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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. David - do you think it possible that Baker was supposed to kill Oswald but failed?
  2. David Lifton - did you tell Ron Ecker that you thought officer Baker was supposed to kill Oswald?
  3. David et al - who is standing between Prescott Bush and Richard Nixon in the photo of them in the Armstrong article?
  4. Sandy - don't know how to post the link to another thread on this one
  5. Sandy - I posted something on an alternate thread that belongs on this one, a link to an older post - Oswald leaving the TSBD.
  6. David Lifton - did you tell Ron Ecker that you thought Bakwr was sent to kill Oz? It's very interesting in any case. It would make sense that, if the plan was to set Oswald up, the perpetrators would plan to eliminate Oz as quickly as possible, Baker was in a hurry somewhere...
  7. I think you are dead right on this one, Bill. David Lifton once told me that he believed Baker was sent to Kill Oz but was prevented by the presence of Roy Truly. I do not know whether David still holds that view, (it was many years ago) but as I told David then, I have never harbored any suspicions about officer Marion Baker.
  8. Am I understanding correctly that officer Baker was interviewed on the 22nd but did not mention,the lunch room encounter until his interview on the 23rd?
  9. Kathleen - decades ago I was an amateur astrologer, and also good at math by the way.
  10. Wow Brad - that was quite a post. I have never heard that explanation of Jackie's movements before. What would have happened had she gone on the warpath after returning home? She was hugely respected.
  11. Some intrepid reporter should interview Ted Cruz and ask him flat out.
  12. Don - I concur. I'm sympathetic to David Larsen, who appreciates the diversity of opinions and free debate here. But I wish the major writers and researchers would find and express the common grounds between them while they engage in their well considered disagreements.
  13. Like a few here, I would appreciate a small digression in order to explain the missing Z frames.
  14. Thanks - it always seemed logical that Oswald would have been watching the motorcade. I can't picture him eating his lunch while every one else was watching, any more than I can see him looking out a 6th floor window aiming a rifle.
  15. Bart et al - is there any evidence that LHO said he was on the front steps watching the motorcade?
  16. Movers has a lot to answer for, and he owes the public an explanation. Unfortunately he has never explained his actions that day, or opened himself to questions about his relationship to LBJ. He was obviously loyal to him.
  17. Michael Walton - I'm pretty much with you on your more minimalist approach. I think it's just obvious that JFK was hit in the throat first, and agree that the early reports from Parkland are more reliable. I also agree that the Z film is not altered, and believe that its authenticity has been the subject of a concerted attack precisely because it is our best evidence of multiple shooters. I likewise had a lot of trouble with Lifton's theories of body alteration for the same general reason it takes a lot of twisting and turning. But that one at least has the benefit of loads of eyewitness testimony over the years that support his theory, so I have come to accept it. I don't generally post on threads dealing with the re-enactments of what happened during those 6-8 seconds because I think it is a distraction. No one will ultimately win arguments like these, though they may be convinced they are right. And no one will ever convince me that a proven exactly correct sequence will bring us any closer to Who done it. I want to know Who and Why. The only thing this minute examination of wounds and ballistics and trajectories proves is that there were multiple shooters. Duh!
  18. I guess John Newman has, and he is indefatigable. Time to begin reading his new book 'Where Angels Tread Lightly'
  19. And I started a new thread rather than complain about the direction this one took.
  20. Michael - do we know when Ruth marked that on her calendar?
  21. Thank you Tom. You made it much clearer. Larry - I was going to mention Mena, so thanks for that. And I agree that one was worth investigating and was covered up as you say. Ron, do you know what Larry is referring to?
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