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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Leslie, Taking your second question first, I have not read the work of Hank Albarelli, so I cannot intelligently comment on it. With respect to your first question, Paul Brancato and I have gone round and round on this through the years. It's my opinion that Jack Crichton's 488th is the product of his overworked and fevered imagination. There was a real 488th Military Intelligence Detachment, (MID) and it did report to the Defence Intelligence Agency, but it wasn't Crichton's. He co-opted the name. See page 20 of this Forum thread: I correspnded with Thomas Cagley for several years and he told me that Crichton's 488th was more like a social club (like a VFW) than a real MID. Since Crichton did have an in with the Assistant Director of Intelligence (please forgive me, I can't remember the official title at the moment), Chrichton's 488th could well have trained at the Pentagon for a. couple of summers. I once asked Colonel Cagley, "when you signed your name to something, or sent a letter to someone, how would you have signed that document?" I don't have my notes with me at the moment, but his response was nothing like I have ever seen coming from Chrichton. Steve Thomas
  2. Leslie, The two statements cannot be simultaneously true. Batchelor's Exhibit# 5002 in the Warren Report alone lists over 600 Officers in the DPD in 1963. https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/pdf/WH19_Batchelor_Ex_5002.pdf Steve Thomas
  3. Judge to release parts of Georgia special grand jury report By KATE BRUMBACK 02/13/23 https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-georgia-grand-jury-fb2b882c3f404c196b73bc637e7cb32d?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_06 ATLANTA (AP) — "A judge has ordered the release of parts of a report produced by a special grand jury that investigated efforts by former President Donald Trump and his allies to overturn his narrow 2020 election loss in Georgia. Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney announced the decision on Monday, three weeks after hearing arguments from prosecutors, who urged the report be kept secret until they decide on charges, and a coalition of media organizations, which pressed for its release. McBurney said the introduction and conclusion of the report, as well as a section in which the grand jurors expressed concerns that some witnesses may have lied under oath, will be released Thursday." Steve Thomas
  4. I sure hope we are not shooting down extraterrestrial probes and pissing off some alien race somewhere. Steve Thomas
  5. Newspaper articles at the time reported that Josette Souetre was arrested at the Spanish/French frontier border town of Perthus on March 9, 1963 and charged with having a fake passport. An article on the previous day (March 12th) said that she was arrested on Friday (which would have been March 8th). She said that she was trying to get back into France to file for a divorce. The article said that she was accompanied by her parents, but make no mention of children. Arrestations dans la région pyrénéenne LE MONDE | 12.03.1963 à 00h00 • Mis à jour le 12.03.1963 à 00h00 http://www.lemonde.fr/archives/article/1963/03/12/arrestations-dans-la-region-pyreneenne_2216230_1819218.html?xtmc=souetre&xtcr=15 Abonnez vous à partir de 1 € Réagir Ajouter Partager Tweeter • LE PERTHUS : Mme Souètre appréhendée avec un faux passeport. Mme Josette Souètre, femme du capitaine qui, après s'être évadé l'an dernier du camp de l'Ardoise, a rejoint les rangs de l'O.A.S., a été arrêtée vendredi après-midi au poste frontière du Perthus (Pyrénées-Orientales), alors qu'elle tentait de passer d'Espagne en France avec un faux passeport. Venant probablement de Barcelone, elle était accompagnée de ses parents, M. et Mme Marcailhou d'Aymerie. Autorisée à déjeuner sous surveillance au Perthus, elle fut ensuite conduite à Perpignan où elle est gardée au commissariat central pour usage de faux passeport. Aucune autre charge n'a été retenue contre elle pour l'instant. Jacques VILLARD is a genealogist and a chronicler of the OAS. He put together a genealogy of Jean-Rene Marie Souetre and his son, Yannick Souetre. Jean-Rene https://gw.geneanet.org/jvillard1?lang=fr&n=souetre&oc=0&p=jean+rene+marie Yannick https://gw.geneanet.org/jvillard1?lang=fr&pz=jacques+roger+joseph+arsene&nz=villard&p=yannick&n=souetre According