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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Warren Commission Document 498 - SS Rowley Memorandum of 13 Mar 1964 Forwarding Reports https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10898&search="Harvey_Lee+Oswald"#relPageId=37&tab=page pp. 37-38. The Report is titled, Harvey Lee Oswald. SS Protective Research Report by Kenneth J. Weisman of an interview with Billy Joe Lord, who traveled to Europe with Oswald aboard the SS Marion Lykes. Lord constantly refers to “Harvey Lee Oswald” whom he found to be “unfriendly, standoffish, and that the two of them “didn't hit off”. (p. 38.) The Report was written by Weisman on February 28, 1964 and approved by a Jose(?) (Benavides?)(sic?) on March 2, 1964. You might say that Harvey Lee Oswald was a simple transposition, but you'd have to believe that a trained investigator made the same mistake seven times in the same document. This wasn't a mistake, Weisman was reading off a script of some kind. Steve Thomas
  2. Did Lee Harvey Oswald apply for Soviet Citizenship when he went to Russia in 1959? That should be an easy enough question to answer right? Turns out, it isn't. He said he did. Oswald's “Historic Diary: Warren Commission Exhibit 24 Vol 16, Pg 94-105 http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/historicdiary.htm Oct 16. (1959) Arrive from Helsinki by train;... Meet my Intourist guide Rima Sherikova. I explain to her I wish to apply for Russian citizenship. She is flabbergasted, but agrees to help. She checks with her boss, main office Intour, then helps me address a letter to Supreme Soviet asking for citizenship... Jan 4. (1960) I am called to passport office and finally given a Soviet document, not the soviet citizenship as I so wanted, only a Residence document, not even for foreigners but a paper called, "for those without citizenship." Current Section: CE 950 - Report of the Department of State on Lee Harvey Oswald, submitted to the Commission in January 1964. p. 287 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=301&tab=page Memorandum Lee Harvey Oswald Expatriation “On October 31, 1959, Oswald appeared at the American Embassy in Moscow, handed over his United States passport to a consular officer, Mr. Richard E. Snyder, and stated to the officer that he wished to renounce his United States citizenship and that he had applied for Soviet Citizenship.” Oswald's signed, but undated statement that he gave to Snyder read in part, (p. 288) “I have entered the Soviet Union for the express purpose of applying for citizenship in the Soviet Union, through the means of naturalization. My request for citizenship is now pending before the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R.”. Okay, so far, so good; but, a year and a half later,... On July 8, 1961, Lee Harvey appeared at the American Embassy in connection with his desire to return to the United States with his wife. In connection with that visit, he denied that he had ever applied for Soviet citizenship. Current Section: CE 977 - Foreign Service dispatch from the American Embassy in Moscow to the Department of State, dated July 11, 1961. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=392&tab=page p. 378 “He exhibited Soviet internal “stateless” passport... No. 311479 issued by the Moscow City Government on January 14, 1960, which is prima facie evidence that he is regarded by the Soviet authorities as not possessing Soviet citizenship.” “Oswald stated that despite the wording of the statement which he handed to the Embassy on October 31, 1959 (Embassy dispatch 234, November 2, 1959), he never in fact actually applied for Soviet citizenship.” Well, he either did apply, or he didn't. Current Section: CE 950 - Report of the Department of State on Lee Harvey Oswald, submitted to the Commission in January 1964. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=307&tab=page p. 293 “In 1961, he showed a United States consular officer a document issued by the Moscow City Government on January 14, 1960 which indicated that he never was declared a Soviet citizen.”* *“After the assassination of President Kennedy, an official of the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated to an officer of the American Embassy in Moscow that Soviet authorities had considered Oswald's application for Soviet citizenship, but had decided not to approve it because Oswald seemed unstable.” PS: January 14, 1960 is the day after "Citizen" Harvey Lee Oswald was hired as a regulator in the Minsk TV and Radio Plant. See also letter from Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. of the Embassy in Moscow to the Director's Office of Soviet Affairs of the United States Department of State. He talks of meeting After he talks about meeting Kudryavtsev of the American Section of the MFA in the airport, who told him that, “Oswald had applied for Soviet citizenship but that ,after considering the application, the Soviet authorities had decided not to approve this application since Oswald seemed to be so unstable.” LETTER FORWARDING DOCUMENTS TO CIA WHICH WERE AGREED UPON