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Joseph McBride

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Everything posted by Joseph McBride

  1. I heard that but don't know for sure. What's your source?
  2. That great scene between Nixon and Helms in Oliver Stone's NIXON over the Kennedy assassination documents was not in the original theatrical release but is on the homevideo editions as an extra. It's essential to the movie and true to the situation between them. Why it was originally not used I don't know for sure.
  3. And the Deep State (represented by Johnson's "Wise Men") deposed Johnson in 1968. From my 2021 book POLITICAL TRUTH: THE MEDIA AND THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY: “THE WHOLE BAY OF PIGS THING” The late Carl Oglesby’s The Yankee and Cowboy War goes where Caro and others are afraid to inquire. Fearlessly connecting the dots in his research, Oglesby attempts to put together the pieces of the complex factors surrounding the assassination to explicate its pivotal importance in modern American history. His 1976 book is less known than any of Caro’s but is a thoroughly revisionist, groundbreaking study of the pattern of American history from 1960 through Watergate. Oglesby offers one of the most acute studies of the turbulent political context in which the assassination occurred. He broadens the topic from a study of some aspects of the physical evidence in the case to the struggle for dominance of American politics between the internationalist, old-money Eastern establishment (the “Yankees”) and the new money of the more conservative Southwestern and Western oil and gas men and defense contractors (the “Cowboys”) from the 1950s onward. That political power shift led to the rise not only of Eisenhower and LBJ but also of the Californians Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Oglesby studies the assassination as the turning point in a process that had already been underway but was accelerated by Kennedy’s murder. The Yankee and Cowboy War analyzes the tensions among warring American political, intelligence, and business factions over Vietnam and other aspects of foreign policy, including the United States’ combative relationships with the USSR, China, and Cuba. Oglesby’s book is one of the most acute and provocative studies of the political context in which the assassination occurred and that resulting transfer of power, often by clandestine means. Like Scott before and after him, Oglesby draws direct interconnections between American intelligence operatives and Cuban exiles involved in both Dallas and Watergate. Those convulsions have been portrayed in the mainstream media and conventional history books as separate and aberrational rather than central to that period in American history. Oglesby analyzes President Nixon’s use of the suggestive phrase “the whole Bay of Pigs thing” on the 1972 Watergate “smoking gun tape” in terms of Nixon’s guilty knowledge about and/or involvement in the Kennedy assassination. Nixon’s November 21–22 visit to Dallas was for the annual convention of American Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages, at which Lyndon Johnson had spoken two days before the assassination. Nixon was one of four U.S. presidents in Dallas on the day of the assassination, also including George H. W. Bush as well as Kennedy and Johnson. On the “smoking gun” tape recorded on June 23, 1972, the day after the final Watergate break-in, Nixon committed an obstruction of justice that would eventually lead to his resignation. He ordered his chief of staff, H. R. Haldeman, to tell CIA director Richard Helms to make the FBI stay out of the Watergate investigation. At the time of the Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1962, Helms had been the CIA’s deputy director for plans (i.e., in charge of the Agency’s covert action or “dirty tricks” department). On the tape, Nixon referred to both Helms and Watergate burglar and CIA man E. Howard Hunt, who was blackmailing him: We protected Helms from one hell of a lot of things. . . . Of course, this Hunt, that will uncover a lot of things. You open that scab there’s a hell of a lot of things, and we just feel that it would be very detrimental to have this thing go any further. This involves these Cubans, Hunt, and a lot of hankypanky that we have nothing to do with ourselves. Later that day, Nixon instructed Haldeman to go tell Helms: Very bad to have this fellow Hunt, ah, he knows too damned much, if he was involved — you happen to know that if it gets out that this is all involved, the Cuba thing, it would be a fiasco. It would make the CIA look bad, it’s going to make Hunt look bad, and it is likely to blow the whole Bay of Pigs thing which we think would be very unfortunate — both for CIA and for the country, at this time, and for American foreign policy. Just tell him to lay off. . . . the problem is it tracks back to the Bay of Pigs and it tracks back to some other, the leads run out to people