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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Trump 'gala' honoring J6 rioters' 'courage and sacrifice' may violate his bail terms by Carl Gibson, AlterNet https://www.rawstory.com/trumps-gala-honoring-courage-and-sacrifice-of-j6-rioters-may-violate-his-terms-of-rel/ "According to NJ.com, the ex-president is hosting a "J6 awards gala" at his Bedminster, New Jersey golf club next month. Progressive group MeidasTouch reported that on September 5, Trump will be joined by former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and MAGA influencer Anthony Raimondi at the event, where he is expected to personally address participants in the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. "We gather to pay tribute not only to these individuals but to all J6 defendants who have shown incredible courage and sacrifice," the event's description read.” As a convicted felon, you are not allowed to associate with other felons. I hope this clown does something stupid like that and they throw his ass in jail. Steve Thomas
  2. Trump's cult of personality threatens to hasten the demise of the GOP Establishment Republicans' DNC epiphany may have come too late By CHAUNCEY DEVEGA AUGUSt 22, 2024 https://www.salon.com/2024/08/22/of-personality-threatens-to-hasten-the-demise-of-the/ - To paraphrase- Because the Republican Party is a cult of personality, Donald Trump's character flaws become the Party's flaws. Their whole Party platform is, "whatever Trump wants". His constant lying, alternate reality, racism and misogyny, become theirs as well, and will ultimately lead to their downfall, perhaps for years to come. Steve Thomas
  3. - Donald Trump - "The highly overrated Jewish Governor of the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, made a really bad and poorly delivered speech..." why did Trump go out of his way to describe Shapiro as a "Jewish" Governor? He could have said the "skinny" Governor, or "fat" Governor, or "tall" or "short" Governor, but no, he had to define him as the "Jewish" Governor. Shades of Adolph Hitler. Steve Thomas
  4. - Donald Trump 08/21/24 - "Adversarial relationships are not good in politics!" Ummmm.... Steve Thomas
  5. Former President Donald Trump took time out of his day Tuesday to muse that people can't even go to the grocery store anymore without getting raped, mugged or even shot. "You can't walk across the street to get a loaf of bread, you get shot, and you get mugged, you get raped, whatever it may be. You've seen it. I've seen it," Trump said. That's why I, personally, have all my bread delivered. Steve Thomas
  6. Matt, Yes, and he wanted to Trade Puerto Rico for Greenland. Trump Wanted to Trade Puerto Rico for Greenland, and Yes, He Was Completely Serious: Report https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/09/donald-trump-greenland-puerto-rico Guess he was tired of throwing out all those paper towels. When the Prime Minister of Denmark said, "No.", he called her, "Nasty," Why is it that any woman who says, "No" to Donald Trump, is "Nasty"? hhhmmmmm... Steve Thomas
  7. Trump’s First Harris Campaign Attack Ad Has Some Embarrassingly Misleading Elements By Ben Blanchet Aug 19, 2024, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-border-harris-attack-ad-misleading_n_66c2d23ae4b00547468b99c3\ “Donald Trump tied Vice President Kamala Harris to “America’s border crisis” in a campaign ad that showed a series of misleading images, including those from the former president’s first term, the Washington Post has revealed. A narrator for the Trump campaign ad, the first one attacking Harris after she joined the 2024 race last month, declared that Harris had “failed” Americans due to Biden administration policies on the southern border. The ad then heads to a slideshow of images showing people making border crossings. But at least three of the pictures, which appear to have been taken from Getty Images, were snapped at the U.S.-Mexico border back in 2018 when Trump was in office, the Post noted. Another photo from the ad was taken in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2019.” And that's why Trump is going to lose this race. His team is sloppy and amateurish. Steve Thomas
  8. - Chris Matthews - "Trump looks like an idiot when he talks about being a Miss America contestant or he is better looking than her," (Kamala Harris) Where's that damn tiara? Steve Thomas
  9. YHouse Republicans release their impeachment report on Biden but the next steps are uncertain BY LISA MASCARO AND FARNOUSH AMIRI August 19, 2024 https://apnews.com/article/house-republicans-joe-biden-impeachment-0659ac1d6bca42332647fddd0f9150fb WASHINGTON (AP) — "House Republicans have released their initial impeachment inquiry report on President Joe Biden, alleging an abuse of power and obstruction of justice in the financial dealings of his son Hunter Biden and family associates. The nearly yearlong inquiry by Republicans stops short of alleging any criminal wrongdoing by the president. Instead, the almost 300-page report out Monday, the opening day of the Democratic National Convention, covers familiar ground, asserting the Biden family traded on its “brand” in business ventures in corrupt ways that rise to the Constitution’s high bar for impeachment." The House Republicans are nothing if not amateurish and clumsy. Releasing this on Monday, the first day of the DNC Convention is pure coincidence, I tell you. Pure coincidence. Steve Thomas
  10. "Trump claims Harris did not pick Shapiro as her running mate 'because he’s Jewish" https://www.rawstory.com/trump-harris-shapiro/ Donald Truump is truly an evil man. Steve Thomas
  11. I personally think this is the way we should settle things in our Congress" https://apnews.com/video/turkey-prisons-recep-tayyip-erdogan-a16c6f3c22354bfaa74cd6fa1f532d4d Steve Thomas