AT CONFERENCE HELD MARCH 12TH https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=7986&search=Dobrynin_December+11%2C+1963#relPageId=109&tab=page p. 109. And there's this: Undated State Department Memo marked Confidential https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=392&tab=page p. 355. “For Embassy's Information Only; If Oswald insists on renouncing US citizenship, Section 1999 Revised Statutes precludes Embassy withholding right to do so regardless status his application pending Soviet Government and final action taken Petrulli case.” Oswald's “Historic Diary: Warren Commission Exhibit 24 Vol 16, Pg 94-105 http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/historicdiary.htm Jan 4. (1961) One year after I received the residence document I am called in to the passport office and asked if I want citizenship (Russian). I say no simply extend my residential passport to agree and my document is extended until Jan 4, 1962. A letter from Anatoly Dobrynin to the U.S. State Department concerning Harvey Lee Oswald's request for Soviet citizenship is dated December 11, 1963. LETTER FORWARDING DOCUMENTS TO CIA WHICH WERE AGREED UPON AT CONFERENCE HELD MARCH 12TH https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=7986&relPageId=111&search=Dobrynin_December%2011,%201963 Included in CE 985 is a Letter from the Department of State to the Commission, dated May 18, 1964, with attached documents. It says that 985 is a translated copy of a note submitted by Dobrynin on May 5, 1964. It says that Harvey Lee Oswald's request for USSR Citizenship was denied. It doesn't say when he applied for that citizenship, but the character reference memo from the Minsk Radio factory in CE 985, p. 433 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135&relPageId=447&search=%22Harvey_Lee%20Oswald%22 is dated December 11, 1961 and refers to “Citizen” Harvey Lee Oswald. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=7986&relPageId=111&search=Dobrynin_December%2011,%201963 p. 111. In that letter, Dobrynin lays out why the Soviet Government rejected the citizenship application of Harvey Lee Oswald. If the Soviets denied Oswald's application for citizenship, then who was the “Citizen” who was hired at the Minsk TV and Radio plant on January 13, 1960? Well, there's one way to clear this up, let's take a look at Oswald's application and see what it says. Ummm.... You can't. It's missing. LETTER FORWARDING DOCUMENTS TO CIA WHICH WERE AGREED UPON AT CONFERENCE HELD MARCH 12TH https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=7986&search=Dobrynin_December+11%2C+1963#relPageId=109&tab=page p. 109. Letter from Walter J. Stoessel, Jr. of the Embassy in Moscow to the Director's Office of Soviet Affairs of the United States Department of State. After he talks of meeting Kudryavtsev in the airport, who told him that, “Oswald had applied for Soviet citizenship but that ,after considering the application, the Soviet authorities had decided not to approve this application since Oswald seemed to be so unstable.” “I found this reference to the Soviet handling of his application for citizenship of interest, since I have not found any record of this aspect in our files.” Steve Thomas
  3. The 214 area code is the Dallas area, the 899 exchange is Grand Prairie. Baton Rouge is a good guess for BR, I think. Steve Thomas
  4. This took me back quite a few years *smile* I used to use a twx machine on my job. TWX stands for teletype exchange. It was a precurser to sending text messages over the phone line. It was so cool. Clunky, but cool back in those days. It was like dot matrix printer on steroids. It needed a separate phone line, so each machine had its own phone number. Individual locations on various networks each had their own unique abbreviated identifier, so you didn't have to type out the full name, so you'd have to know what the identifier BR stood for on that police-related network. THIS IS LSP BR GA PLS 9248 TWX 214-899-8553 1712 11-29-63 LSG BR DATA AND STLEN LA LIC 914-985 PLS CALL COLLECT OUR TWX PD DALLAS HENRY ACK PLS GA LSP BR REC GUARISCO This looks like a request from the Louisiana State Police to Dallas for information on a stolen license plate 914-985, and they're asking Dallas to acknowledge and call them back collect. Steve Thomas
  5. Does anyone happen to know what FLAGPLOT is? I was looking through some documents relating to Oswald's "defection" to the USSR and in addition to the memos being shared with INS, the CIA, and the FBI, etc., the memos were also shared with something called FLAPLOT. see here at the bottom: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=129&tab=page Steve Thomas
  6. Jim, She was full of crap. I was reading through her WC testimony, and started to count the number of times she said, "I didn't pay any attention" I gave up. Steve Thomas
  7. Mary Bledsoe talking about LHO in her WC testimony: Mr. BALL - Stayed in his room? Mrs. BLEDSOE - All the time, and stayed there that night, too. Mr. BALL - All the time? What about Wednesday? Mrs. BLEDSOE - He left about 9 o'clock, and went off dressed. Had a white shirt and white tie and white---white trousers, and looked very nice. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/bledsoe.htm I don't know why, but that struck me as odd. Would you go out on job interviews dressed like that? Steve Thomas