to Villard, Yannick was born on October 7, 1964 in Palma de Mallorca. Josette was his mother. Né le 7 octobre 1964 (mercredi) - Palma de Mallorca, , Islas Baleares, Islas Baleares, Espagne I cannot vouch for the accuracy of Villard. He has Jean-Rene being born in 1931 instead of 1930, and lists his date of death as June 18th, instead of June 15th. (Jean-Rene died on June 15, 2001, but, for some reason, his death certificate wasn’t signed until June 18th) However, several other sources said that Jean-Rene moved to Palma de Majorqu from Madrid, so it is conceivable that that is where Yannick was born. Josette and Jean-Rene would ultimately divorce and Jean-Rene married a third time in 1972 to a woman named, Françoise Marie Agnès HOURTIC http://jeanjviala.free.fr/1963 a 1965.htm Le colonel Broizat vivait à Madrid, Joseph Ortiz, le docteur Kovacs, Jacques Achard et Jean-René Souètre à Palma de Majorque, Author: Vincent Quivy “In the autumn of 1963, however, he received 1 million old francs which enabled him to buy a business on the beach in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.” http://paras.forumsactifs.net/t13070-grand-combattant-jean-souetre by Commandoair40 June Le colonel Broizat vivait à Madrid, Joseph Ortiz, le docteur Kovacs, Jacques Achard et Jean René Souetre à Palma de Majorque, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palma,_Majorca “Palma de Mallorca is the major city and capital city of the autonomous community of the Balearic Islands in Spain. It is situated on the south coast of the island on the Bay of Palma. As of the 2009 census, the population of the city of Palma proper was 401,270, and the population of the entire urban area was 517,285, ranking as the twelfth largest urban area of Spain.” Souetre would return to Palma de Majorque in 1971 after his sojourn in Africa with the Tschombe affair. OAS-Madrid OAS-Madrid http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organisation_armée_secrète Dissident group claiming the central leadership of the OAS. Some members of the Madrid group quickly arrested by Spanish police (Guardia Civil). Pierre Lagaillarde, MP Joseph Ortiz Colonel Antoine Argoud, who became deputy Georges Bidault, Minister Colonel Charles Lacheroy There is this information, but I have never seen this information about the WILL-KILL company anywhere else, so I can’t corroborate it, other than what Vincent Quivy said about Soetre receiving 1 million francs in the autumn of 1963 to buy a business in Palma de Mallorca. Souetre was given the rank of Major by Moiishe Tshombe in the Congolese struggles, and went by the name of Major Constant. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/S%20Disk/Souetre%20Jean%20with%20aka's/Item%2010.pdf This was in the Weisberg Collection – Item10 – author unknown. Letter to Fensterwald? Was this letter from Louis Assemat-Tessandier? “As I already have written you, SOUETRE officially resided in Spain from 1962 to 1971. He had two firms and shares in a third, that of Commander CONSTANT, whose identity he used. The first was domiciled Palma Nova de Majorque and was a business, the, domiciled at Madrid, was an extermination and fumigation company, "Will-Kill". This company hired most of the survivors of the Delta group. More particularly the Hungarian group, whose principal members were LASLO VARGA, MARTON and GUYLA SARI. “ I thought the idea of Joseph Ortiz following Souetre from Madrid to Palma de Mallorque was interesting and would like to research him a little. For a little while, I was researching a person named Yannick Souetre, who was a graphic artist in the fantasy computer games world. His artwork was very good, but I was not able to determine if this Yannick was the son of Jean-Rene. Steve Thomas
  6. It's been a long time since I looked into this, but I remember that Josette had gone on to become an accomplished bridge player and had been in several tournaments. Steve ThomasI
  7. Andy Biggs skips classified spy balloon briefing so he can go on Fox News and whine about it by David Edwards February 09, 2023 https://www.rawstory.com/andy-biggs-spy-balloon/ “Fox News host Harris Faulkner began her interview with Biggs on Thursday by telling the audience that he had just returned from a classified briefing on the airship. "I know that some of it is classified; you can't share all of it, but what can you tell us?" Faulkner asked. "Well, I'm not going to — I didn't go to that classified briefing because I knew I'd be talking to you," Biggs said. "Instead, I had a discussion yesterday." The congressman did not say who had briefed him, but he offered conclusions about the spy flight”. “Faulkner thanked Biggs for skipping the classified briefing "so you could share so much with the Faulkner Focus."” These people are so full of it, I can't hardlly STAND it. Steve Thomas
