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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Gil, All of the videos that you have put up recently are listed as private, with no apparent way to make them viewable. Steve Thomas
  2. Jack, Do you know if anyone was ever able to identify the man the Milteer lookalike was standing next to? Steve Thomas
  3. Duke, I have deliberately re-arranged the text of your response. Hope you don't mind too much. Thank you. It was a puzzlement. It's nice to talk to a fellow researcher who takes the time to "smell the roses" Thanks again, Steve Thomas
  4. Question: How many other of these crop duster pilots defected to the U.S. ? If anyone has any information on other crop dusters, I would appreciate hearing about it. In the Senate Select Committee files, aka the Church Committee Boxed Files, there is a document numbered 157-10014-10120, dated 1/19/76 from Paul Wallach, entitled “Oswald in New Orleans. (This is on page 2 for those of you who go looking for it). On page 93 of this document, there is a memo from Dan Dwyer to The Files dated 9/23/75. In this memo, Dwyer describes looking at the Department of Justice Anti-Castro files from the late 1950’s to the early 1970’s. One of the files that Dwyer examined is dated 1/22/60, entitled Anti-Fidel Castro Activities. The summary of this file reads, “January 12, 1960, Raul Cross, pilot for Arbana Airlines. The Cuban Government was having thirty pilots trained in Mexico, (using cover that they were being trained as crop dusters). They were using instructors from Chile at $700/month.” http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=96 Warren CD# 1085 is a letter from the Director of the FBI to Jay Lee Rankin dated June 11, 1964 with attached memos and reports. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=3 One of the Reports included is a memo from Dallas SA Wallace Heitman dated April 29, 1964. This Report discusses the residents of an address in Garland, Texas and the sighting of a Rambler station wagon parked in front with a bumper sticker that says, “Kill the Kennedy Klan.” While Heitman’s memo is heavily redacted, other research has revealed the two residents of 806 E. Monica in Garland, TX were Raul Castro and Juan Quintana. Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro had revealed that Raul Castro and Juan Quintana were members of Alpha-66 and the SNFE. For Bill Kelly: In 1963 the former resident of that address was Harold E. Yoder and his wife Rosie… He worked for Collins Radio. On page 6 of his memo, Heitman says this his source told him that the two unnamed subjects of the memo had been employed by him (the source) for approximately one year. He said they were Cuban citizens and who were trained as duster pilots in Mexico for the Cuban Government and later defected from the Fidel Castro Government and came to the United States. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=215 The two subjects were known to be violently anti-Castro and had attended the speech by Adlai Stevenson in Dallas when he got bonked on the head by a picket sign. The wives of both subjects of Heitman’s memo were Mexican citizens. One of the two subjects of this memo entered the U.S. illegally by swimming across the Rio Grande at Lightner’s Pump (sp?) about five miles east of Brownsville, TX. He crossed with his friend who was apprehended. Records of the INS revealed to Heitman that the subject had left Cuba in blank, 1960 and went to Mexico, which he left on December 26, 1960. The INS files reveal that the subject stated that many of the students attending the two airline schools he attended were Communists and Fidel Castro supporters. He named several students (redacted) studying to be air traffic control operators were known Communists. Just some food for thought: What if Raul Castro and Juan Quintana were double agents, sent to Mexico to ostensibly to train as crop dusters and then told to defect to the U.S. and infiltrate the anti-Castro Cuban exile community? They talked the talk, and went to anti-Castro rallies. Bought a John Birch Society bumper sticker for their car that read, “Kan the Kennedy Klan” that they changed to “Kill the Kennedy Klan”. They were discovered however, and the Rambler that one of them owned had a part to play in the JFK assassination, and they became patsies to blame the murder on Castro? Just speculating. Steve Thomas
  5. Duke, Just for my own curiousity... Helen lived at 328 E. 9th, which would have put her at 9th and Crawford? Do you know why she was coming down Patton? Did her bus headed to downtown not stop at Crawford and Jefferson? Just curious. Steve Thomas
  6. Bill, Do you know if Admiral Bruton's name surfaced in connection with the Thresher incident? Steve Thomas
  7. Mark, I'm sorry, but it was Fritz. Decker wasn't in the interrogation room. Steve Thomas
  8. Duke, FWIW: I just learned yesterday, from a Jerry Rose article in vol. 1, issue# 3 of the Third Decade, that a former residence of Carousel stripper, Joyce Lee McDonald, aka Joy Dale was 328 1/2 E. 9th. DPD Archives, Box 18, Folder# 9, Item# 2 p. 1 There is no information that they ever met. Steve Thomas
