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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. lmfao! show us your film example(s) son, show us the in-camera originals you studied son, you're a newbie here son - what are your credentials to even discuss assassination photos/film... who are you to demand anything, justify anything to you? Who are you Jeremy? Why the Kennedy assassination, Jeremy? You do understand Zapruder film alteration is a distraction don't ya, Jeremy? Ya do know a *conspiracy* murdered JFK, right, Jeremy? What I love about 1964 died-I-the-wool WCR believers, they post by the pound especially when a sentence or a simple paragraph will do. Elitism and arrogance can't escape it... punctuation and spelling too... lol. Have a nice day Jeremy, or whomever... Character attacks on Jack White have no place here...
  2. focus young'en this thread concerns the Zapruder Film, not researcher character assassination. Control yourself, if that is possible.
  3. who is "we"... and, cite(s) would do famously well here, otherwise one might assume you're just attacking another dead guy with years of photography experience. A dead guy that appeared in front go a House of Representatives Committee studying a whole bunch 1960's assassinations that happened before you were born... He even owned an Advertising Agency in the Ft. Worth area of Texas, for years... and, sat for an on-camera interview with me in 2003 in Duluth Minnesota... geeeeez...
  4. Perhaps Tracy is laying that George Soros and all *dem* blue-blooded shyster trap here?
  5. Listen up! If you have no conception or idea what the official results of the 1964 WCR, nor what Rollie Zavada's conclusions are, forget asking any questions regarding the Zapruder Film. Buy a few books, plenty of author's hereabouts. To end our discussion, your gamin' it, Dude. I went round and round with the gang of eight for years. So, take your Lone Nut, LHO did it all by his lonesome game to those naive enough to play.
  6. Aspects (originally created in 2000) conclusions are simple: there was the necessary equipment, manpower, know how-expertise and TIME available to alter individual frames and the entire alleged in-camera original Zapruder Film in 1963-64. It was not created to determine what LHO diid or didn't do on 11/22/63... but, "was it feasible to alter an 8mm film in 1963-64 with the tool's available at the time?" My answer is: absolutely-yes.
  7. *nothing* "is easy". Removing material such as brain matter, which in this case would all be on the background layer. Adding right side skull eruption, skull skin flap plus rear head wound cover would be the foreground layeris pretty simple stuff for the optical lab pro/matte painter. Covering the rear head wound blowout would be very simple for Hollywood types, more contrast would be especially after Z-313. These types of effects are not a Star Wars production... Wholesale inside (unlike above) the limo changes would be very difficult and would not pass the smell test. And, for debris removal, I suspect frames need NOT be removed.
  8. lmao, hell Chris, even I can't find it these days... got-a-link? And the simple fact Hollyweird is chock full of artist arteeeeeests.... 😇
  9. with all your spare time I'm sure you can provide us a verified, in-camera original film/photo for any *suspect* image-film you feel like challenging and it might be nice to show us the correct image, eh? Oh, and explain why film/photo effects can't be applied to the photo and, if they were applied, why are they wrong or misleading. Once you've done the above then actual film-photo analysts here and about can verify any alleged time lines. Thanks! by my reckoning, the alteration folks probably had until late Feb '64 to complete changes to the Z-film. That's the date I believe Shaneyfelt formerly previewed the Z-film (in motion) to the entire, seated WC. Paul's suggestion that multiple alteration(s) more than likely occurred is correct, it's indeed possible changes may have occurred up to 1975 (and even later). So again, get yourself formal verification and authentication, certification of any, any film/photo related to Dealey Plaza 11/22/1964. Match it up to a "disputed" image/film that's out in public or your imagination. Then, Litwin (sp.) and you can pound the drum--till then, enjoy getting out without a mask, safely of course...
  10. dude, it's up to YOU to disprove this below, so bring your lunch. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2012/05/douglas-p-horne/the-two-npic-zapruder-film-events-signposts-pointing-to-the-filmsalteration/#_edn15 and the above was posted originally in 2012, where ya been, Dude? And frankly, what makes you *credible* telling anyone it's their responsibility" to do anything? Specifically regarding anything film alteration? Just curious....