  8. 'Conspiracy of dunces': CNN panel torches 'idiot' Republican narratives about Twitter by Brad Reed February 09, 2023 https://www.rawstory.com/republican-twitter-hearing/ “Scott Galloway, a professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business, was even more blunt in his assessment of the House GOP's [House Oversight Committee] hearing. "The only conspiracy here is a conspiracy of dunces," he declared. "This communicates to every Chinese official: 'Send more balloons, these people are idiots."” Steve Thomas
  9. I am a human being. I am not a Chatbot. And what are we going to when Chatbots start talking to each other and insulting each other's mothers? Chatbot http://https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chatbot Politics Edit See also: Government by algorithm § AI politicians In New Zealand, the chatbot SAM – short for Semantic Analysis Machine[55] (made by Nick Gerritsen of Touchtech[56]) – has been developed. It is designed to share its political thoughts, for example on topics such as climate change, healthcare and education, etc. It talks to people through Facebook Messenger.[57][58][59][60] In 2022, the chatbot "Leader Lars" or "Leder Lars" was nominated for The Synthetic Party to run in the Danish parliamentary election,[61] and was built by the artist collective Computer Lars.[62] Leader Lars differed from earlier virtual politicians by leading a political party and by not pretending to be an objective candidate.[63] This chatbot engaged in critical discussions on politics with users from around the world.[64] In India, the state government has launched a chatbot for its Aaple Sarkar platform,[65] which provides conversational access to information regarding public services managed.[66][67] Tay, an AI chatbot that learns from previous interaction, caused major controversy due to it being targeted by internet trolls on Twitter. The bot was exploited, and after 16 hours began to send extremely offensive Tweets to users. This suggests that although the bot learned effectively from experience, adequate protection was not put in place to prevent misuse.[74] If a text-sending algorithm can pass itself off as a human instead of a chatbot, its message would be more credible. Therefore, human-seeming chatbots with well-crafted online identities could start scattering fake news that seems plausible, for instance making false claims during an election. With enough chatbots, it might be even possible to achieve artificial social proof.[75][76] Steve Thomas maybe
  10. 'This is insane': Experts hammer Kevin McCarthy for letting George Santos attend classified China briefing By David Badash, February 8, 2023 https://www.rawstory.com/this-is-insane-experts-hammer-kevin-mccarthy-for-letting-george-santos-attend-classified-china-briefing/ "Just last month Speaker McCarthy banned two top House Democrats, Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff, from returning to the Intelligence Committee. While he claimed it was for national security reasons, some believe it was retribution for their roles in prosecuting Donald Trump’s impeachments. “I cannot put partisan loyalty ahead of national security, and I cannot simply recognize years of service as the sole criteria for membership on this essential committee. Integrity matters more,” McCarthy wrote in a letter. Retired U.S. Naval War College professor Tom Nichols, an academic specialist on international affairs including Russia, nuclear weapons, and national security affairs, tweeted: “This is insane.”" Steve Thomas
  11. David, There is a whole write up on Jourdes in the web site you referenced earlier: https://deltas-collines.org/galerie/JOURDES And, yes, that picture is in there. Jourdes was in Sante. Thanks for your help. Steve Thomas
  12. Leslie, Mertz, from your composite: Souetre composite #1 On the base of Culumb-Bechar, 1957 Lieutenant Tromoni (on left) Souetre (on right) #2 Sergeant Lemineur (on left) and Souetre (on right) Algeria circa 1960 http://www.commando-air.com/page10.php?view=preview&category=1&q&image=168&ImageGalleryPage=4 #3 Soetre in Sante Prison (I think. I have not been avle to verify. The other person is unknown) Steve Thomas
