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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. Von Pein has suffered lately, mightily... I suspect what he's doing is bolstering his loon nut position for nutter's (his choir) sake. He needs a victory of any sort and can't find one. Even co-authoring a nutter book. So its back to shoring up his own disinfo site. The 1964 Warren Commission Report is garbage. Of course Mark Lane and Harold Weisberg knew THAT way back when! DVP is coming to understand that!
  2. Anyone have any idea of Mike Hogan's status? --Thanks
  3. Is that the same Bell Helicopter Company that was going bankrupt prior to JFK's assassination? Only to be resurrected by LBJ gaining the Whitehouse? Not to mention the Vietnam War? One-in-the-same?
  4. now THAT'LL get you to movement, a bowel movement!
  5. 2017 is approaching. Many documents will be released. It does not take a rocket scientist to ASSUME, there are some here who are taking the JFK assassination research community temperature. Trial balloons, rehashing research past, claimed alphabet agency participants-operatives... what better place for that kind of digging-rooting, than here.... what-a-game! The 1964 Warren Commission Report is trash... get over it.
  6. Quaker Charity = Grandstanding I'm pretty much done with this nonsense, Paul B. Mr Trejo can post to himself.
  7. Of that, "(to be continued)" I'm sure. And THAT is sad. Ya know Paul, until you get Ruth Paine and/or her spokesperson in front of a microphone and camera answering a couple hundred questions, unscripted, this Paine thread banter is going nowhere. Why not start a new thread, Slice and Dice your favorite reviewer with Paul and Thomas hosting? You're not jealous of Jimmy Di are ya? lmfao!
  8. Not sure about 1984, but, an explanation is definitely overdue, please...
  9. Get real? And that's the best anyone can do for Ruthie? What a flimsy defense.
  10. I'm sure Ernie there are quite a few looking forward to your next critique. And even a few full of dread re your next work/findings...
  11. A simple question regarding this particular issue (from my viewpoint): does Watergate have any relationship with the murder of JFK? If so, draw your conclusions as to how the relationship works, post in the appropriate Watergate topic for forum members to comment. Discussion can begin in a new Watergate thread. If not, keep Watergate discussion(s), resentment(s) in separate thread(s). PERIOD! Out of JFK assassination-related threads! This forums power is simple, interested parties from all over the world can look around and see what's new regarding current and on-going research into JFK's assassination. Most folks don't follow the Ed Forum because they're looking for confirmation the 1964 WCR is correct. At anytime, even a newbie JFK assassination researcher can post new and case relevant material. I for one, don't want new material lost in a sea of unrelated BS. Keep off-topic, none JFK assassination related topics out of these threads. Mr. Caddy did the appropriate thing, he started a new thread concerning an issue re a member. However, under the wrong topic heading, IMHO. All we need then is the creation and management of a topic heading called "member issues," then the mod's and managers can do their thing away from active JFK assassination research threads. And for that matter, active Watergate research threads. There is no reason principle before personality issues need be under JFK Assassination Debate heading. If there are axes-to-grind, create your own forum or blog...
  12. yes, indeed it is.... DVP has many, many posts waiting for this debate to continue, as he does with any assault on the 1964 WCR conclusions... It's what he lives for....
  13. but..... but..... BUT, I was going to make a website for this topic.... it's gotta be worth at LEAST 3600 more posts..... but..... but..... LMAO!
  14. MonacoFfilm lab in San Francisco for one. The do all measure of film transfers. The frame should go to 4 or 8K RAW
  15. Hey Gary, Welcome to the Ed Forum! Nice website yours! Quick question: re your 'document' section on the site, "When Dr. Earl Rose performed the autopsy, he discovered that Officer Tippit had BOTH .38 revolver and .38 automatic bullets in his body. Oswald only owned a revolver. Oswald's gun would not accept automatic bullets! Either Oswald owned another automatic weapon, had an accomplice, or more than likely, NEVER shot Tippit at all." Can you provide for the lay person more details regarding the .38 auto/revolver ammunition? Differences and the why's, as to why one round won't work in the other? Perhaps start a thread for the subject.Thanks! David Healy
  16. old Lampoon Lamson is spending a lot of time trolling these PM threads these days. Wonder why? LMAO! Cat got your tongue there big guy?
  17. [...] I agree solidly with Jon Tidd on this point -- we should proceed only on the basis of PROVABLE FACTS. But the blamers of Allen Dulles don't care about those. They want to insist that LHO was an Intelligence Agent based only on bias. They want to suppose a conspiracy between Ruth Paine and Allen Dulles based only on bias. Get over it. You have no EVIDENCE for your theory against Allen Dulles. You only have POLITICAL bias. I'm committed to the TRUTH about Ruth Paine in this thread. Nothing is going to stop my exposition of weak theories. Regards, --Paul Trejo unfortunately (or fortunately), Jon Tidd isn't a forum content judge, nor a sitting Judicial Judge as far as I know. At present this forum is not accepting nor rejecting evidence these days (that I know of), nor, is this forum a court of law. Your strong feelings concerning RPaines sainthood might find their way into a documentary concerning the subject. Ever thought of doing one? Maybe a RPaine blog? Dulles made his own mess[es], a free-wheeling blueblood who made his bones during WW2. And did quite a nice job of it, too. And, after all, the NY banks (merchant and otherwise), Sect'y of State, etal. demanded service. Do you concur? Now your comment: "I'm committed to the TRUTH about Ruth Paine in this thread. Nothing is going to stop my exposition of weak theories." Should read: "I'm committed to the TRUTH in this thread. Nothing is going to stop my exposition of weak theories". Geeeez, talk about Paine bias. LMAO!
