enormous source of sheer reading pleasure. Flemings' books are clearly to the right of the Bond Movies--Fleming is a determined anti-communist. His first villain, Le Chiffre, is a sadistic communist paymaster who works as a go- between the Soviets and radical French trade Unions. Source: http://americanconservativeinlondon.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/commander-bonds-london.html
  4. Ian Fleming worked for Naval Intelligence,he also met JFK at a party,were Its quoted he suggested hat he had a way to get rid of Fidel Castro, the Communist leader of Cuba. This got Kennedy's interest, since Castro had been a thorn in the side of Kennedy.Castro's beard was the key to getting at Fidel,Flemming said,without the beard,Castro's Trademark,he would look like anyone else.So Flemming told JFK to announce that they found particles of radioactivity were attracted to beards and bearded people could become radioactive and make them Sterile.This was sure to make,Macho Castro shave it off. Much to the amusement of JFK. Oswald was thought to be Naval Intelligence,he also depicted himself as a James Bond style character. Ensign Kennedy was assigned to ONI,Office of Naval Intelligence.
  5. A lot of interesting stuff there.Well worth the read.A brief exert. The Head Explosion: As discussed earlier in this paper, Dino Brugioni opined during his July 9, 2011 interview with the author that the head explosion seen today in the extant Zapruder film is markedly different from what he saw on 11/23/63, when he worked with what he is certain was the camera-original film. The head explosion he recalls was much bigger than the one seen today in frame 313 of the extant film (going “three or four feet into the air”); was a “white cloud” that did not exhibit any of the pink or red color seen in frame 313 today; and was of such a duration that he is quite sure that in the film he viewed in 1963, there were many more frames than just one graphically depicting the fatal head shot on the film he viewed in 1963. Mr. Brugioni cannot, and does not, accept frame 313 of the extant Zapruder film as an accurate or complete representation of the fatal head shot he saw in the camera-original Zapruder film on the Saturday evening following President Kennedy’s assassination. He is supported in this view by two other opinions. Erwin Schwartz, Abraham Zapruder’s business partner, told interviewer Noel Twyman on November 21, 1994 that when he viewed the original film on Friday, November 22, 1963, he saw biological debris from the head explosion propelled to the left rear of the President when he viewed the film. This debris pattern is not visible on the film today, but dovetails with the consistent recollections of motorcycle officer Bobby W. Hargis, who was hit with great force at the time of the head shot by debris travelling to the left rear.
  6. Thanks for all the interesting comments.Apart from witnesses that died,a lot were apparently scared into denying what they saw. Some Threats My own interest in the killing of the President grew out of reading the testimony of witnesses in the 26 volumes of Hearings and Exhibits who claimed that they had been pressured or threatened. When my very first attempt at interviewing a witness brought me in contact with an average American housewife who claimed she had been pressured by the FBI to change her story, something confirmed by the FBI's own reports on the incident, I decided to look further. I soon learned that other researchers had encountered the same type of story, and in fact had found persons who had claimed direct threats of harm. The Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered police officer Jefferson Davis Tippit without hearing the testimony of a number of key witnesses. Among them was Mrs. Acquilla Clemons who was located by independent investigators who did the sort of routine canvassing of the neighborhood one would have expected the FBI and Dallas Police to have done. Mrs. Clemons told investigators that she had seen two men at the scene of the crime and the physical description of each did not match that of Lee Harvey Oswald. Two days after the Tippit killing a man with a gun came to see Mrs. Clemons and told her that it would be best if she didn't say anything to anyone or she "might get hurt." Threats were also reported by witnesses who appeared before the Warren Commission. Mrs. Wilma Tice, who swore to both the FBI and the Warren Commission that she had seen Jack Ruby at the Parkland Hospital where President Kennedy was being treated just after the assassination, complained to both the FBI and Commission about threats and harassment from unknown parties. She contacted the police after an anonymous male caller told her to keep her mouth shut. They arrived at the scene and found evidence of harassment including a 12 foot ladder wedged against her back door. This all occurred between July 19, 1964 when she received her subpoena to appear and her actual testimony to the Warren Commission on July 24. Instead of attempting to reassure Mrs. Tice the Commission attorney who questioned her emphasized that she did not have to testify, that he would not subpoena her, and almost succeeded where anonymous callers had failed. She persisted in placing Jack Ruby at the Parkland Hospital as did reporter Seth Kantor, but to no avail since the Commission chose to disagree. Amos L. Euins, a young assassination witness, told a newsman at the scene that he had definitely seen a man with a rifle leaning out of a window in the Texas School Book Depository Building, and that the man was definitely "a colored man." Since Lee Harvey Oswald was a white man, this was in conflict with the official