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Antti Hynonen

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Everything posted by Antti Hynonen

  1. For those who are left a bit unsure of what to make of Bill Newman's testimony ought to consider Phil Willis' and his family's recollection of what occurred at that time and where the shots came from. Please see this (particularly from 2:00 onwards, Mr. Willis gives his impression of where the kill shot came from): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2-_UhD3Qgk If I recall Phil Willis was a retired Air Force Major and WW2 vet.
  2. Steve, The link to Pat Speer's fine web-site is at the bottom of each one of Pat's posts. http://www.patspeer.com/ Scroll down that page and you will find links to the chapters. Antti
  3. Bill, I was hoping to add to the post of Dennis' (copy below), since I didn't see this section in the links he had provided. I quoted a section of the questioning of Officer Poe from the WC not the Shaw trial as I stated earlier mistakenly. Thanks. Antti
  4. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/poe.htm Mr. POE. I turned it in with the two cartridges. Mr. BALL. To the crime lab? Mr. POE. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. Now, I have here a package which has been marked "Q"--FBI lab. Q-74 to Q-77. Would you look those over and see if there is any identification on there by you to indicate that those were the hulls given to you by Benavides? Mr. POE. I want to say these two are mine, but I couldn't swear to it. Mr. BALL. Did you make a mark? Mr. POE. I can't swear to it; no, sir. Mr. BALL. But there is a mark on two of these? Mr. POE. There is a mark. I believe I put on them, but I couldn't swear to it. I couldn't make them out any more. Mr. BALL. Now, the ones you said you made a mark on are you think it is 'these two? Q-77 and Q-75? Mr. POE. Yes, sir; those two there. ------------------------------- Clay Shaw trial testimony.
  5. Duke, I think you are over-analyzing many of these witness statements. They are just what they are; the best recollections of those indivduals who were at the location. Everything doesn't have to be so sinister. Nevertheless, I wish you success with your line of analysis.
  6. Duke, Here is a earlier posted picture & shows what I meant by the scaffolding. Looking at this picture and considering that Carr was on the 6th or 7th floor of this construction site, it seems like he'd have no trouble at all seeing the TSBD over the old court house. Also I believe Carr said, the man he observed was in the 3rd window, so not in the window we know as the snipers lair.
  7. Duke, the photos of the building on 11/22 or 11/23 look like there is a frame (I thought scaffolding9 around the building. Normally scaffolding is there so construction worers may work on the outer sections of the site, otherwise inaccessible. I may be mistaken, nevertheless, it looks like during construction the buildings outer perimiter, extended further than the finished buiding. Ok, test done. From the distance I can make out some details of people walking. Those that approach and come closer to me, allow me to make note of far more details, such as the type of clothes and glasses they wear. I suspect this is what happened to Carr. A person in a window of the TSBD caught his attention. He was able to see some vague details of this person (same as in my experiment). Moments later he saw what he thought the same man moving at a rapid pace. Since at this point there was no window obstructing Carr's view and as the distance was now shorter, he was able to make out some more specific details such as the felt hat, tanned sports coat and heavy rimmed glasses. Of course Carr could have been mistaken in that the man he had observed in the TSBD window, wasn't necessarily the same man he observed moments later moving in the street. However, I do find it less likely. Why? Well, a murder took place in that area, one that wasn't properly investigated. Therefore just about all we have is witness statements, and it just is the less likely alternative. Sorry, as you may have guessed, I can't tell apart the nationality of the passers by. However, in a few cases the race of the individuals can be distinguished quite clearly. Those of African origin do stand out, I have to say. Having read and studied statements of many witnesses in this case, I do have to say that I find the statement of Carr quite reliable. Of course with the years gone by and therefore the different versions of Carr's statements have some discrepancies, this seems to happen to virtually all witnesses. Should we dismiss all who have differing versions, Duke?