  12. Newly re-hired Trump campaign aide Cory Lewandowski - “How could anyone not be excited to help elect this man?” I'm excited to be back on the Campaign Team to help deliver victory in 2024. So get off the couch and join us, the President needs your help.” If J. D. Vance can do it, so can you. Steve Thomas
  13. Donald Trump speaks to a group of tampon-on-their-head, adult diaper on the outside of their pants wearing rally goers" "We're not weird. They're weird." Steve Thomas
  14. Well, Donald Trump just lost the veterans' vote. Last week he lost the labor vote when he said it was good to fire striking workers. His Vice-Presidential running mate is doing everything he can to piss off all the women in the country. He told Jewish people that if they don't vote for him, they're not real Americans. (candidates for deportation maybe?) Kamala Harris is rockin it with the youth vote. Trump and Team are running out of people to woo. Steve Thomas
  15. How Trump's new gibberish speeches are alienating swing voters by John Stoehr August 16, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/trump-gibberish/?utm_source=breaking “Every public event since has made the point – Trump’s habitual incoherence is getting worse, and the worse it gets, the more he alienates voters he must have to break through the ceiling of 43.5 percent of the electorate. His acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, his interview at the meeting of the National Association of Black Journalists, his press conference last week at Mar-a-Lago, his “economy speech” last night in North Carolina, and today’s presser at his New Jersey club – all of them featured gibberish so acute that he may as well have been speaking a foreign language. His trash-talk isn’t alienating swing voters. His gibberish is.” Steve Thomas
  16. - Donald Trump - "We gave her (tMiriam Adelson) the Presidential Medal of Freedom. It’s much better than the Congressional Medal of Honor because soldiers get the Congressional. And they’re in very bad shape because they've been hit so many times by bullets or they're dead. She gets it and she's a healthy beautiful woman, and they're rated equal." Bunch of suckers and losers. Steve Thomas
  17. - J.D. Vance - "I honor every member of every branch of our armed forces, but the one thing that I think the Marines really do well is we have the best motto," Vance said. "I'm biased with Semper Fidelis — always faithful, right?" "You hear Marines say it all the time, Semper Fi, and to me, what it means is that Marines are always faithful to our country," he continued. "I want to expound upon it because I really do think that Donald Trump exemplifies that motto ...” Okay These people really do live in their own little world, don't they? Steve Thomas
  18. Number of days that have gone without J.D. Vance insulting women: 0 https://x.com/cmclymer/status/1823897249958465645 Steve Thomas
  19. 'Fake prayers': Trump ally Laura Loomer lashes out at pro-Kamala Harris evangelicals by Brad Reed August 14, 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/evangelicals-for-harris-larua-loomer/ “The newly formed Evangelicals for Harris organization on Tuesday evening earned Loomer's ire when it said that its members would be praying for her. "Ms. Laura Loomer, we will be praying for you as we pray for everyone," they wrote on X. "We see you overcome with hurt and resentment. There is a path out of the darkness, and it's never too late to walk with us. When Kamala Harris is justly elected president, don't forget that God loves you." "I don’t want your fake prayers," Loomer shot back in response. "Your prayers have no value because the prayers of charlatans are self serving and void of sincerity. Save them for your black supremacist friends who called on white people to 'divest from whiteness.'"” Fake prayers? Is that like the Fake Media and Fake Polls and Fake Politicians and Fake Everything? Racist to the core. Steve Thomas
  20. Musk in 2023 claimed he'd fired roughly 6,500 of then-Twitter's 8,000-member staff, Business Today reported. "Well you, you're the greatest cutter," said Trump with a laugh. "I won't mention the name of the company, but they go on strike and you say, 'That's okay, you're all gone, you're all gone. So every one of you is gone.' And you are the greatest." This will go down well in Michigan, don't you think? Steve Thomas
  21. To prove Trump’s Big Lie': Colorado's Peters found guilty in elections security case Sharon Sullivan, Colorado Newsline August 13, 2024 7:23AM ET https://www.rawstory.com/tina-peters-guilty/ 'Bout time Time for these people to start going to jail. Steve Thomas
  22. I read a line today that the more Trump loses, the crazier he gets. And the crazier he gets, the more he loses. He's trapped in a vicious cycle. Steve Thomas
  23. W., Joe Biden was asked about this one time and he said he wasn't too worried, "We have F-16's", he said. What I fear is that we are for a long protracted struggle of violent incidents at the local, and county level - small-scale hit-and-run guerilla tactics, blowing up bridges and power stations, murders of local politicians and judges, that kind of thing. I've always said that it's going to come down to the military, and which units decide to obey whose orders I don't envy the stress local law enforcement is going to undergo in the coming weeks and years. Steve Thomas
  24. Matt, Charlie Sykes says that Trump is laying the groundwork now for denying the results of the election in November. If you look at this post https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GUt8QTIW8AA_pz9?format=jpg&name=small, he uses the word CHEAT four times. He also uses the words DISQUALIFIED and ELECTION INTERFERENCE, In other posts, Trump has said that the Harris candidacy is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Trump will never accept the results of the next election, and in all seriousness, we should be prepared for what comes after. Steve Thomas
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