  18. PTrejo states: ... "James and I sharply disagree on the rest however. I say that the FBI covered up the JFK murder for purposes of National Security. James DiEugenio, like most CTers, claims that the FBI covered up the JFK murder because the FBI was part of the JFK Kill Team. Regards, --Paul Trejo ************* kill team? where does James state that?
  19. perhaps, in this case, bad publicity is better than no publicity
  20. ... So, my strategy is clearly correct. You've been attacking me personally here for several days -- without dealing with the ISSUES that I raise. You get Greg Parker and David Healey to be your cheerleaders, but you don't actually answer the ISSUES that I raise. I'm still waiting for you to deal with the ISSUES, and in the meantime I get only high-school heckling. ... Regards, --Paul Trejo Paul, you've hitched your wagon to a few projects that did not work out well in the recent past. Now it's Ruth Paine. That's fine. Her ex-old man worked for Bell Helicopter during the Vietnam era (which I spent a considerable amount of time Bell helicopter models UH-1B and 1D models [11th Air Assault Div/1stAir Cavalry Div)]. Which is another more than casual interest of mine. Less than a year ago I stumbled across a thread at old Dunc's forum with that notable researcher of the arcane, Bill Brown. Brown who interviewed Ruth Paine recently (appears to me idol worship). To my amazement, the Paine lady was still alive. And living in northern California. Here's a link to Brown's "interview" if you chose to call it that, the very first post in the thread, which Brown started: (talk about pandering) http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=b346ea0005ae784c804b343d904e38c1&topic=12049.0 You'll notice no doubt, the requirement for Brown's discussion (for that matter) anyone's discussion with "Ruth". Surprise, surprise, LHO and Gen Walker, here we go again... Frankly Paul, I think you do a disservice to Ruth Paine while pandering to her interests, you should sit down with Ms. Ruth Paine and get to the bottom of her WCR testimony and 'other' issues. Not to mention her relationship and interest with/in Gen Walker, all on videotape... As far as your sophomoric comment re Jim DiEugenio, his CTKA site is an absolute must for those interested in serious research concerning the events of 11/22/1963 (and other very important US historical events -- the guy's a historian for Pete's sake). His book and publication review are the absolute best and most informative on the net, period! Of course I'm a fan. Even ex-television guys like me can understand the issues associated with events on Elm Street pre and post (pardon the pun)... Ya got a follow-spot shining on the lady, does she know that? And I'm sure Talbot's new book isn't helping her peace and serenity of late.
  21. I'm digesting the other and recent posts in this thread - all great stuff - and will try to respond in detail when I have a free moment to do so. But the genuine sentimentality of Kathy's posting "my President" struck me as being particularly poignant, and I wanted to quickly comment on it. It's far too easy to forget the tragedy of that day, and to become lost amidst the wash of agendas, debates, facts, and all manners of secondary minutiae, and with myself being notably - perhaps, chiefly - included. I believe that a part of our national psyche died that day, and that we've suffered with it, since. No, JFK's death did not cause the many and real problems that we have faced since then, nor those we wrestle with today. But, as with most tragedies, it forever changed us as a people, and we see its rippling effect continue, today. I don't desire that the person(s) responsible for forcing that change upon us to go unknown, unaccounted for and unpunished. They should be zealously pursued, if not for justice in a court of law, then to be damned certain that their names are known - and cursed - throughout the annals of our national and ever-growing history. JFK deserves that, for sure, but even more importantly, we deserve it, as a People. Despite whatever disagreements we may have, however sincere, heated, and on any number of things of secondary or tertiary importance, I think that we all must share a desire for justice, as best it can be found and known, regardless of who it implicates, direction it takes, or where it concludes - or else, what's the point of it all? I neither possess the knowledge nor time to explain every anamolous sliver of every fragmented piece of this story. I wish I did - I love reading, thinking and discussing it - but I don't. That's why I appreciate this forum, and frankly, why I took the time to register and desire to participate. But I truly and personally believe, after years of reading, debate, layman research and objectively contemplative thought (as best I am capable to produce, paltry as it may be) that the overwhelming preponderance of the evidence before us says that LHO assassinated JFK, and acted alone. My disbelief in a conspiracy does not result from some personal desire - I want the truth, whatever it may be - but because I have never seen any credible, disprovable, empirical or otherwise valid proof that such has ever existed. And frankly, I don't think I've ever seen it, for the simple fact that it doesn't exist. But, using tens of thousands of past experiences as proof (many painful and/or expensive), I can be wrong, and where I am, I will admit it. And so, I am willing - wanting, even - to see what evidence that other, (likely) smarter and more dedicated people than I, have come up, instead, and to give it every consideration, both carefully and critically. But I don't think I'm wrong, here. At all. I understand that this is an unpopular position here, and one that is easily attacked and mocked. As long as it doesn't turn personal, or becomes needlessly annoying or is simply intended to bait me into violating the forum rules or proper decorum, it is to be expected, and causes me no harm. If I wasn't willing to consider an alterative view, however starkly oppositional to my own, I wouldn't be here. But I am here, and do. Take that for whatever it's worth, I guess. However, I'd ask you to consider this: When you guys see my championing the sincerely held belief that LHO acted alone, as allowing the "conspirators" to escape - I see and feel the exact same of your position, believing that any assertion of an unproven conspiracy, however well-intended, merely serves to exonerate, diminish, subdue or restrain the full and complete guilt, from being squarely and rightfully upon Oswald, alone. You see my allowing the "conspirators" to escape. I see you allowing Oswald to escape, or at best, lessening the acknowledgment of his full, complete and total guilt. Simply - JFK was "my President", too. I'm on mobile, and apologize for rambling a bit. methinks the latter-day lone nuts are getting really desperate. Even Craigster is trolling this thread.
  22. [...] (to be continued) Regards, --Paul Trejo thanks for the warning. El-dumpo'
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