  8. John, is this it? http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/coldwar/inter...0/halpern1.html
  9. Allow me to interject with some 3 cents, (inflation you know). Here's Carr's Shaw testimony: http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/carrshaw.htm I considered a couple of things when I read Richard R Carr's testimony. Among them a few I'd like to share with you here. First, the construction site was surrounded by scaffolding, which extended further out than the actual finished building. Mr. Carr may have actually been climbing up the stairs on the scaffolding section of the site which allowed him to see what he claimed to have seen. Second, as in many cases, I don't see any valid reasons (e.g. personal gain) in inventing a story and then providing investigating authorities with something that is based on pure imagination. Third I don't think it is in any way significant whether he was on the 6th or 7th floor of the construction site, due to a number of reasons, especially under the light of what I stated in the earlier paragraphs. I do agree with the fact that the distance is fairly long, and that Carr probably could not have made out all these details from this distance (Duke said it was some 500 yrds.). However, as Mr. Carr explained, he was rather certain that the same man he observed in the window of the TSBD at a long distance, was the same man he observed at a closer distance shortly later, when this man was at street level getting into a Rambler. The way I understood Carr's testimony is that he made note of a man in the window of the 5th floor of the TSBD, he first suspected that this man was FBI or Secret Service or something, made out some details like the tan sports coat and hat, then later saw what he thought to be the very same man moving rapidly to the Rambler with the latin person and the other man (or men). Due to the fact that he saw this man at a closer distance immediately after the shooting, he was able to give the more detailed description of the alleged suspect. I have never considered Carr's testimony anything but reliable. While I'm at it, I might mention that I do give a lot of creedence to the observations of Roger Craig, who, I might add, also observed a Rambler station wagon picking up a person of interest in the area, following the shooting.
  10. Duke thanks for your reply. Duke, I'd like to throw out another question (anyone else feel free to reply too!): Let's assume for a minute that Oswald did shoot Tippit sometime after 1 p.m. on Friday Nov 22nd 1963, but let's not discuss and debate this part... yet. How likely is it after virtually all the Dallas area police cars have been dispatched down-town, first one roaming police vehicle in Oak cliff stops at 1026 N Beckley (Oswald's address, and therefore crosses paths with Oswald at 1 p.m.), and that then, yet another different police car crosses Oswald's path again, this time at 10th and Patton, some 10 to 15 minutes later? I know, especially after reading your reply, (thanks for all that research!) that there are other possibilities, but how likely is it.........?
  11. http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v2n1/chrono2.pdf This large document is a collection of various pieces of information by numerous researchers. This document contains a few results of the distance from the Zang/N.Beckely corner to the corner of 10th and Patton. The distance discussed is in minutes and the results range between 12-14.5 minutes. 8/10 of a mile jives really nicely with my own experience, in that 8/10 of a US mile is 1283 meters, and I walk 1000 meters in some 10 minutes at a leasurely pace. 1283 meters would be close to 13 minutes, which is close to the average of the results of the researchers results from above. Also it seems to be close to Duke Lane's & Jack White's estimated distance/time. 12-13 minutes and 8/10 of a mile is good enough for me.
  12. Neville, I'll let Duke do the rest of the commenting on this and to your other posts. I just wanted to say that I do like your way of thinking about the timing and wanted to point out that if Oswald did enter 1026 N Beckley at about 1-2 minutes shy of 1 p.m. he must have been dropped off at Neely and Beckley at about 12:54 latest (Whaley). Or let me put it this way, whatever time one wants to have Ozzie enter the Beckley address, one needs to allow some 5 minutes or so for him to walk the 5 blocks, if one agrees that Whaley´s statement is accurate regarding the location of end of the Oswald taxi ride.
  13. Steve, As far as I can tell, your addresses are accurate. The problem with the exact distance from 1026 N Beckley to 10th and Patton is there are several (ok, at least 2.) reasonable routes one could take, and therefore there isn't an exact distance imo. I think we'll just have to go with the 8/10ths or 0,73 of a mile, as per mapquest. That is I put in 1026 N Beckley and 400 E 10th Street as the destination.