  13. Leslie, Thank you. Yes, you provided this composite on page 8 in the Thread, "Coup in Dallas" here: https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/27407-coup-in-dallas/page/8/ In your post, you included a pdf file, that if a person clicks on it, can be downloaded. I did, and yes, there is no resemlance. You won't need to upload it again, at least for my benefit anyway. I would disagree with the author of the piece that the French authorities knew that JFK would be assassinated that day. By 1963, Mertz had been expelled from France and was living in Montreal running drugs, probably as part of Lucien Rivard's network. Steve Thomas
  14. Souetre's father http://gw.geneanet.org/jls29?lang=fr&pz=gabin&nz=souetre&ocz=0&p=rene+jean&n=souetre&oc=1 Rene Jean Souetre: Born on August 3, 1893 at 33 rue dirot - Brest,29200, Finistere, Bretagne, FRANCE January 18, 1930 Marriage (avec Jeanne Helytte SAUGNAC) - Bordeaux,33000,Gironde,Aquitaine,FRANCE July 2, 1936 Marriage annuled (avec Berthe Marie Agnes VANDAL de COLLIGNY) - Rome,ITALIE (He had divorced her on December 28, 1928) Honors: La Legion d'honneur Cote LH/2530/60 February 16, 1944 Died Ayguemortes les Graves, 33 Gironde, FRANCE (He would have died when Jean-Rene was 13). Sous officier de la Marine Nationnale (Non-commissioned officer) http://gw.geneanet.org/jls29?lang=fr&m=N&v=SOUETRE Jean-Rene Marie Souetre First marriage to Marcelle Christiane Berrotte in a civil ceremony on August 21, 1954, and in a Catholic ceremony in St. Nicolas at Bordeaux on August 23, 1954. They had a child named Myriam. Second marriage to Josette Suzanne Marcailhou d'Aymeric on January 26, 1962. They had a child named Yannick. Third marriage to Françoise Marie Agnes Hourtic on August 3, 1972. They had a child named Yann Fabrice. At 11 years old, he embraced the military career, enrolling in a military prep school (enfant de troupe) first at Billom, then at Autun. As I understand it, the system of military prep schools was established by the ordinance of King Louis XV in 1766 for the sons of former officers. http://www.aet-association.org/aet/ecoles/ecoles_disparues_france/9/file.2005-02-06.3750752970.pdf Jean-Rene was in a military boarding school and then in the Air Force from the time he was 11 years old. I was never able to really nail down the following. I don’t know if there really is such a person, or if it was somebody trying to contact Jean-Rene through a ruse. Post by a guest in the Forum: Le Forum des Commandos de L'Air Lun 14 Jul 2008 14:58 http://commando-air-forum.forum2discussion.com/t2562-presentation Bonjour, Grâce à votre site, j'ai pu voir hier soir pour la première fois des photos de mon père Jean René Souêtre. Cela m'a beaucoup émue. Je n'avais vu qu'une minuscule photo de lui, parue dans un journal. Ma mère l'a connu à Châlons sur Marne. A l'époque de ma naissance en 1954, on avait le culte du secret en ce qui concerne les enfants naturels, et ma mère n'a accepté de me révéler son identité que quand j'ai eu 19 ans. J'ai décidé à l'époque d'enfouir tout cela le plus profond possible, ne connaissant rien de lui, et craignant un rejet, et de déranger. Seulement quand mon fils unique a eu 13 ans, son visage s'est transformé, et il s'est mis à lui ressembler... Maintenant que le temps a passé et qu'il n'est plus de ce monde, j'aimerais apprendre à le connaître par des personnes qui l'ont apprécié, et peut-être avoir quelques photos de lui si vous pouvez m'en procurer. J'aimerais aussi entrer en contact avec le sergent Lemineur, qui apparemment était l'un de ses amis proches. Merci d'avance à tous ! Catherine Hello, Thank you for your site, I have could to see tonight for the first time some photos of my father Jean Rene Souetre. It is most touching to me. I have never seen that small photo of him, published in a journal. My mother was well known in Chalons on Marne. At the time of my birth in 1954, we had the cult of secrecy concerning the bith of natural children, (another translation is illegitimate children) and my mother had not accepted to reveal to me her identity that until I was 19 years old. I decided at the time to bury it all deep as possible, not knowing anything of him and fearing rejection and to disturb. Only when my only son was 13 years old, his appearance changed and he began to look like him... Catherine