who had no involvement in this, except by contracts and connection, but it gets into areas that are liable to be realized. What was Nixon really talking about here? Haldeman wrote in his memoir, The Ends of Power (1978, with Joseph DiMona), that Nixon used “the whole Bay of Pigs thing” as coded language: “It seems that in all of those Nixon references to the Bay of Pigs, he was actually referring to the Kennedy assassination. . . . After Kennedy was killed, the CIA launched a fantastic cover-up. . . . In a chilling parallel to their cover-up at Watergate, the CIA literally erased any connection between Kennedy’s assassination and the CIA.” Haldeman’s book relates that when he went to see Helms on Nixon’s order, he told the CIA director, The President asked me to tell you this entire affair may be connected to the Bay of Pigs and if it opens up, the Bay of Pigs may be blown. Turmoil in the room, Helms gripping the arms of his chair leaning forward and shouting, “The Bay of Pigs has nothing to do with this! I have no concern about the Bay of Pigs!” Silence. I just sat there. I was absolutely shocked by Helms’ violent reaction. Again I wondered, what was such dynamite in the Bay of Pigs story? Finally I said, “I’m just following my instructions, Dick. That is what the President told me to relay to you.” Helms was settling back. “All right,” he said. But the atmosphere had changed. Now, surprisingly, the two CIA officials [Helms and deputy director General Vernon Walters] expressed no concern about the [impeachable Nixon] request that Walters go see FBI Director L. Patrick Gray. Interpreting the continuing cover-up of Dallas as a principal motive of Nixon’s ordering the CIA to cover up Watergate, the action that led to his impeachment and resignation from office, Oglesby portrays Nixon’s ouster from the presidency not as the result of the bungled “third-rate burglary” portrayed in the press but as a “countercoup” by the CIA against Nixon, stemming from the successful Dallas conspiracy. Nixon’s battle for control with the Agency is also portrayed as the cause of the Watergate affair by revisionist historians Jim Hougan in Secret Agenda; Len Colodny and Robert Gettlin in Silent Coup: The Removal of a President (1991); and Stone in Nixon. Oglesby considers the Watergate break-ins to have been staged and deliberately sabotaged by the CIA to draw Nixon into the series of crimes he predictably committed to cover up the break-ins. That coup enabled a removal of the president without assassination. But it was not a bloodless coup. Oglesby writes in extensive, compelling detail about the 1972 “Watergate plane crash” in Chicago that killed CIA-connected Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt’s wife, Dorothy, herself a CIA veteran, along with CBS News correspondent Michele Clark and forty-three other people, as a means of stopping Hunt’s husband from blackmailing Nixon. Oglesby further interprets an earlier coup, President Johnson’s forced “abdication” in 1968, as the outcome of the internal power struggle between the “Cowboy” faction that LBJ represented and the Eastern “Yankee” elite. Oglesby writes that Johnson’s grudging agreement not to seek another term as president, “as well as his switch to a negotiated settlement line on Vietnam,” was a “bloodless power play.” The North Vietnamese Tet Offensive of January 1968 and the international Gold Crisis that resulted from the weakening of the U.S. economic position by the war caused Johnson to be forced out of power by his “Wise Men,” the group of senior leaders who regularly advised him on policy as a kind of shadow government (the epitome of what’s meant by “deep politics”). Drawn largely from the leadership of the Eastern establishment, they included Clark Clifford, Dean Acheson, Averell Harriman, Henry Cabot Lodge, Douglas Dillon, and George Ball. On March 25, 1968, they told Johnson the war could not be won the way he was pursuing it and that he could not run for another term as president. Johnson surprised the nation by announcing “his” decision on television six days later. He was bitter about it and, according to the chief American correspondent of the Sunday Times of London, Henry Brandon, Johnson told him later that year, “The only difference between Kennedy’s assassination and mine is that mine was a live one, which makes it all a little more torturing.” Oglesby interprets that forced abdication as a Yankee power play by the Wise Men. He writes that they wanted to “break off [from the Cowboys] a war believed to be unwinnable except through an internal police state, both sides fighting for control of the levers of military and state-police power through control of the presidency. Johnson’s Ides of March was a less bloody Dallas, but it was a Dallas just the same: it came of a concerted effort of conspirators to install a new national policy by clandestine means. Its main difference from Dallas is that it finally did not succeed.” That the ouster from office of Kennedy’s successor