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Robert Mady

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Everything posted by Robert Mady

  1. "There is some absolutely unimpeachable evidence what he was wearing at the time of the assassination" Do you mean this? Pundit Groden had LOVELADY and wife identify man in Martin film frame depicted in plaid shirt to be LOVELADY, would someone please show me where on this signed document that claims this is the attire LOVELADY claimed to have worn during the assassination or claimed to have worn at anytime on 11/22/1963? You guys call yourselves researcher, you need to be a little more discriminating and discerning of the value and validity of evidence and aware that there are those with intentions to sway our thinking with misinformation and disinformation. Why is it Groden had LOVELADY sign this frame and why LOVELADY and wife were very specific and vague in what they confirmed. You guys are wearing me out with this non-sense, seriously does anyone actually have valid evidence that LOVELADY could be DOORMAN? It amounts to the same lone nutter type arguments as the defense against reasonable proofs, whining, crying, gnashing of teeth and insults. It is a curiosity to witness the conspiracy advocates join forces with the lone nuters in lock step in a simple minded cause.
  2. "The consensus was that the shirt being worn was a checkered shirt like Lovelady's." Are you serious? Does it make you feel more confident to be in agreement with the consensus? The consensus? The world was flat by consensus. The world was going into an ice age, 'silent spring' by consensus. The world is going into global warming by consensus. The world would run out of oil by the year 2000 by consensus. Why is there no clear consensus on how the assassination occurred? Researchers have been diligently studying the assassination for 51 years and have come up with zilch, I would not put much stock in researcher would you? They apparently have been stumped by a simple murder filmed in front of 400-600 witnesses. The only thing people understand is which direction to turn their nose when the wind blows, be a herd animal it can be your choice, it is not mine. " the research community are in agreement that doorman is Lovelady" lots of laughter...
  3. James, if you believe the Martin clips is valid, you need to post the evidence, I really don't care because I believe it is either staged, not LOVELADY or taken at a later time or date, it is up to you to prove I may be incorrect. On the other hand I have posted a substantial amount of evidence showing where LOVELADY was on 11/22/1963 and have yet to see any valid arguments that discount posted evidences. Who are these guys walking down the street if it is not SHELLEY and LOVELADY as labeled? IF that IS LOVELADY he is not wearing the plaid shirt, end of discussion correct?
  4. Larry, I read Rays post and viewed his photos. Let me ask you some questions about them 1) Is there any chain of evidence that establishes the exact time or date these films were taken? 2) Had LOVELADY ever been asked if he changed his cloths from the short sleeved shirt he claimed to have worn during the assassination to a longer sleeved shirt when he was done with work or went to the police station to make a statement? 3) The average temperature of Dallas that day was 63 degrees, short sleeved shirts were almost non-existent in photographic evidence from 11/22, is it reasonable that he might have changed? 4) There is no counter-argument needed to claim LOVELADY was not photographed in the plaid shirt, so what? People then point to Pundit Groden and LOVELADY and wife signing the Martin frame as evidence it was LOVELADY in the plaid shirt in the martin frame, so what, it was LOVELADY in the plaid shirt in the Martin frame. To have any significance Pundit Groden would have to had LOVELADY and wife sign A6 and specifically document where LOVELADY was located as well as state in writing the FBI got it wrong in their report and photographs. The bait and switch by Groden is only intended to make you believe LOVELADY was wearing plaid during the assassination, in no way does this prove anything, although it certainly is the intended message that LOVELADY wore plaid that day on the steps. 5) There should be NO valid argument that LOVELADY did not wear the 'red and white vertical stripped' short sleeved shirt during the assassination. To believe the FBI got one of the most crucial damning pieces of evidence wrong and then recorded the results and then released it for general publication is absolutely absurd. Don't you agree?
  5. Robert I asked the forum earlier if there is a conclusive detailed mapping of persons on the steps.... I also asked the forum the question if Man Shielding Eyes in not specifically LOVELADY who is it... What are the chances of two people on the steps in short sleeved shirts...at a location where LOVELADY was likely to be, when there is virtually no one else in DP with short sleeves (SUMMERS is the only other person I have found) What are the chances that another person in short sleeve shirt went walking to the rail yards at the exact moment LOVELADY and SHELLEY claimed, if the two men in Couch film are not SHELLEY and LOVELADY who are they and where is SHELLEY and LOVELADY? This is not conclusive... but, Man Shielding Eyes is no longer visible on the steps during the time "SHELLEY and LOVELADY" are filmed walking down the street although an absence of someone from the steps can be explained by stepping back out of view, this absence is corroborative of SHELLEY and LOVELADY leaving steps to walk to rail yards.