  14. Duke, in your scenario with Tippit's alleged sequence of stops, have you considered the possibility of switching A and B around, i.e. the Gloco station and Top Ten around. That is, what if Tippit had gone to top ten first then been at the Gloco station for a while before he sped off and perhaps went by 1026 N. Beckley and then to his final destination at 10th and Patton? Would that work better? From what I gathered the timing of Tippit's visit by the Top Ten fellows wasn't that accurate, imo.
  15. Wow. I don't think any of my scenarios are any better or worse. Definitely don't have another one. I'll briefly explain my train of thought. First of all, as stated earlier, I do find the bulk of Earlene's testimony credible, and in lack of anything better from before and after 1 p.m. on 11/22/1963 from 1026 N. Beckley, Oak Cliff, Dallas, Texas, I'll go with most of what she said. Therefore as she claims to have seen a police car honking it's horn, in front of 1026 N Beckley, at the time she stated, I believe one did do just that. My second phase is to consider what possible police vehicle would be the most likely one to have been in the area. Not being an expert as to the whereabouts of police vehicles in Dallas on that day at about 1 p.m. in the area in question, except that I do recall Tippit's car being in the area, I suggested that perhaps this was the one. What are the other possibilities in your opinion? Given that Earlene had poor eyesight, she may have been wrong about there having been 2 officers in the car, and may have mistaken the Jacket, (not uniform) for a second officer, or perhaps there only was one officer in the entire car, and she did not recall this fact accurately as, normally the police car that came by 1026 N Beckley had two officers in it. Neither did she recall accurately the number on the car. She may have been wrong about a few things, but I don't think she was hallucinating about Oswald coming in - going out to the bus stop - nor about the cop car stopping in front. Perhaps it's just the details that she can't quite recall accurately. Third, I do not believe that the records are entirely precise and accurate as far as they pertain to the whereabouts of police vehicles on that day and time in Dallas Tx. Why? Because I don't think each vehicle on the move bothered to call in it's location all the time. Given the above, there is room and need to speculate in order to come up with a reasonable answer to the events one can determine to have occurred with reasonable certainty. Ok, if Tippit's vehicle likely wasn't the one. Which one was it more likely and why? Denis, thanks for the photos. Always nice to see the actual locations, as opposed to the one's pictured in one's mind. Here's some of those top ten pics and some stuff on the interviews of the top ten record shop owner's and clerk's etc. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/top10.htm
  16. Duke thanks for all the pictures. Glad to see that Gary Mack added that the bus stop was visible from the TV den too. Just to comment on the cop car trying to speed up traffic ahead of it; wouldn't they have most likely been "code 3" (siren&lights), or if not code 3, wouldn't they have used their siren&lights to make it clear to others in traffic that they were responding to a call, that is, if in fact they were responding to a shooting call? I do agree that if we consider Earlene's testimony reliable (I think most of it is), she did in fact hear a cop car honk in front of her house about that time, and the reasons why that police was there at that time make an excellent question/discussion. Is it entirely impossible that it was Tippit's car? He seemed to have that extra uniform in his car, and that may have been (worn by) the second officer at that time. I agree that she was confused about the number on the car. As far as I know he was one of the closest, if not the closest to this location at that time, yes?
  17. Yes. Brewer may have been confused about the shoes. However, the actions of Brewer led to the arrest of Oswald in the Texas theater, as the behavior of Oswald attracted Brewer's attention.
  18. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/brewer_j.htm Mr. BELIN - Why did you happen to watch this particular man? Mr. BREWER - He just looked funny to me. Well, in the first place, I had seen him some place before. I think he had been in my store before. The details of where and how he had encountered Oswald came to him at a different time apparently.
  19. Hi Stephen, The handwriting is the same on the form because in my opinion it is the translation of Oswald's original English writing into Finnish. In the middle of the form which we are discussing, it says "Opisk" which is short for "Opiskelija" Student, which he had listed as his profession. Note the typo in Harvey, ie. "Harvy".