  8. There's another copy of the book here: https://www.krusch.com/books/kennedy/Harvey_And_Lee.pdf Steve Thomas
  9. Mathias, You can get it on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Dallas-à-Montréal-montréalaise-lassassinat/dp/2761913108 'Course it's $300 Looks like you can get a copy from Abe Books in the U.K. for 32 pounds (about $42) https://www.abebooks.com/9782761913102/Dallas-Montréal-filière-montréalaise-lassassinat-2761913108/plp There are a couple of Libraries that have a copy, but I don't know of you can borrow a copy through Interlibrary Loan (e.g. Duke University) http://www.worldcat.org/title/de-dallas-montral-la-filire-montralaise-dans-lassassinat-de-jfk/oclc/948310183?referer=di&ht=edition Steve Thomas
  10. IJDECANTER was a fake cryptonym assigned to protect was his real cryptonym was. Talk about a house of mirrors. Steve Thomas
  11. David A and David B, *smile*, Yeah, GPFLOOR was the Cryptonym assigned to LHO in its post JFK assassination investigation GPIDEAL was the cryptonym assigned to JFK Joe, I'd like to know who lifted the ban on destruction of Angleton's files. PS: Whoever IJDECANTER was, his identity had to be protected at all costs. Steve Thomas
  12. Would anyone look at these two documents and give me your impressions? https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10331-10180.pdf https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10336-10034.pdf Who was IJDECANTER? and can you tell me what the CIA cryptogram CI/EXO or CIC/EXO stands for? Thanks, Steve Thomas
  13. A woman in Northhampton, England has asked that Sleeping Beauty be removed from her son's reading curriculum in that it promotes inappropriate sexual behavior by featuring a man kissing a woman who is asleep without her consent. Rapunzel was seen conferring with her lawyers, who have notified the prince's lawyers that they will no longer be sharing information. Steve Thomas
  14. According to both Chief Curry (4H181) and Captain Will Fritz,(4H248) the Dallas Police did not have Lee Harvey Oswald in their police files. Moreover, they had never even heard of him. According to Will Fritz; someone, whose name he could not remember gave him Oswald's Beckley address before he even began interrogating Oswald at 2:20 PM: (4H207) At 2:40 PM, W.E. Potts, B.L. Senkel and Lt. E.L. Cunningham were dispatched to 1026 N. Beckley. Detective B.L. Senkel wrote in his after action report (Dallas Police Archives Box 3, Folder# 12, Item#1) that they were dispatched to 1026 N. Beckley at 2:40 PM and arrived at 3:00PM. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box2.htm Earlene Roberts told the WC that when the police arrived at 1026 N. Beckley, they asked for a Harvey Lee Oswald. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/robertse.htm Mr. BALL. And the police officers came out there? Mrs. ROBERTS. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. Do you remember what they said? Mrs. ROBERTS. Well, it was Will Fritz' men---it was plainclothesmen and I was at the back doing something and Mr. Johnson answered the door and they identified themselves and then he called me. Mr. BALL. What did they say? Mrs. ROBERTS. Well, they asked him if there was a Harvey Lee Oswald there. Senkel, who rode in the Pilot Car with Army Reserve Officers George Lumpkin and George Whitmeyer, who was dispatched to 1026 N. Beckley, and when arriving asked for Harvey Lee Oswald. If (according to Curry and Fritz) the Dallas Police did not have Lee Harvey Oswald in their files, and had never heard of him, how did an "unknown" policeman know that he lived on Beckley? Was this "unknown" policeman's source of information coming from somewhere outside of police files, and was this "unknown" policeman Detective Billy Senkel? Steve Thomas
  15. Final Report of the Assassinations Records Review Board September 30, 1998 Chapter 6 Part 1: The Quest for Additional Information and Records in Federal Government Offices p. 83 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=3611&relPageId=106&search=%22Harvey_Lee%20Oswald%22 “The Review Board also sought to determine whether the FBI maintained a file in Mexico City on a “Harvey Lee Oswald” under the file number 105-2137.... Some of the documents in the (Mexico Ciity Legal Attache) Legat's file contain notations for routing records to a file numbered 105-2137, and were captioned “Harvey Lee Oswald”, but it did not find such a file.” Peter Dale Scott before the ARRB: October 11, 1994. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=145535&search=105-2137#relPageId=36&tab=page p. 36. “I want to suggest to you that the FBI may have been tracking all of this in a file which I am quite sure has never been seen by the Warren Commission, never been seen by the House Committee, and never certainly by me or by the Archives today. I have found a reference to it in a cover sheet which I am going to leave with you. It is Mexico City File 105-2137, which is then struck out and replaced with a different file number with a different name, Lee Harvey Oswald. I hope you will pursue that original file. I predict that it will lead to some third agency which has been protected in here...” The "all of this" Scott refers to is the Mexico City affair. Steve Thomas