Now that time has passed and he his not more of this world, I would like to begin to know by those who appreciated him and perhaps to have some photos of him if you can provide them to me. I would like also to enter into contact with Sergeant Lemineur, who apparently was one of his close friends. Thanks in advance to you! Catherine. (Chalons was a city in the Marne Department of France. It was re-named Châlons-en-Champagne near Rheims. This is champagne country). - Wikipedia - http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tramway_de_Châlons-sur-Marne (For a short while, the city was known as Chalons-sur-Marne but in 1998, reverted back to its original name of Chalons-en-Champagne. The city has since consolidated its position as regional capital.). http://www.chalons-en-champagne.net/index.php/english/ (It was here that Atilla the Hun was defeated in 451 by the Romans and Visigoths). http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Chalons-sur-Marne In 1967 Bob Denard was sent by the SDECE to Luanda to muder Jean Rene Souetre http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/S%20Disk/Souetre%20Jean%20with%20aka's/Item%2015.pdf page16 see also page19 for the details. Jean-Rene and Josette were marriedi n February, 1962. On March 9, 1963, Josette was arrested traveling on a fake passport at the small border crossing between Spain and France known as Perthus. She was trying to get back into France to file for a divorce. Mme SOUÈTRE AFFIRME QU'ELLE EST VENUE EN FRANCE POUR DIVORCER LE MONDE | 13.03.1963 à 00h00 • Mis à jour le 13.03.1963 à 00h00 http://www.lemonde.fr/archives/article/1963/03/13/mme-souetre-affirme-qu-elle-est-venue-en-france-pour-divorcer_2217664_1819218.html?xtmc=souetre&xtcr=14 " Je n'ai été chargée d'aucune mission pour le compte de l'O.A.S. ", a-t-elle ajouté. “I am not on a mission for the OAS.” she said Steve Thomas
  15. Republicans expect 'balloons in the audience' for Joe Biden's State of the Union speech ny David Edwards February 07, 2023 https://www.rawstory.com/state-of-the-union-balloons/ One caller to San Antonio's WOAI morning show floated the idea of Republicans bringing balloons to the speech to protest Biden's handling of a surveillance aircraft from China that traversed the U.S. last week. "And also, there will be balloons in the audience so that should be quite entertaining." Host Chris Duel called the idea "fantastic." "If there's balloons in the audience, that's just going to be fantastic," he said. "If the Republicans all come with white balloons, blow them up, that would be great," co-host "Mr. T" agreed. Co-host Charity McCurdy predicted it would be "a true circus”. Steve Thomas
  16. Santos’ unusual $199.99 campaign expenses are putting scrutiny on his longtime treasurer By Fredreka Schouten, Kara Scannell and Gregory Krieg, CNN Updated 7:25 AM EST, Tue February 7, 2023 https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/07/politics/george-santos-treasurer/index.html “In the fall of 2020, then-New York Rep. Lee Zeldin’s campaign submitted a report to federal regulators with a series of unusual expenses: 21 payments on a single day of exactly $199.99 each. The outlays – each just one penny below the dollar figure above which campaigns are required to keep receipts – all went to anonymous recipients. It’s a pattern that has emerged recently in the filings of another New York Republican politician: Embattled freshman Rep. George Santos. The Zeldin and Santos congressional campaigns had one more thing in common: They shared a treasurer, Nancy Marks” Nah. Nothing to see here. It’s just a coincidence. Steve Thomas
  17. FBI - HSCA Subject File: Jean Souetre https://www.maryferrell.org/php/showlist.php?docset=1434 Document# 7 Notice the date (Had the CIA decided to use him after all?) FBI - HSCA Subject File: Jean Souetre https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=83405#relPageId=1 Document# 11 Steve Thomas