  6. Mark, I stand corrected, I apologize wholeheartedly in my oversight that you may not agree that LOVELADY was DOORMAN, I honestly have never heard another alternative other than Man Shielding Eyes. Please tell me which other person on the steps could be LOVELADY and which is OSWALD and who was DOORMAN? Sorry to have ruffled your feathers, I appreciate your comments and posts.
  7. Mark, I don't understand, do you think I implied you thought PM was LOVELADY? I responded to blurry images, in that the light color of the shirt can still be discerned in blurry images specifically LOVELADY and SHELLY walking down the street, whereas stripes and plaids may not be. Other than that I don't comprehend what you are talking about me misrepresenting what you said, if you would be more specific I would be happy to set it straight. Would you mind please explaining to me what evidence you have that is anchoring your belief that LOVELADY was DOORMAN?
  8. Ray, the pupil and the iris of DOORMANs eyes are clearly discernable. Photos can be and are staged. LOVELADY made it perfectly clear that he wore the short sleeved shirt during the assassination, what part of his statement and accompanying photographs are you finding incomprehensible? Please stop your insults, you don't agree with evidence presented, post counter-arguments.
  9. Shaky proof of blurry images is absurd. The images presented are not intended to discern stripes or plaids, they direct attention to the light colored nature of the attire and the short sleeves apparent in the images. All of which are in accord with LOVELADYS officially accepted evidence. The disconnect seems to be with your denial that LOVELADY wore the light colored short sleeved shirt exactly as he had claimed to the US government, some how you have been convinced that this was somehow just a misunderstanding and the government unquestionably accepted it as fact but it really wasn't true.
  10. Mark, the photograph of DOORMAN is blurry, this does not matter, the eyes can still be clearly discerned, the pupils of the eyes are clearly discernable and the iris of the eyes are clearly discernable. The iris of the eye if it were LOVELADYS would be dark similar to the pupils, they are not they are light, comparable to the light grey irises of OSWALDS eyes. The blurry nature of the image is inconsequential, the eyes can clearly be discerned and analyzed with only one conceivable conclusion; that the iris were light colored not dark. This evidence is like a finger print, and the finger print is NOT LOVELADYS. This is the best evidence there is to prove LOVELADY could not have possibly been DOORMAN, it is also the best possible direct evidence that OSWALD was on the steps and that he in fact was DOORMAN. The iris of the eyes is absolute proof that OSWALD was on the steps of the TSBD during the assassination, absolute proof.
  11. Mark, the FBI and the WC had to comprehend the first rifle shot heard was at Z-313. Collectively the questions that were avoided were: 1) The limo location at the moment of each shot or any shot. 2) Defining when a witness saw KENNEDY slump (what does slump mean to a witness - interesting the usage of term 'slumped' shows the power of propaganda that the majority of witnesses used such an odd word to describe KENNEDYS actions after being wounded), with certainty it was not at Z-189 in that there is not a witness that claims to have known KENNEDY was wounded before Z-313, we can misconstrue testimony to believe they meant before Z-313 but when scrutinized more closely, there was not anyone in DP that realized KENNEDY was wounded before Z-313 and that included MRS KENNEDY and 10 SSA as well as witnesses closest to the limo during the assassination including JEAN NEWMAN, GALYE NEWMAN, WILLIAM NEWMAN, JEAN HILL and CHARLES BREHM who continued to applaud the limo as it passed his location. I know some will say the SSA agent knew he was hit, look at their testimony and my response is then you believe 10 SSA stood down and that somehow the SSA knew but MRS KENNEDY remained ignorant that her husband was being assassinated while she held onto his elbow unknowingly holding the President in place for the next shot. Did you know CBS, NBC and ABC immediately, within minutes of starting their propaganda broadcast all used the word 'slumped' to describe KENNEDYS action after being fatally wounded? 3) Defining how far the limo traveled during the rifle shots. Do you know there were witnesses who claimed the limo moved only about 10-12 feet during the assassination, that would be during the three rifle shots they heard? Mark, I thank you for your comments concerning evidence posted. My proof starts with LOVELADYS claim to wear the short sleeved shirt. The government acceptance of LOVELADYS claims to be an unquestioned fact. The media complicity to promote a falsehood that the attires between what LOVELADY was photographed in and DOORMAN matched. This is all the evidence that should be required in order to comprehend that LOVELADY could not possibly have been DOORMAN. As I have said, collectively the 23 pieces of evidence is overwhelming, what more would you require to satisfy your demands? What evidence is anchoring your mind to believe LOVELADY can only be DOORMAN that apparently is so compelling that it seems unreasonable to you that LOVELADY might not be DOORMAN? I am really curious as to how someone can be so stuck on a notion when there is abundant evidence that is contrary and certainly conflicting to LOVELADY being DOORMAN. What could it possible be?