  16. I stumbled on this by accident. You can find a complete copy of Accessories After the Fact by Sylvia Meagher here: https://www.krusch.com/books/kennedy/Accessories_After_The_Fact.pdf This is a Vintage Books June, 1992 edition with a 1975 Preface by Senator Richard Schweiker, and an 1975 Introduction by Peter Dale Scott. Steve Thomas
  17. Final Report of the Assassinations Records Review Board September 30, 1998 Chapter 6 Part 1: The Quest for Additional Information and Records in Federal Government Offices p. 83 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=3611&relPageId=106&search=%22Harvey_Lee%20Oswald%22 “The Review Board also sought to determine whether the FBI maintained a file in Mexico City on a “Harvey Lee Oswald” under the file number 105-2137.... Some of the documents in the (Mexico Ciity Legal Attache) Legat's file contain notations for routing records to a file numbered 105-2137, and were captioned “Harvey Lee Oswald”, but it did not find such a file.” Peter Dale Scott before the ARRB: October 11, 1994. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=145535&search=105-2137#relPageId=36&tab=page p. 36. “I want to suggest to you that the FBI may have been tracking all of this in a file which I am quite sure has never been seen by the Warren Commission, never been seen by the House Committee, and never certainly by me or by the Archives today. I have found a reference to it in a cover sheet which I am going to leave with you. It is Mexico City File 105-2137, which is then struck out and replaced with a different file number with a different name, Lee Harvey Oswald. I hope you will pursue that original file. I predict that it will lead to some third agency which has been protected in here...” Steve Thomas
  18. Jim, I don't know what period of time John Newman talks about in his book, but there is a two week period between October 19 and November 2nd, 1962 when Oswald went "missing". Nobody knew where he was living. Not his friends, not his wife, not his co-workers, nor any government agency (that we're aware of). This was at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, when Oswald was working at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall. Steve Thomas
  19. David, I don't know that I would attach too much importance to Stringfellow listed as an FBI informant. Sheriff Decker is also listed two lines down. I would like to keep Stringfellow's informant ID# in the back of my mind though - T-23. I'd like to see if that pops up anywhere else along the way. (Although this may just be a one-time assignment of number for this particular report by Barrett). As for the 112th, see this 112th Region II (Dallas) Spot Report by the 112th on the afternoon of November 22nd: 112th IINTELLIGENCE CORPS GROUP SPOT REPORT (REGION II) http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/A%20Disk/Army%20Intelligence%20112th%20INTC%20San%20Antonio/Item%2007.pdf A lot of bad information in those Spot Reports. Is Stringfellow getting a lot of things wrong? Is the person reporting what Stringfellow is saying getting it wrong? Is Stringfellow deliberately lying? See: Army Surveillance of Civilians https://bkofsecrets.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/armyciviliansurveillance.pdf Stringfellow and Biggio were working the police radio at the Fairgrounds on 11/22/63 (This is a separate and somewhat murky channel of communication going on. Peter Dale Scott spent some time looking at the communications setup at the Fairgrounds in his Continuity of Government analysis) “Army Apparently didn't tell Commission of Oswald's Alias” Dallas Morning News March 19, 1978 in the Weisberg Collection http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/F%20Disk/FBI/FBI%20Records%20Release%2012-7-77%20News%20Accounts/Item%20069.pdf Steve Thomas
  20. Mark, If you go here: https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/2017-release Look for entries in the FROM column which are given as OT or LEG, OT (these are from Ottowa). As an example, look at item# 138 on p. 3. Steve Thomas
  21. I don't know why, maybe it's just the mood I'm in; but I got a kick out of the DPD General Order# 64-A on page 96. Military Personnel who are arrested. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dzmwxzlrv49pvcc/AADl1jyly_4iEBhFrm_-AS9ka?dl=0&preview=DPD++General+Orders.pdf Don't arrested for being drunk, unless you are just passing through. Then it's okay. Steve Thomas
  22. David, I agree. Jean-Rene Souetre's father's name was Rene Jean. Steve Thomas
  23. Paul, I think of far more important strategic importance, was the attempted theft of secrets concerned with the American nuclear program. Steve Thomas.
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