  18. George Santos is the superstar MAGA deserves by Amanda Marcotte, Salon February 06, 2023 https://www.rawstory.com/george-santos-2659376500/ “But there's an even darker reason that Carlson, Bannon, Taylor Greene, etc. have decided to rally round Santos: He's very useful as a weapon in their larger war on truth”. “There's a point to right-wingers constantly saying and "believing" things they know not to be true. It's about devaluing empirical reality. Fascists want "truth" to flow from what the right-wing authority figures say is "true," not from lived experience or verifiable facts. They are trying to construct a world where facts don't matter, and only power does.” “The first step is getting their tribal community to agree collectively to stop distinguishing between true and false and to only claim to believe what is convenient for their leaders or their cause. For that goal, Santos is useful.“ Donald Trump: 'What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening' https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-44959340 Steve Thomas
  19. More than Skorzeny, I think a more fruitful line of research would be to look at Souetre's relationship with Yves Guerin-Serac. It was Guerin-Serac who Souetre was with when they met with representatives of the CIA in Madrid in May of 1963. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yves_Guérin-Sérac Yves Guérin-Sérac, born Yves Guillou (also known as Jean-Robert de Guernadec or Ralf; 2 December 1926 – 9 March 2022[1]) was a French anti-Communist Roman Catholic activist, former officer of the French army and veteran of the First Indochina War (1945–54), the Korean War (1950–53) and the Algerian War of Independence (1955–62). He was also a member of the elite troop of the 11ème Demi-Brigade Parachutiste de Choc, which worked with the SDECE (French intelligence agency), and a founding member of the Organisation armée secrète (OAS), a French terrorist group based in Spain which fought against Algerian independence in 1961-62.[2] It was alleged that he was an instigator of the so-called strategy of tension in Italy, and the main organizer of the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing.[3] Steve Thomas
  20. Chris, I just don't know. I'm still learning. As far as believed vs. confirming, people believe many things. All I know is that he denied he was in Dallas all through the 1970's, 1980's and 1990"s up until his death in 2001. Steve Thomas
  21. There was a throwaway line in something Jean-Claude Perez told Fensterwald in 1982. He said that, “post 1962, Souetre was part of an ultra-right, ultra-Catholic splinter group which included four men named Pichon, Lefevre, Bourget, and Grossouvre. Group called Integraliste http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/S%20Disk/Souetre%20Jean%20with%20aka%27s/Item%2011.pdf p. 4. François de Grossouvre (29 March 1918 – 7 April 1994) was a French politician charged in 1981 by newly elected president François Mitterrand with overseeing national security and other sensitive matters, in particular those concerning Lebanon, Syria, Morocco, Gabon, the Persian Gulf countries, Pakistan and the two Korea. He was also in charge of the French branch of Gladio, Nato's stay-behind paramilitary secret armies during the Cold War. He was found dead with gunshot wounds at the Élysée Palace, the French President's official residence. The official verdict was suicide. François de Grossouvre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/François_de_Grossouvre In 1943 he married Claudette Berger, daughter of an industrialist, Antoine Berger, and had six children. Grossouvre managed his family-in-law's companies Le Bon Sucre (1944–63) and A. Berger et Cie (1949–63), and then founded the Générale Sucrière sugar company. Along with Italian collaborators, businessman Gilbert Beaujolin and the American Alexandre Patty, he succeeded in obtaining an exclusive production licence for Coca-Cola and building the first factory of this type in France. Distribution was by the Société parisienne de boissons gazeuses and the Glacières de Paris, both subsidiaries of Pastis Pernod. (Remember Souetre was the manager? Of a sugar company in Martinique) According to Fensterwald in A Possible French Connection, Souetre “spent much time in Martinique where nominally, he was the Director of a sugar refinery whose head office was in France at Arcis sur Aube.” http://www.xiconhoca.org/PDF/DDeRoux/Apossiblefrenchconnection.pdf page 13 of the memo page 15 of the pdf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcis-sur-Aube “Besides many big farms producing all sorts of cereals, the sugar industry has a big plant there Cristal Union.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/François_de_Grossouvre During World War II, François de Grossouvre was posted as auxiliary physician in a regiment of Moroccan tirailleurs, and then joined the ski troops in the Vercors region. There he met Captain Bousquet, who created one of the first units of the Organisation de résistance de l'armée (ORA). He then returned to Lyon, where he received his doctorate in 1942. Afterward, he became doctor of the 11th regiment of Cuirassiers, headed by Colonel Lormeau.