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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. See: http://www.cultor.org/Documents/Baia%20dei%20Porci/NSC9.pdf pp. 14-27 Especially pp. 18+ Region I 112th Intelligence Corps Group, San Antonio, TX “Cuban Officer Training Program” Steve Thomas
  2. Obituary posting by Jeff Wentworth September 23, 2014 San Antonio, TX. https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/jones-belcher-obituary?pid=172521142 “Jim Belcher was a civilian working for the US Army in Region II HQs of the 112th Intelligence Corps Group in Dallas, Texas, for the two years that I was assigned to that HQs office (from 1963-l965). He was a meticulous supervisor to all the US Army counterintelligence agents in Dallas who were conducting background investigations on active duty military personnel who were being considered for Top Secret security clearances due to their need for access to classified information.” Obituary posting by Ann and James Markiewicz September 22, 2014 New Braunfels, TX https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/jones-belcher-obituary?pid=172521142 “Please accept our condolences and sincere sympathy for the loss of our friend who always remembered us with thoughtful cards, and his joyful presence. We knew him through our association with the Army Counterintelligence units of which he was a member.” Steve Thomas
  3. Paul, This was shown by Larry Hancock seventeen years ago: Mysteries of the 112 Intelligence Corps Group by Larry Hancock Kennedy Assassination Chronicles Winter 2001 Volume# 7, Issue# 4. p. 20. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=4273&search=%22Larry_Hancock%22#relPageId=21&tab=page Steve Thomas
  4. Paul, Here is the Forum thread: Records release regarding intercepted messages By Cory Santos, http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/25068-records-release-regarding-intercepted-messages/?_fromLogin=1 It was the discovery that Dinkin served in the 529th (not the 599th) Ordnance Group that set things off. There is a record of a 529th Ordnance Company. They were part of the 71st Ordnance Group, and were based in Massweiler, Germany. European Theater Ordnance Units & Activities, 1945 - 1989 https://www.usarmygermany.com/Sont.htm?https&&&www.usarmygermany.com/Units/Ordnance/USAREUR_Ordnance%20Troop%20List.htm This web page has a brief history of the 71st Ordnance Group: https://www.usarmygermany.com/Sont.htm?https&&&www.usarmygermany.com/Units/Ordnance/USAREUR_Ordnance%20Troop%20List.htm Steve Thomas
  5. David, OK. Thanks. Mrs. Johnson probably didn't realize that when she saw LHO at 5:00, it was the second time he had been there that day. If Bledsoe was off by a couple of hours as to when he left Marsalis, that would make a lot more sense. I never could picture how he could have left Marsalis before he had another place to rent, and wandered the streets for 7 or 8 hours looking for place to live with his clothes on his back. The street numbers in Dallas back then were funny. 621 N. Marsalis looks to be on just about the same latitude as 1026 N. Beckley. It's odd. But, back to the topic... Have you ever looked at LHO's military records to see what social security number is given there? I haven't. I just thought I'd ask. Steve Thomas
  6. Mr. BALL. And he came back about what time?Mrs. ROBERTS. Oh, I imagine around 5 o'clock, maybe. When he left Bledsoe's on Monday the 14th at 9:00 to 10:00 AM: Mr. BALL - What time Monday morning did he come back? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Between 8 and 9, 9 and 10, I mean. Where was Oswald on Monday the 14th between 10:00 AM when he left Bledsoe's and 5:00 PM when he arrived at the Johnsons' walking the streets carrying a bag and clothes on a hanger? Steve Thomas
  7. Three weeks before October 15th would be the last week of September. Forgetting Sylvia Odio for a moment, Oswald supposedly went from New Orleans to Mexico City where he played footsie with the Cubans and Russians the last week of September. How could he be down there at the same time he is asking Mrs. Johnson for a room on north Beckley? http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/johnso_g.htm "Mrs. JOHNSON. At my home--I was between serving hours and I come home for relaxation and to kind of help out. I cooperate in keeping the house and seeing after it, too, and I had returned home that afternoon and he seen the room for rent sign--the first time that he came by, I happened to have just rented the last room that one time. Occasionally, I will have them full and then they just go vacant; people just come in and out, stay a week and then are gone, anyway, at that time, I didn't have a room. Mr. BALL. The first time he came to see you? Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes; that's something about 3 weeks before he came back. Mr. BALL. This was 1026 North Beckley? Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes. Mr. BALL. He talked to you? Mrs. JOHNSON. Yes; the first time and the last time; the first time, he told me he wanted a room and I told him I was very sorry, I just rented the last room..." Steve Thomas
  8. David, It's just my gut, but I think there's something significant about the YMCA. De-briefings maybe? Steve Thomas