  12. Additional Evidence 13) LOVELADY had dark brown eyes, OSWALD had light grey eyes, DOORMANS irises are light colored not dark. DOORMAN being LOVELADY is simply impossible.
  13. Malcolm, I have posted a significant amount of evidence as proofs that LOVELADY is man shielding his eyes, the inevitable conclusion that must be drawn from this accumulated evidence precludes LOVELADY from having been DOORMAN. If you are having problems with the evidence posted please respond directly to specific evidence presented. It is inconsequential if something had been posted previously unless this current evidence, analysis and conjecture is exactly duplicating previous posted work. Which I seriously doubt. One does not need to eliminate anyone but LOVELADY from being DOORMAN to reveal that DOORMAN had to be OSWALD. LOVELADY has been eliminated 12 ways from being DOORMAN, how many more ways would you require before it becomes real to you?
  14. What I find curious is that conspiracy buffs are positive that OSWALD was not on the sixth floor and know OSWALD was seen in the second floor lunchroom just prior to the assassination and again in the second floor lunchroom just following the assassination. Why would OSWALD have stayed in the second floor lunchroom when the President might be seen just by walking out the front door. What is it that would have prohibited OSWALD from going to the steps to see the motorcade. Was he so great a recluse that he would not want to see the President of the United States, was he that odd of a person? At one time the United States Government deemed him trustworthy with information on some of Americas most top secret projects. What changed OSWALD from a trustworthy patriotic gung ho Marine to an odd duck who wouldn't walk a few feet to see the President of the country he may have swore his life to defend. Common people get real about the assassination and stop the OSWALD madness.
  15. What is most ironic, OSWALD told us that he was just the "patsy", those of us that believed Our President was killed as a result of a conspiracy did not believe OSWALD when he said he was innocent. We have been tricked into a continuous search into OSWALDS past for some connection to the assassination and after 51 years we have not found any connection. Maybe it is time to stop looking, when does one realize that doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is crazy? The mental resistance to OSWALD being on the steps has been conjured by the government, would they do everything possible to make you believe LOVELADY without question was DOORMAN and OSWALD without doubt was absolutely not on the steps? The realization must occur that there is overwhelming evidence that LOVELADY was the man shielding his eyes and the logical reality is DOORMAN is OSWALD. Why would OSWALD not have been on the steps if he is innocent, he most likely would have come out to see the President, if OSWALD was innocent why did he claim to Captain Fritz he was on the steps during the assassination? Was OSWALD a patsy and innocent, did he know anything about the assassination? Then why was OSWALD on the steps during the assassination? OSWALD would have been as curious to see the President as any person in Dealey Plaza, he was a quiet man without friends, he would have likely come outside as the motorcade was imminent and would have been in back of the crowd, after the President passed by OSWALD went back inside along with the majority of employees that worked in the TSBD. If the idea that OSWALD was DOORMAN and therefore on the steps of the TSBD during the assassination frightens you, that is conditioning, it is ok to know OSWALD was on the steps during the assassination.
  16. After analyzing the listed evidence there can no longer be any question as to which person depicted on the steps is LOVELADY and which person depicted on the steps is OSWALD. Now move on so you may solve the mystery of the murder of Our President.
  17. James: Easy 1) Person on the right looks like LOVELADY, person on the left in no way looks like LOVELADY. 2) Man on right seems to have receding hairline, same as LOVELADY, man on left does not have a receding hairline. 3) Man on right has short hair, man on left has longer cut hair with a higher wave in the front. 4) Shape of LOVELADYs head appears to be a match for the man on the right, definitely not a match for man on left. 5) LOVELADY is likely shorter than SHELLEY. 6) LOVELADY was photographed by the FBI in a light colored shirt, which LOVELADY in an official FBI interview claimed to have worn. 7) Shirt matches the look of man shielding his eyes on the steps at the end of were the arrow points in A6. 8) Two men depicted matches actions claimed in testimony by LOVELADY. 9) Can see PO running in front of them as claimed by LOVELADY 10) Man on right appears that he could be wearing a short sleeved shirt, this is hard to discern and can be disputed, actually all the evidence points to him being LOVELADY and we know he is wearing the short sleeved shirt, just as he claimed. Your resistance to evidence is remarkable.
  18. James, what are you talking about wearing a checkered shirt? You must have made a mistake, LOVELADY is in the light colored shirt and SHELLEY is in the dark shirt, LOVELADY can be seen to the right of SHELLEY. This is the same shirt as seen in the FBI photograph, it is light colored, in no way is it similar to the dark colored shirt as seen on DOORMAN.