resulted in America eventually losing the war in Vietnam was another tragic historical irony. After Nixon’s ascension in place of Johnson, the new president wound down the war diplomatically but with excruciating slowness while expanding the war enormously in terms of American firepower. That devastating escalation was partly made possible by Nixon’s canny decision to end the draft, which helped reduce domestic dissent. His maddening gradualism in bringing the war to the conclusion he had promised in his 1968 campaign but did not deliver during his tenure in office was the subject of a question put to a member of his administration at an event I covered at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1972, as a reporter for The Wisconsin State Journal. Henry Kissinger’s deputy William H. Sullivan (who later was serving as the U.S. ambassador to Iran when the hostage crisis erupted in 1979) was asked at that event why the U.S. was still in Vietnam. He answered that it was because the U.S. needed to control the oil in the South China Sea. That kind of candid public revelation about realpolitik and the economic causations of war is most unusual among government officials. What I reported was picked up by the Associated Press and went around the world on its wire, although it was eclipsed by another revelation I reported from the same event, Sullivan’s comment that the Paris peace talks soon would be resuming. Following the stir both statements caused, Sullivan claimed he had not made them. I produced my notes to prove that he had. Then it was claimed that Sullivan’s speech to a university organization had been off-the-record. I produced a letter from that organization inviting our newspaper to cover his appearance on campus. Studies of the Vietnam War rarely discuss the importance of oil in motivating the long U.S. presence there. Revisionist (i.e., truthful) historians such as Oglesby and Scott attempt to make sense of these often-hidden aspects of modern American history. They analyze them as part of the workings of the deep state, a line of inquiry that helps clarify the seemingly mad spectacle of American foreign policy from Watergate and Vietnam and continuing through all the internal battles and external crises that have followed. That history takes us through the terms of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush and careens catastrophically from 9/11 to the attempted Trump Coup. The parade of nearly constant destructive upheavals and calamities our country has undergone since the end of World War II demonstrates the continuing validity of Scott’s 1993 thesis about the regularity of “perceived threats” in modern American history and how those threats have been resolved through “collusive secrecy and law-breaking” and how they “deserve to be regarded as periodic readjustments of the open political system in which we live.” Even though the Cold War ended in 1991, such upheavals and readjustments, often carried out by violent means, remain the norm in the conduct of American foreign policy and the central role the military-industrial complex plays in our national life. By studying the functioning of the deep state that way, Scott writes, “we should look within, not outside, the political status quo, if we hope to understand the [Kennedy] assassination.” Beyond the Cold War period, what Chomsky calls a “constant parade of enemies” has been conjured up by the U.S. government and its propaganda apparatus, including the media. They serve as focal points of enmity for rallying the public behind the ongoing interests of the military-industrial complex and the policy of permanent or semi-permanent war (hence 9/11 and the “War on Terror”). And so, despite periodic changes of party control, the country remains largely in the hands of the same deep power structure that killed President Kennedy in 1963. “But what did we all believe in 1964 about the integrity of our upper government?” Oglesby asks. “What did we believe about spies, clandestinism, realpolitik, about intrigue as a method of decision-making and murder as an instrument of policy? In 1964 we could not yet even see through the fraud we call ‘the Gulf of Tonkin incident.’” Yet as a result of that atmosphere of deceit, there burst forth a flood of public distrust that was, perhaps, the beginning of a fresh start for those who could face the harsh new awareness. For as Salandria put it in 1994, Not only did the killing of JFK destroy the American public’s confidence in the presidency but in essentially all aspects of the legitimacy of the government. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and respected members of the Congress and of the American Establishment placed their names on the Warren Report, which the American public considered to be a fraud. The public lost its confidence in the media, which refused to investigate the killing. These changes were significant and important, and they can be traced and are traced by so many of us to the assassination.
