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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. Mack did just fine defending himself... then again, he was the Dallas 6th Floor mouth piece defending 1964 WCR conclusions. So did the Gang of 8 wayback in 2003. Was GMack a participant? Perhaps. What digital technology progression? explain how its helped you conclude anything regarding your photo "studies," please. Nor does latter day technology add to, or, aid in the following conclusion: a conspiracy murdered JFK! Won't you agree?
  2. spoken like a true Gary Mack-ite, because he says so! Geta' grip Sherlock... You haven't the chops as to what Hollywierd can and can NOT do.
  3. https://nyphil.org/jfk pretty interesting stuff, Jim. --David
  4. amazing, even mockup, reenactment films lie.... all those folks waving and cheering along Elm Street. Where do you see that in the extant Zapruder film, Dave? It ain't there, Bubba.
  5. the more things change, the more they stay the SAME... Hang in there, DJ!
  6. the 1964 WCR is "theory", Studley. Ya losing grip? Or, NYT Best selling author's make you nervous?
  7. It appears the 'LHO did it all by his lonesome' (read: 1964 WCR report supporters [despite their protestations otherwise]) crowd is getting very nervous about DSL upcoming book. I wonder why? tsk-tsk.
  8. your inexperience regarding Z-film study is noted. Without loon nut, blind support of the extant Z-film (currently housed at NARA under the control of the 6th Floor Mausoleum), well, let's just say, the Z-film is the lynch-pin of the 1964 WCR LHO's did all by his lonesome. Without it, the WCR case collapses... of course, its suspect, of course, it's going to be scrutinized. You know NO bounds, lad! 20 years behind times... I sense a WCR support conversion, soon!
  9. Hello Studley, Say listen, you're asking a lot of questions and answering those very question in the same post most of the time. Which leads me to ask, why are you asking questions if, IF you already have the answer? Never fret, most .john-ites have the same problem, in fact, you're plowing the same ground as lone nutters have since 2000. Ya need a new act, man!
  10. Indeed, and it's, on YOU I might add. If you had any *cred* it might be different, but, alas, all .Johnites trend the same, and you fit the mold to a "T". Carry on.
  11. Next, you'll be seeing the *Dave Reitzes* light pointing towards loon nut conversion, tsk-tsk. You're in way over your head.
  12. what is "endlessly" fascinating is Lone Nut response to Oliver Stones movie, JFK. Nearly 30 years and the Marquette gang hasn't lost a step.
  13. Come on Parnell, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know Walton is hooked to your hip and .john's. Same old storied lone nut, LHO did it all by his lonesome nonsense whiners have been foisting on the research community for 25 years.
  14. I was wondering the same dam* thing. Unless of course .john minions inhabit the Ed Forum, again.
  15. any surveying experience in Dealey Plaza, Dallas per chance?
  16. The Nutter's are wearin' out, after all these years. Hang in there, Guys!
  17. nutters get very nervous when the Zapruder film is called into question... (so sad). Been going on for 25 years. Math rules!
  18. tsk-tsk... Muck? The films related to the JFK assassination/Dealey Plaza have been *real* popular for the past 20+ years. And, American taxpayers paid 16 million buck$ for the Zapruder film, MUCK? Altered film MUCK? Nutters have found it most difficult supporting that *LHO did it all by his lonesome* sleight of hand because of those more than likely altered films. Every single Dealey Plaza assassination film is suspect. Math doesn't lie.
  19. actually McCain got help, the Charman cut him off at the knees.
  20. Jeff, Hi, and BS re "professional scrutiny"! Here's a simple test, Jeff. How do YOU, or, a post-production film lab tech "prove" the Kodachrome II Zap film currently stored at NARA is a 1963 in-camera, 8mm film original? And don't go to Rollie Zavada's canned report re the Zapruder film. I asked Rollie the same question years ago, amongst other questions. Dr. John Costella had a few questions and comments too... Actually, Rollie was suppose to appear at the 2003 Univ. of Minn Symposium (Jack White, John Costella, David Mantik and David Lifton and myself) on the Zapruder Film. He never showed up. That was a shame, and I told him same. He did tell me though he's an expert re the make-up of 8mm film (which I knew from his Zavada Report). He did admit to be a bit short on professional film compositing experience and knowledge, that's why he sought Professor Fielding input.
  21. c'mon Mr. Walton, you can do better that that can't ya? And, green screen compositing? Either you're a little rusty concerning film compositing techniques circa. 1963 or, ignorant concerning the entire subject of special effects (film) cinematography... and dragging Jackie into the conversation? No class, sir!
  22. the WC did not screen the Z-film officially till 2/28/64 or thereabouts. Plenty of time for a fully re-constituted Z-film. Provided a good, Hollywood type of special effects film lab was on the job. Makes no difference what 8mm film stock the finished stock ended up on. This was not, NOT a War & Peace length edit. Re: a Zapruder family member writing a book about the film? I said wow then and now, the family was paid 16 million bucks (what, 7-10 years ago) by the American taxpayer for the film. The Zapruder family trust still receives yearly royalties for film usage and rental. The American taxpayer got taken, AGAIN.
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