  19. If you watch the Couch footage, you can see that this DP Officer is reaching for his gun as he is running down the street toward the rail yards. LOVELADY is obscured in this image behind SHELLEY and the crowd that is between them and the camera. LOVELADY also claimed to see BAKER and TRULY run into the TSBD Mr. LOVELADY - As we left the steps I would say we were at least 15. maybe 25. steps away from the building. I looked back and I saw him and the policeman running into the building. Mr. BALL - How many steps? Mr. LOVELADY - Twenty, 25.
  20. 12 pieces of evidence that are conclusive or compelling. 1) LOVELADY statement to FBI. 2) LOVELADY FBI photographs. 3) Failure of FRAZIER to unequivocally identify LOVELADY. 4) Failure of LOVELADY to identity himself in a manner that is recognizable. 5) WC shenanigans to direct LOVELADY to purposely use a black pen in a dark area - must be considered as a deception to hide the truth, SPECTRE knew this mark could not be later identified, this was not a mistake this was a calculated move to obscure the truth. The identification of LOVELADY was of paramount importance and the WC failed in all aspects to identify clearly and definitively where LOVELADY was located. A simple X on the person would have been ideal and definitive. 6) LOVELADY reference to short sleeved shirt, man on steps where arrow points is the only person with short sleeves in photograph. 7) This FBI evidence was also accepted as true and factual by the FBI... 8) ...And the WC... 9) ...And the mass media, in addition the information was published and presented as being absolutely true and factual. 10) The mass media even proclaimed 'experts' confirmed the attires of DOORMAN and LOVELADY matched. 11) Efforts by the FBI to make the photographs of LOVELADY in short sleeved shirt mimic as closely as possible the shirt seen on DOORMAN. 12) Couch Film Frame - showing SHELLEY and LOVELADY walking toward the rail yards immediately following the assassination, LOVELADY can be seen in the light colored shirt, which is a conclusive confirmation that LOVELADY wore the short sleeved shirt, just as he had claimed. Mr. LOVELADY - Well, I asked who told her. She said he had been shot so we asked her was she for certain or just had she seen the shot hit him or--she said yes, she had been right close to it to see and she had saw the blood and knew he had been hit but didn't know how serious it was and so the crowd had started towards the railroad tracks back, you know, behind our building there and we run towards that little, old island and kind of down there in that little street. We went as far as the first tracks and everybody was hollering and crying and policemen started running out that way and we said we better get back into the building, so we went back into the west entrance on the back dock had that low ramp and went into the back dock back inside the building. Mr. BALL - First of all, let's get you to tell us whom you left the steps with. Mr. LOVELADY - Mr. Shelley. Mr. BALL - Shelley and you went down how far? Mr. LOVELADY - Well, I would say a good 75, between 75 to 100 yards to the first tracks. See how those tracks goes--- Mr. BALL - You went down the dead end on Elm? Mr. LOVELADY - Yes. Anyone know who the policeman was that was running in front of LOVELADY and SHELLEY?, that appears to be going for his gun?
  21. Looking for help from the forum: From the sixth floor window, at which point would the President become visible to someone on the sixth floor, what Zapruder frame would this be? Same question but by someone on the fifth floor? Thanks in advance
  22. Help from the Forum Is it true the State of Texas and the US Congress were in the process of organizing official investigations into the death of President Kennedy when LBJ as a stop gap created the WC to thwart these independent investigations?
  23. So, in other words, NO No one really knows conclusively the identity of the man in the short sleeved shirt shielding his eyes depicted in A6 at the end of the yellow line. But everyone is still willing to defend their unflinching belief that DOORMAN can only be LOVELADY. Even though LOVELADY informed us via an unequivocal statement as recorded in the Official FBI report and accompanying Official photographs that DOORMAN could not have possibly been LOVELADY. Upon the release of Official FBI report and photographs, the media printed the photographs and proclaimed LOVELADY wore a short sleeved shirt that day and this attire was identified by "experts" to match DOORMANS attire... as they say CASE CLOSED! The WC ignored the FBI report and ignored the FBI photographs during LOVELADY testimony...because? (You must have some comprehension as to the reason why this evidence had to be ignored !!!) Is anyone really awake or is everyone stillimmersedinanightmarecreatedfromfalseevidencedeceptivelypoundedintotheirbrainsfromacontrollinggovernment? ...can I just say that I believe it is insanity to maintain the belief LOVELADY was DOORMAN, it must be primarily deep conditioning that influences retention of an illogical belief LOVELADY can only be DOORMAN. Actually do some analysis for yourself, LOOK at the photographs and films from DP, how many people wore short sleeved shirts that day? Do you need to insist that it is a mere coincidence that LOVELADY claimed to wear a short sleeved shirt and a man on the steps at the end of the yellow line may have been the only man in DP that was wearing a short sleeved shirt, can someone please calculate the odds of that?
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