  4. There's a lot of intended time-wasting on this forum now by trolls or hardcore Warren Commission adherents (whether they are sincere or disinformation agents) who want to endlessly rehash the old "so-called evidence" (as Oswald called it) while ignoring subsequent research that proves the official story false. I would suggest people not getting bogged down in pointless and tedious arguments of this kind. That's what the lone-nut crowd want, to distract us from serious ongoing research.
  5. It's news that Stone is planning another film on JFK, this one dealing with his last months in office. After giving a rave review to NIXON in Boxoffice, I wrote Stone suggesting he complete his trilogy on presidents of that period by doing one on LBJ. To my surprise, he replied he wasn't interested in LBJ as a film subject. NIXON unfortunately flopped at the boxoffice, unlike JFK, which is one reason Stone has had trouble making more features about political figures. His film projects on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the My Lai Massacre and Noriega/Poppy Bush fell through for other reasons; the subjects were too controversial.
  6. Yes, a marvelous interview with the two of you and the excellent young interviewer. She gives us hope that the cause will live on. I find my students are deeply interested in the subject when I discuss it in my classes.
  7. The Selverstone book arrived, and I went through it looking for references to John Newman's excellent book JFK AND VIETNAM. Selverstone mentions various books on the subject but not that one, a glaring omission that offended me. I found Newman cited in a footnote to an article he wrote, and that is all. Any author who does not acknowledge and deal with important scholarship that precedes him disqualifies himself for that reason alone. And now I am reading it through to see what else Selverstone does with the subject.
  8. I interviewed Jack Daniel about his film, which shows his sons waving at the presidential limousine as it emerges from the Triple Underpass. When I asked Daniel why the film misses most of the limo as it drives past the camera, he said he was not looking through the viewfinder but holding the camera to his chest and panning with his body so he could watch the limousine pass with his naked eyes.
  9. Four US presidents were in Dallas on November 22, 1963: Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Poppy Bush. Six presidents attended the opening of the Nixon library: Nixon, Carter, Ford, Reagan, Poppy, and Clinton. Five attended the Nixon funeral: All of the above but Nixon (though he was sort of there too). I went with my son to see that event from the periphery and scouted a place to watch the presidents leaving. There were several exit roads. I saw a cute young woman asking a Secret Service agent where they would be exiting and went up to eavesdrop. He told her where (a big breach of security), so we stood there, and Clinton, the sitting president, jumped out at that spot to shake hands with the small crowd. I took a step forward with my son on my shoulders, but the Secret Service were aleady moving in balletic fashion to make a circle around Clinton. We could see all the other presidents as they went past except Bush, because he had dark windows on his SUV.
  10. I posted this on Facebook about the documentary TURN EVERY PAGE, which I have not yet seen: "There's an acclaimed/nepotistic new documentary about the relationship between Robert Caro and his editor, Robert Gottlieb, TURN EVERY PAGE, by Gottlieb's daughter Lizzie. Caro's THE POWER BROKER is one of the two best nonfiction books I have ever read, along with Boswell's Life of Johnson. The volumes so far of Caro's epic Lyndon Johnson biography were superb until Caro bought into the lies of the Warren Commission in the fourth volume, which I suppose is the price of the big bucks, the awards, the support by Knopf. If you want an antidote to the Gottlieb-worship, read my detailed, highly documented expose of that editor's meretricious behavior and attempted sabotage of my Frank Capra biography, in cahoots with Capra's archivist Jeanine Basinger of Wesleyan University, in my memoir FRANKLY: UNMASKING FRANK CAPRA (2019). I went with Gottlieb and Knopf over a competing offer from Simon & Schuster because of Gottlieb's inflated image and because of my respect for the Caro books published by 1984. But Gottlieb and Basinger and members of the Capra family tried to stop or gut my book, causing a four-year legal battle, but I managed to take