version. Mr. Euins' mother reported that prior to his testimony before the Warren Commission the family received telephone threats. There were also witnesses who told independent investigators of threats and harassment which allegedly occurred long after their testimony. These were usually witnesses who were quite vocal and public about what they had seen in Dallas. For example, Richard Randolph Carr told independent investigators of pressure and harassment from the FBI and police as well as threatening phone calls and indicated that these had played a role in his decision to move from Dallas to Montana. On the day of the assassination Mr. Carr swore that he observed a man near the alleged assassin's window who was not Lee Harvey Oswald. His description dovetailed perfectly with the description of one of the two armed men observed minutes later in the alleged assassin's window by Mrs. Carolyn Walther who also signed an affidavit following the assassination. After the shots Carr noticed a man walking away from the Book Depository Building who he thought was the same man he had seen in the window and actually followed him for several blocks' The man got into a light colored Rambler station wagon with a luggage rack on the roof with Texas license plates and was driven away by a swarthy skinned man. Minutes later a similar man and car were observed by two witnesses as they made a Buick pickup of a man running from the general area of the Book Depository Building. A deputy sheriff, Roger Craig, identified the man who was picked up as either Lee Harvey Oswald or someone who looked a lot like him. (The Commission places Oswald in another part of town at that moment.) Craig, who allegedly complained ~ to Warren Report critics of threats and attempts on his life, committed suicide in May of this year. A Brush With Death Mr. Warren Reynolds, who was employed in a car lot one block from the scene of the shooting of police officer Tippit, told the FBI on January 21, 1964 that he had seen a man carrying a pistol fleeing from the scene of the killing. He also told them that he could not identify the man as Oswald, despite the fact that he had followed the man for a block and seen him at close range. Two days after this FBI interview he was shot through the head in the basement of his office. Since nothing was stolen there was no obvious motive. Reynolds was hospitalized and miraculously recovered from his head wound. He had been out of the hospital for about three weeks when, late in February of 1964, an attempt was allegedly made to kidnap his ten year old daughter. He and his family received telephone threats. Reynolds' growing fear brought about major changes in his everyday life including continuous worry, the end to night walks, and the presence of a friend at the car lot after dark. He owned a watchdog and surrounded his house with floodlights which could be instantly turned on. In July 1964 he told Warren Commission counsel what had happened since the FBI interviewed him and indicated that he felt these events were connected to his having witnessed the aftermath of the Tippit killing. After almost six months of terror Reynolds decided that he could now identify the man he had seen as Oswald. Readers of the Warren Report, unless they made it all the way to the Speculations and Rumors Appendix, learned nothing of the pressures on Reynolds, for in the main body of the report they read only: Reynolds did not make a positive identification when interviewed by the FBI, but he subsequently testified before a Commission staff member and, when shown two photographs of Oswald, stated that they were photographs of the man he saw. (Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, 1964, page 171.) But the story is not over. Darrell Wayne Garner, the "prime suspect" arrested after the shooting of Reynolds, was released on the strength of an alibi provided by his girlfriend, Nancy Jane Mooney, alias Betty McDonald. Ms. Mooney had worked as a stripper at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club. Eight days after providing an alibi for Garner, Ms. Mooney was herself arrested. The charge was "disturbing the peace." She had allegedly been fighting with her roommate on a street corner, although the roommate was not arrested. Two hours later she was dead, allegedly having hung herself in her jail cell. Several years later Mr. Garner was located by independent investigators and denied shooting Reynolds but admitted knowing a number of the principal figures in the case and gave a good deal of information to independent investigators. He was buried in Dallas on January 24, 1970, allegedly the victim of a heroin overdose, his role in this whole affair still pretty unclear. Source: http://spot.acorn.net/jfkplace/09/fp.back_issues/34th_Issue/fear.html
  7. Perhaps I'm being over sensitive but this sounds suspiciously close to 'Da Jooz are taking over the world' theories. Perhaps a bit sensitive Len.I believe big business is taking control of our Governments,by means of political lobbying,buying Senators or Members of Parliament as the case may be.Some corporations have bigger budgets than a few small countries.Government does not seem to care about the little people anymore. So no,I don't believe Da Jooz are taking over the world. I quoted Rothschild,as he is quoted has saying he wanted to be the most Powerful Man in the world.Rothschild may have been a Jew,but I see no Jewish take over. I am not anti semitic,nor a racist,nor a bigot etc.I am quite laid-back really.But I don't like the way the world is heading.Not so much,for my sake.My sands of time are running out in my hourglass.But I worry,for my children,for my grandchildren.