  9. Rex, Thanks for this. Hats off to you. Steve Thomas
  10. James, Hi Antti, Here is a shot of the DPD rifle. Interesting side note to this photograph is the identikit image on the far right. Who on earth is that supposed to be of? James Could you re-post the picture you referenced in this posting back in 2004? If it's the picture I am thinking of, I have my own suspicions. Steve Thomas
  11. Thomas, I think he has been identified as A.J. Millican. You can read his affidavit here: http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/millican.htm Steve Thomas
  12. Jim, Mine has always been the number of missed shots, and when they occurred. Steve Thomas
  13. Duke, From my reading, it appears that the Secret Service, especially the local Dallas office was given the task of tracking down various bus schedules; so I would look for reports from them. CD 689 is a report from SS Agent James Patterson about various bus schedules in the City of Dallas. Look around pp. 11+ Also the WC testimony of Cecil McWatters - the bus driver has a schedule of his route in 16H972 (I think it's CE 372) The print is so tiny in the Commission Documents that it's hard to follow. Steve Thomas
  14. Jack White wrote: Please see my thread on "Oswald's cranium" and tell me what you think. Steve Thomas
  15. I may be off the wall here, and if I am, that's okay. This goes back to the thread on Enid Gray and Oswald's appearance and whether he was 5'9" or 5'11". I got to looking at Oswald's picture on his June, 1963 passport and comparing it to the photo supposedly taken in Mexico in September for his visa application. Regardless of how close or far away the camera is, shouldn't the relative dimensions of a person's skull with respect to the length measuring from the tip of the chin to the top of the head vs. the width at the widest point remain the same? In the picture on the right (his visa application from Sept), measuring length to width, I am coming up with 27/16th's X 18/16th's (or about 14/8th's X 9/8th's). In the picture on the left (the June passport application), I am coming up with 16/16th's X 10/16th's (or 8/8th's X 5/8th's). The dimensions seem to be different. Steve Thomas
  16. Myra, I think you're right, and sorry about the quote thingy. Steve
  17. Myra, It's kind of interesting, I'm reading Anthony Summers', "Conspiracy." In it, he says that all of the job applications filled out in New Orleans in the summer of 1963 by a person claiming to be Lee Oswald listed his height as 5'9" tall. Oswald's Marine records listed him as 5'11" tall. I just read Oswald's autopsy report in the DPD Archives. LHO's height was given as 5'9". DPD Archives Box 2 Folder# 5, Item#'s 2 and 3. Interesting. Steve Thomas
  18. This part of george Bushs speech last night has not received any attention in the major news media, but when I heard it I was thunderstruck. He said: "A second task we can take on together is to design and establish a volunteer Civilian Reserve Corps. Such a corps would function much like our military reserve. It would ease the burden on the Armed Forces by allowing us to hire civilians with critical skills to serve on missions abroad when America needs them. And it would give people across America who do not wear the uniform a chance to serve in the defining struggle of our time." And I went huh? George Bush want to revamp Roosevelt's Civilian Conservation Corps and turn it into his own private army? Steve Thomas
  19. Peter, Can't help you with the people in the photo, but can you tell me what kind of blue and white car that is in the background? Steve Thomas
  20. http://www.jfk-online.com/jfk100bev.html On that page, Beverly Oliver is claimed to have said, "In recent years, she has begun claiming to have seen young police recruit Roscoe White on the grassy knoll just after the assassination, without a hat,..." About halfway through the Hughes film, there are movie pictures taken in the railyards. Just to the left of the relevant frames, there is a policeman standing there without a hat. Does his body type correspond to Roscoe White? I think maybe. Steve Thomas
  21. Greg, I was thinking of these two in particular: Clifford M Derzapf "The Shield" P. O. Box 1330 D. 21 Karen Martin Dallas Morning News Steve Thomas
  22. Peter, I don't think they are the same person. If they are, he has changed coats. The guy in Dealey Plaza has a handkerchief sticking out of his left breast pocket. The guy at Parkland has a coat that does not have a breast pocket. Steve Thomas
  23. Bill, It appears that Budget Auto Sales is still in business under the name BUDGET Car Sales of Dallas 4917 Ross Ave Dallas, Tx 75206 (214) 823-6200 or (888) 895-0818 here's their web site: http://www.budgetcarsalesdallas.com/ There is also a Budget Auto Sales in Dallas: Budget Auto 214-824-9922 2625 Live Oak St Dallas TX 75204 and Budget Auto Sales 214-398-5747 1021 S Buckner Blvd Dallas TX 75217 Steve Thomas
  24. Robert, Weren't those meetings in 1961? It would be hard for Robert to have attended meetings in 1963 if he died in 1962. I figure Couch attended the DRE meeting as a representative of WFAA-TV. There were several media people there. Steve Thomas
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