it away to a good publisher, Simon & Schuster, and an honest editor, Bob Bender. . . . "Robert Caro is still complaining that Gottlieb cut what he considers the best piece he ever wrote, his account of Jane Jacobs's battle with Robert Moses to save Washington Square Park, out of THE POWER BROKER. The book is tremendously long, but a page-turner, and part of an editor's job is helping the author cut judiciously, but not cut the marrow from the book, as Gottlieb tried to do in his attempt to neuter my book on Capra along with Jeanine Basinger, who was trying to sanitize Capra's image. I wonder why Caro doesn't publish that chapter somewhere. I think the best piece of his writing I have read (and I've read each of his biographies three times) is his magnificent chapter "One Mile" in THE POWER BROKER. . . . "Gottlieb told me he thought Frank Capra was the most interesting man in the world, and, indeed, Capra was such a fascinatingly complex character that it sustained me over the hellish, Kafkaesque seven and a half years of work on that book. He reminded me of a protagonist in a Dostoevsky novel. But I think it takes courage to be a good book editor and to stand up for your authors and for their principles and your own. First you have to have principles before you can stand up for them. There are a lot of pressures from know-nothings in this world, and anyone writing or publishing today has to stand up to them. See this quote I use as an epigraph in FRANKLY: 'THERE IS MORE THAN ONE WAY TO BURN A BOOK. AND THE WORLD IS FULL OF PEOPLE RUNNING ABOUT WITH LIT MATCHES. -- RAY BRADBURY.' . . . "Even then [in his fourth volume, THE PASSAGE OF POWER], with all the gross myths and factual errors that an editor should have caught, Caro provides fresh and damning details about the pressures building on LBJ that weekend from the Donald Reynolds hearing and the LIFE magazine task force's investigation of LBJ's finances. LIFE might have run its expose in the following Friday's issue. LBJ was facing possibly being dropped from the ticket or going to jail. One of the many myths in that fourth volume is the false account of Secret Service Agent Rufus Youngblood jumping over the seat to shield Johnson with his body when the shots were fired. I interviewed Senator Ralph Yarborough, who was riding in the cramped back seat with LBJ and Lady Bird; the senator scoffed at that story and said it didn't happen. Penn Jones used to say, "LBJ was the only one who ducked," and Yarborough told me Youngblood and Johnson were huddled together in the gap between the two front seats listening to the walkie-talkie Youngblood had hanging from his shoulder. . . . "[And to a Facebook Friend who wondered why Caro couldn't publish an ebook edition of THE POWER BROKER that would restore the chapter about Jane Jacobs:] I agree with you, Jeffrey. Good point about ebooks. Caro wouldn't have to try to persuade Gottlieb to let the book expand to two volumes, which he proposed before it was originally published. Gottlieb rejected that idea, saying he could sell one book on Robert Moses but not two. But Caro later proved he could sell four and now five books on LBJ, though LBJ was a president, and Moses was not as well-known at the time outside New York. Gottlieb bragged in a letter to me that he had cut about 400,000 words out of THE POWER BROKER. It still runs 1336 pages. The manuscript ran more than a million words. Both men have expressed regret about having to cut it, but the chapter on Jacobs seems crucial to the story of Moses and New York City."
  11. I remember when Castro was our pal. I was such a baseball fanatic as a kid that I used to watch Cuban baseball on TV in Milwaukee during the winter, and one time Castro came into the booth and did color commentary on the game. I also watched Edward R. Murrow interview Castro on PERSON TO PERSON.
  12. Actually, the phrase "political correctness" was popularized by George H. W. Bush as a slam at liberals. It's ironic that many liberals eagerly embraced it. In regard to what Obama dubbed "cancel culture," "political correctness" has now become another form of McCarthyism.
  13. Holland did go around the picket fence immediately after the motorcade passed and saw footprints in the mud and cigarette butts at the spot where he had seen smoke during the shooting.
  14. Monte Evans's rare book THE RATHER NARRATIVE is a fascinating compendium of many of the contradictions in Rather's story and an exploration of where the truth in his activities may lie. It is still hard to find.