[4] Grossouvre then became a member of Joseph Darnand's Service d'ordre légionnaire (SOL), a Vichyst militia. He left it in 1943 to fight in the Vercors, joining the Maquis of the Chartreuse, near Grenoble (code-name "Clober"). After the Liberation, it was found that he had in fact infiltrated the SOL on behalf of ORA. Grossouvre was then recruited in 1950 by the French SDECE intelligence agency to replace Gilbert Union, official in Lyon and who had worked with the military agency BCRA, and became leader of Arc-en-Ciel, the regional branch of Gladio (Lyon region), NATO's stay-behind anti-communist organizations during the Cold War, under the code-name "Monsieur Leduc".[1][5] According to former SDECE agent Louis Mouchon, "His business, the A. Berger et Cie Sugar company, offered ample opportunities to stage fronts. He really had excellent contacts." According to The Economist's obituary, "He was recruited into the French espionage service and helped to organise Gladio, an American backed plan to create an armed resistance movement in Western Europe against a Russian invasion." Created by Colonel Fourcaud, in liaison with the US National Security Council, and then by Grossouvre, this network allegedly used the SAC Gaullist militia and the DPS, the National Front's currently dissolved militia.[6] The DPS was created along with Jacques Foccart, after the 1982 dissolution of the SAC, and allegedly provided mercenaries for activities in the former French colonies in Africa.[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/François_de_Grossouvre According to former SDECE agent Louis Mouchon, "His business, the A. Berger et Cie Sugar company, offered ample opportunities to stage fronts. He really had excellent contacts." I believe the part about the KGB infiltrating the SDECE. It was the same thing that Vosjoli and Goytsin were telling the Americains. This information was causing the Americans great consternation. I think Kennedy even wrote DeGaulle a handwritten letter about it. I think the French were trying to steal American nuclear technology and it was getting back to the Russians. After his escape from the prison camp in February, 1962, I wondered how, on foot, he was able to get from the southern coast of France to Spain in 1963. I think it was through the efforts of Pierre Guillaume – head of the naval section of the OAS, and naval advisor to one of the Putsch generals, but I can't remember if it was Gardy, or Jouhaud. Souetre would take Guillaume's place in the OAS when Guillaume was arrested in 1962. Les soldats perdus : des anciens de l'OAS racontent Author: Vincent Quivy “ Without economy and without resources since he had deserted, Soueter was trying to work to earn enough. In the autumn of 1963, however, he received 1 million old francs which enabled him to buy a business on the beach in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.” The OAS veterans who made it to the Balearic Islands were destitute. I'm not sure about the 1 milliion francs. Quivy doesn't say who gave it to him. http://jeanjviala.free.fr/1963 a 1965.htm Le colonel Broizat vivait à Madrid, Joseph Ortiz, le docteur Kovacs, Jacques Achard et Jean-René Souètre à Palma de Majorque, Athanase Georgeopoulos, Robert Tabarot, Michel de la Bigne et Camille Vignau dans la région d'Alicante ... "En situation irrégulière, ils ne pouvaient obtenir un emploi et vivaient dans le dénuement". Anne Dulphy L'algérie française et l'Espagne franquiste in l'Algérianiste, numéro 121 mars 2008. “In an irregular situation, the were not able to obtain employment and lived in destitution”. Palma de Mallorca is the major city and capital city of the autonomous community of the Balearic Islands in Spain. It is situated on the south coast of the island on the Bay of Palma. As of the 2009 census, the population of the city of Palma proper was 401,270, and the population of the entire urban area was 517,285, ranking as the twelfth largest urban area of Spain - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palma,_Majorca He would return to Palma de Majorque in 1971 after his sojourn in Africa with the Tschombe affair. Steve Thomas
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