  8. Is it reasonable,for so many deaths to happen to people associated with the JFK Assassination.There was a article once quoted in the London Sunday Times that the odds of these deaths occurring were one hundred thousand trillion to one. This taken from here. http://www.assassina...1n2/deaths.html Although Legal Manager Anthony Whitaker stated:Our piece about the odds against the deaths of the Kennedy witnesses was, I regret to say, based on a careless journalistic mistake and should not have been published. This was realized by The Sunday Times editorial staff after the first edition - the one which goes to the United States...- had gone out, and later editions were amended. There was no question of our actuary having got his answer wrong: it was simply that we asked him the wrong question. He was asked what were the odds against 15 named people out of the population of the United States dying within a short period of time, to which he replied -correctly - that they were very high. However, if one asks what are the odds against 15 of those included in the Warren Commission Index dying within a given period, the answer is, of course, that they are much lower. Our mistake was to treat the reply to the former question as if it dealt with the latter - hence the fundamental error in our first edition report, for which we apologize. But a lot of people certainly died young who were connected to the JFK Assassination. Over 100 murders, suicides, mysterious deaths--the strange fate of those who saw Kennedy shot. Shortly after dark on Sunday night November 24, 1963, after Ruby had killed Lee Harvey Oswald, a meeting took place in Jack Ruby's apartment in Oak Cliff, a suburb of Dallas, Texas. Five persons were present. George Senator and Attorney Tom Howard were present and having a drink in the apartment when two newsmen arrived. The newsmen were Bill Hunter of the Long Beach California Press Telegram, and Jim Koethe of the Dallas Times Herald. Attorney C.A. Droby of Dallas arranged the meeting for the two newsmen. Jim Martin, a close friend of George Senator's, was also present at the apartment meeting. This writer asked Martin if he thought it was unusual for Senator to forget the meeting while testifying in Washington on April 22, 1964, since Bill Hunter, who was a newsman present at the meeting, was shot to death that very night. Martin grinned and said: "Oh, you're looking for a conspiracy." I nodded yes and he grinned and said, "You will never find it." I asked soberly, "Never find it, or not there?" He added soberly, "Not there." Bill Hunter, a native of Dallas and an award winning newsman in Long Beach, was on duty and reading a book in the police station called "Public Safety Building." Two policemen going off duty came into the press room, and one policeman shot Hunter through the heart at a range officially ruled to be "no more than three feet." The policeman said he dropped his gun, and it fired as he picked it up, but the angle of the bullet caused him to change his story. He finally said he was playing a game of quick draw with his fellow officer. The other officer testified he had his back turned when the shooting took place. Hunter, who covered the assassination for his paper, the Long Beach Press Telegram, had written: "Within minutes of Ruby's execution of Oswald, before the eyes of millions watching television, at least two Dallas attorneys appeared to talk with him." Hunter was quoting Tom Howard who died of a heart attack in Dallas a few months after Hunter's own death. Lawyer Tom Howard was observed acting strangely to his friends two days before his death. Howard was taken to the hospital by a "friend" according to the newspapers. No autopsy was performed. Dallas Times Herald reporter Jim Koethe was killed by a karate chop to the throat just as he emerged from a shower in his apartment on September 21, 1964. His murderer was not indicted. What went on in that significant meeting in Ruby's and Senator's apartment? Few are left to tell. There is no one in authority to ask the question, since the Warren Commission has made its final report, and The House Select Committee has closed its investigation. Dorothy Kilgallen was another reporter who died strangely and suddenly after her involvement in the Kennedy assassination. Miss Kilgallen is the only journalist who was granted a private interview with Jack Ruby after he killed Lee Harvey Oswald. Judge Joe B. Brown granted the interview during the course of the Ruby trial in Dallas--to the intense anger of the hundreds of other newspeople present. We will not divulge exactly what Miss Kilgallen did to obtain the interview with Ruby. But Judge Brown bragged about the price paid. Only that was not the real price Miss Kilgallen paid. She gave her life for the interview. Miss Kilgallen stated that she was "going to break this case wide open." Full story can be read at Source: http://www.maebrusse... Witnesses.html Lee Bowers Jr. Witnessed Event: John F. Kennedy Assassination Lee Bowers Jr. was a key witness to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. At the moment of the shooting he was operating the Union Terminal Company’s two-story interlocking tower, which was overlooking the parking lot just north of the grassy knoll and west of the Texas School Book Depository. Bowers had an unobstructed view of the stockade fence atop the knoll. He gave a detailed account of the assassination saying he had witnessed two unfamiliar men standing near the grassy knoll at the edge of the parking lot, within 10 or 15 feet of each other, “one man was middle-aged, fairly heavy-set, in a white shirt and dark trousers. The other was a younger man, about mid-twenties, in either a plaid shirt or a plaid coat or jacket.” Lee Bowers also described a strange truck that was parked in the location of the assassination seven to ten minutes before Kennedy arrived. When the shots rang out, Bowers’ attention was drawn to the grassy knoll where he had witnessed the two men. He observed “some commotion” at that spot, “…something out of the ordinary, a sort of milling around…which attracted my eye for some reason, which I could not identify.” In an interview that Lee Bowers gave with attorney Mark Lane, he explained that the “commotion” that caught his eye may have been “a flash of light or smoke.” Lee Bowers testified that immediately following the assassination a motorcycle policeman left the presidential motorcade and roared up the grassy knoll straight to where the two mysterious gentlemen were standing behind the fence. The policeman dismounted, but then climbed on his motorcycle and drove off. On the morning of August 9, 1966, Lee Bowers was driving south from Dallas on business. He was two miles from Midlothian when his brand new company car veered from the road and hit a bridge abutment. Bowers was killed in the accident. There was no autopsy performed and he was cremated soon afterward. A doctor from Midlothian, who rode in the ambulance with Bowers, noticed something peculiar about the victim. “He was in a strange state of shock. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Source: http://listverse.com...-died-suddenly/
  9. Do you ever wonder what brings us here.The assassination of JFK was not just,the assassination of a extraordinary man.But the assassination of a dream for better times.The assassination of a chance for a better future. We saw JFK as a Ideal,a man who stopped the Cuban Missile Crisis from turning into a Nuclear War.A man who stood up to his General Staff and said No.A man who wanted talks on Nuclear Disarmament with Russia.And all the money that went on arms could have been used for the betterment of mankind instead of vast profits for industrialists.A man who could have stopped Vietnam,and the loss of life of many Americans,Vietnamese,Australians etc. Instead we got the nightmare of Vietnam and a growing Military Industrial Complex.The Gulf War 1 and 2.The War,not about Weapons of Mass Destruction,for they were not there.But a war for a countries Oil Reserves. These words of FDR were good words,that show how far we have fallen. Roosevelt said: There is nothing mysterious about the foundations of a healthy and strong democracy. The basic things expected by our people of their political and economic systems are simple. They are: Equality of opportunity for youth and for others. Jobs for those who can work. Security for those who need it. The ending of special privilege for the few. The preservation of civil liberties for all. The enjoyment of the fruits of scientific progress in a wider and constantly rising standard of living. These are the simple, basic things that must never be lost sight of in the turmoil and unbelievable complexity of our modern world. The inner and abiding strength of our economic and political systems is dependent upon the degree to which they fulfill these expectations. Source: http://ieet.org/inde.../IEET/more/3411
  10. Barry,I feel if JFK had lived things would be a darn sire better in the world.His speech here was somewhat prophetic. "The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings......For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined.It's dissenters are silenced not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed......I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.....with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent".
  11. Barry,its getting the same everywhere.Labour ousted the Tories in 1997 but put a Neo Liberal in power by the name of Tony Blair.Labour is no longer a party of the poor,its just another Neo Liberal party as is the Conservative,LibDems,Republicans and Democrats. Big business rules the world.Mayer Amschel Rothschild, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayer_Amschel_Rothschild is getting his wish of a One World Government. Most businesses and economies are going global.Banks take over countries without firing a shot.