  15. Gary Wills in his book BOMB POWER writes that we have not had a democracy but instead a monarchy since the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, because we've given one man the power to destroy the world at his own will.
  16. Benjamin, I like your use of the terms D-party and R-party, which seem subtly mocking yet not in an absurd way. It is indeed fascinating to see how the various layers of the media are handling the assassination now. There seems an upsurge of interest among the general public due to the controversy over the document release and continued blockage.
  17. Benjamin, I like your approach to almost everything but this use of language. I simply tune out when I read taunts. There are too many of those in JFK research, which is, or should be, a serious area.
  18. Benjamin, just as I have long found Republicans childish when they refer to the "Democrat" party, I find your rhetoric offputting when you use derisive nicknames for the two major parties. It seems like schoolyard taunting. You have a lot to say that's valuable, but you taint it with this kind of rhetoric.
  19. Oliver Stone does an excellent job with the 1944 Democratic convention and the dumping of Wallace in his documentary series on American history. This event that hasn't been explored much helped change the course of postwar American history as it led into what Gore Vidal dubbed the "national security state" under Truman. There's a good book on Roosevelt's health that discusses in detail how he was dying by 1944 and that insiders knew he probably wouldn't serve another full term.
  20. Woody Allen contributed substantially to Mark Lane's cause when he was traveling around lecturing on the assassination. Allen also quipped on one of his early albums that when he saw the Warren Report in a bookstore, he moved it to the fiction section. I do the same.
  21. Thanks, Joe. I hadn't heard that before. I met Mark Lane once, and we exchanged mutual respect. He ran my two Bush articles in an appendix to PLAUSIBLE DENIAL and elsewhere in that book praised my research into George H. W. Bush and the assassination. I was grateful, since he did so much to advance the case early on when few people were dissenting from the official story. I include 35 pages on my Bush research and his Texas rightwing connections in INTO THE NIGHTMARE. The Nation refused to run my third article, about Bush's relationship with James Parrott, even though they had enabled me to continue my research by going to Texas. Victor Navasky, then the editor of The Nation, told me I should avoid researching the assassination because it is a "quagmire." I write at length in my recent book POLITICAL TRUTH about the failure of the left/liberal media in the US to investigate or admit the truth about the assassination.
  22. One of the silliest books on the assassination (and that's saying a lot) is John Loken's slender 2000 volume, OSWALD'S TRIGGER FILMS, THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, WE WERE STRANGERS, SUDDENLY?. Aside from the simplistic nature of this approach to human behavior, the book suffers from two fundamental problems: (1) there's no proof Oswald saw those movies; and (2) he didn't shoot President Kennedy. At least the author puts a question mark at the end of his title.
  23. Theodore White's uncut notes of the Jacqueline Kennedy interview have been released and are online. They are fascinating to read. The interview was sanitized at the time, and the LIFE editors looked askance at her sentimental CAMELOT analogy. But such was her power and such was the climate then, and they were holding the issue on deadline, so they gave in and let her include it. But her interviews with William Manchester are among the JFK assassination records that are still hidden from the public and probably will be when most of us are long gone. The recently published book of some of her musings is often quite surprising (including harshly negative remarks about Dr. King). Caroline Kennedy has not done the public a service in withholding some of her mother's thoughts but releasing only selections. Jacqueline was a complex and well-read person whose reflections are important to history. Ricky Leacock, the celebrated documentarian who helped make PRIMARY (which I am in as a Kennedy volunteer, part of the crowd at the climactic Milwaukee rally, firing off my flash camera and singing along with the crowd to his campaign song, a version of "High Hopes") told me it was obvious she hated campaigning. She would sit off to the side at events and read Proust or the Memoirs of Saint-Simon in the original French. When Leacock asked her how she felt about campaigning, she said, "Have you ever tried to smile a thousand times a day?" At that big rally on April 3 in PRIMARY, I had no problem getting JFK to sign a "Hello, My Name Is" tag -- and my wrist -- but Mrs. Kennedy balked at my request for her to sign the nametag. She kept saying "No, no, no" in that whispery voice, and I kept bugging her until one of her husband's aides said, "Oh, for Christ's sake, Jackie, give the kid your autograph." She signed; I learned it was rare for both of them to sign the same document, and such examples were going for $100,000 even in the 1960s. Mine was lost when we had a house fire in 1962. My mother made me wash my wrist a week after JFK signed it. But I still have my May 9, 1960, letter from Senator Kennedy thanking me for my work on the campaign. It's my most prized possession.
