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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. There are many people who would disagree. Likewise MIC. Are they right? Are they wrong? That's what this Forum discusses. Disagree? WHO?
  2. Was the old sniffer test performed on either the rifle or pistol? If, for nothing else, to determine if the weapons had been fired recently?
  3. c'mon Pat, you know well, interviewers and interviewees can be force fed alternate questions and answers/responses during a location interview. Primarily fed by the attending location producer. Whether the facts are in or not! Rather did not need a scoop! He left dusty Texas, didn't he?
  4. I don't agree with Vince there either, David. It was way better than "halfway decent". It was excellent. you're gettin' hammered from all direction as of late, eh Davey meboy? You can tell ol' Vin in your prayers tonight, he lost! The boat anchor, Reclaiming History went down with the ship! I'll take David Lifton's research over your fantasies and hero-worship any day!
  5. I hope they never change when it comes to the JFK case [...] Why? Make you real nervous if CBS did change? You do know the truth always wins out, right?
  6. yes indeed! Actually his writing has suffered the last 10 years. Nowhere near what it use to be! (emphasis in Brad's post: mine)
  7. you're not doing to well with the threads at AMAZON either, DVP (you or your alias(es)! Have you considered retiring to that KFC of yours?
  8. welcome Ted... at one time this forum was chock full of 'JFK' assassination/Elm Street photographic debate. Perhaps one day soon that will return. In any case, welcome again!
  9. I agree Paul, that in this particular instance the simple solution is that Oswald acted alone. But there is far too much pointing in the opposite direction for me to accept that conclusion. And that is my reason for starting this thread. Paul?
  10. um, she could have lied through her cia teeth. Your problem, Martin, is that you have no material evidence of any kind that Ruth Paine was a CIA Agent. But like I say -- haters gonna hate. Sincerely, --Paul Trejo there's no haters here (that I know of), Paul. One might wonder though as to why, you've placed Ruth Paine to the forefront on this forum? Still pounding that Quaker charity drum, eh? Perhaps you know, or think you know something we don't. Guilt does have a way of catching up! Gotta admit this entire thread re Ruth Paine, etc is quite bizarre. My gut reaction is it's a PR stunt!
  11. Old Davey is running out of places to partake in .johnism... Ben Holmes, Gary Puffer, DEX et al (especially BHolmes) have shut him down at AMAZON! Now you, Jim here. Guess that leaves just Dunc's to ply his trade.... Of course he's got his 23 websites, 16 blogs 18 YouTube channels, 3,465 video clips, 464,000 USENET posts and of course a 3 piece crispy order of chicken w/mashed no gravy and hold the butter... to keep him happy. LMAO!
  12. pardon me but, whose laundry list? The Warren Commission's and Bugliosi's? You HAVE to be kidding! Have you been awake these past 25 years? "...cheap carnival barker..." comes to mind. That's the ticket!
  13. I LOVE that LOON Nutter's hate, absolutely HATE, Jim Garrison! Nothing gets them more wound up than Garrison. (with the exception of Mark Lane) Except for Von Pein, what toots his boat is the location of a head shot, warms his heart to no end. Kinda like Ben Holmes administering a blow torch flame to a feather. Gives old DVP a warm and comfy feeling!
  14. James, your attacks on Ruth Paine have NO SUBSTANCE. You cite others like Carol Hewett, but her attacks on Ruth Paine likewise have NO SUBSTANCE. Now you're citing Jeff Carter, but his attacks on Ruth Paine likewise have NO SUBSTANCE, and in fact it appears that Jeff is only imitating you and Carol. You can try to make eerie sounds about Ruth Paine, but it's all theater, man. You've got nothing to show, because it's been DECADES now, and if you had anything, you would have shown it by now. You keep threatening to expose something, BUT YOU NEVER DELIVER. Your work on Ruth Paine is pathetic. Regards, --Paul Trejo Paul, first it's Harry Dean, second Edwin Walker, third Ruth Paine... So, whose 4th? Guy Bannister, Earl Warren? The latter will probably get you passed 150,000 views...
  15. were MC's involved in this alleged operation? If so, THAT would be *VERY* interesting!
  16. perhaps an extension ladder will do the trick? Gotta be rarefied air, eh?
  17. for good reason, Paul. Garrison could not indict her, so what? Does that mean she's not guilty of conspiring to entrap LHO? Who believes Ruth Paine about anything but you? Perhaps you'd serve Paine better by getting her on an open forum, face to face with 1964 WCR critics. Ruth Paine giving a televised C-Span speech 9/13/2013 about her relationship with Marina Oswald? With the new media of today I could just imagine some of the no-holds barred questions she'd be confronted with. Why does she have a need to bouy up her relationship (after 50 years) with a woman that won't even talk to her... Is Paine pulling a closeted mea culpa or something? Selling tickets for the tour company that refurbished her old Dallas abode? Pretty cheesy stuff, Paul. Smelly too!
  18. seems the only place you can gain any traction these past 2 years is right here on the Ed Forum. Accusing WCR critics of the very same thing you've tried to pull the past few years on the Amazon JFK threads.... By contrast on AMAZON you get your rear-end handed to you, regularly. Handed to you by critics that know case evidence better than you and the entire .john mcadams 'LHO did it all by his lonesome contingent.' But.... that's Davey-poo.
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