  11. Cute, here's is your dilemma (and lone nuts) and what you need to answer and show: please produce alleged, 11/22/63 DPlaza, in-camera film originals of JFK motorcade so comparison(s) between films can be made. Simple chore, right? Let me get you started in this endeavor: The Nix Film *origina*l has disappeared, gone, poof... The *alleged* Z-film under tutelage and control of the Dallas, Tx., 6th Floor Mausoleum... there, your on your way... get back as soon as possible with your results...
  12. there's an eye opener for a Monday morning...
  13. some found Doug's Horne's book interesting (5 book series in the release)... he goes into the Zapruder Film alteration issues thoroughly... https://www.amazon.com/Inside-Assassination-Records-Review-Board/dp/0984314431/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Doug+Horne+Zapruder+film&qid=1619933464&s=books&sr=1-1
  14. Once the first 8mm, 16mm & 35mm (bump) of the in-camera Z-film original are created, there is no need to keep the original around, as I said years ago its probably at the bottom of a landfill somewhere. Was discovery of the Z-film a problem? Maybe... Problems are turned into assets all the time. Just like people... Authentication and verification of the alleged in-camera original Z-film (at NARA) has never been attempted to the best of my knowledge. Why?
  15. it did, about 6 months after it got underway... we obliterated and certainly created LHO doubt re the 1964 WCR results. Couple that with Mark Lane's Rush to Judgement, even Fetzer's post Zap film Hoax contributions, now better informed JFK assassination related web sites such as K&K, JFK Facts, Black Op radio, etc. The current demise of AAJ and .John, the only thing left is whining on Nutter's part... louder and more dramatic the better... Time to retire Tracy?
  16. The 1964 WCReport is opinion, Hank Sienzant (alias I suspect). Still smarting from the spanking Ben Holmes administered on ACJ? tsk-tsk.
  17. well, the link would of been fine... however, you weren't there so of course, it's Gish-gallop. And of course, you weren't asked to look into or investigate anything concerning the Kennedy assassination... Bruised ego ring a bell, maybe?
  18. there will never, EVER be a "Final Word" concerning anything JFK... Neither side of the brouhaha would stand for that... Too many attention seekers (not to mention amateur sleuth's and writers who have all the answers) out there... Who are you trying to kid? My FINAL....
  19. there isn't one film anomaly in the extent Zapruder film (currently at NARA) that can not be created if post film production, PERIOD! That includes blur and film "shakiness"... Also, I suspect Dr. David Mantik can affirm Dr. John Costella's (both with Ph.D's. in Physics) presentation on the Zapruder Film, way back in 2003 at Duluth, Minn. I was at that presentation. Dave Wimp is not an unknown entity in Z-film alteration, nor is Gary Mack, Thompson and the remaining Gang of 8 we became so fond of at that 2003-2004 time... see: https://www.assassinationscience.com/johncostella/jfk/intro/blur.html and then there's this: https://assassinationscience.com/johncostella/hoax/healy.html. My contribution to possible Zapruder film alteration and Wimp/Durnovich assault, And I haven't heard from Wimp since... the Zapruder film presentation is still available on YouTube, been there since 2004. Costello, Fetzer, White, Mantik, Lifton and myself segments included...
  20. lmao.... Dude Wikipedia is like dust on my doorstep (don't track it in the house)... Now, Mark Lane's Rush to Judgement, that's another story. As I said: lone nut's can't close the WCR conclusions deal. It's simply impossible to sanctify lies...
  21. ya been on this nutter gig for around 30 years now, that I know of. Ya could drop this comment of yours right into the middle of R.DellaRosa's JFKAssassination Research forum 25 years ago and there's not one bit of advancement/change of the Nutter/Warren fantasy you visualize today... Ya "debate" (and I use that term loosely) case evidence and you simply can't support Warren Commission conclusions with critic's PROOF, therefore, there is NO debate about 1964 case evidence... Talk of someone's sandbox, lmao. Dude, you haven't emptied the first post 1964 pail of critic's provided evidence yet and that, is illuminating. Say a rosary for .John, they'll be another research college savior wagon you can attach to soon. Present your LHO did it all by his lonesome case. If you have one. There is still an abundance humor on the critic's side of the case for CONSPIRACY. Attrition will not denied. Lone Nut's can't close the WCR deal, simply incapable of doing so... Have a nice Sunday.
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