  24. Comments on Arthur Krock from my 2021 book POLITICAL TRUTH: THE MEDIA AND THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY: [New York] Times columnist Arthur Krock, ignoring the concerns he expressed in October 1963 about a possible CIA coup in the works to overthrow the government, wrote in his 1964 column on the Report, “If there ever is to be a more definitive history of the tragedy at Dallas in November 1963 than the report of the Warren Commission, it will have to be supplied by psychiatrists.” Although accepting the finding that Oswald was the lone assassin, Krock admitted that the questions of motive for both Oswald and Ruby remained “unanswered.” This led Krock to the illogical conclusion, “The opportunity to establish one died with Oswald, and Ruby’s is as yet only slightly less speculative. In view of the insuperable obstacles to history, the report of the Warren Commission is even more remarkable an achievement.” Helping establish a template for many future commentators on the case to be evasive about it, Krock thereby took refuge in what he called the supposed “Unsolved Mysteries of Motive” rather than showing any sustained interest in the political causes of the assassination. . . . The concerns expressed by Kennedy about the possibility of a military coup had been shared by the influential New York Times columnist Arthur Krock, a longtime confidant of Joseph Kennedy who had helped JFK revise his 1940 book Why England Slept but had often been at odds with the president over policy. JFK let his dissatisfaction slip in 1961 when George Tames of the Times took his iconic photograph of the president leaning over a table at a window in the Oval Office in silhouette between two flags, seemingly burdened by what Jacqueline Kennedy called “the awful weight of the presidency.” Tames remembered that Kennedy had been unaware the photo was being taken as he looked at the editorial page of the Times. When he glanced over at the photographer after it was shot, Kennedy said to him, “I wonder where Mr. Krock gets all the crap he puts in this horseshit column of his." . . . Speaking with [Theodore] White on November 29, [1963,] Jacqueline [Kennedy] had it in her mind to draw a parallel between her late husband’s administration and the court of King Arthur. She meant it to have heroic and mythic overtones but perhaps also was subconsciously evoking the Arthurian atmosphere of treachery and adultery. She spoke of the Broadway musical Camelot, which she said they had both loved, and while recalling the events of the assassination in fragmentary fashion, she tried to elevate her husband’s legacy by quoting and italicizing the lines, “Don’t let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment that was known as Camelot.” The more skeptical president probably would have winced at that dubious and corny analogy, which has been endlessly overused through the years. White wrote in his 1978 memoir, In Search of History: A Personal Adventure, “Quite inadvertently, I was her instrument in labeling the myth. . . . Whether this is myth or truth I still debate.” “What bothered her was history,” White recalled. “. . . She wanted me to rescue Jack from all these ‘bitter people’ who were going to write about him in history [she had mentioned Arthur Krock and Merriman Smith]. She did not want Jack left to the historians. . . . [I]n the most lucid possible manner, she was making a plea that was both unreal and unnecessary. She had asked me to Hyannisport, she said, because she wanted me to make certain that Jack was not forgotten in history. The thought that it was up to me to make American history remember John F. Kennedy was so unanticipated that my pencil stuttered over the notes. . . . What she was saying to me now was: Please, History, be kind to John F. Kennedy.” The sympathetic but clear-minded reporter could not help recognizing that the Camelot myth she was purveying was “a misreading of history. The magic Camelot of John F. Kennedy never existed. Instead, there began in Kennedy’s time an effort of government to bring reason to bear on facts which were becoming almost too complicated for human minds to grasp. . . . I would never again, after Kennedy, see any man as a hero. A passage of my own life had closed with a passage in American politics.”
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