  9. David, Over and above the month of October, I think it's got something to do with the YMCA. In 1962, he will check out of the Y and disappear for two weeks. He would repeat this process in 1963. On October 3, 1963 Oswald supposedly returned from Mexico and checked into room 601 of the YMCA. He would move from the YMCA to a rooming house at 1026 N. Beckley on October 15th. The owner of the rooming house at 1026 N. Beckley, Mrs. Johnson, said that Oswald first came by looking for a room at 1026 about three weeks before he actually moved in. Oswald apparently lived at Mary Bledsoe's house on N. Marsalis from the 7th to the 14th of October, but I thought what she said was very odd. In her WC testimony, she said, “Mrs. BLEDSOE - Had his things on his hand and had his bag, but after he paid my $7 he went out---I don't know, I think this YMCA, but I am not supposed to know where,...” Was there something significant in the northern section of Beckley St. that would cause Oswald to go from the YMCA in downtown Dallas to that section of Oak Cliff twice? Steve Thomas
  10. David, I can remember at the time being suspicious of the whole Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall sojourn. Nobody in his social circle could remember who recommended him for the job. The people at the Texas Employment Commission couldn't remember why they referred him. His whole background (during his stay in the Soviet Union, and his work at Leslie Welding was as a sheet metal worker). The people at JCS couldn't really remember why they hired him. You've got the whole missing two weeks of October 19-November 3rd where nobody knew where he was living - not his family, his wife, his friends, his co-workers, his bosses... Then to learn that he was working there under a different social security number... It just made me suspicious as all get out. Steve Thomas
  11. “It was the end of an era… or was it? The 112th began its existence way back in 1946 as the 112th Counter Intelligence Corps detachment in Dallas, Texas and was assigned to the Fourth Army. At the time, the detachment consisted of 16 officers, six warrant officers, and 26 enlisted men.” https://www.army.mil/article/118745/112th_mi_brigade_inactivated_29_january_1993 Steve Thomas
  12. Bart, I was struck by the name of FBI Agent James W. Anderton. In November, 1963, Kenneth L. Anderton was a Patrolman in the Patrol Division, Second Platoon, Captained by Cecil Talbert. Bachelor Exhibit 5002 https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/pdf/WH19_Batchelor_Ex_5002.pdf On December 1, 1963 Richard Borchgardt (who had appeared in a lineup alongside Lee Harvey Oswald) told Anderton that he had information that Jack Ruby was involved in a gun running scheme involving Lawrence Miller, et.al. DPD Archives Box 2, Folder# 6, Item# 9 http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box2.htm Kenneth L. "Andy" Anderton Dallas Morning News May 21, 2005. http://obits.dallasnews.com/obituaries/dallasmorningnews/obituary.aspx?n=kenneth-l-anderton-andy&pid=3566572 "ANDERTON, KENNETH "Andy" L. 72 of Eustace, TX. passed away May 29, in Tyler, TX. Grew up in the Dallas area. Worked for Ford Motor Co. for a short time. Served in the US Marine Corp. as a flight instructor. After the service he joined and retired after 23 years of service with the Dallas Police Force in the homicide department where he was involved in the investigation during the time President Kennedy was assassinated . He left homicide and joined the intelligence division and was involved in many special projects, some with the FBI. He was a Master Mason at the East Dallas #1200 Lodge. After retirement he worked at Cornerstone Granite & Marble where he coordinated the building of the playground at Scottish Rite Hospital. Survived by his wife, Deane Anderton, son, Mark Anderton, step-sons, Michael Wayne & Patrick Wayne, half brother, Phillip Anderton,..." William Allen Harper gave the Harper fragment to Dallas FBI Agent James W. Anderton. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/H%20Disk/Harper%20William%20Allen/Item%2001.pdf I'm not real good at the Ancestry thing. Is it possible they were cousins, or uncle/nephew? Steve Thomas
  13. I think the 11th's shoulder patch is cooler. PS: And completely off-topic: Who is Mike Flynn? "Flynn served as the Assistant Chief of Staff, G2, XVIII Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg, North Carolina from June 2001 and the Director of Intelligence, Joint Task Force 180 in Afghanistan until July, 2002. He commanded the 111th Military Intelligence Brigade from June 2002 to June 2004, and was director of intelligence for Joint Special Operations Command from July 2004 to June 2007..." http://www.allgov.com/news/appointments-and-resignations/director-of-the-defense-intelligence-agency-who-is-michael-flynn?news=844368 Steve Thomas
  14. Paul, I can't help with your request, but I can help with something else in that Judy Miller document. On page 1, it says, "Lee Harvey Oswald is mentioned in an Army file on Alberto Santalo-fuertes." Here's the file that's referenced: (26H821): https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1142#relPageId=857&tab=page Alberto de Jesus Santalo-Fuertes told the 5th Military Intelligence Detachment in Fort Carson, CO (Staff Sergeant, Dennis Bartles?) that he (Santalo) had called a friend in Florida shortly after the assassination, and that this friend told him that Oswald had met Fidel Castro in Mexico. Steve Thomas
