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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. a question and comment: do you think they see what they want to see? What is a one-dimensional signal?
  2. Has been prison fire camps in California for years; violent offenders need not apply.
  3. funny, many feel that way concerning the 1964 Warren Commission Report conclusions. (emphasis mine.)
  4. tnx for using the callout word "deplorable." Deplorable's specifically! Brings back solid memories concerning a very large slice of the 2016 GOP voting bloc...
  5. well, of course! We should expect nothing else from the "LHO did it all by his lonesome" crowd. That script was written well before you showed here, btw.
  6. Mr. Cohen -- you've authenticated that this particular (version) Altgen's photo is indeed the *very* one that was sent out over the AP wire 11/22/63? Forget the photo alteration aspect for the moment, what is the provenance of this particular image in this thread and proof/documentation of same? I doubt you can tell me, or anyone else those answers with assurance. You are of course entitled to your opinion regarding any case related film or photo, but not your own photo authenticity without provenance.
  7. and here are a few facts dealing with the actual camera itself (and various versions of same). This camera was NOT created for the casual photo buff. It appears the inventor had very specific purpose-use in mind. https://www.cryptomuseum.com/covert/camera/minox/index.htm Find the "chain" attachment and it "use" interesting. You can find these cameras on ebay today. Prices vary from $50 bucks up to $700.Have no idea where you might find film cartridges for it, or where to get the film developed...
  8. 0184 goes a long way answering questions re early dupes rumored to be created by an optical film house in NYC. Nice work.
  9. for instance, Larry: https://sites.psu.edu/cxd5132/wp-content/uploads/sites/25797/2015/04/Instruction-Set.pdf it was pretty much the same 50 years ago... the deviation here is: not everyone (presidential limo & SS vehicle occupants) in that zone was a target. Why? Nor was there an attempt made to kill all in the zone.
  10. David Lifton -- You STILL command the stage! And I detect a hell of a lot of envy... KUTGW!
  11. There's absolutely no future for them if they utter a contrary sound, Ron. With or without evidence.
  12. Mr. Caddy's post hit the nail on the head. My estimation: Hollywood is NOT responsible determining the truth of any historical matter. Why insist a bunch of old time actors, and a script writer who made their what, what appears to be their last killing, determine history? When we still have a ton of historians still asleep at the wheel? I say hurrah for keeping attention focused on the topic. NOT chastise a bunch of guys including the Director that heard and responded too the Executive Producer paymaster call...
  13. WOW! With critics like this, who would want to produce any kind of documentary-drama these days. Where would we be without Stone, his creative license, craftsmanship and marketing know-how? JFK the Movie made you think. Why most of you are here.
  14. Ya gonna have to make a better argument than this. Who is Barnes, why *his* footage, and where can his footage be found, the camera and lens Barnes imagery used, the media recorded on? In you example are you using footage where pin cushion distortion has been removed? Thanks ahead of time for your input. Here's a link too Dr. John Costella's presentation at the University of Minnesota in 2003 regarding his Z-film analysis with his 'proofs', the entire presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1B3_sICTAc
  15. spoken by someone whose entire life is immersed in the 1964 Warren Commission Report. Doesn't get more rich than that! tsk-tsk!
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