  12. Kathleen, Poster Steve Cearfoss is the Person being referred to about not having a photo.In a reply to your post,he had a cartoon image of himself.
  13. I look forward to reading your finished study James.I have found this a very interesting,thought provoking topic.
  14. James,I came across this while looking up neurology and the JFK neck wound.I don't know if you have come across it before but thought it worth posting. The most convincing case against Thorburn's position, however, comes from Dr. Jan E. Leestma, Associate Medical Director and Neuropathologist for the Chicago Institute of Neurosurgery and Neuroresearch at Columbus Hospital. In my conversation with Dr. Leestma11, he adamantly stated that Thorburn's position does not seem a viable outcome of Kennedy's injury. Dr. Leestma says that when a sudden injury, such as a bullet wound, is withstood by a victim, the nerve cells and fibers go into neural shock. The nerves are immediately traumatized; they literally turn off and result in slumping of the victim. He adds "when you physically shock any nerve, the last thing it does is fire. It classically becomes electrically silent. Whether the spinal cord is directly hit or grazed, the nerve cords extending beyond the actual spine would be affected and fall silent."12 When presented with what Lattimer contended occurred during Thorburn's reaction, Dr. Leestma said "it seems to me a reaction as such would just never occur. I don't care if the sixth cervical segment was severed or just touched, the nerves in that area would not go into an immediate neurological reaction with arms flying up, they would fall limp."13 Dr. Leestma placed C-6 at the base of the neck, just above the hump at the bottom of the neck. In sum, Dr. Leestma does not believe that Thorburn's reaction could have occurred. He stated that he thought the back wound was found to be lower than C-6 and that the upsweep of Kennedy's arms did not seem to be a neurological reaction. In closing, Dr. Leestma added that he found it inexcuseable that no forensic pathologist was on the autopsy scene. He said that in his experience, he had never seen a more "botched job done by people that were not medically qualified to perform such an important procedure." Source; http://karws.gso.uri...racy/JLDUNN.TXT
  15. Pat-Re As far as the "middle finger", is that really what we're looking at? I'm not so sure. It seems too long. What is shown in the frames leading up to this one? Looking at the Zapruder film,what appears to be the finger shows in frames 256 till 262.But has with anything photography wise I suppose its open to interpretation.It does look like a finger to me though.
  16. Pat,re As far as the "middle finger", is that really what we're looking at? I'm not so sure. It seems too long. What is shown in the frames leading up to this one? On my hands my middle finger is the longest finger.
  17. James,re For example we all know the image of Z 260 when JFK’s finger is pointing to his throat. Some have suggested that this shows him pointing to the wound in his throat. He may well be also doing that, however the C7 nerve also controls the middle finger. I suggest that the movement of his finger is more a response to the damage to to the Cervical nerves connected to Intervertebral Discs C07 – T01 than an intent to point to the injury he has just sustained. I think you have a good point,surely if JFK was pointing he would use is index finger has most people do.I think it could indeed be a neurological response.Well spotted.
  18. The next day, Dr. Malcolm O. Perry, a doctor who had operated on Kennedy at Parkland, contacted Humes and informed him of the neck wound.(16) A different autopsy report was prepared which accounted for the wound. The wound had to be shown as an exit, in that an entry would suggest more than three shots. Therefore, the new report was written by memory because the President's body was already in state at the White House. The revised version stated that a bullet entered the President's back high enough to travel downward and still exit from his throat .(17) This contradictory report was the source upon which all of the Commission's findings concerning the President's wounds were based. In addition, there is even more evidence which points to the neck wound as an entry, unquestionably refuting the idea that only three shots were fired. If Kennedy's neck wound was one of entry, then one bullet could not have caused that wound and all of Connolly's wounds. The doctors at Parkland concluded that the neck wound was one of entry and the doctors at Bethesda, on whose opinion the Warren Report was based, did not even examine it.(18 )Dr. Charles A. Crenshaw, one of the doctors present at Parkland, said, "I identified a small opening . . . at the midline of his [Kennedy's] throat to be an entry bullet hole. There was no doubt in my mind about that [neck] wound."(19) Furthermore, the doctors at Parkland reported that the front neck wound was about five millimeters in diameter. This is a measurement nearly three times smaller than the smallest exit wound produced by the rifle tests conducted by the Commission.(20) Therefore, it is very unlikely that such a small wound, only five millimeters, could have been an exit wound. Source: http://www.ucumberlands.edu/academics/history/files/vol7/ChristenTomlinson95.html
  19. James,when I referred to the neurological aspect in post 215,I was meaning to infer,what with the collapse of his neck that nerve compression was likely.Has you have pointed out,the damage was quite severe. So in my mind,he would have been in a lot of pain through nerve entrapment.I have busted a few bones and its the nerves that give you the acute pain.Also I believe his body would have gone into shock.And that would naturally explain the lack of movement afterwards,and cervical neurological damage can cause paresthesia in certain areas.