  15. Larry, I'm not 100% sure this is the same unit, but I think it is: HEADQUARTERS 112TH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BRIGADE https://history.army.mil/html/books/060/60-13-1/cmhPub_60-13-1.pdf pp. 222-223 LINEAGE: (inactive) Constituted 10 May 1946 in the Army of the United States as the 112th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment. Activated 21 May 1946 at Dallas, Texas. Allotted 26 February 1951 to the Regular Army. Re-designated 1 August 1957 as the ll2th Counter Intelligence Corps Group. Re-designated 25 July 1961 as the 112th Intelligence Corps Group. Re-designated 15 October 1966 as the ll2th Military Intelligence Group. Inactivated 30 June 1974 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Re-designated 1 July 1987 as Headquarters, 112th Military Intelligence Brigade; concurrently transferred to the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command and activated at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Inactivated 30 January 1993 at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Steve Thomas
  16. I only bring this up here because I believe that the struggle for control of Eurasia's natural resources played a part in JFK's assassination, and will dominate the history of the 21st Century. Personally, I think that developing natural resources is all well and good, but you still have to get them to market. Back in the (Great) Game: The Revenge of Eurasian Land Powers August 29, 2018 By Pepe Escobar https://consortiumnews.com/2018/08/29/back-in-the-great-game-the-revenge-of-eurasian-land-powers/ Steve Thomas
  17. Ray, Recollections of Robert Fitzpatrick (25H924) CE 2549 CD 24 pp. 1-17 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1141#relPageId=954 Lee, Marina and daughter June came to Mobile (Alabama) on Saturday, July 27, 1963. See Mary Ferrell Chronologies July 26, 1963 The visitor's register at the Atomic Energy Museum in Oak Ridge, Tenn is signed by a “Lee H. Oswald, USSR, Dallas Rd. Dallas, TX.” https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=40391#relPageId=18&tab=page pp. 18-19 FBI determines this is not in the handwriting of Lee Harvey Oswald. Steve Thomas
  18. UNITED STATES ARMY RESERVE in OPERATION DESERT STORM STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT: Military Intelligence Detachments for the Defense Intelligence Agency by John Brinkerhoff 1991 http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a277636.pdf “Military Intelligence Detachments (Strategic) Strategic Intelligence is required "for the formation of policy and military plans at national and international levels." The job of the strategic military intelligence detachment is to produce high level intelligence to assist the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Unified and Specified Commanders, and the Defense Intelligence Agency in understanding the global situation with respect to military capabilities. A strategic military intelligence detachment is authorized nine personnel—normally five officers and four enlisted personnel-each of whom is an intelligence specialist. There are 59 strategic military intelligence detachments in the United States Army Reserve. Each detachment specializes in a particular region or a particular global function. The regional detachments may specialize further in a particular aspect of the region, such as transportation and logistics, or order of battle, or key targets. The job of the military intelligence detachment in peacetime is to acquire broad understanding and deep knowledge of a particular country, region, or function. The job of the military intelligence detachment in wartime is to apply that understanding and knowledge in developing intelligence information for the commanders to consider in making their operational plans. Twenty-three of the Army Reserve'sMID(S)s are designated for DIA under the CAPSTONE plan. The remaining 36 detachments are designated for the Army Intelligence Command, the CINCs, and Army schools.” Steve Thomas
  19. Paul, I ran across something you might be interested in - a rundown on the 434th Military Intelligence Detachment: how it was composed, what they concentrated on, etc. http://www.hawk1.net/public/browse-online/raven1-eleanor-white/mcf/434mid.htm Steve Thomas PS: The 434th is listed in Cagley's Study of MID's, page 14.
  20. Jim, Do you know anything about this? https://aarclibrary.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Doc.-156-1.-Dan-L.-Hardway-Declaration.pdf From page 25: 40. “The CIA recently was accused of spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee. In this case, the CIA has admitted to running an undercover agent in an investigation of the CIA by a Congressional committee. Any details released about the nature of that operation would be great public benefit.” Steve Thomas
  21. Mike, I just got done reading this February 26, 2005 article on the Northwoods Plan in the Cryptome website. I'm sorry, I don't know who "D" is. The author writes, "Thanks to "D". I would encourage anyone to read it. https://cryptome.org/northwoods.htm The author makes a compelling case for the JCS teaming up with hard right-wing, anti-communist elements. He says the military knew ahead of time that the CIA-directed Bay of Pigs was destined to fail and deliberately let it happen so they could step in and take charge of the anti-Castro effort leading up to a Cuban invasion. Whatever collateral damage Northwoods brought (and later, Vietnam) was just too bad. Steve Thomas
  22. I started reading about General Lauris Norstad. I never really thought about how much Lyman Lemnitzer and Edwin Walker looked alike. It's kind of spooky in a backhanded sort of way. Steve Thomas
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