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David G. Healy

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Everything posted by David G. Healy

  1. then you'll explain that huge round object appox 6.5mm in size in the X-ray of JFK skull, eh Einstein? You can explain that can't you?
  2. okay, donated..... please inform me when the subscription is due and what the individual monthly requirement is. Varnell is correct, Easy-peezy. In most cases this board is better and more entertaining than television, certainly over-the-air MSM television... And a bit of education thrown in to boot...
  3. Convince you? WHY? Knock yourself out. We poured over these images years ago. Day in day out... There was NO composite with LHO in any window, ever. Jesse Curry would give his eye teeth to have that when he wrote his book... Unless you (or someone else) can provide where this image came from and can then provide another copy of that same image with its bonfires and verification, it's a complete waste bandwidth... I suspect this little misdirection was created in the past 12-18 months... Simple stuff in Photoshop takes maybe 10 minutes (if that). LMAO!
  4. Imagine that, right along with the rest of them... It's of no use asking Dillard anything except where is the negative? If he can't deliver the original negative or the current owner can't/won't deliver it, it's a wasted exercise--I assume BS. There is enough medical evidence right now to blow this case right out of the water. Have a nice Easter, Mr. Glover...
  5. here's how to get to the bottom of this: where is the original in-camera Dillard negative? Who owns it? Document the negatives lineage, acquire access to it, make arrangements for a thorough review of the negative-then print it! Then, compare with what is circulating today. Just another useless rabbit hole till someone does.
  6. nearly as nuts as the Single Bullet Theory.... What Lab did the Hester's work at in Dallas, again?
  7. nah, LHO creating composites that implicates himself? Common sense Sherlock. He'd of burned up a ton or print paper getting the composites aligned and correct. And it would take time... lots of time. All that ruby work? And that's before he got to the lab. No this took a pro. Are you sure it wasn't Dale *wanna see my EMMY* Myers who wrote this nonsense you quote?
  8. nah, but, I bet he'd be anything but 'anti' if he was around a drug cartel leader, he's be looking for a ring to kiss and a jock to carry... ya just wish Lyndon LaRuskie, was the Trumpeter, any fascist-commie in a storm, eh...
  9. a question I asked myself sitting on that pedestal nearly 37 years ago... https://www.ebay.com/itm/BELL-HOWELL-CO-FILMO-COMPANION-DOUBLE-RUN-EIGHT-VINTAGE-MOVIE-CAMERA/181760317784?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D57159%26meid%3Dcfbfef53dc8e4e869f85c94c79293079%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D6%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D173849546375%26itm%3D181760317784&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851 speculation: imagine what you could do with this camera shooting the same KODAK film in addition to Zap's camera on the pedestal that afternoon?
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Statement_of_the_offense.filed.pdf&page=11 he did 14 days in a Fed lockup, this should shed a bit more light:
  11. Or, the GOP went to the Bush family? And begged for help. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to come up with a plan to massage a thief/thug's ego, eh? Especially, when one just might witness, up close and personal, the demise of the Republican Party. Picture it, the Green Party out maneuvering the GOP for the next 30 years. A Barr type should of been expected. And I'm not so sure, he wasn't. The alternative: Lincoln might just as well been a horse and buggy hack in Chicago as rather president. Here's a conspiracy path for ya: Nancy Pelosi back channeled the idea about Barr to the GOP and suggested they ring up George Bush and see how they can help the Donny. Now THAT would be worthy.... and a stroke of brilliance.
  12. Hi Jim, Nowhere? The liberal media is alive and well, it went EVERYWHERE... and then the conservative media has FOX, there's the letdown. Kinda reminds me of the old days where every city/town of decent size had two newspapers. One was the liberal rag (morning?), the other the conservative rag (afternoon?). Multiple editions daily in some metro areas. And they dumped on each other daily. Now we have that on a grander scale and we don't even need ink or paper, 24/7. And FOX is raking it in... THEN: If it's gonna sell papers print it! NOW: If its gonna garner clicks/views post it! The next chapter on the journalistic beat? TRUTH and decisions dealing with "standards of journalism" issue/none issue. Prove? The real publishing issue has always been 'advertisers,' not proof. When the media is looking for legitimacy or cover, THEN they'll dust off TRUTH.
  13. immediately, individual frames were altered for LIFE magazine release (were they numbered?) Removal of brain matter? WOW here's a quick way of doing that add more contrast to the frames, POOF! Removal of the limousine? They had till the middle of Feb '64, the first schedule appearance of the full Zap film shown to the WC to remove that. Frankly I could care less what was done at Hawkeye works, that's Doug's purview. And before the question comes up, there has never been a side by side Z-film comparison of known and dated prints running along side of the alleged Z-film in-camera original... and never will be much to our chagrin.
  14. What Hollywood contacts (Wilkerson & Whitehead and other Z-film researchers) in this instance state, what was added to a frame in the Z-film, not what was removed.
  15. Oliver Stone is a veteran of the USArmy, not the Marine Corps. This simple miscue should set off a few bells.
  16. They'll ALL be concluding their services soon. MSM predictions have been less than stellar concerning this debacle. What makes you think Weissmann is throwing the towel in?
  17. it's called "conspiracy," more than one shooter. I suspect Hoover was a tad bit curious.
  18. There is absolutely no reason as to why we can't have 1st generation imagery and films for research/discussions. What you want to do here is sell 5th-10th image generation as acceptable. It's NOT. It's a farce. And then there's the issue(s) re films, x-rays and photos (including autopsy photos) that are missing. POOF! Where are they?
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