  20. Sure, I'm game. 1) Is it likely or indeed probable that Oswald did enter the shoe store where Brewer worked in any capacity – enter includes ducking into the entrance or doorway for any period of time? Yes 2) If so, is it probable that Johnny Brewer (shoe store salesman) saw him do this? Yes 3) Do we accept that Brewer then followed him to the theatre as he states? Yes 4) Can we accept that Ms. Postal (ticket seller) did see Oswald or indeed someone (in any capacity – corner of her eye, shadow passing her by etc) that may have been Oswald at any stage before he (Oswald) entered the theatre as she states? Yes 5) Did Oswald buy a ticket to the movie? I don't think so. 6) Can we also agree that Mr. Burroughs (who worked behind the theatre concession stand) did not take a ticket from Oswald when he entered the theatre? Yes, that must follow, based on my answer to nr. 5). We know that Oswald was definitely in the theatre, that he was arrested in the theatre and that he was taken from the theatre (presumably) to the police station. However, do we know beyond doubt? 1) What time Oswald entered the theatre? Tough one, I don't know, but some time before 1:50 p.m. or whenever the cops came. 2) What time the police arrived at the theatre? About 1:50 p.m. 3) What time Oswald was taken from the theatre? A few minutes later.
  21. James, Sorry, no I haven't discovered anything in that regard really. It just seems a bit too good to be true that these Cuban boys would stay at the same hotel as Oswald did 3 years prior. I mean there are plenty of options. The Klaus kurki definitely was not the cheapest nor the most expensive, I would estimate that it was among the upper middle level to lower top level hotels. In the area, (called Kaivopuisto) where many of the embassies are located in Helsinki, there are no hotels in the immediate vicinity. The Klaus K, (the current name of it, it is no longer called the Klaus Kurki) is fairly close to the US embassy. In fact, off the top of my head I can only think of one hotel that is closer to the Embassy, but probably was also more expensive at the time, namely the Hotel Palace, built in time for the 1952 Olympics in Helsinki. Also the Russian Embassy is in the same general area as the US Embassy, a few blocks closer to the Klaus Kurki hotel than the US Embassy. Antti
  22. Hi Bill, I don't know who to contact to see if they have been in contact with the ARRB. The person I spoke with is one of the chiefs in charge of records of the "Suojelupoliisi", the Finnish security police. He gave permission to the local newspaper here in Helsinki to obtain copies of these files/cards. I doubt he'd even know what the ARRB is. I think chances for locating a contact between the Finnish authorities and ARRB would be to find a name or contact office within ARRB records. The Finnish Security Police: http://www.poliisi.fi/poliisi/supo/home.nsf/pages/indexeng Stephen, I suspect the Finnish authorities caught on to the alias Hidell in 1963 after Oswald's arrest, murder and after the time the WC was initiated. I'm quite sure the markings regarding the alias Hidell have been inscribed by the Finnish authorities whilst they have searched for any "Hidell" data within other such cards or any other records they might have come across. I'm sure we'll get some more information on this once these documents are released in full. That is we have to sit and wait another 11 years. Had Oswald placed two different names onto his card, I'm sure the hotel staff would have asked him whether he is Oswald or Hidell, and perhaps asked him to prove his identity with a passport. Antti
  23. Jim, Thanks for your comments. I have to admit that this article is something I happened to come across, and needless to say it "caught my eye". So, there was little research done on my part. I do wish I had more time to do actual research, and that I could take a few days off to study the newspapers microfilmed at the Royal library in Stockholm as we discussed. Unfortunately, I just don't have the time. Sorry, I don't know if Oswald was observed or followed in Helsinki in October of 1959. The document I enclosed here is a card which must be filled in by each occupant staying in a hotel in Finland. Oswald stayed in two different hotels, so he should have filled out two cards. I tried to obtain copies of the complete cards, but neither the newspaper nor the "Suojelupoliisi" would give me copies. The Chief I spoke to, said that the requirement is to wait 60 years before such cards can be released. That would be in October of 2019, the exception is if someone is writing a book or has some other similar/valid reason to get copies of these. He made it clear, these documents would not be released prior to 2019 unless there is a very good reason to do so.
  24. Although you asked Kathy Beckett I will confrim that it has been acceptable for a member to have his/her bio appear in each post, that is fine. We prefer the link, but Bill's version is fine. Not that this has anything to do with the topic at hand?!?!?!
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