  20. James,I would think by looking at your latest video,the extensive damage to the neck would have more than likely caused nerve compression.Take a look here for notes on nerve compression. A brief passage posted. The hallmark of acute or chronic nerve root compression is PAIN. Pain due to nerve root compression has certain characteristics: * it tends to follow a dermatomal distribution * it may be accompanied by paresthesia (para, abnormal + aisthesis, sensation, abnormal sensation such as pricking or tingling; heightened sensitivity) or sensory loss in a dermatomal distribution * a loss of power in the muscles innervated by the root Source: http://www.neuroanat...diculopathy.htm
  21. James,I have a neck fracture at C5,also a couple of prolapsed discs in my back.The one thing that does cause excruciating pain,and I am talking from experience,is nerve entrapment.If the bones on JFK's neck trapped the nerve,then he would get a pain like a electric shock going through his neck.I get sciatica from the prolapsed discs and no amount of pain relief stops that pain completely.It is a pain that is so bad that its hard to sleep.Unless you dope yourself up enough that it forces sleep.
  22. Being rather new here I do not seek to rock the boat.I observed this forum for a couple of years.I found most of the discussions to be challenging and enjoyed the debates that I read.I would say most members here are courteous and respectful of each other,while quite rightly not suffering fools gladly.In my observations as once a outsider looking in,it becomes apparent that some people reach a conclusion that they think is right and will not look at other points of view because their view is fixed,rigid. This is sad,because if those with fixed,rigid views would listen,rather than take the bull in a china shop stance it might lead to a greater understanding of their own point of view,its merits and wrong conclusions. I have my own view on the assassination,which I have posted a couple of ideas in my thought train.I do not state I am right,rather I am posing a hypothesis.Which if through debate,was proven to be wrong I would gladly accept. We learn a lot through listening to others rather than trying to ram our ideas down others throats.The Mods on here are very tolerant in my opinion.It takes a lot for them to get heavy.And when and if they do,it is usually well justified.
  23. Paul Trejo,"This weekend I submitted my final paper to UT Austin Professor of History H.W. Brands. Dr. Brands is a specialist in Cold War History. The topic of my paper was General Edwin Walker." It sounds good Paul.You have worked hard on General Walker.I hope your paper is well received,as it should be.
  24. Some interesting reading here James on Penetrating Trauma. https://docs.google....swRhPGMt1ia_SVw
  25. This is a very interesting topic.I wondered if you considered this in relation to bruising in parts.It might be helpful.Were a bullet may travel in a straight line the damage can go of track so as to speak. "The picture is radically different in the case of a high-velocity missile. As the bullet enters the body, there is a "tail splash," or the backward hurling of injured tissue. The bullet passes through the target, creating a large temporary cavity whose maximum diameter may be up to 30 times the diameter of the original bullet. The maximum diameter of the cavity occurs at the point at which the maximum rate of loss of kinetic energy occurs. This cavity will undulate for 5 to 10 msec before coming to rest as a permanent track. In high-velocity centerfire rifles, the expanding walls of the temporary cavity are capable of doing severe damage. Local pressures on the order of 100 to 200 atm may develop. This pressure may produce injuries to blood vessels, nerves, or organs that are a considerable distance from the path of the bullet. Fractures can occur even without direct contact between the bone and a rifle bullet. Positive and negative pressures alternate in the wound, with resultant sucking of foreign material and bacteria into the wound from both entrance and exit. Source. http://karws.gso.uri.edu/jfk/scientific_topics/wound_ballistics/how_a_high-speed.html
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